Re: [LEDE-DEV] Please help with submitting contributions

2017-03-07 Thread Mauro Mozzarelli

I did, but it isn't there, so something has not worked.

I have now created a pull request.

It isn't perfect in its form as I meant originally to create one request 
each for the kernel and for the tool, but I couldn't tame git to do what 
I wanted.

I hope this one finally goes through:


On 07/03/17 19:11, Stijn Segers wrote:

Hi Mauro,

If you send your patch in with git send-email, you can track your 
patch here:

I have no idea how long you waited, if you feel it is taking too long 
or your patch is getting lost in the pile, you can always nudge a 
developer (which imho works best on IRC).

If you check the list above, you'll see you're not the only one 
waiting for feedback (and then there's also the pull requests on 
Github) - so... You will need some patience, resources are a bit 

So... Chin up, all beginnings are difficult!



Lede-dev mailing list

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Please help with submitting contributions

2017-03-07 Thread Stijn Segers

Hi Mauro,

If you send your patch in with git send-email, you can track your patch 

I have no idea how long you waited, if you feel it is taking too long 
or your patch is getting lost in the pile, you can always nudge a 
developer (which imho works best on IRC).

If you check the list above, you'll see you're not the only one waiting 
for feedback (and then there's also the pull requests on Github) - 
so... You will need some patience, resources are a bit stretched.

So... Chin up, all beginnings are difficult!



Lede-dev mailing list

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Please help with submitting contributions

2017-03-07 Thread Alberto Bursi

On 03/07/2017 05:48 PM, Mauro Mozzarelli wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to make contributions to lede, but so far I bumped into a
> series of obstacles.
> So far I tried the following:
> git format-patch, then copy and paste into email -> was not accepted
> git send-email -> I do not know whether the patch was accepted, I did
> not receive any feedback
> Now I am trying also to follow what is on this page:
> Under "Working with github"
> git clone
> git checkout -b 
> git commit --signoff
> git push --all

That should be done on your account's fork of LEDE source, not on the 
lede repo directly. But the wiki paragraph is rather short and unclear.

I've just edited that paragraph to be actually useful.


Lede-dev mailing list

Re: [LEDE-DEV] Please help with submitting contributions

2017-03-07 Thread Weedy

On 7 March 2017 11:48:51 GMT-05:00, Mauro Mozzarelli  wrote:
>mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ git push --all
>Username for '': ezplanet
>Password for '':
>remote: Permission to lede-project/source.git denied to ezplanet.
>fatal: unable to access '': 
>The requested URL returned error: 403
>And this is where I am stuck now.

You need to fork the repo to your own account and commit your changes there. 
You can do that from the website.

Then you'll have the option of making a PR again on the site.

Lede-dev mailing list

[LEDE-DEV] Please help with submitting contributions

2017-03-07 Thread Mauro Mozzarelli


I would like to make contributions to lede, but so far I bumped into a 
series of obstacles.

So far I tried the following:

git format-patch, then copy and paste into email -> was not accepted

git send-email -> I do not know whether the patch was accepted, I did 
not receive any feedback

Now I am trying also to follow what is on this page:

Under "Working with github"

git clone
git checkout -b 
git commit --signoff
git push --all

As follows:
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede$ git clone trunk

Cloning into 'trunk'...
remote: Counting objects: 381348, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 381348 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 381335
Receiving objects: 100% (381348/381348), 134.77 MiB | 823.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (258216/258216), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede$ cd trunk
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ git checkout -b kernel-ipvs
Switched to a new branch 'kernel-ipvs'
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ patch -p1 < 

patching file package/kernel/linux/modules/
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ git commit --signoff
On branch kernel-ipvs
Changes not staged for commit:
modified:   package/kernel/linux/modules/

no changes added to commit
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ git add 

mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ git commit --signoff
[kernel-ipvs 9d168cc] Add ip_vs kernel nf modules to enable load balancer
 1 file changed, 89 insertions(+)
mauro@sirius:/net2/router/lede/trunk$ git push --all
Username for '': ezplanet
Password for '':
remote: Permission to lede-project/source.git denied to ezplanet.
fatal: unable to access '': 
The requested URL returned error: 403

And this is where I am stuck now.

Lede-dev mailing list