Just in case anyone is considering it, I switched over from ESB2 to DSv1.0.1
yesterday.  The system in question is a 486DX266 with 16MB RAM and an old 4x
atapi cdrom.  This PC cannot boot from a CD directly so the following is
tailored as such.  It was VERY easy:

- Used WinISO to extract and add to the DS-CD ISO image.  Added echowall,
portsentry and ez-ipupd lrp packages, extracted bootdisk.bin file.
- Used WinImage to create a new boot disk using the bootdisk.bin image from
the ISO file.  Changed bootdisk format to 1680KB from default size to get
more space.
- Modified syslinux and lrpkg.cfg files with the additional modules I wanted
(libz/sshd, portsentry and echowall).
- Modified default root RAM in syslinux.cfg to 6MB (ramdisk_size=6144) and
boot device to 1680 floppy (boot=/dev/fd0u1680,msdos).
- Dug out an old 4x Atapi CDROM and plugged it into the VESA IDE card.
- Put VESA video card and keyboard back into machine so I can
debug/configure after initial boot up.
- Inserted the new boot floppy and cd into the machine and rebooted.
- After boot up (much faster even with old 4x cdrom) edit the /etc/modules
to reflect the 2 NIC's in my system.
- Modified ramlog package to 2MB (2048)
- Modified /etc/lrp.conf with mail server, email address, date server and
ping hosts.
- Modified /etc/network.conf with machine hostname (default is "firewall")
- Generated root password via passwd command from command line.
- Set-up openSSH keys: Mounted CD (mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hda /mnt),
installed sshkey package (cd /mnt, lrpkg -i sshkey), generated keys
(makekey), unmount CD (cd /, umount /mnt)
- Added "sshd: 192.168.1." to hosts.allow so I can ssh into firewall.
- In backup menu, set all packages to partial type and floppy disk
- Backed up everything except logs.
- Rebooted and voila, all LAN PC's surfing the net again.
- Used putty to ssh into firewall verifying I can remove video card and
- Brought up weblet interface to verify it works (much nicer looking!).
- SCP'd mountain time localtime file into /etc to get system clock squared
- Backup /etc.

Done in a little over an hour.


- Get a null modem cable and set-up serial console for local

- Remove video card and keyboard.

- Get ixplorer or winscp working so I can move files around via gui instead
of pscp command line.  They aren't working because when they log in the
lrcfg gui comes up rather than the shell prompt.  I had this working on
ESB2, not sure why they don't work now.  Anyone figure this out?

- Change SSH to use keys rather than password login.  Can anyone point me to
any resource to set this up?  Guides I've seen just use password login.

- Setup portsentry.

- Change firewall rules to stop logging of port 53 (ads.x10.com etc.) and
port 80 (code red) spewage.

- Portforward port 81 for external web access rather than port 80 to avoid
@home scanning and code red.

- Setup so I can SSH through firewall from work to internal machine.

- Figure out if echowall is easier to use than ipchains to setup the
previous 3 points.

Thank you Charles and all other contributors to this fine product!

Paul Rimmer
Calgary, Alberta

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