[LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread Steve Allen

In addition to what John Cowan said, I'd also point out that planning
is the one of the biggest issues with leap seconds.

In terms of planning for the future, if an application cares about
local time, not knowing whether a leap second is going to happen
outside a six month window can be a much larger problem than handling
sliding time zones that would happen much less frequently and, one
would think, with considerably more advance notice.

For those that are in favor of the current system of leap seconds, it
might be more effective to pretend that people don't have to plan for
the future than to remind them in the opening sentence.

Please identify the operations which need one second predictability
over a time span of six months.  They can't be scheduling a meeting,
for a time zone change might be decreed.  They can't be launching  

to rendezvous with ISS, for the solar activity will drag the atmosphere
by more than that much.
What are these applications?

For these operations please explain why the timing demands of the
system did not already recognize that they needed to design a
GPS time receiver into the applications.  (As we've just read, the
geodecists recognized that the technical aspects of using GPS
outweighed any bureaucratic mandate to use a time scale with an
international recommendation behind it.)

And to the more general audience than John Hein...

Please explain why using the name UTC for something with different
characteristics and applications is more important than the history
and art embodied in Dennis di Cicco's analemma

Please explain why changing the name of the broadcast time scale
to TI and putting UTC and the leap seconds into zoneinfo does
not satisfy all requirements of the need for uniform time scale.

Please explain why the recommendations of the assembly of world
time experts at Torino in 2003 are not valid even after it has
been pointed out that zoneinfo provides a mechanism for implementing

If the objections are about presumptions of computer code with respect
to scheduling something for the same civil time tomorrow please identify
code systems which correctly implement the sorts of things seen here
and discuss the relative number of systems which already get it wrong.

I want to know why I should give up the notion of civil time being
based on mean solar time, for myself and for posterity.

Steve Allen WGS-84  
UCO/Lick ObservatoryNatural Sciences II, Room 165Lat   
University of CaliforniaVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng  

Santa Cruz, CA 95064http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/ Hgt +250 m

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <006d7a34-31d9-4492-9014-667c7b926...@ucolick.org>, Steve Allen writ

>Please identify the operations which need one second predictability
>over a time span of six months.

Wrong question.

Try:  Please identify computer communications where it is not guaranteed
that all involved computers will have their software updated every
six months.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <006d7a34-31d9-4492-9014-667c7b926...@ucolick.org>
Steve Allen  writes:
: I want to know why I should give up the notion of civil time being
: based on mean solar time, for myself and for posterity.

Leap-seconds, as implement, are unworkable.  You can see long messages
from me in the past enumerating the reasons relating to systems,
especially systems disconnected from the internet...

Leap-seconds, the concept, have a limited shelf life.  Maybe only a
few thousands years.  So there's nothing really to preserve.  One day
they must be abandoned.

As soon as we fixed the length of a second based on atomic behavior
rather than as 1/86400th of a mean solar day, we really abandoned time
based on mean solar time.  Leap seconds are at best a hack to paper
over this fundamental decision.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread Rob Seaman

M. Warner Losh wrote:

Leap-seconds, as implement, are unworkable.

If so, there are worlds of possibilities short of the vain attempt to  
eradicate them entirely.

You can see long messages from me in the past enumerating the  
reasons relating to systems, especially systems disconnected from  
the internet...

Systems (still unenumerated) that require real-time access to actual  
"UT" (a flavor of GMT), will have this same exact issue, but the ITU  
proposal does nothing to plan for a replacement.  Rather, it demands  
that the current DUT1 mechanism be abandoned.

As other long messages point out, it is simply not true that most or  
many or more than a very small fraction of systems need real-time leap  
second updates.

Ultimately, even non-realtime systems will suffer as vast numbers of  
embargoed leap seconds pile up.  These will have to be released  
eventually.  What is the plan for doing so?  Include that plan in any  
proposal to change the status quo.

Leap-seconds, the concept, have a limited shelf life.  Maybe only a
few thousands years.  So there's nothing really to preserve.  One day
they must be abandoned.

The current standard is workable for at least hundreds of years.  What  
is the hurry to vote on this issue without reaching consensus first?   
Could it be that the proponents don't believe the current proposal is  
coherent enough to win over converts outside of their own special  
interests?  Whatever action might be taken, plan the evolving standard  
fully before taking it.

As soon as we fixed the length of a second based on atomic behavior
rather than as 1/86400th of a mean solar day, we really abandoned time
based on mean solar time.

