RE: [Leaf-devel] RE: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-30 Thread Luis.F.Correia

I also agree perl would be an overkill. What we need is to create a
framework like we have for lrps for web based management. Every lrp must
have a web based config template that will be used by a master web script.
The template format and scripting needs to be developed and standardised.

What an excelent idea!

That way, the package builder knows exactly which areas os the config
files need to be changed and how. 
He would then write the proper code to access them, without having to worry.

On the other hand, I guess that if you use thttp, it may be larger but I 
guess that it will save some CPU cycles.

I have now an LCD showing uptime and CPU. Every access to the weblet, puts
the CPU at 100% for some seconds. My cpu is a P133...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of guitarlynn
Sent: 30 August 2002 00:33
To: Eric Wolzak
Subject: Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

On Wednesday 28 August 2002 12:56, Eric Wolzak wrote:
I agree with your summary Eric.

 Advantage of webmin, there are all kinds of
 modules. Adaption is much easier than building
 from scratch.

 Disadvantage memory and CPU.

I would be against using Perl personally.
Porting Webmin would not necessarily be any
better or faster than starting from scratch IMHO.

 Alternatively, use the same fields and write the
 engine in shell.script or php using sh-httpd. or a
 small server (boa, thttpd)

It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.

 Advantage probably, less memory and cpu consuming.

 I think any how, this should be a project for a group, who wants to

I agree here as well. A group along these lines was discussed ~2 months
ago. A couple of people were working on formatting Weblet and reworking
it and I have developed a shell-atmosphere that will allow generating
conf files from either GET or POST sh-httpd atmosphere. Modularization
has always been in the plan, however nothing but test coding exists at
this time being as I needed to jump through a few hoops to get the CGI
environment working with sh-httpd.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work
within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for CLI/WWW
configuration integration would be welcome to participate. In previous
discussions with Mike N and Charles, the use of the leaf-devel
mailing-list is encouraged for this project. This project would be
beneficial to work under the LEAF umbrella and stay independant
of releases. As everyone else was working with a Bering base, I am
presently working with Bering as well (though I have worked on a
Dachstein base as well). I am presently starting work on the framework.

I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the thread
to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
of this???


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-30 Thread Charles Steinkuehler

 On Thursday 29 August 2002 14:59, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
  I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
  required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
  response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be
  a big help for a CGI driven admin interface.

 Great! I had JamesSturdevant send me his patched sh-httpd binary
 since several of us had major problems applying the diff he had
 posted. I can send it to you off-list. I haven't dug through it or
 a diff myself, but the POST function does work per my testing.

Please send me a copy...

 The thttpd and uncgi combination is great, however uncgi has
 not worked with sh-httpd in my testing due to CGI path restrictions.
 Uncgi uses /cgi-bin/uncgi/'cgi-script' to interpret a CGI file and
 sh-httpd does not support the /path/binary/option format. Exactly
 what kind of su wrapper are you using to overwrite existing
 configuration files or are you running thttpd as 'root'?

I'm not familiar with uncgi, but sh-httpd *SHOULD* support options
passed after the CGI program name, as long as your SCRIPT_ALIAS variable
in sh-httpd.conf is set properly.  The extra path info is exported as
the PATH_INFO environment this supposed to work some other

 *New thoughts*

 *To ease compatibility of many packages needing specific duplicate
 information/variables, a break-up of certain conf files should be made
 and a check for depending packages should be made within the web
 module. The other option is building a new LEAF version that fits this
 format (successor to Dachstein???). Internal network and DMZ
 would be excellent examples of possible problems. Modifying the
 package database would not be a good option, unless we are going
 them anyway and following something along the lines of David D's Port

 *The CGI scripts should only setup the environment and call
 If the actual executable is not integrated in CGI, a CLI configuration
 script could use the same code and minimize the total codebase that
 would need to be written. There are several of us that have already
 written configuration code for existing LEAF variants, possibly some
 this code may be portable.

