[lazarus] PrimaryConfigPath

2008-01-15 Thread Thomas Moritz

yes, always I can set 
./lazarus --pcp=xyz or ./lazbuild --pcp=xyz
but Save and rebuild IDE in PackageManager
using ~/.lazarus  
That is not good!

Here is my idea:
lazdir=/lazarus_svn -- pcp=~./lazarus_svn
or lazdir=/lazarus_0.9.24 -- pcp=~./lazarus_0.9.24

Also, the pcp used automatically the name of lazdir (with dot).
Is this possible in future?
So i can use more then one versions without problems.

Best regards...
Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] Form.Align without effect

2007-10-21 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007 10:53:13 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:

Hello Graeme,

 What should the form align too??  I can understand a component in
 a form with Align := alClient (or any other align type), because
 it has a parent component to align to.

 What does Delphi do with a Form1.Align := alClient statement?

Imho, Delphi set the FormSize to DesktopArea. 
( ScreenSize - Taskbar )

My workarround isn't flexible:

Form1.Height:=Screen.Height-(Screen.Height div 100*8);

It's only good for my own Screen.

MfG Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] Form.Align without effect

2007-10-21 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2007 14:10:40 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:

Hello Mattias,

 Let the window manager do the maximization.

Sorry! At my tests,  it looks that the MainForm behind the kicker.
A Statusbar displayed the correct size. Thanks!

The MainForm must to keep this maximized size oneself.

Form1.WindowState:=wsMaximized; // OK
Form1.BorderStyle:=bsSingle;// OK


is ignored by gdk. What can i do?

procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);

This isn't a right way, because the screen flickers.

Regards Th. Moritz

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[lazarus] Form.Align without effect

2007-10-18 Thread Thomas Moritz
This setting: 
Form1.Align:=alClient;  //or alTop 
was ignored.
You can help? Thanks.

Linux/ FPC 2.2.0 / Lazarus 0.9.23 Beta

Regards Th. Moritz

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[lazarus] free ttf-font for application

2007-04-10 Thread Thomas Moritz
I should like to use a free ttf-font direct from file in my 
application. I don't want install this font in the system 
(Linux/Windows) Is that possible?
Is a example available?

Regards Th. Moritz

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2007-04-03 Thread Thomas Moritz
i have several Lazarus-Build-Dir's in my userspace:

lazarus stable + fpc 2.0.4
lazarus svn + fpc 2.0.4
lazarus svn + fpc svn (2.3.1)

I missing then Env-Variable LAZARUS_CONFIG_DIR in  the 
IDE-Environments from Lazarus. It would be an big asset. 

LAZARUS_CONFIG_DIRs for (my) example:

At the moment, i copy the config-files manually.
From command line, i have not found a option to manage this.
Sorry, my english is bad!

MfG Th. Moritz

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2007-04-03 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Dienstag, 3. April 2007 schrieb Vincent Snijders:

Hello Vincent,

  At the moment, i copy the config-files manually.
 From command line, i have not found a option to manage this.
  Sorry, my english is bad!

 ./lazarus_stable --help would give:

 --help or -? this help message

 --primary-config-path= path
 or --pcp= path
primary config directory, where Lazarus
 stores its config files. Default is C:\lazarus\source\lazarus

 Try this option.

Many Thanks! Here of my 64-bit-machine, this option gives me help.
Of my laptop, the option --help is empty and the prompt i can 
view. Why, i must check it.

 P.S. remove the reply to header

OK, i have corrected this.

Regards Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] I need a printer mono font

2007-01-06 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Montag, 13. November 2006 13:00 meinte Thomas Moritz:

Hello Terry, hello all

 Am Montag, 13. November 2006 00:30 meinte Terry A Haimann:


  When I do the following:
  Printer.Canvas.Pen.Color := 0;
  Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Courier';
  Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 8;
  The font is not mono spaced, what should I be doing instead?

 Use 'Courier New'. It is mono spaced with Linux and Win32 GTK.