Civil time is and will remain a flavor of mean solar time.  If you  
believe otherwise, muster arguments for how this assertion fails to be  
true.  It is a basic requirement of any replacement that the clock not  
drift willy-nilly, but rather be accommodated by some well thought out  
plan.  It isn't the astronomers on this list who have been unwilling  
to consider alternative proposals.

Leap seconds are at best a hack to paper over this fundamental  

No - inappropriate attempts to apply interval timescales to civil  
timekeeping are the real kludge.  The issue remains the conflation of  
the two distinct concepts of the SI second with the civil second  
(1/86400 of a day).  This is a naive attempt at redefining the  
fundamental concept of the day.

Even if we evolve into mole-people living underground and losing the  
power of sight, an intelligent species will never abandon civil  
timekeeping based on mean solar time.  Diurnal rhythms abound  
throughout our society and its infrastructure.  All the confusion  
about zero point shifts is a red herring.  The issue is that the mean  
solar rate has to be maintained.  It is a strange position for  
precision timekeepers to take that a residual rate of milliseconds per  
day should be regarded as negligible.  We can cheat the sun for a  
while - but only for a while.

There are two kinds of time, interval and earth orientation.  Whatever  
the ITU rules at some future meeting these must be kept straight - and  
civil timekeeping depends much more on earth orientation than on  
interval timing.  If there are problems with interval timekeeping,  
then civil time is not the right place to address them.  Separate the  
two sets of issues and the proper solution(s) will become easier to  
design and deploy.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <490a82a4-a8b3-485e-8ded-f9c8adc89...@noao.edu>
Rob Seaman  writes:
: M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > Leap-seconds, as implement, are unworkable.
: If so, there are worlds of possibilities short of the vain attempt to  
: eradicate them entirely.

Dude, stop misrepresenting my position.

Either we kill them entirely, since they are going away eventually
anyway, or we put them on a regular schedule like leap years.  The
current system sucks too bad to be allowed to continue.

Like this silly discussion, leap seconds take a hugely
disproportionate amount of time and money in the implementation of
timing systems that I've been involved in.

All the rest is polemics..

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread Rob Seaman
Dude, I'm not representing your position at all.  Assertions are  
made.  I respond.  The "current system" for instance, is simply the  
mechanics of the solar system.  It will remain the underlying system  
whatever the ITU decides.  What is your position on the solar system?   
I don't know.  (Personally, I'm all for it.)

On the other hand, you've spent the last few messages taking offense  
at insults I've never uttered and misrepresenting PHK's jocular  
comment as my own.

Leap seconds principally take time and money because people have  
selected UTC for some purpose requiring an interval timescale.  The  
advice seems pretty obvious - don't use UTC.  There is no "one size  
fits all" timescale.  Attempts to create one will fail.

If you think it is a silly discussion, why keep returning to it?  On  
the other hand, my observatory has just undergone a round of  
downsizing due to the poor economy.  If the ITU succeeds in their (far  
more silly) exercise of removing leap seconds from UTC, it will cost  
the astronomical community millions of dollars worldwide - perhaps  
many millions of dollars.  (When you mention remote untended systems,  
few are more so than space-based telescopes.)  Those millions of  
dollars will inevitably result in many more layoffs since not once has  
any suggestion been made of compensating astronomers for the cost of  
such a change to the standard.  Thus I continue my part in what seems  
rather more a threatening, than a silly, discussion.


On Dec 20, 2008, at 11:55 AM, M. Warner Losh wrote:

In message: <490a82a4-a8b3-485e-8ded-f9c8adc89...@noao.edu>
   Rob Seaman  writes:
: M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > Leap-seconds, as implement, are unworkable.
: If so, there are worlds of possibilities short of the vain attempt  

: eradicate them entirely.

Dude, stop misrepresenting my position.

Either we kill them entirely, since they are going away eventually
anyway, or we put them on a regular schedule like leap years.  The
current system sucks too bad to be allowed to continue.

Like this silly discussion, leap seconds take a hugely
disproportionate amount of time and money in the implementation of
timing systems that I've been involved in.

All the rest is polemics..


LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread Ashley Yakeley
On Sat, 2008-12-20 at 08:03 -0800, Steve Allen wrote:
> I want to know why I should give up the notion of civil time being
> based on mean solar time, for myself and for posterity.