I like this idea in general.  The config system should make it easy to
put a text, web, or whatever front end on the actual configuration
utilities.  Then, we could replace most of the existing lrcfg menu with
something a bit more user friendly.  I personally don't mind if existing
packages need to be modified or extended for full/best compatability
with the new auto-config system, but the new system should do something
reasonable by default with existing packages (ie allow you to view/edit
files that would show up in the lrcfg menu trees).

Charles Steinkuehler ( mirror)

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cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-30 Thread Ewald Wasscher

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 21:59, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
   using sh-httpd. or a
   small server (boa, thttpd)

It looks as if almost noone knows about mini_httpd
( It's from the same authors as thttpd. It's a
little slower than thttpd, but smaller (40k vs. 71k) and it can be built
with ssl support!

  It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
  but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
  My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.
 IMHO, any web-administration utility should be fairly web-server
 neutral.  Since sh-httpd is small, and presents what I believe is a
 standard CGI interface to back-end programs, it is a good candidate.  It
 should be possible to use boa, thttpd, apache, or any other CGI-enabled
 web-server with little difficulty, however.
  Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work
  within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for
  configuration integration would be welcome to participate.
  I am presently starting work on the framework.
  I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the
  to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
  of this???
 I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
 required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
 response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be a
 big help for a CGI driven admin interface.

I haven't looked at sh-httpd recently, but some form of authentication
may be a good idea if it's used for a configuration interface.
 I can also help with architure, debugging, and (hopefully) crafty
 solutions to difficult scripting problems, but I can't commit to writing
 a major chunk of code due to current time constraints (although this may
 change suddenly if the company I work for suddenly craters :-/ ).
 *WACKY THOUGHT* - If we use sh-httpd as the web-server, and shell-script
 CGI's, would there be any benifit to wrapping the whole thing into a
 unified structure?  In other words, create a custom script-based CGI
 interface, rather than trying to match standard CGI...something like a
 shell-script version of PHP.  It could probably be faster/smaller than
 sticking with a conventional web-server/CGI approach, but would be less
 portable to other web servers.  Something to think about.
 I've been investigating forth, and will be working on a micro-controller
 based hygrometer project running forth on an Ateml AVR processor in the
 near future.  I've been wanting access to a scripting language more
 powerful than shell-script on LEAF, and I think forth might fit the
 bill.  It's possible to compile forth without *ANY* libc requirements,
 but with the ability to talk *DIRECTLY* to the kernel (so you could load
 libc and make calls to it, if you really wanted, and do pretty much
 anything you want...remember the irreplacable part of libc is
 essentially an interface between C programs and the kernel, the rest is
 just a bunch of standard routines to make programmer's lives a bit
 easier).  That's a lot of power for an interpreter that would probably
 weigh in at 10K to 20K Bytes, with code that can potentially run at near
 optimized C speeds (ie *WAY* faster than shell-script)!
 I've wanted to code an initial bootstrap loader in forth for a while
 (something that would boot from CD/Floppy/whatever, and optionally swap
 out the kernel, allowing fancy boot-time configuration w/o having to
 re-burn a CD to set kernel options.  The ability to make kernel calls
 from a script, w/o having any libc or /bin/sh dependencies is very cool
 for a boot-loader.  I also think an available forth interpreter could
 potentially help the construction of a new packaging system as well as
 fancy CGI admin scripts.

That sounds really cool.

 I can volunteer time to help craft a forth implementation for LEAF, if
 anyone else is interested...

I'll have a look a forth first. I did come across a small forth
interpreter here (eforth):

I just built it, and the static executable is 22k small. Compare that to
 ...oh, if you really want to get wacky, the web-server could be written
 in forth, too!

There are more people with such ideas :-)

It seems to be included in the gforth distribution.

