Re: RES: [lazarus] Lazarus promotion opportunities..

2007-08-04 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I believe a promotion will be easier when Lazarus gets 1.0.

Agree. But, without stable widgetset for (win)gdi (also with vista support), 
gtk2 and qt (especially for linux), carbon and cocoa (for mac) on Lazarus v.1.0, 
it is much less attractive. Perhaps I'm asking to much here, but I think v.1.0 
must fully supports wingdi, gtk2, and carbon widgetset in complete and stable state.

And with fpGUI following on the next stable release (v.1.5?), it'll be much more 
attractive. ;)


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Re: [lazarus] TButton.Color

2007-07-19 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I'm afraid you are wrong here!  TButton under Delphi and Kylix has a
Color property, which was introduced by TControl.  And yes under
Delphi it does change the button's face color. We have used this in
some of our multimedia applications.


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Re: [lazarus] Remobjects Supports Freepascal?

2007-05-22 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Here is my pitch: "Object Pascal.  Strong Like C.  Easy like VB." ;)

I prefer: "Modern Pascal, stronger than C, easier than VB." ;)


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Re: [lazarus] Remobjects Supports Freepascal?

2007-05-21 Thread Bisma Jayadi

This is very welcome news for me.{E1DB912D-BD45-4B74-9AC4-550E3CD3738F} 

I just knew that someday there will be more and more Delphi component providers 
support FPC/Lazarus due to active development of FPC/Lazarus and lack of 
Borland/CG interest to non-Windows platform. And someday, Borland/CG will have 
no options except support FPC/Lazarus because they'll be far behind FPC/Lazarus 
for non-Windows platform.

FPC as a compiler is a mature and stable product. Morfik and Pixel obviously 
shows its power. What I've been waiting to jump to FPC vehicle is AtoZed's 
Intraweb. :-D From Borland/CG, I'm thinking that someday they will offer Delphi 
for Pascal IDE with FPC as an alternative compiler to compete with (or 
terminate) unofficial CrossFPC. ;)


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Re: [lazarus] 0.9.22 released

2007-04-01 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Was this bug closed in the bug tracker?

Reported since v.9.13. IMO, it isn't (win)api limitation since Delphi does allow 
to set TComboBox's height to any values.


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Re: [lazarus] 0.9.22 released

2007-04-01 Thread Bisma Jayadi

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the 0.9.22 release. This release
is based on fpc 2.0.4.

TComboBox's height still can't be changed, in any ways. :-(


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Re: [lazarus] [lazarus-dev] TCanvas.Rectangle

2007-02-15 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I'm the person who reported the supposed bug. But after the explanation 
of a peer, i agreed that was a bug/misbehavior of Delphi. So i'm 
favorable as not considerating as a bug but as a "difference" that 
should be considered when porting a Delphi app. I think that we should 
follow Delphi as close as possible (I'm porting a rather complex Delphi 
software) but when we found that _clearly_ is a bug or misbehavior, or 
cannot be done in a cross platform way, we should be free to do our way 
(what we think is the best way).

Agree. It's a bug of Delphi, not Lazarus. So, instead of "fixing" it to be 
compatible with Delphi, I prefer to report it as bug to Borland/CodeGear QC. 
Obviously Rectangle(0,0,1,1) must draw a 2x2 rectangle as it uses 2 pixels, and 
Rectangle(0,0,0,0) must draw a 1x1 rectangle as it uses 1 pixel.

However, this incompatibility had forced me to do lots of IFDEFs when porting 
some Delphi application to Lazarus a while ago. :(


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Re: [lazarus] TXMLDocument help

2006-12-04 Thread Bisma Jayadi

The following code fails to print the values (NodeValue) to the console:

Doc: TXMLDocument;
Node1, Node2: TDOMNode;
i: Integer
Doc := TXMLDocument.create;

if (FileExists('sys_info.xml')) then
   XMLREAD.ReadXMLFile(Doc, 'sys_info.xml');
Node1 := Doc.DocumentElement.FindNode('login');

for i := 0 to Node1.ChildNodes.Count -1 do
   writeln(node1.ChildNodes.Item[i].NodeName + ' ' +


The above code correctly prints out the .NodeName, but not the .NodeValue.

I've experienced the exactly same problem when the first time I use FPC/Lazarus 
XML unit. This is a Delphi programmer common mistake when he moves to 
FPC/Lazarus and doing some XML stuff. :)

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Re: [lazarus] fpGUI styles suggestion

2006-11-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Currently the styles I started working on first is the Win2000, Motif,
ClearLook/Plastique and OpenSoft. A Windows CE style is another
possible choice and will most probably be the easiest to implement.

Is there any URL to see the screenshot of every provided style?

For example, to create a flat look, you can descend a new FlatStyle
from the DefaultStyle (very close to the Win2000 look) and customize
the drawing methods for whichever components you are interested in.
For example a Button or CheckBox, etc.

Yup, interesting. I'll take a look at the class.

Later I am planing on creating a style that uses images, so it should
be easier for graphics artists (instead of developers) to create new

This'd nice, later this'd be also very useful when somebody has implement a 
WebWidget to create web application directly from normal Lazarus form. ;)

As for Lazarus using fpGUI.  That would be nice, but unfortunately
that is a long way off.  If you are interested in joining the fpGUI
development team, please have a look on the website for details on
joining the News Groups, where all development gets discussed.

I'd love to, but it seems I can't join this development in short time because 
I've been busy in a big (commercial) project these days. But, I'll help, every 
time I have spare time, at least to test and contribute some suggestions or bug 
reports. :)


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Re: [lazarus] fpGUI styles suggestion

2006-11-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Ahh... I forgot the tab header, grid, and scrollbar. ;)


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[lazarus] fpGUI styles suggestion

2006-11-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi
fpGUI seems very promising to be the real independent UI library for Lazarus, 
since it uses X11 (on Un*x) dan native API (on windows). No external widgetset 
dependency-hell for Lazarus, e.g. GTK 1 or 2, Qt, etc. I recommend fpGUI becomes 
the default widgetset used by Lazarus IDE itself, next time when fpGUI is ready 
and stable.

I think it'd be nice if fpGUI also provides some different UI styles. I suggest 
at least 3 common styles to be provided (see attached image). These styles are:

1. Thick (default) style, uses 2 pixel depth 3D effect.
2. Thin style, uses 1 pixel depth 3D effect.
3. Flat style, uses 1 pixel border without 3D effect.

The three styles above is just the way it draws its border. When the drawing 
involves color and (fast) gradient effect, those will be more prettier. ;)

Personally, I love the flat style. :)

Any comments?


has Bee.ography at:

Re: [lazarus] version of TmySQLConnection

2006-11-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi

It is, but:
1. It will take some additional work.

