Another interesting blog post from the same author as my last post:

I attended the same UVPAFUG meeting where this presentation was given. I haven't had time to blog about it myself, but it looks very interesting and has all sorts of possibilities. Some interesting points from the above blog entry:

"3. What programs will be compatible with Family Tree?
Answer: We are talking about the ability to sync your genealogy software to Family Tree in the future. They are working with all vendors of genealogy software even the very little obscure ones. So the answer would be all of them. You can use any genealogy software program now to submit a GEDCOM to Family Tree."

I hope GRAMPS is included in that list. If an API for the Family Tree system is made available, then indeed, any piece of genealogical software could interface with the system. Along those lines:

"They will be opening sourcing the project so people can write all kinds of programs to have different interfaces to it."

I'm not sure if the blog author here means the church will be making the source code itself open source, or if simply there will be APIs anybody can use to interface with it.

I'll try and scramble up some notes I can blog about to give my impressions. The Church should have this rolled out to temple districts worldwide by the end of the year. The Mt Timpanogos temple district is one of the last ones on the list, however.

Cool stuff, I'm looking forward to using it.

-- Dan
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