I believe the answer being argued is "the aerospace and nuclear
industries would save money".

Ashley Yakeley

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread Steve Allen

On 2008 Dec 20, at 10:55, M. Warner Losh wrote:

Either we kill them entirely, since they are going away eventually
anyway, or we put them on a regular schedule like leap years.  The
current system sucks too bad to be allowed to continue.

Pardon me, but I'm missing something in this about the annoyance
of leap seconds.  I thought the trouble was that they interrupt the
broadcast time scale (which I distinguish from UTC).

If the ITU-R decides to bless a new time scale like TI, then POSIX
can take note and say as of then time_t is to be interpreted as the
internationally-blessed broadcast time scale named TI.  Bureacracy
that happens to have specified UTC can be reinterpreted on a case
by case basis to decide whether it wants TI or UTC, but in the
interim all the operational systems keep on working.

If leap seconds go into zoneinfo, then they are only as much nuisance
as when the political princes of the world decree a change in the
rules for time zones, and not even total unanimity within the ITU can
stop that.

I agree that the current system is dysfunctional.

I typically carry around 100 GB of storage, a GHz of processing
capability, and devices that can communicate with 4 different
wireless protocols.  That is how the world has changed since 1970
when everything was pencil, paper, and slide rule.  My devices can
receive something like TI, use it internally, and report to me something
with added timezone offsets.

But of those wireless protocols, one of them was entirely shut down
by the FCC before I had owned the device 5 years, so that one is defunct
and the hardware deserves replacement.

I don't want to see mean solar time abandoned because of the  

of systems with that sort of lifetime.

Steve Allen WGS-84  
UCO/Lick ObservatoryNatural Sciences II, Room 165Lat   
University of CaliforniaVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng  

Santa Cruz, CA 95064http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/ Hgt +250 m

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-20 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: <8d831340-be80-4595-9e73-eaa3465a4...@ucolick.org>
Steve Allen  writes:
: On 2008 Dec 20, at 10:55, M. Warner Losh wrote:
: > Either we kill them entirely, since they are going away eventually
: > anyway, or we put them on a regular schedule like leap years.  The
: > current system sucks too bad to be allowed to continue.
: Pardon me, but I'm missing something in this about the annoyance
: of leap seconds.  I thought the trouble was that they interrupt the
: broadcast time scale (which I distinguish from UTC).

That's one of many problems.

: If the ITU-R decides to bless a new time scale like TI, then POSIX
: can take note and say as of then time_t is to be interpreted as the
: internationally-blessed broadcast time scale named TI.  Bureacracy
: that happens to have specified UTC can be reinterpreted on a case
: by case basis to decide whether it wants TI or UTC, but in the
: interim all the operational systems keep on working.

I'd have to think about this carefully to make sure that it would
work, but there's still at least one problem if UTC is still around...

: If leap seconds go into zoneinfo, then they are only as much nuisance
: as when the political princes of the world decree a change in the
: rules for time zones, and not even total unanimity within the ITU can
: stop that.

There's three issues with this.  First, long running programs
(programs that run for years) will force the libraries that cope with
these files to stat them from time to time to make sure that there
isn't a new update (otherwise your time will be 1s off).  Second, many
programs need to run over leap seconds still and behave properly.
Third, you never know if you have the right, up to date files when you
startup (think systems that are cold spares that have been on the
shelf for a year).  How do you reconcile that?

Also, there's silly operational things like "how do I update these
files if there's no vendor to update them?" which is a matter of
programming.  And do I let anybody update them?  What if my GPS
control program wants to do it?  What if ntpd wants to do it (assuming
it goes to TI)?  What if they both want to do it and the data are
unconsistent?  You still have to figure out who to believe in this

And what's the recommended SOP for dealing with systems that learn
that the current offset is 42 seconds, but the leap files only have 34
seconds listed?  Is there a "good enough" standard for "interpolating"
when these leap seconds could have happened and updates to the tables
happen that way?

And what about network protocols that still need to report UTC times
rather than these new TI times for things like file modification time
(say, NFS)?  Since these are implemented in the kernel, now you have
to give the kernel a reasonable table.  And since timestamps span a
number of years, the question about putative leap seconds from the
previous paragraph doesn't sound so funny.  People likely won't care
too much if the timestamps are off a few seconds, but things like
'make' will care (if your sources are on a NFS server and your objects
are on local storage).