If we keep them separated, it will take some additional works to users 
(programmers), especially if he wants to make an application which connects to 
several mySQL databases with different version. ;)

2. It will make your application bigger, because the code for all 3 connections
   will be included in your application.

For a multi-database with version-adaptive client application, this'd be the 


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[lazarus] version of TmySQLConnection

2006-11-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi


I saw three icons of TmySQLConnection component on Lazarus component palette, 
they are for mySQL v.4.0, v.4.1, and v.5.0. Can't they just be wrapped into a 
single component and supply the corresponding version through connection 
parameter? This way will make our code life easier to connect to any version of 
mySQL database.

Is it possible?


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[lazarus] lazarus 0.9.20?

2006-11-04 Thread Bisma Jayadi
From System 2006 wiki article, I found that Lazarus already has v.0.9.20. But 
I couldn't find any links to download this new version. The sourceforge's 
download site has v.0.9.18 (latest version I have now), and the snapshot site 
has v.0.9.19. So, where is the download location of v.0.9.20? Thanks.


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[lazarus] JediVCS for Lazarus

2006-09-29 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Hi all...

I'm just asking... no further investigation has been done. :)

Is there any effort has been done to port JediVCS (both client and server) to 
FPC/Lazarus by anybody? Is it possible to do it and make JediVCS multiplatform 
(both client and server)? If possible, what about the difficulty level, very 
hard, hard, moderate, easy, very easy? For client part, maybe it could be 
started from the command-line version and built the GUI upon it.



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Re: [lazarus] 0.9.18 released

2006-09-29 Thread Bisma Jayadi

After uploadind one noteworthy bug was spotted:
When creating an event for a new/unsaved unit, you get the error:
Error: unit not found : VirtualUnitFotJITClasses
As workaround save the unit, close it and open it again.
It is already fixed in svn.

Can you rebuild a newer v.0.9.18 package that include this fix and then 
replace current files on SourceForge? So, later downloaders are not bothered 
updating through SVN. Just a suggestion. :)


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Re: [lazarus] New Version of Lazarus (FPC 2.0.4)

2006-09-28 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I see. But, the next official release is gonna be v.0.9.18 or v.0.9.20? 
I'm preparing a short description (article) of Lazarus and the 
comparison with Delphi to attract Delphi developers in my country. So, I 
need to make sure which version is the latest official release. Thank you.

is welcome to any kind of comments. :) Thank you.


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Re: [lazarus] New Version of Lazarus (FPC 2.0.4)

2006-09-28 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Kris Leech wrote:
 > It looks like the is an unoffical release, we will have to wait until
Mattias's computer is fixed before we get an offical release! Will be 
good to use FPC 2.0.4. Looking forward to it, especially for Linux as Im 
not great on linux desktop and have not been able to recompile Laz with 
FPC 2.0.4...

I see. But, the next official release is gonna be v.0.9.18 or v.0.9.20? I'm 
preparing a short description (article) of Lazarus and the comparison with 
Delphi to attract Delphi developers in my country. So, I need to make sure 
which version is the latest official release. Thank you.


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Re: [lazarus] New Version of Lazarus (FPC 2.0.4)

2006-09-28 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Is v.0.9.18 based on FPC 2.0.4?


Why there's no official news or press release about 0.9.18? I found this new 
version after I visit Lazarus download link, but I can't find any news 
regarding this on the Lazarus main page.


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Re: [lazarus] New Version of Lazarus (FPC 2.0.4)

2006-09-27 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Not yet.
I have some hardware problems.

Is v.0.9.18 based on FPC 2.0.4?


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Re: [lazarus] Codefolding active for default

2006-09-27 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I fixed the painting of the marks and line numbers.

Where I can find the code folding algorithm within Lazarus source code? I'd 
like to add {$REGION} feature. I found this folding directive help alot, also 
for Delphi compatibility.

The code folding feature is great and nice, it "cleans up" our codes so we can 
focus only on part of the code we want to work at.

For example I fold a region from line 503 to 511. The line with the + 
now has line number 551, it should be 503.

It seems Lazarus code folding algorithm based on begin-end pair. That's why it 
can't fold class type definition or case block (has end, has no begin). So 
far, begin-end algorithm is good enough. But, I think it need to be improved a 
little bit. The folded line should be started on the "owner" of begin-end 
block pair, instead of the "begin" itself. For example:

if True then

folded as:

[+] if True then ...

The + sign should be on the "if" line instead of "begin" line. This would also 
solve procedure/function declaration. For example:

procedure Test;
  i: integer;

folded as:

[+] procedure Test; ...

The + sign should be on the "procedure" line instead of "begin" line because 
begin-end pair belongs to procedure declaration. Make the line that has + sign 
as read-only line would be nice. An additional [...] mark at the of the line 
will be catchy for the reader's eyes too, and show the differences between 
folded lines and unfolded lines. :)

What do you think?


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[lazarus] custom height of TComboBox

2006-09-26 Thread Bisma Jayadi


I have a little problem with TComboBox. I'd like to have some TComboBox(es) 
with custom and various height. I don't know why Lazarus seems to lock 
TComboBox's height, to 21pix using csDropDownXXX style or to 24pix using 
csOwnerDrawXXX. I have tried to modify the Height and/or ItemHeight property 
manually through Object Inspector, but I got no luck. Nothing mention in the 
FPC or Lazarus documentation regarding this behaviour. :(

Just for a comparison... in Delphi, I would simply set its style to 
csOwnerDrawXXX and I can set its height to any values I wanted (except 
negative values, of couse).

I got this problem using Lazarus 0.9.18, FPC 2.0.4, WinXP SP 2, Intel 32-bit. 
Never tried this on Linux (Suse 10.1) yet. :)

I'd appreciate any kind of help/hint/explanation about this. Thank you.


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Ok, lets try to face the problem instead of wining about it: why not to
create a collaborative grid (wiki pages are ideal) to spot the good points
of fpc/lazarus and the bad points that needs to be
projected/developed/debugged? This could be a simple table with all the
features that a programmer dreams of about an IDE with the rispondence of
other product like Delphi put as a comparative example.

This is the best reply I ever got in this thread. And this is what we should 
say to people who is critizing Lazarus instead of accusing him/her bitching or 
dislike or not apreciating or don't want to contribute or whatever bad thinks 
you ever think. We just need to open our mind, critize <> hate. Thank you. :)


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Can you please identify features that you are missing ?
Alternatively, the bugtracker can be used to demand features, I think.

