Re: [lazarus] Introduction - NOTE FOR GRAHAM

2008-01-29 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Graeme Geldenhuys rašė:

On 29/01/2008, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well I wasn't actually saying it would be the answer for you right now -
but I wanted to fix the misconception - it is possible to use a custom
theme for just your program, ship it with it etc.

I understand that you can ship a custom theme (rc file or whatever)
for GTK with your application. Somebody else told me that before.  But
I needed more flexibility by changing the appearance of a _single_
component on-demand (eg: TEdit's background to clError [yellow] when
there was a validation issue).  All this is water under the bridge for
me now - we are already 2.5 years into development. Why to late to
change GUI toolkits again.

I implemented this in another way: when i need to show where user 
entered invalid data (f.e. TEdit) i simply draw animated frame around 
that control (for this i writted component "error shower": at startup 
they collect all TControl's with "error showing feature", and at runtime 
i tell for him where need error to show).

P.S. sorry for bad English.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: "cannot find -lGL" (OpenGLContext application)

2007-11-27 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


Quoting Marco Alvarado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Oh look, I got the same error when compiling the TOpenGLContext example:

"Compiling package LazOpenGLContext 0.0" completed
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
testopenglcontext1.lpr(14,1) Error: Error while linking
testopenglcontext1.lpr(14,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling
module, stopping

What needs to be configured in order to get these applications running?

I am just guessing; but it is not linking in the GL library.

is it -LGL instead of -lGL?, also just try -L GL?

I think that you are very close..

the next error should be; cannot find library GL

The linux linker is very pedantic - keep trying

 First check if library "libGL" is installed: open console, execute "cd 
/usr/lib" to goto in that dir then execute "ls libGL*". If in output you 
see words like "" - library is installed, otherwise you 
need install this library.
 If library is installed but you not see "" in "ls" output then 
you need make symlink from "" (in my example 
"") to "": execute in that dir command "sudo ln 

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] FSAA with TCustomOpenGLControl

2007-11-14 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Mattias Gaertner rašė:

  is it possible turn on FSAA when using TCustomOpenGLControl?

It is a normal opengl context, so I would guess: yes.
But maybe it needs to be extended to use this attribute in the creation.
Do you have an example how the FSAA is enabled?

 One example i found in Red Book. Code can be found on 
""; in file "multisamp.c".

 Another example i found in NeHe site at 

 First example talks about "glutInitDisplayMode (...GLUT_MULTISAMPLE)", 
another about recreating a window. And probably is not possible do this 
outside of TCustomOpenGLControl...

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] FSAA with TCustomOpenGLControl

2007-11-14 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


 is it possible turn on FSAA when using TCustomOpenGLControl?

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Color detector program

2007-11-13 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Graeme Geldenhuys rašė:


I would like to implement a color detector program.


Anybody working on something like this?  I've seen loads of these
applications for Windows, but I need something like that to work under
Linux too.  Any thoughts on how you would implement something like
this?  I guess looking at Felipe's magnifier application should yield
some clues.

 My thoughts: first get desktop screenshoot and then get pixel color of 
that shot at mouse coordinates.

 Or look at GColor2 ("";) color picker 

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: XML and UTF-8

2007-11-10 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Vincent Snijders rašė:

Valdas Jankūnas schreef:
 I realize if i want unicode support i must use units "Laz_DOM", 
"Laz_XMLRead", "Laz_XMLWrite" instead of FP "DOM", "XMLRead", XMLWrite".

Which is contrary to what I would expect (although I think it may be 
true). The FP units use widestring internally, the Lazarus units 
ansistring, which may hold UTF-8 encoded strings.

Did you use UTF8Decode / UTF8Encode when you passed your UTF8 encoded 
strings to the widestring properties of the FP units?

Thanks for tip, UTF8Decode solved my problem.


P.S. please remove the reply to header.


  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: XML and UTF-8

2007-11-10 Thread Valdas Jankūnas
 I realize if i want unicode support i must use units "Laz_DOM", 
"Laz_XMLRead", "Laz_XMLWrite" instead of FP "DOM", "XMLRead", XMLWrite".

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] XML and UTF-8

2007-11-09 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


 when i saving unicode text to file with TXMLConfig (from "Laz_XMLCfg") 
i get correct results (code below, first part), but if use TXMLDocument 
(secont part of code) i get messed unicode text in file. Why?? What i 
doing wrong?

