I tell a friend about LEAF  so he tries to setup the bering 1.0 rc3 ( the
same version that i have)
We connect both with adsl and the same provider. My connection works well
but my friend got this message (from syslog)

Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/pppoe.so loaded
 PPPoE Plugin Initialized
 pppd started by root, uid 0
 Sending PADI

the plugin is initialized but (from syslog):

Nov 15 23:17:45 firewall pppd[7330]: invalid packet Ether addr:
14:22:f0:bf:6c:8f PPPoE hdr: ver=0xf type=0x9 code=0x11 sid=0x002b
length=0x5422 (Unknown) PPPoE tag: type=f0bf length=6c8f (Unknown)
unrecognized data
Nov 15 23:17:45 firewall pppd[7330]: Failed to negotiate PPPoE connection: 4
Interrupted system call
Nov 15 23:17:45 firewall pppd[7330]: Exit.

The config  file are ok, he has the same as me.  He has two 3com 3c509b

I read it from  mail-archive, but I don't think my friend is in the case
described by Charles Steinkuehler :

> I've tried the above with and without quotes. Either combination
> the following from syslog:
> Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/pppoe.so loaded
> PPPoE Plugin Initialized
> pppd started by root, uid 0
> Sending PADI
> And then just sits there...
> Depending on when I ifdown ppp0, syslog reports the following:
> invalid packet Ether addr:14:89:fa:bf:6c:6f
> PPPoE hdr: ver=0xf type=0x9 code=0xf1 sid=0x4aeb length=0x5489
> PPPoE tag: type=fabf length=6c6f (UNKNOWN) unrecognized data
> Failed to negotiate PPPoW connection: 4 Interrupted system call
> If I don't ifdown ppp0, it just sits at "Sending PADI" indefinitely.
> Any thoughts?

I'd say the odds are on something mis-configured in your PPP or PPPoE
setup. I had virtually no luck with PPPoE until I setup a test PPPoE
network, and could look at the logs on *BOTH* sides of the connection.
Once I got the kinks out of my test configuration, linking up with an
actual provider went smoothly.

It may help to connect a full-blown disto to your PPPoE link (or bum
some config files off someone on-list with a linux box hooked to SWBT
PPPoE DSL), and compare the configuation with what you're setting up in

One thing working with a thin disto like LEAF is you're forced to learn
how to make everything run at a very low-level. This can be a good
thing or a bad thing, depending on your perspective. I learned *WAY*
more about software RAID by building a LEAF based web-server sporting a
SCSI RAID-1 than by installing RedHat and using the GUI installer to
build mirrored partitions...in fact, I learned enough playing with RAID
on LEAF that I now trust it for production servers, and know I can fix
things if I ever loose a drive.

Charles Steinkuehler

    I really need help, so if someone have an idea ....



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