LL:DDN: Lucas Heights Reactor Tent City

2000-03-30 Thread Ben Donnelly

Lucas Heights Reactor Tent City!

Local residents have expressed outrage at ANSTO's and the Federal 
Government's lack of community consultation and education about the plans 
for the new nuclear reactor. Many people are concerned for their safety, 
given that there is no adequate procedure in place in the event of a 
nuclear accident.

Inspired by the response of the local community, anti-nuclear activists 
have established a Tent Village to raise awareness about the reactor and 
its impacts on the local area. It is also their aim to bring to people's 
attention the Federal Government's plan to dump Lucas Heights nuclear waste 
on Aboriginal land in South Australia (Billa Kalina).  The Tent Village 
will spend the week disseminating information, culminating in a public 
forum on Friday evening.

The Tent Village participants demand three things:
1. A Royal Commission in to the Federal Government's handling of the 
approval process.
2. A full public disclosure by ANSTO of the real dangers a new reactor 
would pose to local residents (including full details of past accidents).
3. A comprehensive health study into the effects of heightened levels 
radioactivity around the reactor site.

This Saturday at the protest site the Reactor Community Forum will be 
staged, including Lee Rhiannon, and ANSTO headkicker Helen Garnett. amongst 
many others. Stall and activities for kids are on aswell.

We encourage all activists and local residents to visit the Tent Village to 
find out more about these issues and show their support for the campaign; 
cnr Princess Hwy and Cooper St Engadine.

An initiative of Sydney People Against a New Nuclear Reactor 
(SPANNR),People Against a New Nuclear Reactor (PANNR), National Union of 
Students (NUS), Jabiluka Action Group (JAG) Sydney, Friends of the Earth 
(FoE) and members of the UWS Students Association.

CONTACTS: Natalie Stevens (SPANNR) 0414 336 800,
   Jemma Bailey (NUS) 0409 319 070,
   Jesse Wynhausen (NUS)  0415 161 911
   Corrie Hodson, Tim O'Connor, Jim Johnson (UWS) 9772 6488

cnr Princess Hwy and Cooper St Engadine



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LL:UPDATE: World March of Women contacts' list

2000-03-30 Thread Cathy Picone

Dear World Marchers,

For women who want to get involved at the local level - or more involved - 
in the work of organising for the October 7th main events (Women's Song and 
Dance Fests - Cultural Sharings) and/ or in the World March of Women 
campaign against poverty and violence against women, here, as promised, are 
contact details for the various centres around Australia:

DARWIN: contact Treya Derrington (08) 8941 2311 (w) 08 8948 0098 (h) email: 

PERTH: contact Jo Dillon (08) 9362 3482 (h) email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Ruth Ellis (08) 9325 5311 (w) or 0427 
650 013 (mobile) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Gianna Cavalli (08) 9381 
3144  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BRISBANE: contact Linda Shallcross (07) 3366 6985 email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Mary Ziesak (07) 3880 0164 email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Brenda Lewis (07) 3207 0024

TOWNSVILLE: Betty McLellan (07) 4772 6060 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 
Madge Sceriha (07) 4775 7555 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

HOBART: contact Margot Roe (03) 6223 6152 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or Andre Poppleton (03) 6231 3212 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ADELAIDE: contact Marilyn Rolls (08) 8269 3879 or Cathy Picone (08) 8296 
4357 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SYDNEY: contact Pam Greer (02) 9699 3517 or Dorothy Buckland Fuller (02) 
9968 3910 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Lynne Smart (02) 9749 7700 fax: 
(02) 9749 4433  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BATHURST, ORANGE, LITHGOW etc: contact Elaine West (formerly Chalcraft) 
(02) 6334 2393 (h)  (02) 6338 4426 (w) email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CANBERRA: contact Ruth Corrigan (02) 4849 4543  email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Hellen Cooke (02) 6282 3508 (phone and fax)

MELBOURNE: contact Sheila Byard (03) 9376 7870 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or Diane Alley (03) 9827 2363 email: 

CENTRAL COAST, NSW: Lorraine Spears, Central Coast Women's Health Centre 
(02) 4324 2533 or fax: (02) 4323 7490


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