Ewald Wasscher

I'll be back

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Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-30 Thread Ewald Wasscher

On Fri, 2002-08-30 at 21:40, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
 I'm well aware of mini_httpd, but it's is about 9K
 (including the conf file), and it's text so it compresses well in *.lrp

 There's also micro_httpd, but it won't do CGI...
 You can wrap most any inetd based webserver (including sh-httpd) to
 get ssl support, if you can afford the space.
   I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
   required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
   response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be
   big help for a CGI driven admin interface.
  I haven't looked at sh-httpd recently, but some form of authentication
  may be a good idea if it's used for a configuration interface.
 IMHO, this should probably happen outside the web-server.  I could code
 basic authentication into sh-httpd, but that's never really going to be
 secure.  I'd suggest either using an authenticating (and possibly
 encrypting) front-end like ssh, or off-loading authentication to the
 system (ie running su as part of the CGI scripts, and providing the root
 or an admin password) while encourgaing the use of encryption (ssh,
 zeebee, or similar) if accessing remotely to prevent clear-text
 passwords traversing the 'net.
  I'll have a look a forth first. I did come across a small forth
  interpreter here (eforth):
  I just built it, and the static executable is 22k small. Compare that
 Yep...apx 20K for a *POWERFUL* scripting language that allows you direct
 access to kernel system calls!  The code isn't pretty to look at, and
 it's pretty cryptic if you're not passably familiar with the notation.
 I especially like the kernel level forth also at the site of
 the current big Forth applications is Open Firmware, which is how Suns
 and several other systems (including most PPC systems, IIRC)
 boot...rather than native code, the firmware roms on various plug-in
 cards contain small forth routines, which both saves space, and allows
 CPU/OS independent boot-strap code (of course, native compiled 
 optimized drivers are loaded once the system is boot-strapped).  I can
 see something similar being useful for boot-strapping LEAF w/o having to
 have 100K shell and 500K of libc...not to write hardware drivers, but to
 build/extract the initial ramdisk, do the kernel-two-step switch-a-roo
 to allow booting a selectable kernel w/o custom CD imgaes, and other
 things that are difficult to do with plain shell-script.

That sounds good too, but who is going to code such a thing for LEAF?

Ewald Wasscher

This email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old
cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-29 Thread guitarlynn

On Wednesday 28 August 2002 12:56, Eric Wolzak wrote:
I agree with your summary Eric.

 Advantage of webmin, there are all kinds of
 modules. Adaption is much easier than building
 from scratch.

 Disadvantage memory and CPU.

I would be against using Perl personally. 
Porting Webmin would not necessarily be any
better or faster than starting from scratch IMHO.

 Alternatively, use the same fields and write the
 engine in shell.script or php using sh-httpd. or a
 small server (boa, thttpd)

It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.

 Advantage probably, less memory and cpu consuming.

 I think any how, this should be a project for a group, who wants to

I agree here as well. A group along these lines was discussed ~2 months
ago. A couple of people were working on formatting Weblet and reworking
it and I have developed a shell-atmosphere that will allow generating
conf files from either GET or POST sh-httpd atmosphere. Modularization
has always been in the plan, however nothing but test coding exists at 
this time being as I needed to jump through a few hoops to get the CGI 
environment working with sh-httpd.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work 
within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for CLI/WWW
configuration integration would be welcome to participate. In previous
discussions with Mike N and Charles, the use of the leaf-devel
mailing-list is encouraged for this project. This project would be
beneficial to work under the LEAF umbrella and stay independant
of releases. As everyone else was working with a Bering base, I am 
presently working with Bering as well (though I have worked on a 
Dachstein base as well). I am presently starting work on the framework.

I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the thread
to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
of this???


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-29 Thread Charles Steinkuehler

  Alternatively, use the same fields and write the
  engine in shell.script or php using sh-httpd. or a
  small server (boa, thttpd)

 It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
 but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
 My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.

IMHO, any web-administration utility should be fairly web-server
neutral.  Since sh-httpd is small, and presents what I believe is a
standard CGI interface to back-end programs, it is a good candidate.  It
should be possible to use boa, thttpd, apache, or any other CGI-enabled
web-server with little difficulty, however.

 Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work
 within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for
 configuration integration would be welcome to participate.
 I am presently starting work on the framework.

 I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the
 to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
 of this???

I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be a
big help for a CGI driven admin interface.

I can also help with architure, debugging, and (hopefully) crafty
solutions to difficult scripting problems, but I can't commit to writing
a major chunk of code due to current time constraints (although this may
change suddenly if the company I work for suddenly craters :-/ ).