Sorry, today i have the same problem with ip4000. The result of
Printer.XDPI, Printer.YDPI is 72dpi (Linux)
Printer.XDPI, Printer.YDPI is 600dpi (Win32)
The monospace Courier New isn`t monospace after printing.
I open a new Thread for this reason.

Regards Th. Moritz

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[lazarus] Printer and [X|Y]dpi with Linux

2007-01-06 Thread Thomas Moritz
Hello All,

I have installed a new printer PIXMA IP4000 on
local machine. Driver: Turboprint
The result of Printer.XDPI and Printer.YDPI is:

72 dpi  (Linux) -printing monospace Fonts failed
600 dpi (win32) -printing monospace Fonts OK

The same result i have by network-printing over cups. 
A friend have the same problem with his printserver too. 

Here is running:
fpc 2.1.1 svn
lazarus 0.9.21 svn

You can help?

Regards Th. Moritz

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Re: Example for Printer and [X|Y]dpi with Linux

2007-01-06 Thread Thomas Moritz
Hello all,
for fontsetting, i use a Label with different 
fonts for many tests.

Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

  px, py : Integer; // position for printing
  dx, dy : Integer; // dpi from printer

  function setxy(x: Integer; d: Integer): Integer;
Result:=Round(( x / 25.4 ) * d ); // Result in mm
  If PrintDialog1.Execute then

// For testing only
ShowMessage('XDPI= '+IntToStr(dx)+#10#13+
'YDPI= '+IntToStr(dy));

px:=setxy(20, dx); // 20 mm
py:=setxy(20, dy); // 20 mm   
Printer.Canvas.TextOut(px, py, 'WWW   iii');

px:=setxy(20, dx); // 20 mm
py:=setxy(30, dy); // 30 mm   
Printer.Canvas.TextOut(px, py, 'iii   WWW');

Regards Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] I need a printer mono font

2007-01-06 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Samstag, 6. Januar 2007 21:40 meinte Jesus Reyes:

Hello Jesus and thanks for fast answer!

  Sorry, today i have the same problem with ip4000. The result of
  Printer.XDPI, Printer.YDPI is 72dpi (Linux)
  Printer.XDPI, Printer.YDPI is 600dpi (Win32)
  The monospace Courier New isn`t monospace after printing.
  I open a new Thread for this reason.
  Regards Th. Moritz

 To be sure to get a monospaced printed font under cups, use
 'monospaced' font name.

 You can take a look at currrent implementation on file
 lazarus/lcl/postscriptcanvas.pas, method MappedFontName

This is so simple, but i have not found this :-( 

Many Thanks!!!

Regards Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] Printer and [X|Y]dpi with Linux

2007-01-06 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Samstag, 6. Januar 2007 21:21 meinte Jesus Reyes:

Hello Jesus,

  72 dpi  (Linux) -printing monospace Fonts failed
  600 dpi (win32) -printing monospace Fonts OK
  The same result i have by network-printing over cups.
  A friend have the same problem with his printserver too.

 This is not a bug, all printing under cups goes to a postcript
 file, Postscript uses the user space coordinate system, where
 the length of a unit along both x and y axes is 1/72 inch. Then
 72 is the natural postcript dpi resolution.

Many Thanks for this info. Now i can printing monospaced with:


Regards Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] I need a printer mono font

2006-11-13 Thread Thomas Moritz
Am Montag, 13. November 2006 00:30 meinte Terry A Haimann:


 When I do the following:

 Printer.Canvas.Pen.Color := 0;
 Printer.Canvas.Font.Name := 'Courier';
 Printer.Canvas.Font.Size := 8;

 The font is not mono spaced, what should I be doing instead?

Use 'Courier New'. It is mono spaced with Linux and Win32 GTK.

Regards Th. Moritz

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Re: [lazarus] Font.Color after ShowModal

2006-10-23 Thread Thomas Moritz

All font-settings are ignored after ShowModal!

Best Regards
Th. Moritz

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