LL:URL: Jenny George Retirement

2000-03-03 Thread Organise1

Jenny George will be officially leaving her position of ACTU President on 
International Women's' Day (8/3/00). To mark to occasion she will be online 
at LaborNET to chat with any women workers between 1pm  2pm EST.

The address is http://www.labor.net.au/virtualtradeshall/auditorium/ .

For further information contact Paul Howes from the Labor Council of NSW on 
02 9264 1691 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or check out http://labor.net.au


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LL:DDV: International solidarity

2000-03-03 Thread AAWL

You are invited to hear Monica Morgan
from the Yorta Yorta Aboriginal Corporation
speak on the role of international solidarity in Indigenous struggles

Australia Asia Worker Links
Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 7 March 2000, at 6pm
at the CEPU TS Building
71 Cromwell Street, Collingwood

The meeting will include reports on international solidarity activities and
a discussion of future plans

All welcome

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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LL:PR: Aust should Follow NZ Example on N-Weapons

2000-03-03 Thread FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign


In response to remarks by Prime minister Howard yesterday that Australia
should recognize there were 'differences' between Australia and NZ over
foreign policy, the Australian Peace Committee and Friends of the Earth
have called on the Australian government to follow the New Zealand example
over nuclear weapons policy, and vigorously pursue the fulfillment of the
obligations set out in the nuclear nonproliferation treaty at the upcoming
nuclear nonproliferation treaty review conference, April 24-May19th.

According to APC's Irene Gale and Friends of the Earth's John Hallam,
"The fact is that New Zealand is simply pursuing the policies that the
majority of Australians would also prefer to pursue: Policies that align it
with the majority of countries in the world that consider that the
obligations imposed on the nuclear weapons states since 1970 by Article VI
of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty ought to be honored. It is Australia
not New Zealand that is the odd one out, and New Zealand that has shown

"The upcoming review conference of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty is
going to be difficult. It will be difficult because the nuclear weapon
states have for thirty years ignored the clear legal obligations imposed on
them by the NPT. The Australian government is now talking about 'damage
control' at the upcoming conference, but the only kind of 'damage control'
that is ever going to work in the longer term is for the nuclear weapons
states to fulfill their article VI obligations. Australia has for a number
of years refused to align itself with New Zealand and with the overwhelming
majority of the worlds nations, who think that the weapons states need to
be pressed very strongly indeed to fulfill their obligations under article
VI to eliminate their nuclear arsenals. This failure has been underlined by
the secretary General Kofi Annan on his recent visit, when he spoke of the
the 'discouraging list of nuclear disarmament measures in suspense,
negotiations not initiated and opportunities not taken'."

"New Zealand has shown precisely the leadership and commonsense on the
nuclear weapons issue that Australia should have shown. Australia should
work closely with New Zealand to produce a truly productive outcome at the
upcoming NPT Review Conference."

John Hallam 02-9517-3903 h02-9810-2598
Irene Gale 08-8364-2291


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LL:URL: Anarcho-Syndicalism

2000-03-03 Thread Ben

a little while ago i went a bit crazy and changed all the references to 
"anarcho-syndicalism" on my website, "Anarcho-Syndicalism 101", especially 
with regard to the online version of "Anarcho-Syndicalism" by Rudolf 
Rocker. this is just to let you know that i've come to my senses a little 
bit, and changed them back to how they were.

you can now find the proper, non-modifed version of "Anarcho-Syndicalism" here:





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LL:DDV: SKA TV - Oakdale CFMEU doco

2000-03-03 Thread access news


6.3 MILLION reasons to belong to the UNION

Screening 8.00 PM Monday March 6th


@ The Builders Arms Hotel (gerturde st fitzroy)

and on Channel 31 Melbourne, same time


On the 9th of June 1999, 125 underground coal miners at the Oakdale
Colliery, West of Sydney, were told that the mine was closing and there was
no money to pay them the $6.3 million in entitlements they were owed.

Some with almost 40 years service at the mine wwere owed up to $100.000.
Most of the miners were family men with mortgages who, without a job and
robbed of their entitlements, faced ruin.

This 24 minute video records the development of the Oakdale campaign from
the first day and the magnificent  role played by the rank and file Oakdale
workers and their families. It highlights the strong national community
campaign mounted by their Union, the Construction Forestry Mining and
Energy Union (CFMEU).

The CFMEU, with the support of the Australian trade union movement, went
head to head with a hostile conservative Federal Government for nine weeks
before a national coal strike and widespread public anger, forced the
Govenment into a dramatic backflip and the payment of the entire $6.3
million to the Oakdale miners.

With up to 20.000 Australian workers robbed of similar benefits every year,
the Oakdale campaign also forced a commitment from the Federal Government
to finally introduce a national employees entitlements protection scheme.
While the Government is looking at a minimal scheme, the CFMEU asserts that
no Australian worker should have to settle for less than the Oakdale miners
Won - every cent of their entitlements.

phone (61) 3 9663 6976
fax (61) 3 9662 9106
mail to:
p.o box 1252
st kilda sth, 3182
victoria, australia



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