*WACKY THOUGHT* - If we use sh-httpd as the web-server, and shell-script
CGI's, would there be any benifit to wrapping the whole thing into a
unified structure?  In other words, create a custom script-based CGI
interface, rather than trying to match standard CGI...something like a
shell-script version of PHP.  It could probably be faster/smaller than
sticking with a conventional web-server/CGI approach, but would be less
portable to other web servers.  Something to think about.

I've been investigating forth, and will be working on a micro-controller
based hygrometer project running forth on an Ateml AVR processor in the
near future.  I've been wanting access to a scripting language more
powerful than shell-script on LEAF, and I think forth might fit the
bill.  It's possible to compile forth without *ANY* libc requirements,
but with the ability to talk *DIRECTLY* to the kernel (so you could load
libc and make calls to it, if you really wanted, and do pretty much
anything you want...remember the irreplacable part of libc is
essentially an interface between C programs and the kernel, the rest is
just a bunch of standard routines to make programmer's lives a bit
easier).  That's a lot of power for an interpreter that would probably
weigh in at 10K to 20K Bytes, with code that can potentially run at near
optimized C speeds (ie *WAY* faster than shell-script)!

I've wanted to code an initial bootstrap loader in forth for a while
(something that would boot from CD/Floppy/whatever, and optionally swap
out the kernel, allowing fancy boot-time configuration w/o having to
re-burn a CD to set kernel options.  The ability to make kernel calls
from a script, w/o having any libc or /bin/sh dependencies is very cool
for a boot-loader.  I also think an available forth interpreter could
potentially help the construction of a new packaging system as well as
fancy CGI admin scripts.

I can volunteer time to help craft a forth implementation for LEAF, if
anyone else is interested...

...oh, if you really want to get wacky, the web-server could be written
in forth, too!

...signing off before I convince everyone I'm clinically insane! :-)

Charles Steinkuehler

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-29 Thread Eric Wolzak

Hello Charles, Lynn , list
   Alternatively, use the same fields and write the
   engine in shell.script or php using sh-httpd. or a
   small server (boa, thttpd)
  It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
  but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
  My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.

 IMHO, any web-administration utility should be fairly web-server
 neutral.  Since sh-httpd is small, and presents what I believe is a
 standard CGI interface to back-end programs, it is a good candidate.  It
 should be possible to use boa, thttpd, apache, or any other CGI-enabled
 web-server with little difficulty, however.
I agree with this. 
I like the sh-httpd, although I have some problems with persisiting 
/tmp files.
The webconfiguration interface will not get lots of page views at one 
time, ( at least I hope so ;) ).
But depending on what you are doing repeatedly viewing from one 

  Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work
  within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for
  configuration integration would be welcome to participate.
  I am presently starting work on the framework.
  I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the
  to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
  of this???
I would like to commit.  ( time is also sparse :( )

I would propose to get something like webmin does.
some routines for individual packages 
reading in variables combining them with package specific items
and then into the engine throwing out a webpage /form
after posting the option file is written out in standard option.textfile

 I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
 required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
 response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be a
 big help for a CGI driven admin interface.
That would be great.
 I can also help with architure, debugging, and (hopefully) crafty
 solutions to difficult scripting problems, but I can't commit to writing
 a major chunk of code due to current time constraints (although this may
 change suddenly if the company I work for suddenly craters :-/ ).
I don't hope so ( for you and the company that is) 

 *WACKY THOUGHT* - If we use sh-httpd as the web-server, and shell-script
 CGI's, would there be any benifit to wrapping the whole thing into a
 unified structure?  In other words, create a custom script-based CGI
 interface, rather than trying to match standard CGI...something like a
 shell-script version of PHP.  It could probably be faster/smaller than
 sticking with a conventional web-server/CGI approach, but would be less
 portable to other web servers.  Something to think about.
that sounds good to me.  
fast and small is something we could need for the doorstop 
computers still running .

