Hi guys:

 Here is the situation, I have two computers running
with a bering distribution and working as bridges to
set up  a virtual lan. They are fisically connected by
a cable and they work perfectly.

 The question is that I want to know how to set them
up if the computers working as bridges, and which
connect the workstations of the vlan, were located in
different places like Europe and America. I was told
in one of this lists that I should use a tunnel and
that there is a tool called "vtun" that I could use.

 The problem is that I don't know how to set up the
computers to work as bridges and to create a tunnel
between them at the same time. They already work as
bridges but could some of you tell me how to do to
create a tunnel between them? Should I use the "vtun"
tool for the bering distribution or you think that
there is something better?

  Thank for your time, and I hope there is some of you
that can help me with this. I will really apreciate
If you do not know the answer to this but you have any
documentation about it I will apreciate it if you can
send it to me.


P.S. If this is not the correct mailing-list, sorry,
but can you remail me to the correct one, thanks

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