Oh, and likely a dozen other issues I've not thought of off the top of
my head.  At least with UTC, everybody botches leap seconds, but also
the broadcast of time is deterministic.  If you broadcast time that's
offset, and rely on tables in the receiving device, then you lose some
of that because of the problem of stale tables (or worse, wrong ones).

: I agree that the current system is dysfunctional.


: I typically carry around 100 GB of storage, a GHz of processing
: capability, and devices that can communicate with 4 different
: wireless protocols.  That is how the world has changed since 1970
: when everything was pencil, paper, and slide rule.  My devices can
: receive something like TI, use it internally, and report to me something
: with added timezone offsets.

Right.  However, many of these systems that I'm used to dealing with
aren't connected to a meaningful network at all.  Most of these
systems have 100-300 MHz of power, ~100MB of storage (or less), and
limited connectivity.  Often times they just know the current offset
(and that only after 30 minutes in a cold start case for gear that's
been on the shelf for a while).  Since their purpose is to display in
UTC and interact with gear that uses UTC, plus weather a leap second
w/o having a step in their internal time representation (which, btw,
has to be efficient in storage and arithmetic operations done on it,
which makes 'broken down UTC time + leap tables' a non-starter, so a
count of SI seconds since some epoch is usually used, with the
conversions to UTC done for display, which means to do any display,
you have to know the right number of leap seconds).

: But of those wireless protocols, one of them was entirely shut down
: by the FCC before I had owned the device 5 years, so that one is defunct
: and the hardware deserves replacement.
: I don't want to 

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-21 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <8d831340-be80-4595-9e73-eaa3465a4...@ucolick.org>, Steve Allen writ

>If leap seconds go into zoneinfo, then they are only as much nuisance
>as when the political princes of the world decree a change in the
>rules for time zones, and not even total unanimity within the ITU can
>stop that.

That depends critically on how often we have to change the zoneinfo

Many systems avoid local timezones, to decouple the princes whims
from their operation, the poster boy example being air traffic
control, where everything is in UTC.

Putting leapseconds in zoneinfo would put an update obligation on
ATC-, and possibly on-board-, systems to get their zoneinfo files
updated regularly.

The difference between six months and ten years is the difference
between "unacceptable" and "something we an live with".

Getting rid of leap seconds, solves the problem entirely for the
ATC application domain.


Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Tony Finch
On Sat, 20 Dec 2008, Steve Allen wrote:
> Please identify the operations which need one second predictability
> over a time span of six months.

Anything that needs to exchange time stamps with other systems that are
both accurate and specified in some variant of UT (UTC, POSIX time, NTP
time, etc.) needs an up-to-date leap second table. Even if the only future
event that these systems need to predict is leap seconds, that is enough
to affect their software update schedule or require some other way to
periodically obtain a leap second table.

> Please explain why changing the name of the broadcast time scale
> to TI and putting UTC and the leap seconds into zoneinfo does
> not satisfy all requirements of the need for uniform time scale.

You keep asking this question and we keep explaining that it breaks
too much software.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Peter Vince
>> Please explain why changing the name of the broadcast time scale
>> to TI and putting UTC and the leap seconds into zoneinfo does
>> not satisfy all requirements of the need for uniform time scale.
>You keep asking this question and we keep explaining that it breaks
>too much software.


I am trying to clarify in my mind a couple of proposals, one of which is having 
no more leap-seconds in the civil (broadcast) 
time scale.  I'm sorry, I must have missed your messages where you said that a 
lot of software would fail in that scenario - 
could you briefly clarify please?


LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <49513.1229953...@uk2.net>, Peter Vince writes:

>I am trying to clarify in my mind a couple of proposals, one of which is 
>having no more leap-seconds in the civil (broadcast) 
>time scale.  I'm sorry, I must have missed your messages where you said that a 
>lot of software would fail in that scenario - 
>could you briefly clarify please?

There is one (major) problem: software does not grok leapseconds.

One of the solutions Rob peddles for this, is "Make a new timescale
without leap seconds, and leave leap seconds in the UTC timescale".

This does not fly because a lot of systems are legally mandated to
use the UTC timescale.

Changing all those laws and regulations, just because a single
astronomer is very emotionally attached to the name "UTC" is just
not going to happen :-)


Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Tony Finch
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Peter Vince wrote:
> I am trying to clarify in my mind a couple of proposals, one of which is
> having no more leap-seconds in the civil (broadcast) time scale.  I'm
> sorry, I must have missed your messages where you said that a lot of
> software would fail in that scenario - could you briefly clarify please?

