Something is definitely not right... I guess I have to talk to my ISP :(

Anyway, I tried sending this yesterday, and since it hasn't shown up
yet, I'll try once more:

----- Forwarded message from Jon Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 15:36:09 +0200
From: Jon Clausen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OT] Speaking of Licensing
Mail-Followup-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all

All this talk about the different license schemes lately, has me

What do I do with my blinder.lrp (it's getting closer to
releaseability)... licensing-wise?

The majority of the code is written by myself. But there *are* snippets of
code here and there (mainly the C-parts) where I've basically cut/pasted
and slightly modified examples I've found around the web...

I'm not exactly sure if any *code* still survives, but in any case I've
been looking heavily at some of the viewlogs etc. cgi-scripts that come
with the weblet/bering-1rc2...

I'll track down and ask the people who published aforementioned
C-snippets, but what are my options/obligations in general?

Does anyone have any good links on the subject?

Personally I'd be only happy to see people using this thingie, but I
would prolly be pretty upset if someone were to grab the code and
advertise it as theirs... (not that I imagine anyone would *want* to do
that since it's all still pretty sloppy/ugly anyway)

I know this is slightly off-topic, but this is the only developer list
I'm subscribed to, and as such I see this as my best bet at finding out
about this...

If this is inappropriate, please don't hesitate to let me know,
alternatively reply by PM.

Jon Clausen

P.s: I've now gotten a bit further with both the system itself, *and*
the website: if anyone's curious :)

----- End forwarded message -----

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