On Friday 17 January 2003 11:37, Brock Nanson wrote:

> > The correct solution is to specify the 'dhcp' in
> > /etc/shorewall/interfaces
> > for the interface(s) being served by dhcpd.

I haven't done this.  I'll try it.  So far, it seems to be doing its thing.  
It's gone for 10 minutes without logging a message (whereas it used to do it 
evert minute before).

As for the DHCPD leases... there are a few things that I left out of my 
original mail.  My really big bad.

-Two of the machines on my interface are actually statically issued based on 
the MAC address using the "host" option.  So if I for-sure wanted it to stop, 
I could change all of my machines that use the static IP to... well, a static 

However I don't want to do this because I often swap around the network 
connections on my machines and it's easier to handle the changes if you use 

As for the leases, I had a max lease of 2 weeks but no default lease 
specified.  That will likely make a difference as well.

-I am using Bering, so everything that Brock and Tom said has been applicable 
so far.

I have a feeling that the problem will go away now.  Thanks everyone!

-- Arcana

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