[leaf-user] OpenVPN

2005-12-12 Thread Sylvain Pelletier

I would like to get the feedback of people who have succesfully
installed/tested openvpn with bering.



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[leaf-user] Openvpn 2.0 routes problem

2005-12-05 Thread Sylvain Pelletier

I try to set up a vpn with the lastest version of openssl (2.0.5)under
Bering-uClibc 2.3.

I try to connect a xp client to the bering gateway, the tls handshake
is succesfully achived.

From the client's log:
[tremblay.chep.priv] Peer Connection Initiated with

My client didn't obtain ip and routes from the server, and I get 
Initialisation process completed with errors in the log, as
explained in the documentation,  I checked that the dhcp client is
active on the tap interface and the firewall turn off, but my tunnel
is still unworking.

The server's config:

;local a.b.c.d
port 1194
;proto tcp
dev tun
;dev-node MyTap
ca keys/ca.crt
cert keys/tremblay.chep.priv.crt
key keys/tremblay.chep.priv.key  # This file should be kept secret
dh keys/dh1024.pem
ifconfig-pool-persist /var/state/openvpn-ipp.txt
push route
;push ip-win32 dynamic
;push route-delay 2 600
keepalive 10 120
;user nobody
;group nogroup
status /var/log/openvpn-status.log
;log openvpn.log
;log-append  openvpn.log
verb 6
;mute 20

My client's config (under windows xp sp1):

dev tun
proto udp
remote the ip of the server 1194
resolv-retry infinite
;user nobody
;group nobody
;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures
;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #]
ca ca.crt
cert trappes.chep.priv.crt
key trappes.chep.priv.key
;ns-cert-type server
;tls-auth ta.key 1
;cipher x
verb 7
;mute 20

Thanks for help


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[leaf-user] Ulogd works just for 24 hours

2003-01-22 Thread Sylvain Pelletier


I've try to log shorewall messages with ulogd,  all works for one day after
shorewall.log is empty.
I use Bering with a 2.4.20 kernel.
If someone have a idea??



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[leaf-user] Problem with pppoe

2002-11-16 Thread Sylvain Pelletier
I tell a friend about LEAF  so he tries to setup the bering 1.0 rc3 ( the
same version that i have)
We connect both with adsl and the same provider. My connection works well
but my friend got this message (from syslog)

Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/pppoe.so loaded
 PPPoE Plugin Initialized
 pppd started by root, uid 0
 Sending PADI

the plugin is initialized but (from syslog):

Nov 15 23:17:45 firewall pppd[7330]: invalid packet Ether addr:
14:22:f0:bf:6c:8f PPPoE hdr: ver=0xf type=0x9 code=0x11 sid=0x002b
length=0x5422 (Unknown) PPPoE tag: type=f0bf length=6c8f (Unknown)
unrecognized data
Nov 15 23:17:45 firewall pppd[7330]: Failed to negotiate PPPoE connection: 4
Interrupted system call
Nov 15 23:17:45 firewall pppd[7330]: Exit.

The config  file are ok, he has the same as me.  He has two 3com 3c509b

I read it from  mail-archive, but I don't think my friend is in the case
described by Charles Steinkuehler :

 I've tried the above with and without quotes. Either combination
 the following from syslog:

 Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/pppoe.so loaded
 PPPoE Plugin Initialized
 pppd started by root, uid 0
 Sending PADI

 And then just sits there...

 Depending on when I ifdown ppp0, syslog reports the following:

 invalid packet Ether addr:14:89:fa:bf:6c:6f
 PPPoE hdr: ver=0xf type=0x9 code=0xf1 sid=0x4aeb length=0x5489
 PPPoE tag: type=fabf length=6c6f (UNKNOWN) unrecognized data
 Failed to negotiate PPPoW connection: 4 Interrupted system call

 If I don't ifdown ppp0, it just sits at Sending PADI indefinitely.

 Any thoughts?

I'd say the odds are on something mis-configured in your PPP or PPPoE
setup. I had virtually no luck with PPPoE until I setup a test PPPoE
network, and could look at the logs on *BOTH* sides of the connection.
Once I got the kinks out of my test configuration, linking up with an
actual provider went smoothly.

It may help to connect a full-blown disto to your PPPoE link (or bum
some config files off someone on-list with a linux box hooked to SWBT
PPPoE DSL), and compare the configuation with what you're setting up in

One thing working with a thin disto like LEAF is you're forced to learn
how to make everything run at a very low-level. This can be a good
thing or a bad thing, depending on your perspective. I learned *WAY*
more about software RAID by building a LEAF based web-server sporting a
SCSI RAID-1 than by installing RedHat and using the GUI installer to
build mirrored partitions...in fact, I learned enough playing with RAID
on LEAF that I now trust it for production servers, and know I can fix
things if I ever loose a drive.

Charles Steinkuehler

I really need help, so if someone have an idea 



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Re: [leaf-user] Bering RC3 weblet problems or bugs?

2002-08-04 Thread Sylvain Pelletier

You're getting File not readable because the permissions have been modified.
Look for the function rotatelogs in /etc/multicron-p, you must find a line
who start by
savelog -g adm -m 640 . Now try 644 and you will see !

- Original Message -
From: Ping Kwong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 1:24 PM
Subject: [leaf-user] Bering RC3 weblet problems or bugs?