Yes, Michael... I knew about this. :)

I'm not talking about the features itself. It's about the mentality regarding 
what we like/dislike. Sometimes we're losing our objectivity and fairness when 
it comes to something we like/dislike. I think I should quit from this 
discussion since it could goes wider and out of topic. That's all. :)


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Yes but most of the "problems" come from the fact that (besides Lazarus
and FPC peoples work for free during their free time) Lazarus/FPC is
multi-processors and multi-OS's whereas Delphi is only multi-Microsoft.

No matter what are the reasons behind the lack of features, it still lacks of 
features. Most people/users don't really care about this, whether Lazarus/FPC 
people work on it during free time or busy time. They just want some features 
to be exist, period.

If Lazarus/FPC can't provide those features then simply admit it and be fair. 
You could ask them to help or contribute to FPC/Lazarus instead of (blindly) 
defend it with non-logical reasons or proferring other features as excuses. If 
you said there are problems with Delphi, then Lazarus is full with problems as 
well. For some people, Lazarus' problems could prevent them of using it and 
stick with Delphi. None of both is perfect.

I use and like both Delphi and Lazarus. So, I'm not the one you should shoot 
on the foot. I'm just comparing and hope we could learn something from it.


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-13 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Is it you who sent a post yesterday, saying the Turbo Delphi IDE
is better than the Lazarus one?

I didn't mean to say that Delphi IDE is better than Lazarus in ALL aspects. 
I'm just trying to be fair... each has its own good and bad. I think both need 
to learn from each other. For example... Delphi's editor and debugger, IMO is 
better than Lazarus, but Lazarus' include file handling is better than Delphi, 
etc. etc. I know this because I use both of them and I like both of them as well.

First, on my system (Win XP Pro SP2) it was impossible to install
Turbo Delphi whithout installing first all the .net stuff.

Well, maybe this thing can survive more than 48h on my PC but,
frankly, right now I am not yet convinced of it ;-)

Good for you then. But I'll use both of them and trying to get the good things 
from both side. :)


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi

very interesting, does it works also with TurboDelphi?

Yes, it does work, at least for me. :)

I think you should also send this link in the borland newsgroup.
they are all crying about this issue... :-)

This link
would be a lot more interested. :)


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[lazarus] turbo delphi explorer limitation

2006-09-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-08 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Can you make this more concrete, in bug reports and/or notes ?

Some about it has been discussed in Lazarus forum, here's one of the examples:


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-08 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Can you make this more concrete, in bug reports and/or notes ?

Yes, I know I have to do this. :) I already have some notes about this, I'll 
report them as soon as I have time.


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-08 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I work with people using D7 and D2005. They all were amazed at the things
you can do with Lazarus and FPC on Win32. Hence the decision to start
learning Win32 development using FPC/Lazarus and not Delphi.

I work with both, so I got good things from both sides. :)


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Re: [lazarus] The spirit lost of Borland

2006-09-08 Thread Bisma Jayadi

What I understand is that most people expected a Win32 IDE to Build Win32
Applications, instead, TurboDelphi for Win32 is a .NET IDE to build Win32

Yup. But, actually we can make Turbo Delphi run without any .Net dependencies. 
Because the core IDE itself is actually a win32 application. The .Net 
dependend parts are some of the IDE modules which can be disabled, but we'll 
lost some of IDE features as the consequences.

This makes Free Pascal/Lazarus on win32 a better choice for many aspects 
than the TurboDelphi Explorer.

FPC as compiler, yes it is a better choice. But Lazarus as IDE on win32 
platform, no... due to its lack of important features. I've been playing 
around with Turbo Delphi today and found the IDE is a lot better than Delphi 7 
I used to work with. And, be fair... Lazarus is too far behind Delphi IDE. :)

I don't want criticize nothing and nobody, everyone can make his choices,
but I'd like a time when FPC/Lazarus and Delphi users will talk all about
the same thing: Object Pascal :-)

Yes, we're all talking same language: Object Pascal. Most people here use both 
of them, I pressume. I consider both are cousins. :) FPC/Lazarus is the answer 
for multiplatform demand, and Delphi is the answer for better IDE and coding 
convinience on win32 platform. For linux platform, Lazarus is still the best 
IDE for object pascal. :)


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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-07 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I tested on 1.5.1 firebird, and it inserts 610.000 records in less than 
1 minute in 1 transaction.

Wow... this is very impresive indeed! I tested on 1.5.3, inserting about 
300.000 records in a single transaction, took about 9 minutes!

I think it's about the table design, my table has 12 fields and some are 
indexed and constrained (foreign) fields. Those might causes the extra delay, 
I believe.

Can you give me the detail table design of your insert test above? And your 
firebird configuration too? So, I can compare it with my own test, and I'll 
try to find where the bottle neck is. TIA.


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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-07 Thread Bisma Jayadi

This is funny:  in this thread i become an advocate of firebird although
in fact i mostly use PostgreSQL . :-)

We don't always use something we're advocating. I myself in fact mostly use 
DB2 and -of course- mySQL for my official projects. But for personal projects, 
I prefer Firebird. For development tool, in fact I mostly use Delphi. But for 
personal projects, I prefer FPC/Lazarus. :)

That's why I don't believe advocates. :P


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[lazarus] when new stable version will be released?

2006-09-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Is there any target when the new stable version of Lazarus (0.9.18? 1.0?) will 
be released?

I can't wait to try the new version since I saw lots of fixes, patches, and 
some new features has been applied and implemented. I feel unlikely to use the 
snapshot version to produce serious and stable application. Hopefully this new 
version will be build upon FPC 2.0.4.


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Re: [lazarus] Database programming

2006-09-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I feel the project is too small to warrant using a stand alone database 
such as Firebird and the like.

Firebird is so small so I think it fits on your need. I suggest you to use the 
embedded one. :)


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[lazarus] alternative logo for Lazarus

2006-09-04 Thread Bisma Jayadi

BTW... I like the Penguin image with Delphi's background color (orange to 
yellow gradient). I think it'd be nice to an alternative logo for Lazarus, but 
not for replacing current logo. :)


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Re: [lazarus] resource from delphi to lazarus

2006-08-31 Thread Bisma Jayadi

You can embed the resource file as-is on linux.

So FPC can read .res file just like on Windows?


Just to make sure... $R compiler directive will also work on Lazarus regarding 
the platform it run upon? If it does, then I'll be very happy. :)

The loading will work. I don't think the drawing will work as-is.

Why? Isn't TCanvas portable and supported on any platform?

There is no menu-item for that,  you must use the separate lazres tool.

I see. Thanks.


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Re: [lazarus] resource from delphi to lazarus

2006-08-31 Thread Bisma Jayadi

You can embed the resource file as-is on linux.

So FPC can read .res file just like on Windows?