This isn't really about broadcast timescales, but about the semantics of
POSIX time_t. Steve proposes to provide a well-defined uniform timescale
on Unix systems by redefining time_t to follow some linear atomic
timescale instead of UTC, and that the zoneinfo/tzcode library would be
used to translate from this new version of time_t to UTC, using a leap
second table alongside the existing time zone tables.

The code to implement this has in fact already been written, 15 or more
years ago, but no-one uses it because it breaks too much stuff. For
example, there is a lot of time-handling code in the kernel, and because
it does not link with the tzcode library the proposed architecture doesn't
accommodate its requirements. There's also a lot of code which doesn't use
the C tzcode for time handling, such as the Java runtime. There is a
pervasive assumption in Unix that midnight UT is when t % 86400 == 0.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Daniel R. Tobias
On 22 Dec 2008 at 14:03, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> This does not fly because a lot of systems are legally mandated to
> use the UTC timescale.

And some laws in some places mandate Greenwich Mean Time, or lots of 
other things.  No matter what is done with time scales in the future, 
it's going to run contrary to somebody's laws somewhere.

== Dan ==
Dan's Mail Format Site: http://mailformat.dan.info/
Dan's Web Tips: http://webtips.dan.info/
Dan's Domain Site: http://domains.dan.info/

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Rob Seaman

On Dec 22, 2008, at 7:22 AM, Daniel R. Tobias wrote:

On 22 Dec 2008 at 14:03, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

This does not fly because a lot of systems are legally mandated to
use the UTC timescale.

And some laws in some places mandate Greenwich Mean Time, or lots of
other things.  No matter what is done with time scales in the future,
it's going to run contrary to somebody's laws somewhere.

One might also mention the usual example of attempting to legislate  
physical reality, the "Indiana pi bill":


It may be hard to believe (whatever countries we live in), but dig  
deep enough down through our interlocking systems of laws and treaties  
and you eventually reach some underlying model of physical reality :-)

Example:  If the ITU proposal were to attempt to relayer civil  
timekeeping on Earth onto the length of the Martian day, one can be  
confident they would fail.

The issue is how close is close enough?


LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Steve Allen
On Mon 2008-12-22T14:10:25 +, Tony Finch hath writ:
> The code to implement this has in fact already been written, 15 or more
> years ago, but no-one uses it because it breaks too much stuff.

I am aware of the interesting breakages that happened when
zoneinfo files were retroactively modified to be inconsistent
with POSIX.  Clearly that change cannot be done for past
history.  That's part of the point of this live javascript page

> example, there is a lot of time-handling code in the kernel, and because
> it does not link with the tzcode library the proposed architecture doesn't
> accommodate its requirements. There's also a lot of code which doesn't use
> the C tzcode for time handling, such as the Java runtime. There is a
> pervasive assumption in Unix that midnight UT is when t % 86400 == 0.

So if the broadcast time scale were to become TI then these operations
would be taking place at "atomic day midnight" instead of mean solar
day midnight.  That's still a legitimate kind of day.

Are there actually serious technical problems (kindly ignore
bureaucratic ones about conformance with UTC) with that sort of thing?

The argument that "atomic time will drift by no more than a few
seconds from mean solar during this century has been used by those who
want to abandon leaps.  In the presence of an internationally approved
atomic time scale I think that argument goes both ways.  It doesn't
hurt anybody if certain technical operations drift a few seconds from
civil wall clock time.

It has become clear in the ITU process that a change to the nature of
the broadcast time scale cannot be decreed with less than a decade of
advance notice.  That's enough time to fix a lot of software and throw
away a lot of hardware.

If getting leaps out of the broadcast time scale is the principal and
urgent *technical* goal then it might be far quicker to decide to
choose "TI" than to hope for the *political* goals involved in getting
the ITU to disregard the history and the words of the CGPM when they
recommended UTC as a form of mean solar time.  Technicians can adapt
a lot faster than politicians.

Steve Allen WGS-84 (GPS)
UCO/Lick ObservatoryNatural Sciences II, Room 165Lat  +36.99855
University of CaliforniaVoice: +1 831 459 3046   Lng -122.06015
Santa Cruz, CA 95064http://www.ucolick.org/~sla/ Hgt +250 m
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <20081222160145.gb7...@ucolick.org>, Steve Allen writes:

>If getting leaps out of the broadcast time scale is the principal and
>urgent *technical* goal [...]