 I've been investigating forth, and will be working on a micro-controller
 based hygrometer project running forth on an Ateml AVR processor in the
 near future.  I've been wanting access to a scripting language more
 powerful than shell-script on LEAF, and I think forth might fit the
 bill.  It's possible to compile forth without *ANY* libc requirements,
 but with the ability to talk *DIRECTLY* to the kernel (so you could load
 libc and make calls to it, if you really wanted, and do pretty much
 anything you want...remember the irreplacable part of libc is
 essentially an interface between C programs and the kernel, the rest is
 just a bunch of standard routines to make programmer's lives a bit
 easier).  That's a lot of power for an interpreter that would probably
 weigh in at 10K to 20K Bytes, with code that can potentially run at near
 optimized C speeds (ie *WAY* faster than shell-script)!
sounds good, but sounds also like a lot of work 
I am not that kind of a coder. ;)
 I've wanted to code an initial bootstrap loader in forth for a while
 (something that would boot from CD/Floppy/whatever, and optionally swap
 out the kernel, allowing fancy boot-time configuration w/o having to
 re-burn a CD to set kernel options.  The ability to make kernel calls
 from a script, w/o having any libc or /bin/sh dependencies is very cool
 for a boot-loader.  I also think an available forth interpreter could
 potentially help the construction of a new packaging system as well as
 fancy CGI admin scripts.
 I can volunteer time to help craft a forth implementation for LEAF, if
 anyone else is interested...
 ...oh, if you really want to get wacky, the web-server could be written
 in forth, too!
 ...signing off before I convince everyone I'm clinically insane! :-)
That would make two of us ;) 
Eric Wolzak

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Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

Re: [Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-29 Thread Erich Titl

Hi Eric, Lynn, Charles

Asking for permission to come aboard.



Püntenstrasse 39
8143 Stallikon
PGP Fingerprint: BC9A 25BC 3954 3BC8 C024  8D8A B7D4 FF9D 05B8 0A16

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] RE: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-29 Thread S Mohan

I also agree perl would be an overkill. What we need is to create a
framework like we have for lrps for web based management. Every lrp must
have a web based config template that will be used by a master web script.
The template format and scripting needs to be developed and standardised.

I'm not a programmer nor can I write good programs. I can test and document
though. I volunteer for this part.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of guitarlynn
Sent: 30 August 2002 00:33
To: Eric Wolzak
Subject: Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

On Wednesday 28 August 2002 12:56, Eric Wolzak wrote:
I agree with your summary Eric.

 Advantage of webmin, there are all kinds of
 modules. Adaption is much easier than building
 from scratch.

 Disadvantage memory and CPU.

I would be against using Perl personally.
Porting Webmin would not necessarily be any
better or faster than starting from scratch IMHO.

 Alternatively, use the same fields and write the
 engine in shell.script or php using sh-httpd. or a
 small server (boa, thttpd)

It can be done with sh-httpd. Mosquito has used thttpd,
but thttpd is considerably larger (and more versitile).
My vote would be to use sh-httpd w/POST patch.

 Advantage probably, less memory and cpu consuming.

 I think any how, this should be a project for a group, who wants to

I agree here as well. A group along these lines was discussed ~2 months
ago. A couple of people were working on formatting Weblet and reworking
it and I have developed a shell-atmosphere that will allow generating
conf files from either GET or POST sh-httpd atmosphere. Modularization
has always been in the plan, however nothing but test coding exists at
this time being as I needed to jump through a few hoops to get the CGI
environment working with sh-httpd.

Anyone who would like to volunteer to work on any ideas, code re-work
within the existing Weblet, or developing the new code-base for CLI/WWW
configuration integration would be welcome to participate. In previous
discussions with Mike N and Charles, the use of the leaf-devel
mailing-list is encouraged for this project. This project would be
beneficial to work under the LEAF umbrella and stay independant
of releases. As everyone else was working with a Bering base, I am
presently working with Bering as well (though I have worked on a
Dachstein base as well). I am presently starting work on the framework.

I believe that this is more of a devel topic, so I am moving the thread
to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any sections
of this???


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

leaf-user mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek
Welcome to geek heaven.

Leaf-devel mailing list

[Leaf-devel] Re: [leaf-user] Webbased configuration

2002-08-29 Thread guitarlynn

combined reply to several posts and some ideas (at the bottom):

On Thursday 29 August 2002 14:59, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
  to leaf-devel. Is anyone ready to work on and/or discuss any
  sections of this???