To extract the images from the resource, you'll need the fpc 
FindResource and LoadResource calls to load them.

The component use Delphi's LoadFromResource to read the image from the 
resource file and paint it on its Canvas. Should I change this code? Or the 
component simply compilable by FPC on any platforms? Is there any example?

and add them again as lazarus resources.

How to add resources into a component on Lazarus? Sorry, I can't find any 
appropriate menu item regarding this on Lazarus.



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[lazarus] resource from delphi to lazarus

2006-08-30 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Is it possible to compile these little game (and its related component) on 
Lazarus and make it works on Unix platform? The component resource is the 
problem, I know nothing about program resources on Unix. :(

Any helps and hints will be very much appreciated. Thank you.


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[lazarus] option to compile without linking

2006-07-30 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Hi all...

I'd like to see a simple option in Lazarus to make we code faster. Sometimes we 
need to make sure everything is ok without need to have the executable binary. 
In short word, I'd like to compile my code without linking it. I demanded this 
option since the linking process took some times (though the compilation is 
fast), especially in win32 environment. At least till Lazarus v.0.9.16.

What do you think?


has Bee.ography at:

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Re: [lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Let me add a final consideration: if you do the drawing yourself, then 
printing or creating a bitmap from the model is just a switch of canvas. 

I've been thinking about this too.

With your approach, printing is simply not an option: You'll have to do 
as I say anyway to do the printing...

Not that bad, IMO. I only need to apply the same drawing routines from the class 
to the targeted canvas. Yes, that'd require extra works, but I believe that 
wouldn't be as difficult as coding new objects from scratch. :)

But since you do the work, I'm not going to insist too much :)

Thank you for the suggestion, anyway. :)


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Re: [lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I would consider 250 tables rather moderate.

Wow... if 250 tables still considered as moderate, I wonder how many tables will 
you considered as huge? I've build some large scale database application but I 
never use more than 200-300 tables. If the tables more than 300 (max 500, IMO) 
then I think there's something wrong with the system design, and the system need 
to be redesigned or separated.


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Re: [lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi
and the only workable one for large databases was one which painted the 
objects all from scratch.

I'm working on this project alone (for now), and I'm doing it in my spare time 
(mostly on the weekend). I think it'll be too much to code every single object 
from scratch. The progress will be very slow. I'd like to use an available class 
from the LCL and extend it a bit (mostly on the drawing routines).

Besides, I want to separate every object on each class. So, someone else who 
want to build another similar application don't need to code from the scratch 
anymore. Say you want to build a UML application, you can simply use or extend 
my relation/connection model class in your application, for example.


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Re: [lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

When your relation control works nice, we could use it for an UML modeller
for the IDE.

That's one of my aim while doing this project. :)


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Re: [lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-25 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Why don't you use a single paintbox to draw all your data on ?

This will requires a huge method for object drawing, keyboard detection, and 
mouse detection. I think it'll be harder to code and maintain.

Creating a separate GUI object for each object in your database is a 
very bad idea;

It depends on the class of the object. If we derive it from a not too complex 
class, for example table model is derived from TCustomListBox class, I think it 
wouldn't be THAT bad.

I worked with such programs, and at 250 tables in the model, such 
programs become incredibly slow. A redraw takes forever.

At the first time drawing, after load from the file for example, it is correct. 
But, we don't have to draw EVERY OBJECTS every time while we're working on the 
models. We only need to draw object which is needed to be redrawn.

I think, whatever approach we'll use, it'll takes time to draw hundreds of 
object anyway.

Better take a single paintbox or tcustompanel and draw everything on that.

I got your point, but I prefer my approach still. :)


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[lazarus] suggestion for relation object

2006-07-24 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Hi all...

Currently I'm planning to develop an application for database modeling, in my 
spare time. I plan it'd be similar to FabForce's DBDesigner 4 
(, though it has nothing to do with the 
FabForce's. Yes, I'll reinvent the wheel, but I have good reasons for it.

Current development status is I've finish the class for table model which is 
derived from TCustomListBox with custom paint method. And now I'm starting to 
develop the relation model. The first idea came to my mind was create a new 
class contains 3 TBevel(s) which are combined to build a relation model. After 
few hours of coding, I found this idea is too complicated (I've to synchronize 3 
objects) so I plan to solve it another way.

Here I need some suggestions... which is the best component I should derive from 
to make the relation model? I've been thinking about TPaintBox but I think it 
too big and too complex for just a relation model component. I want it able to 
paint fast and requires less memory.

Any suggestions? TIA.


has Bee.ography at:

PS: The screenshot attached shows the table model.

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Re: [lazarus] FP/Lazarus for production use

2006-07-23 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I wonder why these kind of questions (production use, license, compatibility) 
still arise these days, while the answers are very obvious through the FAQ and 
the wiki (both on FPC and Lazarus). Perhaps the informations are less visible to 
the visitors? (deep beneath the menus? there's no direct link to them? etc..).

Just FYI... I've been using FPC and Lazarus for production since FPC v.2.0.0 and 
Lazarus v.0.9.14 (about 1 year ago or so). I've create some new projects or 
convert Delphi projects using this version, both commercial and freeware (open 
source) projects. So, I convince you that FPC/Lazarus is ready for production 
use and will have no problem with the license. But, I'm really looking forward 
for FPC v.2.0.4 and Lazarus v.1.0. Hopefully this version will be improved a lot. :)



has Bee.ography at:

Johannes Nohl wrote:

Also I'm not planning to do any production use, the more interesting
question - out of my view -  is the legal issue. Technical things you
can try...

What do the licences of FP and Lazarus mean for a program? For example
can I sell a program written with lazarus/FP? Do I have to publish the
source code then? Is the whole lazarus libary (lcl) under one license
or do I have to skip units? Is LCL/Lazarus licence the same as FP

This questions are on my mind if I read about production use.

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Re: [lazarus] Function to parse valid CSV string?

2006-07-06 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I don't known if allowing malformed CSV is a good idea. Where do you draw the
 line with what is acceptable?

Yes, I knew it's a bad practice, but under some circumstances I have to "assume"
that the data is "always" correct. I think the first step is I have to grab all 
the data first (and insert it to a real database, in my case). Then the second 
step is update the "wrong" values with the correct ones after the data has been 
within the database.

Also, I can't think that you can create a parser that can handle all forms of
malformed CSV at the same time...

Yes, I agree with this too. It's almost impossible to handle all kinds of 
malformed CSV. That's why the behavior of the parser can be tuned according to 
the what kind of malformed CSV it's going to parse.

I don't think you should treat the symptom, but rather the underlying cause 
of the problem. A better approach will be to let the parser report on issues

found and let the person/company who created the CSV file know that their
CSV generator is broken and should fix it.