No, the principal goal is make sure all UTC days have exactly 86400
seconds, playing games with the names of timescales will not help.

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Tony Finch
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Steve Allen wrote:
> I am aware of the interesting breakages that happened when zoneinfo
> files were retroactively modified to be inconsistent with POSIX.
> Clearly that change cannot be done for past history.

It can't be done for future history either, because it breaks invariants
that are relied on all over the place.

> > There is a pervasive assumption in Unix that midnight UT is when
> > time_t % 86400 == 0.
> So if the broadcast time scale were to become TI then these operations
> would be taking place at "atomic day midnight" instead of mean solar
> day midnight.  That's still a legitimate kind of day.

This isn't about scheduling operations, it's about inter-converting
between a count of seconds and broken-down civil time. There are lots of
in-kernel functions and standard data formats (network protocols, file
systems) that rely on the "trivial UT" assumption of 86400 seconds per
day. POSIX time is one example amongst many.

> The argument that "atomic time will drift by no more than a few
> seconds from mean solar during this century has been used by those who
> want to abandon leaps.  In the presence of an internationally approved
> atomic time scale I think that argument goes both ways.  It doesn't
> hurt anybody if certain technical operations drift a few seconds from
> civil wall clock time.

Disseminating a linear timescale instead of UTC doesn't address the
problem if civil time continues to be UTC, because all these systems are
more tightly coupled to civil time than they are to the timescale of their
reference clock(s). Civil time is a pervasive dependency - i.e. lots of
software has built-in assumptions about its structure - whereas time
synchronization is a relatively self-contained function.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Rob Seaman

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

There is one (major) problem: software does not grok leapseconds.

If my car fails to grok gasoline, I fix the car.  Leap seconds (or the  
equivalent) are simply a fact of life on a tidally slowing orb.  If  
you wish to eliminate the overhead of managing leap seconds over the  
short term, you have to pay the price of managing them over the long  
term.  No such management plan has been proposed.

One of the solutions Rob peddles for this, is "Make a new timescale
without leap seconds, and leave leap seconds in the UTC timescale".

I haven't peddled any solution (other than better managing the status  
quo).  It is premature to discuss solutions as more than brainstorming  
to better understand the problem at hand.

This does not fly because a lot of systems are legally mandated to
use the UTC timescale.

And others are and have been legally mandated to use mean solar time.   
The ITU is attempting to separate the two without cleaning up the  
resulting mess.  A better (and quicker) process would be to:

1) understand the problem
2) evaluate possible solutions
3) seek consensus before voting

Changing all those laws and regulations, just because a single
astronomer is very emotionally attached to the name "UTC" is just
not going to happen :-)

There are more on this list than a single supporter of preserving the  
meaning of UTC.  This was also the consensus in Torino.

Words like "emotionally attached" add nothing to the discussion.


LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread M. Warner Losh
In message: 
Tony Finch  writes:
: On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Peter Vince wrote:
: >
: > I am trying to clarify in my mind a couple of proposals, one of which is
: > having no more leap-seconds in the civil (broadcast) time scale.  I'm
: > sorry, I must have missed your messages where you said that a lot of
: > software would fail in that scenario - could you briefly clarify please?
: This isn't really about broadcast timescales, but about the semantics of
: POSIX time_t. Steve proposes to provide a well-defined uniform timescale
: on Unix systems by redefining time_t to follow some linear atomic
: timescale instead of UTC, and that the zoneinfo/tzcode library would be
: used to translate from this new version of time_t to UTC, using a leap
: second table alongside the existing time zone tables.
: The code to implement this has in fact already been written, 15 or more
: years ago, but no-one uses it because it breaks too much stuff. For
: example, there is a lot of time-handling code in the kernel, and because
: it does not link with the tzcode library the proposed architecture doesn't
: accommodate its requirements. There's also a lot of code which doesn't use
: the C tzcode for time handling, such as the Java runtime. There is a
: pervasive assumption in Unix that midnight UT is when t % 86400 == 0.