 Running Bering RC3 with Shorewall 1.33 connecting via PPPoE.  Seems I
 have a problem with weblet.  It appears to work fine for the first day
 but after the logs rotate and when I check the logs through weblet, I'm
 getting File not readable: XXX where XXX are the log files: messages,
 syslog, debug, daemon, kern, ppp, and pslave.  Also, should there be
 some sort of logs in the ppp.log file?  When I login and change to
 /var/log I can cat the files just fine and ppp.log is just empty.

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[leaf-user] slow conection under Bering rc3

2002-07-30 Thread Sylvain Pelletier

I've switch to bering rc3 early but i have a strange behavior
I have two computer in my local network and my internet connection is pppoe
One under Windows Xp and another under a debian woody.
I have a very slow connection with the debian ( under 5Ko/s) but with
Windows Xp, the connection is fine.
The bering boot from floppy and I have dachtein rc2 wich boot from
When i reboot with dachtein all work perfectly.

If someone know what the problem is.
I would like to stay under bering ( yes i like shorewall facilities :-) )
My brain is going warm


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SR FAQ: http://leaf-project.org/pub/doc/docmanager/docid_1891.html

[leaf-user] Loading packages on bering

2002-05-05 Thread Sylvain Pelletier

I want to load 20 packages, but on boot only 18 are installed.
The next package is not installed. (error message nf!)

Now,  I am looking in linuxrc  



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Re: [leaf-user] Loading packages on bering v1.0-rc2

2002-05-05 Thread Sylvain Pelletier

I use bering v1.0-rc2
I get this message only for the package 19
It's possible to bypass this limit or ...

- Original Message -
From: Ray Olszewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Sylvain Pelletier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [leaf-user] Loading packages on bering

 At 04:38 PM 5/5/02 +0200, you wrote:
 I want to load 20 packages, but on boot only 18 are installed.
 The next package is not installed. (error message nf!)
 Now,  I am looking in linuxrc

 Well ... nf! translates to not found. Do you get this message only for
 package #19, or for both #19 and #20? If the first, then you may be
 the line-length limit for package lists (255 characters, I think).

 Never tell me the odds!---
 Ray Olszewski-- Han Solo


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[leaf-user] Mounting /var/log on a ext2 partition

2002-05-03 Thread sylvain pelletier


I switched from dachtein to bering, all works perfectly.
I replaced my slow bind-8/exim by tinydns/qmail.
Perhaps I'm tired but I don't find where the TMPFS on /var/log is created
(wich script???)
I use a little hard disk for storage and I would like to store logs on a
What to do?




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[Leaf-user] shell script problem

2002-02-27 Thread sylvain pelletier


I would make a little script in sh on my lrp ( dachtein version)

and i can't do this :

for file in 'ls' ; do
echo $file

the echo response is: ls

what's wrong, the problem comes from lrp???


Leaf-user mailing list

Fw: [Leaf-user] pppoe and dyndns

2002-01-30 Thread sylvain pelletier

- Original Message -
From: sylvain pelletier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Victor McAllister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Leaf-user] pppoe and dyndns

 I suppose your friend uses the Roaring Penguin package.
 This package comes with some script.
 To update a dyndns account, you must modified the adsl-start and adsl-stop

 In the adsl-start, look for Monitor connection ( in the bottom of the
 and insert the line ez-ipupdate -d -c /etc/ez-ipupdate.conf  in the loop

 # Monitor connection
 while [ true ] ; do
 ${exec_prefix}/sbin/adsl-status $CONFIG  /dev/null 21

 # Looks like the interface came up
 if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
  # Print newline if standard input is a TTY
  tty -s  $ECHO  Connected!

  # To update dyndns
  export path1
  ez-ipupdate -d -c /etc/ez-ipupdate.conf# ez-ipupdate start in
 daemon mode (-d)
  exit 0

 tty -s  $ECHO -n $PING
 if [ $TIME -gt $CONNECT_TIMEOUT ] ; then
 Then add this line killall -QUIT ez-ipupdate 2 /dev/null  in adsl-stop
 ( before the # Check for pidfile)
 Be careful to not run ez-ipupdate on root, and check the permission file
 that ez-ipupdate uses!!

 In the /etc/ppp/ip-up, you have just to put svi network ipfilter reload
 for the port forwards
 and eventualy if your friend uses dnscache, you can put dnscache restart
 or something that in ppp-up.


 - Original Message -
 From: Victor McAllister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: leaf-user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:01 AM
 Subject: [Leaf-user] pppoe and dyndns

  I have a friend who uses DCD 1.02 on a pppoe connection.  I have a
  static so I can't test out pppoe.  I have spent some time on the phone
  trying to help him trouble shoot.
  I had him put svi network ipfilter reload in the /etc/ppp/ip-up to
  make sure his port forwards are updated after his external ip changes.
  He has a dyndns account and ez-ipupdate which is properly configured.
  It works correctly from a cold boot but does not update the dns
  service when the isp changes the external ip.
  Is there a script to put in /etc/ppp/ip-up or will this work?
  svi network ipfilter reload
  svi ez-ipupdate stop
  svi ez-ipupdate start
  Comments from pppoe user solicited.
  Leaf-user mailing list

Leaf-user mailing list

[Leaf-user] About Proftpd

2002-01-21 Thread sylvain pelletier


I want to set up proftpd but i can't found good 
All examples i saw are anonymous access and i don't 
want it.
Somebody know a good link??



[Leaf-user] keep the same ip with pppoe connection

2001-11-03 Thread sylvain pelletier

My ISP wich provide memy cable connection 
works now with pppoe.
I would have a static ip.
I think a little script can do that, but if someone 
have already make it, I would happy