I have a different approach. I prefer my application able to display all the 
data within the CSV, including the malformed rows. The client then can fix those 
wrong data by themselves via an application. This way I'll only work once and 
straight, and the rest of the works can be continued by the client. No need to 
back-and-forth just for data clarification. Besides, not every my client has 
someone who responsible for the CSV generation (usually they got it from ancient 
buggy software which is no longer has support). But mostly have people to fix 
the data (application user/operator).


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Re: [lazarus] Function to parse valid CSV string?

2006-07-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Problem: this is malformed CSV. This is also in contradiction with
example 7. Also in CSV notation, this would mean that the string is
continuing on the next line which is also accepted.

Of course, I knew some of them are malformed CSV format. But I'd like to have a 
smart parser which its behavior can be set trough some properties/parameter. So, 
I can decide whether I'll accept some malformed format or make it strict.

John Doe;"123 My Street
SomeTown, Some Country
Some area code";Other information

I never knew a single CSV record can be splitted into some lines. I hope this is 
a very rare situation. :)

The above is one record but spam on 3 lines. Now you can't solve 4 and
5 and 6 without breaking the logic of someone else. This is why I tried
to be error checking be keep normal CSV logic. I do allow a record on
many lines.

As I said, the CSV parsing logic can be tuned. :) But, it must able to solve all 
malformed format possibilities first (at least most of them). The actual 
behavior then can be set.

In attachment the last version of the code. This is released under the
same licence as FPC unit fcl/rtl.

I still don't need widestring and pchar support for this moment. A normal pascal 
string would be enough for me. :)

Thank you. I'll try this one too. :)


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Re: [lazarus] Function to parse valid CSV string?

2006-07-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Current Usage:
 TCSVParser.ExtractFields(const S: string; pFieldList: TStrings);

Is it able to parse correct these kinds of problems?

DelimeterChar := ',';
QuoteChar := ;


field 1, field 2, field 3, field 4

into 4 values:

field 1
field 2
field 3
field 4

note: obviously!


field 1, 'field 2, field 3', field 4

into 3 values:

field 1
field 2, field 3
field 4

note: ignore DelimiterChar within correct quote char pair.


field 1, 'field 2', field 3, field 4

into 4 values:

field 1
field 2
field 3
field 4

note: auto detect quote char availability.


field 1, field''2, field 3, field 4

into 4 values:

field 1
field 3
field 4

note: double quote char as single quote char value.


field 1, 'field' 2, field 3, field 4

into 4 values:

field 1
'field' 2
field 3
field 4

note: incorrect quote char position considered as part of the value.


field 1, 'field 2, field 3, field 4

into 4 values:

field 1
'field 2
field 3
field 4

note: incorrect quote char position considered as part of the value.


field 1, 'field 2, field 3, field 4

into 2 values:

field 1
field 2, field 3, field 4

- incorrect quote char considered as single value.
- case (6) and (7) can be set via property StrictQuoteCharPair: boolean;

If your method above is able to solve those problems, then I'm very interested 
to know the source code because I'm still unable to solve the last three 
problems. :)


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Re: [lazarus] pascal is obsolete?

2006-06-21 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Since this is a forum for PASCAL developers, doncha think that's preaching to 
the choir?

Not quite like that, I suppose. :) Yes, this is a list of Pascal developers, but 
I believe everybody here sings NOT ONLY Pascal. Me for example... sometimes I 
code in Java, and C/C++, and playing around with .Net a little bit, but Pascal 
still my main language though. Delphi is still the tool for my daily job, but 
FPC/Lazarus is my tool for my programming hobby (or cross platform development).

Language discussion and comparison (again, if done within academical and 
objective atmosphere) might give good contributions to Pascal itself, especially 
to FPC/Lazarus. We don't want Pascal to be a stagnant and obsolete language, do 
we? :) It may also open our own eyes, that there other languages besides Pascal 
out there and we may adopt some good things from them. Don't be a C.D.D.K.X. 
(replace X with other language) to other languages. :)


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Re: [lazarus] Pascal IS obsolete. Let's drop it.

2006-06-21 Thread Bisma Jayadi

My point was that the name must carry the idea. The name Delphi doesn't.

Agree! That's why I prefer to promote Lazarus rather than FPC itself. This way 
I'll promote FPC automatically since Lazarus run upon FPC. Lazarus isn't implied 
by the bad assumptions of Pascal. Even sometimes (in specific conditions and 
circumstances) I had to say that Lazarus is an open-source multiplatform 
Delphi-clone, though I knew Lazarus is never mean to be it. Just to make people 
get the idea easier at the first sight. :)


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Re: [lazarus] pascal is obsolete?

2006-06-20 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Who starts these useless threads anyway?

I did. IMO this is not useless and I never intended this thread to be a language 
flame discussion. I just wanted to show that there are still ignorant C/C++ 
programmers out there that think pascal is obsolete. But the discussion has 
change along the way, that -of course- I can't control. :)

Actually, if language comparison discussion is done with academical and 
objective atmosphere, it will be good for us and enrich our knowledge. :)

  My $.02.

My $2. :)


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus/Freepascal Propaganda

2006-06-17 Thread Bisma Jayadi
propaganda lying by a state, 

>> marketing lying by a corporation

What about "spreading the gospel" ? ;-)

Gospel is lying by a God? ;-)


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[lazarus] FPC/Lazarus propaganda scheme

2006-06-17 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Hi all...

I've been thinking about scenario/scheme for our FPC/Lazarus propaganda 
movement. And here's my proposal...

FPC/Lazarus Propaganda Scheme Proposal
by: Bee A.K.A Simba A.K.A Bisma (I got too many nickname, did I?) :D

A. Objective Target

   1. Internal developer

   Internal developer is other pascal developer who's using another (object) 
pascal compiler e.g. Delphi/Kylix, GPC, VirtualPascal, etc. but don't know or 
use FPC/Lazarus. To this target, we should introduce FPC/Lazarus as their 
alternative environment. We show them the advantages of FPC/Lazarus compare to 
other pascal compiler. This'd be some kind of soft marketting since they're our 
"cousin" and not the "real enemy". :)

   2. External developer

   External developer is developer who never use pascal or has bad judgement 
about pascal. Yes, they are the C.D.D.K.P. kind of people (according to Zealon's 
term). Our main target is C/C++ developers, and the second target is Java 
developers. Yes, we're gonna face flame war kind of discussion while doing our 
marketting, but that'd be the consequences since they're our "real enemy".