// code (on form placed two labels):

unit Unit1;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


uses laz_xmlcfg, DOM, XMLRead, XMLWrite,
  Classes, SysUtils, LResources, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, 


  { TForm1 }

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
{ private declarations }
{ public declarations }

  Form1: TForm1;


{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  xmlcfg: TXMLConfig;
  xml_doc: TXMLDocument;
  node_00, node_01: TDOMNode;
// using TXMLConfig =
xmlcfg.SetValue(SAKA, TESTAS);
Label1.Caption:='>'+xmlcfg.GetValue(SAKA, '')+'<';
// using TXMLDocument ===
WriteXMLFile(xml_doc, FAILAS);
ReadXMLFile(xml_doc, FAILAS);

  {$I unit1.lrs}


  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Caption in CompilerOptions

2007-11-02 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


 in "Parsing" tab of Lazarus dialog Project->CompilerOptions is frame 
"Style: (-R)" with  choices "Default", "Intel" and "AT&T".
 I think this frame name can be more informative if rename it to 
"Assembler style: (-R)" or "Assembler mode: (-R)".

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Speed

2007-10-30 Thread Valdas Jankūnas
 Now i write program, that program made extensive calculations. And i 
want write fast code. Question about executing speed:

 first code-

function Calculate1: Extended;
  function SubCalculate: Extended;

 second code-

function SubCalculate: Extended;

function Calculate2: Extended;

 I think first code is faster than second, because in first code 
SubCalculate function is in calling function body?

P.S. Where i can read tips about writing "speed" FP code?

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Win32 Lazarus IDE Set Breakpoint minor quibble

2007-10-20 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Micha Nelissen rašė:

James Chandler Jr wrote:

be to add just a few more pixels of white space to the left of lines in
the source code panel. That would provide a bigger target to 'hit' the
whitespace before the line, rather than accidentally clicking the gutter

The gutter width is configurable in editor options. Is that what you mean ?


 First column of source editor is too close to right border of gutter. 
If i want select word that begins from first column (eg "function" or 
"procedure") or place text cursor before character at first column i 
must pay more attention otherwise i accidentally set breakpoint at this 

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] scanline example didn't work after update to svn 12247

2007-10-04 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Mattias Gaertner rašė:

The LCL TBitmap has no ScanLine property, because under Delphi its
only purpose is fast direct access and this is not possible under all
LCL platforms.
But there is an alternative, which can be used in most cases.
See lazarus/examples/scanline/.

In file "unit.pas" of that example is written:

  // fill line with gray
  for i:=0 to (ImgWidth*4)-1 do
PByte(LineStart)[i]:=0; // set red, green and blue to 128 (i.e. gray)

I think in comments and in other places should be word "black" not 
"gray" or value should be "PByte...:=128" not "0"...

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Fpc 2.2.0 and Lazarus

2007-10-01 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


it is recomended use fpc compiler version 2.2.0 with Lazarus (f.e. for 
reporting bugs)?
 ... now in kUbuntu 7.04 i use Lazarus latest svn compiled with fpc 
v2.2.0 and if lazarus compiled on GTK1 widgetset then code editor not 
handles UTF-8 text...

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Posting translation

2007-08-28 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Marc Weustink rašė:

Valdas Jankūnas wrote:


where i can send translated Lazarus files? "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
rejected my message.

Did you read the reject message ?
Please put the word patch in the subject ortherwise it gets rejected (to
much spam)

Not carefully.. my fault

Yes, returned message has notify from SPAMBLOCK.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Posting translation

2007-08-27 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Darius Blaszijk rašė:
Have you tried zipping it? You can also add a report in the bugtracker 
and upload it there.

Its zipped. Its big because i translated all .po files. (with 7z i get 
90 KB)

I see once message that there is 40 KB attachment limit, so i try send 
it to bugtracker ..

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Posting translation

2007-08-27 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


where i can send translated Lazarus files? "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
rejected my message.

P.S. attachment size on disk is 122.3 KB

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Problem in Lazarus i18n

2007-08-25 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


 there is problem in Lazarus .po files, f.e. in file 
"languages/lazaruside.po" is one section for Lazarus main menu:

#: lazarusidestrconsts:lismenubuild
msgid "Build"
msgstr ""

 and another section for configuration dialog:

#: lazarusidestrconsts:liscocallonbuild
msgid "Build"
msgstr ""

 Problem is that in English msgid have same word, but in other 
languages f.e Lithuanian there is different words, and now in Lazarus 
main menu i see wrong translation due dublicates.

 I think this need fix to be msgid fields have unique values. I 
suggesting swap msgid and comment values.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Mailing List

2007-08-24 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

12 12 rašė:

Crystal. What about mail list archive?
Where i can see last mailing list discussions? I tried to see page 
(Jan. 03, 2004 - Present) but i found opened page is too heavy-weight 
(about 2 megs) and i didn't found there last discussued threads which i 
read by email subscription.