This has been called the 'naive math' problem.  Applications don't
fill out struct tm's to compute time_t's.  If they all did, time_t's
definitions wouldn't matter so much.  However, many of them *KNOW*
that it *IS* seconds since 1970 (with leap seconds swizzled in, so you
can ignore them entirely).  So the time_t for Feb 15, 2008 1:23:34 is computed
like so:

 time_t t = ((2008 - 1970) * 365 + 9) * 86400 + 1 * 3600 + 23 * 60
 + 34;

Which is broken with the above software: it is off by the number of
leap seconds.

There's another problem.  NFS requires UTC time stamps (the
unredefined time_t values), so you have to know about leap seconds,
and when they all happened to get the times right.  Again, you could
say "who cares" but lots of people do care about pedantic correctness,
so you get bugs when things aren't exactly right.  These conversions
need to happen an all file accesses, so that can have a big negative
performance effect, since rather than just copying 4 bytes, you have
to do a table lookup (at beast O(ln(#leapseconds)).  There's no way to
compute leap seconds in the kernel without it.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Tony Finch
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> Applications don't fill out struct tm's to compute time_t's.  If they
> all did, time_t's definitions wouldn't matter so much.  However, many of
> them *KNOW* that it *IS* seconds since 1970 (with leap seconds swizzled
> in, so you can ignore them entirely).

There are good reasons for this. I mentioned Java because libraries for
languages other than C often want a native implementation of time and date
functions so that they fit in better with the rest of the language.
There's also the fact that the standard C library is bad in many ways so
it's common for programmers to try to improve on it.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <70692779-0276-4cb0-aab5-43a9c2cf9...@noao.edu>, Rob Seaman writes:

>And others are and have been legally mandated to use mean solar time.   

Examples, please ?

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Rob Seaman

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

In message <70692779-0276-4cb0-aab5-43a9c2cf9...@noao.edu>, Rob  
Seaman writes:

And others are and have been legally mandated to use mean solar time.

Examples, please ?

This issue has come up repeatedly.

Apparently Denmark:


And the UK and EU (not sure how EU policies would resolve local  


In any event, the UTC standard itself originally contained language:

"GMT may be regarded as the general equivalent of UT."


LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Poul-Henning Kamp
In message <174da871-5a3d-4558-8522-eae34ba7e...@noao.edu>, Rob Seaman writes:
>Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

>>> And others are and have been legally mandated to use mean solar time.
>> Examples, please ?
>This issue has come up repeatedly.
>Apparently Denmark:
>   http://www.mail-archive.com/leapsecs@leapsecond.com/msg00509.html

The fact that Denmark does not follow its own law on this point
is a severe blow to your argument.

Do you have any *real* examples ?

Poul-Henning Kamp   | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer   | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Tony Finch
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> The fact that Denmark does not follow its own law on this point
> is a severe blow to your argument.

The thing that amused me about the WP7A update was Britain objecting to
the demise of leap seconds. Our government abolished the Royal Greenwich
Observatory because it had nothing useful left to do. Our timekeeping lab
is the National Physical Laboratory. The other major part of the RGO was
the Nautical Almanac Office which is now the Hydrographic Office, which
produces nautical charts. I doubt we even have any government agency still
involved in earth orientation - about the closest we have is the STFC
which funds a number of physics and astronomy research facilities. I can't
imagine it's that hard to fix our obsolete time legislation, which even
the Government ignores - our official time references (MSF, the BBC, the
stratim 1 NTP servers at the LINX) are all UTC, not GMT. Bah.

On the other hand, perhaps the relevant civil servant doesn't want to put
a time-related bill in front of parliament, because they'll probably start
blethering about BST, whether the Scots can live with CET, when the Easter
Act will be put into force, et cetera ad nauseam, until time runs out and
the bill never gets enacted. Bah.

LEAPSECS mailing list

Re: [LEAPSECS] (no subject)

2008-12-22 Thread Rob Seaman
You appear to be trying to get a rise out of me.  Nothing in my  
previous messages were predicated on the de jure or de facto policies  
of any governments.  That seems to be a facet of your argument.  You  
asked for an example.  I provided.

You also previously chided me to read the archives.  I could advise  


On Dec 22, 2008, at 12:23 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

In message <174da871-5a3d-4558-8522-eae34ba7e...@noao.edu>, Rob  
Seaman writes:

Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

And others are and have been legally mandated to use mean solar  

Examples, please ?

This issue has come up repeatedly.

Apparently Denmark:


The fact that Denmark does not follow its own law on this point
is a severe blow to your argument.

Do you have any *real* examples ?

LEAPSECS mailing list