   3. Newbies

   Newbie developer is developer who still don't make up his mind for his 
language of choice. They still "search" for the best language for them. They're 
gonna be our prospective users. If we can convince this people to use 
FPC/Lazarus, then we're gonna have big and growing FPC/Lazarus users in the 
future. :)

B. Propaganda Work

   1. Online document (wiki/blog/website/etc)

   This is our first main work! Before we do anything else, we should have a 
complete and comprehensive information about FPC/Lazarus provided on the net and 
accessible to everyone, especially by our marketting target. If we don't have 
this, then other work would become useless because our target can't find other 
usefull advance informations about FPC/Lazarus. The URL must be provided on any 
occasion while we're doing marketting/propaganda.

   2. Real study case (project samples)

   Some kind of FPC/Lazarus projects gallery is what I meant here, that shows 
list of active large-scale projects build upon FPC/Lazarus. This information 
will be our live prove of our product. FPC/Lazarus won't be considered as a 
serious and ready tool to be used on real projects development if it has no 
prove about its ability and power. The bigger project the better. Can we get 
FPC/Lazarus to be used on some spacecraft projects in Nasa? :)

   3. Third party involvement

   We need to invite well-known pascal developers who has well-known 
pascal-based product/project to get involve in our propaganda. We already have 
this people, they're the Indy people, the FIB people, the Zeos people, the 
Synapse people, and some others more. But more is better. This well-known people 
will become our "guarantee" that FPC/Lazarus is really powerfull since it's used 
by them. We also need to get these people to speak, not only code. If they can 
speak and tell the public that indeed they're using FPC/Lazarus and produce some 
programs using it, will be more convinience to our target.

   4. Mass media publicity

   After we got the first three works going, then we can start to target the 
mass media publicity. When we're already on this step, we can speak at, or development magazines or other mass media, using the 
well-known people's name. We can't use Zealon to speak on CNN because the public 
will ask, "who's the hell brainless person speaking on CNN? are CNN management 
got mad?" :D

   For the rest of us (who not too well-known :P), can start to do propaganda 
on any occasions, either online or offline. Our "weapons" is the first three 
works above. We also can start to join on any developer community, join/held 
programming contest, held programming seminars, etc. and showing FPC/Lazarus to 
public and other developers. :)

   5. Accessories

   Along with the 4th work, we can also start to do the accessories marketting. 
Here we'll need logos, banners, slogans/phrases, t-shirts, mugs, etc. or other 
kinds of "visual" inspiring propaganda. :)

(...will be continued, hopefully.) :D

Any other ideas? :)


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Re: [lazarus] pascal is obsolete?

2006-06-16 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Java is like C

Yes... but only the language syntax. But most of Java language features are 
closer to Pascal than to C++.

This article ( may give you the idea. 
Yes, I know it's a little out-dated, but most of the points still valid.


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus/Freepascal Propaganda

2006-06-16 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Well, derived from the "Pascal is obsolet" mail thread, i'm thinking this
(yes, sometimes i think :D )

How can you think without a brain? LOL :D

I'm going to start a "marketing" campaign about Lazarus/Frepascal for our
webs, oficial web (if they want), shirts etc..

What about the funding? Is it gonna be official? Who's gonna do this? All of us? 
or some special team?

I may ignore this comments, I know, but I can't.

Me too! :)

The C.D.D.K.P. (Cool Developers thath Don't Know Pascal) need to know this.

I like this term... CDDKP = Cool Developers that Don't Know Pascal. LOL! :D

I would like to get in one mail thread all the material available (phrases,
logo, banner,links etc...)

Yup... Jedi has done it with Delphi, why can't we?

Ok, i know, don't kill me for this phrases :D

No, somebody has to kill you to save the civilization! LOL! :D

All your contributions will been thankful.

Hope I can contribute something real too. I'll think about this at weekend. 
(Yes, sometimes I think too, though eventually I forget to bring my brain 
along!) LOL :D

I hardly can find a funny programmer like this person. You're a programmer, 
aren't you Zealon? :O


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Re: [lazarus] pascal is obsolete?

2006-06-15 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I learned to ignore this kind of discussion ages ago.

I'm one of people who think that we can't just ignore this kind of wrong 
assumption. IMO, we must show the world (in our scope, of course) that pascal is 
not that kind of toy and obsolete language. Let them know that it IS exist 
another language beside C/C++ which more elegant, clearer, cleaner, and simpler, 
but still powerful language, that is: object pascal! More over, with our great 
compiler and IDE... FPC/Lazarus. :)

I'll do such a PR work on any occasions, online or offline. :)


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[lazarus] pascal is obsolete?

2006-06-15 Thread Bisma Jayadi

These people need to get out of their boat to see the world! :D


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Re: [lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-13 Thread Bisma Jayadi

At the moment, I don't see how we could do this.

I almost knew nothing about the compiler and the sources, but this problem 
forces me to look at the FPC compiler source and I found TextRecBufSize constant 
declaration within file on FPC's src/rtl/inc folder. Here is the 

  TextRecNameLength = 256;
  TextRecBufSize= 256;
  TLineEndStr = string [3];
  TextBuf = array[0..TextRecBufSize-1] of char;

So, is it possible to do such a thing?

  TextRecNameLength = 256;

  TextRecBufSize= 256;
  TextRecBufSize= 4 * 1024;


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Re: [lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-13 Thread Bisma Jayadi

A lot of people don't realize how fast Java is.

Agree... a lot of people don't realize how powerful pascal is as well. Most of 
them now are talking that pascal is dying while they're actually talking about 
Delphi. "Pascal=Delphi"(tm) paradigm is totally false. And the most being talked 
alternatives are Java and .Net. :)


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Re: [lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-13 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Yes. TP compatibility. The "Text" internal record contains the buffer.

Can we have 255 byte buffer works only on TP mode? While on other modes
(DELPHI/OBJFPC) is using 4 KB buffer as the default.


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Re: [lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Those are compilers, not languages you are comparing. 

How would I do performance measurement of language without its compiler?

Taking this in account, to be honest, I think gcc should be ashamed for
those results.

Agree! Even Java 1.4.2 (according to benchmark result at is faster than gcc! Pity 
them! :D

Limit yourself to something that is actually bound by the language, and
don't benchmark a trivial textmode driver implementation.

I just want to get FPC on the first rank on most of ACM contest. I/O performance 
 is one of the biggest problem there. We (my friends and I from Indonesian 
Pascal developers community) always need to optimize FPC I/O code to get on top 

FYI... ACM uses FPC to compile submitted pascal solutions 
( I think that'd be a 
plus to the FPC/Lazarus project. :)


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Re: [lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi

All you do is compare standard IO performance. You don't compare the
compiled code's speed.

I know. But I/O performance benchmarking is one of the basic language comparison 
item. When you want to participate on ACM contest ( 
that would be one of biggest obstacle to get on top rank.