Try "";

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Compiler options

2007-08-23 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


 i translating Lazarus to Lithuanian i have question:

in dialog "Compiler options for project" tab "Code" box "Optimizations" 
is radiobox with caption "Level 3 (Level 2 + Uncertain) (-O3)", but PFC 
manual ("";) writes 
"Level 3 (-O3) equals level 2 optimizations plus some time-intensive 
optimizations.". And in this dialog also is checkbox "Uncertains 
optimizations". Maybe there are mistake in Lazarus with Level 3?

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] ERROR in LCL: obsolete call to CreateComponent in GTK1 & GTK2

2007-08-17 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Funky Beast rašė:


Today I've updated lazarus to r11832 (havn't been updating since r11535).
One of my project couldn't run.


ERROR in LCL: obsolete call to CreateComponent
Creating gdb catchable error:
  $080BBB08  RAISEGDBEXCEPTION,  line 773 of lclproc.pas


 Maybe it helps resolve bug: in bug report 
""; in log i also see 
message "ERROR in LCL: obsolete call to CreateComponent".

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] KeyDown and KeyUp events

2007-08-16 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Mattias Gaertner rašė:

The Gtk1 sends press and release events during pressing.
The Gtk2 does it correct.

I don't know, if there is an easy way to add a workaround for the gtk1

 First time i have idea, maybe it helps if KeyUpBeforeInterface occurs 
 then get real key state, maybe with GetAsyncKeyState like in win, but 
i not found this function Lazarus...
 I think better leave these issue as is and write note in wiki about 
this keyboard behavior in GTK1.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Guide lines in IDE form designer

2007-08-12 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


when Component_A.Left=Component_B.Left then guide line is shown, but if
Component_A.Right=Component_B.Left then guide line not appears. Its OK?

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Keyboard event handlig

2007-08-09 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Mattias Gaertner rašė:

  There in Lazarus is way to detect true OnKeyUp event when user
really releases keyboard key??

The gtk1 sends 'release' and 'press' events on repeat.
The gtk2 sends only 'press' events on repeat.
So with the gtk2 interface the OnKeyUp works correct.


 Thanks for ansver

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Keyboard event handlig

2007-08-08 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

>Razvan Adrian Bogdan rašė:

You mean hook into the keyboard, this is easily done on windows by
adding hooks in keyboard, mouse, etc. i don't know how it's done in
X11 or GTK but they should also have something for global shortcuts.
Using OnKeyPress events only works if your app has focus.


> I think implementing Keyboard hook in linux is not easy..
> Thanks.

 There in Lazarus is way to detect true OnKeyUp event when user really 
releases keyboard key??

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] Keyboard event handlig

2007-08-08 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Razvan Adrian Bogdan rašė:

You mean hook into the keyboard, this is easily done on windows by
adding hooks in keyboard, mouse, etc. i don't know how it's done in
X11 or GTK but they should also have something for global shortcuts.
Using OnKeyPress events only works if your app has focus.


 I think implementing Keyboard hook in linux is not easy..


  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Keyboard event handlig

2007-08-08 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


 how i can detect when user physically press or releases keyboard key?

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] Shift state in Keyboard events

2007-08-05 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


if i press _only_ Alt key then in OnKeyDown i get

   (ssAlt in Shift)=False

and if i release that Alt key then in OnKeyUp i get

   (ssAlt in Shift)=True

I think that is not correct, if i press Alt key (only, no combine wit 
other Keys) then i must get ssAlt in Shift. Or not?

Ctrl and Shift works as expected.

I work in Kubuntu 7.04 Linux with Lazarus svn 0.9.23.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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[lazarus] About Real numbers and compiler

2007-08-02 Thread Valdas Jankūnas


Say we have code:

  number: Real;

 Question is: FP compiler understands that number "2" and CONSTANT 
value   must compiled as Real type, or compiler these numbers compiles 
as Integer, and to prevent in run-time Integer->Real conversions i must 
write "CONSTANT=Real(1)", "number:=Real(2)" or "...:=1.0" as i see in Java?

  Valdas Jankūnas

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Re: [lazarus] TSpeedButton bugs patch

2007-07-19 Thread Valdas Jankūnas

Giuliano Colla rašė:
It's soon explained. The patch reverts this portion of code to the 
situation which has been working for a long time (see rev. 10808 - ver. 
0.9.22 - which btw already had the bug).
Someone, with the good proposition to improve it, added an unnecessary 
modification of the destination rectangle. It's unnecessary, because 
previous calculations already center both glyph and text in the widget 
client area, and subsequently the resulting image is properly clipped 
against widget's client area. Unfortunately, he/she did it wrong. If you 
increment the Right property, and decrement the Left one, you decrease 
the rectangle area, up to make it negative. The same holds true for Top 
and Bottom. Removing the "improvement", Text and Glyph are properly 
positioned, properly centered, and properly clipped if they don't fit. 
It's easy to check just from the IDE.

Im are that "improver" :)

My fault, apologize.

  Valdas Jankūnas

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