 I can commit to any updates/modifications to sh-httpd that may be
 required.  I think it's possible to dramatically increase the CGI
 response of the existing sh-httpd when running CGI's, which would be
 a big help for a CGI driven admin interface.

Great! I had JamesSturdevant send me his patched sh-httpd binary 
since several of us had major problems applying the diff he had 
posted. I can send it to you off-list. I haven't dug through it or done
a diff myself, but the POST function does work per my testing.

 I can also help with architure, debugging, and (hopefully) crafty
 solutions to difficult scripting problems, but I can't commit to
 writing a major chunk of code due to current time constraints
 (although this may change suddenly if the company I work for suddenly
 craters :-/ ).

I understand, I have a little more time once I finish roofing my house 
(within the weekend, I hope). I can distribute what testing code I have
presently, but the architecture will definately need the be the first
thing on the todo list. I have compiled the su-wrapper binary that
will solve the write permissions problems as well. 

I'm presently working with SF on fixing my CVS access, as SF has
blocked all SSH connections from my Desktop the last couple of days.

BTW, I hope everything is still maintaning for you on the work end!

 *WACKY THOUGHT* - If we use sh-httpd as the web-server, and
 shell-script CGI's, would there be any benifit to wrapping the whole
 thing into a unified structure?  In other words, create a custom
 script-based CGI interface, rather than trying to match standard
 CGI...something like a shell-script version of PHP.  It could
 probably be faster/smaller than sticking with a conventional
 web-server/CGI approach, but would be less portable to other web
 servers.  Something to think about.

I hate to break any portability, but it would be a serious consideration
being that Weblet would essentially be integrated and only LEAF 
style OS's would likely use it. It would also be a space saver on the
floppy end. Good idea!

 I've been investigating forth, and will be working on a
 micro-controller based hygrometer project running forth on an Ateml
 AVR processor in the near future.  I've been wanting access to a
 scripting language more powerful than shell-script on LEAF, and I
 think forth might fit the bill.  It's possible to compile forth
 without *ANY* libc requirements, but with the ability to talk
 *DIRECTLY* to the kernel (so you could load libc and make calls to
 it, if you really wanted, and do pretty much anything you
 want...remember the irreplacable part of libc is essentially an
 interface between C programs and the kernel, the rest is just a bunch
 of standard routines to make programmer's lives a bit easier). 
 That's a lot of power for an interpreter that would probably weigh in
 at 10K to 20K Bytes, with code that can potentially run at near
 optimized C speeds (ie *WAY* faster than shell-script)!

Good idea, but I don't know if any of us except Charles and David D
are familiar with Forth. I think I wrote a hello world! program in 
Forth around 15 years ago, but I haven't retained any more about
the language since then.  It was a low-level language similar to 
machine language if I remember right.  :-)

 I've wanted to code an initial bootstrap loader in forth for a while
 (something that would boot from CD/Floppy/whatever, and optionally
 swap out the kernel, allowing fancy boot-time configuration w/o
 having to re-burn a CD to set kernel options.  The ability to make
 kernel calls from a script, w/o having any libc or /bin/sh
 dependencies is very cool for a boot-loader.  I also think an
 available forth interpreter could potentially help the construction
 of a new packaging system as well as fancy CGI admin scripts.

Maybe a few of us should spend some time and learn forth. 
C is about as cryptic of a language as I've learned to interpret,
but it sounds as if LEAF could gain a lot by using it.

On Thursday 29 August 2002 15:44, Eric Wolzak wrote:
 I would propose to get something like webmin does.
 some routines for individual packages
 reading in variables combining them with package specific items
 and then into the engine throwing out a webpage /form
 after posting the option file is written out in standard

This is what I had in mind. Adding backup would be rather simple
as well. The largest sticky point I see at this time is reading
and over-writing the existing configuration files. An example would
be setting the internal interface network information many packages
need this information. It would simplify things to  enter the 
information in it's own file, then source the information to the
relevent file needing it.