By default FPC uses a 256 byte buffer for text IO; The C library uses a
4K buffer. Obviously, C's input/output will be faster by a large factor.

This would raise a simple basic question... why FPC doesn't also use 4K buffer? 
If it'd improve I/O performance a lot. Any specific technical reasons why FPC 
decide to allocate 256 byte for I/O buffer?

Secondly, you should do at least 10-20 test runs of your program. I did
the test, and the optimized, stripped FPC version runs as fast as the C
version on average.

I did. All time result I said before was the average of 10 test runs. Sorry to 
forget mentioning that. :)

Third, adding the DOS unit adds the overhead of loading /etc/timezone
stuff, further slowing down your program, because it is additional IO...

But I need some functions from the DOS unit. Or should I copy and paste required 
functions from DOS unit to eliminate timezone loading overhead? I think that 
wouldn't be an elegant solution. :)


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Re: [lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi
I'm a big fan of object pascal 

Because pascal IS better than c/c++. But, unfortunately, better doesn't always 
mean faster. :)


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[lazarus] c faster than pascal? was: Compiling GlScene ...

2006-06-12 Thread Bisma Jayadi

> Actually, C isn't faster. That's a Myth (tm)

Is there any scientific proof of this and written by a really known good c or 
pascal programmer? Any URLS? I just can't say it without a real acceptable 
proof. Even the language-shoutout website still shows c (gcc) is faster than fpc. :(

Though I'm a big fan of object pascal but I found myself that c (gcc) IS faster 
than fpc. Here's the simple comparison example:

int main()
  int num, res;
  char buf[4*1024];
  do {
res = scanf("%d", &num);
if (res==EOF || num==0) break;
printf("%dn", num);
  } while (1);

This c (gcc) program run on 0.303 second. The closest equal pascal version I 
think is...

program Test;
  I: Integer;
if I = 0 then Break;
  until False;

This fpc program run on 1.772 second (about 6 times slower than the c version). 

A little optimization below still can't beat gcc ...

program Test;
  MaksBuf = 4 * 1024;
  I: Integer;
  BufBaca, BufTulis: array[0..MaksBuf-1] of Char;
  SetTextBuf(Input, BufBaca, MaksBuf);
  SetTextBuf(Output, BufTulis, MaksBuf);
  with TextRec(Output) do
FlushFunc := nil;
if I = 0 then Break;
  until False;

And the result run on 0.407 second, but with some additional optimization codes. 
I can make a same output result using FPC that can be faster than GCC, but with 
LOTS of more additional optimization codes (I need to "take over" the buffer 
read and write operation). So, I don't think it's counted. :D

When the same second code above is compiled using Kylix (v.3), it run on 1.235 
second. So, obviously FPC is a lot better than Kylix. :)

Tested using GCC 4.0 (with -O2 param) and FPC 2.0.0 (with -OG param) on Linux 
(kernel v2.6.12 dan glibc v2.3.5) on P4 2.8 GHz with 2 GB ram, to read a text 
file contains 500.000 lines of random numbers (integers). Utilizing "time" 
command for time measurements (bash$ time ./test < input.txt > output.txt).

Any hints? :)

PS: I don't mean to start a flame here. Just to show you the simple fact. I just 
want to show the world that the "c is faster than pascal" is REALLY a Myth(tm). 
And remember that I'm a proud user of FPC/Lazarus, so I'm not the enemy. :)


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Re: [lazarus] offline help system

2006-06-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi

We can create our own set of docs as well correct?  Using fpcDoc and
the latest SVN code  Is there a wiki site explaining this process
by any chance?  I would rather generate the HTML docs seeing that I
always have the latest SVN code, instead of downloading 100Mb.

We don't need to ALWAYS download all files to get the latest uptodate files. 
HTTrack has ability to detect newer files on remote folder compare to local 
folder, then it'll only download the newer ones. This'd simpler job than 
generating our own HTML docs (based on SVN). :)


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Re: [lazarus] about help system

2006-06-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi
it seems the help system is not working while on the designer 

Secondly, Lazarus always opens a html file on a new window. It's very 
uncomfortable to see the taskbar full with browsers, when using IE. Or seeing 
lots of tab when using Firefox.

I suggest Lazarus using this logic:
- if Lazarus never fires up a browser OR there's no browser opened,
  then (always) open a new one.
- but if Lazarus has opened a browser before AND it's still available,
  then use it to display help file within it (don't open another new window).

So, the browser window for Lazarus help is always one and not interfere with 
other windows. If user wants to see again the previous help, he simply uses the 
back button.

Is it possible? I think so, at least on winXP. Any comments? :D


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Re: [lazarus] Setting up help system

2006-06-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Help -> Configure Help -> Databases -> StartPage -> BaseURL should be
something like


This is not working, at least at winXP. The "file:///" section will be replaced 
by user's home directory. That's why it'll goes to something like "C:\Documents 
and Settings\User\C:\Programs\Lazarus\docs/html/index.html".

After a few try and error, on this configuration we can simply use 
$(LazarusDir)\docs\lcl for lcl or other appropriate folder. This is what I did 
to make Lazarus help system works offline.



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Re: [lazarus] offline help system

2006-06-09 Thread Bisma Jayadi
A few more people like you and lazarus-ccr sf site will be the one with 
the most hits ;-).

I'm sorry... I just don't know how to get all the documentations. The first 
solution came up in my mind is just grab them all from the site. :D

Seriously, if you want to use off line help, download the tar.bz2 from 

Great, I'll use this then. Thank you. :)


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[lazarus] offline help system

2006-06-08 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Dear all...

I've successfully installed Lazarus v.0.9.16 on winXP and set up its offline 
help system. It's wonderfull to have the F1 key working and displaying 
appropriate help content. Thank you and congratulations to FPC and Lazarus 
development team.

To making the Lazarus online help sistem working offline, this is what I did...

1. Using HTTrack to download all content from Lazarus-CCR website 
( I got about 22 thousands HTML files 
(!) in about 120 MB total size.

2. After download, I copy FCL, LCL, and RTL folder to local Lazarus docs folder 
(mine in c:\programs\lazarus\docs)

3. Configure the Lazarus help system (menu Help|Configure Help) and set BaseURL 
property of FLC/LCL/RTL to local Lazarus docs folder.

Then, viola... I got Lazarus help system working offline (using CCR on my local 
disk)! No more reading Delphi's help files and no more read the source files.

What I need to do then is synchronized the CCR contents every once a week (using 
HTTrack again) to get the up-to-date help files. :)

Unfortunately, it seems the help system is not working while on the designer 
form. If press F1 when I got a TButton focused, the Lazarus is doing nothing. 
But in editor and object inspector, it works perfectly! :)


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Re: [lazarus] Function to parse valid CSV string?

