[leaf-user] How to use QOS traffic shaping in Being U 2.2

2004-09-27 Thread M Lu
I am using Vonage phone and would like to use traffic shaping to give it 
some priority. As I read thru the mail archive and documents, I found out 
that there are possible ways

1 - Download Wondershaper script and copy it to Shorewall tcstart script 
etc, as described on Tom's Web site.
2 - Use the package qos-htb.lrp prepared by Eric Spakman and probably follow 
instruction at http://leaf.sourceforge.net/doc/guide/buhtb-qos.html

It seems to me that the first way is more straighforward, but since the 
package is prepared for Bering U 2.x, I am not sure if I should use it.

Any suggestions?
I also have another following questions:
- Is Bering U 2.2 kernel ready for QOS HTB?
- If I use Shorewall's approach, do I have to declare the netfilter modules 
as in the instructions for second approach? Note that was writen for 
original Bering?

Thank you a lot.
M Lu.

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[leaf-user] (no subject)

2004-09-27 Thread zamri
First, i really want to thanks to all bering developer for the fantastic
job, i even can't remmenber when i had my first bering 1.0 running to
replace my WatchGuard router, it was _so_ long ago and i still using it till
now without any problem and of course i had upgraded it to bering 1.2  :)
Maybe this one is really OT, but i just want some input on how you guys are
maintain your physical network ( Cabling , etc )?  I know some network
monitoring tools, but is there any preventative menthod to used for physical
network? As far as i know, once we lay a cable for network connections, we
just monitoring it with the tools likes snmp, mrtg, nagios, etc. The
questions is, how we want to be sure the cable / switch / hub itself in the
good conditions? Is there any method for checking this? maybe on schedule
time like pc maintainances?
As always, any guide, pointer are really appreciates.
Thanks In Advances,

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