2006-06-06 Thread Bisma Jayadi
Free Pascal - Unit contribution form 

laz-*TjanSQL* v.1.2 is modified version of *TjanSQL* v.1.1 to make it 
*...* *TjanSQL* itself is a text comma-separated-value database engine 
with SQL ability. *...* - 247k - Cached 

This is TjanSQL I was talking about. :)


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Re: [lazarus] New function proposal in strutils: DecodeCSVStr()

2006-06-06 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Indeed. Much better. 10 sounds good. (Any defined const in the system
for this '10' number I should use?)

Would you please submit a better and fixed code for this function? Because I 
plan to use it on TjanSQL component. I saw this component also has the same 
problem. I thank you in advance.


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Re: [lazarus] Function to parse valid CSV string?

2006-06-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I checked arround to see if there was a function to parse a valid CSV
string and return the result in a array?

Try to look at TjanSQL component which has been ported to Lazarus on FPC 
Contributed Units section. This component is a CSV database engine with SQL 
support. It's also available TSDSDataSet component on Lazarus, but it has no SQL 
support. I don't know whether those components can handle such problem or not. 
But, it could be a good start for you. If it can't handle the problem, I'd like 
to fix the code, especially the TjanSQL component. :)


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus 0.9.16 released

2006-05-29 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Sourceforge only shows the last three added releases. :(

But how FPC's SF download page is very well managed? The files are categorized 
based on the platforms and release version on each platform. See...

And perhaps you can also provide debian package, because lots of people have 
problem when installing Lazarus on K/Ubuntu (debian based Linux).


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Re: [lazarus] Lazarus 0.9.16 released

2006-05-28 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Great, and congratulations! :)

If I read it correctly, I don't see 0.9.16 release for Linux and FreeBSD, only 
for win(32?) and macOSX. CMIIW.


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Re: [lazarus] Changing TImageList.Add from direct to copying

2006-05-18 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I asked on the devel list if we should change it - no response so far. It's
a difficult decision.

Though Lazarus officially is not intended to clone Delphi, but in fact most (or 
all) of Lazarus users were come from Delphi world. I think it'd be better if 
Lazarus can mimic Delphi as close as possible especially for default components, 
as long as it's not too principal. :)


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Re: [lazarus] Request for PR noise !

2006-05-17 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I agree. It is a stupid idea to change the name. There is nothing wrong
with the name Lazarus. All it needs is a couple more bug fixes and a lot
of PR work from it's users!

1000% agree!

Instead of waisting your energy and time following and writing to this 
thread, spend your time constructively with something like fixing bugs!

1% agree! Fixing and reporting bugs, building application, promoting 
FPC/Lazarus, writing documentations, etc. for FPC/Lazarus is a lot more 
valueable contributions to this project instead of changing the name.

I've been promoting FPC/Lazarus for more than a year to developers in my 
country, especially to Delphi developers. If the name will change, I'll no 
longer promoting it anymore. Don't we take a lesson from BORLAND -> INPRISE -> 
BORLAND (again) history? Changing name will requires unnecessary PR works! And 
if it REALLY will be changed, who'll guarantee it will not be changed once more?

Please... stop this stupid, wasting energy and time discussion!

For anybody who still insists to this name changing idea, I believe you're still 
allowed to build a new project based on Lazarus source codes and then name the 
project whatever you want. :p

Just my 2 cents. :p


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Re: [lazarus] panel as parent of a tform

2006-04-17 Thread Bisma Jayadi

I used to use this trick to get a panel as container for a form on Delphi (7).
This trick works very well on Delphi. The trick is about displaying a form
(TForm) inside a panel (TPanel) as the form container. It's like TFrame but we
can attach any regular forms instead of a frame and we can attach any forms on

What exactly are you trying to do?
You could try to use MultiDoc for this.

Just like I said, it's like TFrame but can accept a TForm instead of TFrame. The 
whole ideas and purposes is almost like TFrame, but it can be assigned during 
runtime. I've been use this trick since Delphi 5.

Just like what Christian said, it's more like "view" management. And like 
Alexandre said, it allows user interface code reuse and design simplification 
and later code maintenance.

So, it's not MDI though it looks like MDI. :)


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Re: [lazarus] panel as parent of a tform

2006-04-14 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Under linux/GTK it is not working. It is like if the docked form was
displayed as modal and I was not able to have to focus back on the
parent form. I did not investigate yet.

Actually, I'd like to do it on Linux (and other non-win32 platforms). Most of my 
codes on Delphi using this trick instead of using frame. Is there other trick to 
do such kind of purposes beside this trick (and work on all platform)?


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[lazarus] panel as parent of a tform

2006-04-11 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Hi all...

I used to use this trick to get a panel as container for a form on Delphi (7). 
This trick works very well on Delphi. The trick is about displaying a form 
(TForm) inside a panel (TPanel) as the form container. It's like TFrame but we 
can attach any regular forms instead of a frame and we can attach any forms on 

The code is like this...

procedure TParentForm.AttachForm(AChildFormClass: TCustomFormClass);
  // FChildForm is a private TCustomForm of TParentForm

  // assign other form to FChildForm and attach it to a panel
  FChildForm := AChildFormClass.Create(nil);
  FChildForm.Top := 1;
  FChildForm.Left := 1;
  FChildForm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
  FChildForm.Parent := PanelContainer;

But the code seems not work on Lazarus (I use No errors is raised, 
but the panel is empty (the child form failed to attach).

Is there any explanation about this? Thanks.



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Re: [lazarus] failed to install zeosdbo on laz

2006-04-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi
The snapshots are built with a fpc snapshot (version 2.1.1). The lazarus 
release (0.9.14) has been built with fpc 2.0.2. Maybe this can explain 
the difference.

Which FPC/Lazarus files I need to modify in order to get ZeosDBO working on 
0.9.14? Or simply replace the FPC used by current Lazarus with FPC snapshot and 
re-compile Lazarus will solve the problem?


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[lazarus] failed to install zeosdbo on laz

2006-04-05 Thread Bisma Jayadi

Dear all...

I was able to install ZeosDBO (rework for lazarus) on Lazarus v.0.9.13. After I 
install the latest Lazarus (, I failed to get ZeosDBO working upon it. :(

I got runtime error 210, FPC_CHECK_OBJECT on line 468 of, 
ZVARIANT_ini on line 1468 of ZVariant.pas, fpc_initializeunits on line 593 of, and main on line 76 of lazarus.pp.

I don't know what to do. :( Any helps will be very much appreciated. Thanks.



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