LL:DDV: Fundraiser for the Community Campaign for Heroin Reform

2000-06-07 Thread toni bloodworth

The community campaign for heroin reform is still battling away to ensure
that the implementation of supervised injecting rooms goes ahead in
Melbourne. The aims of the campaign go beyond this however, advocating the
need for more rehabilitation places, education and harm reduction

To help in the ongoing fight for heroin users to be recognised as members of
our community instead of criminals the campaign needs funds.

To help raise some desperately needed cash, a film night has been organised.

Angela's Ashes
Tues June 13, Westgarth cinema (High St, Northcote) 6.45pm.
Tickets are $13/$10 and include light refreshments after the movie.

If anyone is interested in coming along and showing support for this
long-running campaign, please contact Denise on 9489 8103 to arrange to pick
up a ticket at the door.

The campaign still meets weekly in the student lounge of RMIT, 6.30pm Wed
nights. All most welcome. Monthly rallies are held in front of the Melbourne
Town Hall on the first Friday of the month. Stop by and say hello, sign the
petitions and send off a letter to the Melb City Council urging them to
support the trial of supervised injecting facilities in the CBD.

  Stop the deaths, support supervised injecting centres.



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LL:DDV: Rally against Reith's new anti-worker laws

2000-06-07 Thread AAWL

Set My Union Free

Thursday 15 June; 10:30 am
Trades Hall, Lygon Street, Carlton
March to Flinders Street, Melbourne

Industrial Relations Minister Peter Reith wants to outlaw industry pattern
Industry bargaining ensures that weaker workplaces achieve the same
benefits as strong ones.

We have to act now.
Rally against Reith's new anti-worker laws.

Victorian Trades Hall Council
54 Victoria Street, Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
Tel: 03 9662 3511   Fax: 03 9663 2127
Web: www.vthc.org

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746



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2000-06-07 Thread FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign

John Hallam
Friends of the Earth Sydney,
17 Lord Street, Newtown, NSW, Australia, 2042
Fax (61)(2)9517-3902  ph (61)(2)9517-3903


This Bulletin: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 13:09 AEST


Argentinian firm to build nuclear research reactor

An Argentinian company will build a new nuclear research reactor in 
Sydney's Lucas Heights.

The Federal Government has chosen the company, INVAP, as its preferred 
tenderer to design and build the reactor.

The project will cost about $280 million and the reactor is expected to be 
commissioned in 2005.

Industry, Science and Resources Minister Nick Minchin says INVAP will work 
with two Australian companies on the project.

"The INVAP bid together with its Australian partners did offer the best 
combination of high performance...and the best building layout," he said.

"I'd also point out that the INVAP bid offered the highest value-added 
local content at 53 per cent."


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LL:ART: Nike admits breaking work agreement, pays penalty

2000-06-07 Thread TCFUA Vic Branch


June 6, 2000, Tuesday

Australian General News

HEADLINE: Fed: Nike pays penalty after admitting it breached award

By Heather Gallagher, Industrial Correspondent

MELBOURNE, June 6 AAP - Sportswear giant Nike today admitted it was guilty 
of breaching the Clothing Trades Award and agreed to pay the textile 
workers' union $15,000 in penalties. The company reached a settlement with 
the Textile Clothing and Footwear Union of Australia (TCFUA) late today 
after the union brought proceedings against it in the Federal Court.  In 
consent orders read to the court, Nike admitted breaching three sections of 
the award and agreed to pay the union $5,000 a breach.

The court was told Nike had failed to register with the Australian 
Industrial Relations Commission as a contractor. It also failed to supply a 
list of subcontractors and other workers, which enables the union to check 
on workers' wages and conditions, for 12 months from February 1998. During 
a protest before the hearing, TCFUA state secretary Michele O'Neil said the 
union had brought similar court action against more than 80 companies.

All the others had settled and she estimated Nike had spent $100,000 in 
legal fees bringing the matter to court. Ms O'Neil later said the 
settlement was a great victory for Australian workers. "This is about Nike, 
a large multinational company, being made to not only keep to the award 
conditions but actually pay a penalty for having breached them," she told 

Annie Delaney, who has managed the union's FairWear campaign, said the case 
would act as a deterrent to other companies. "We believe the outcome today 
is the best in terms of making the award work ... and getting the company 
to admit to breaches that up until this morning they were refusing to admit 
to," she said. Ms Delaney said despite the company's policy of not using 
outworkers - people who sew from home usually in sub-standard conditions - 
the union had discovered some outworkers making Nike products in Brisbane.

"The nature of the industry is outwork is everywhere, in the garment 
industry everyone gives work out," she said. Nike communications manager 
Megan Ryan said the company had agreed to settle in a spirit of 
conciliation and cooperation. "We acknowledge that the award and the award 
process is a very important one," she said. "Nike has put in place 
processes and resources to ensure that these administrative oversights 
don't occur again." She said the matter had nothing to do with home 
workers. "We don't use home workers and we have contractual obligations 
with our manufacturers that they don't use them," she said.


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LL:DDA: Indigenous people raising money to get to the UN

2000-06-07 Thread Nitya Bernard

Performing for Justice

Fundraiser to raise money for international air fairs to represent an 
non-government, frank and independent view of the reality of contemporary 
Aboriginal issues in Australia to the United Nations Hearings in Geneva.

Where:  Tilley's Devine Café Gallery, Lyneham Shops
When:   Tuesday 13 June 2000, 7:00 pm
Cost:   $10 per ticket, $5 concession
Tickets:Tickets are available from:
Ffionnan Brooke-Watson, phone (02) 6248 8837;
Clare Bruhns, phone (02) 6249 7930; or
at the door on the night.

Entertainment on the night includes;
* Bearded Ladies
(guitar, cello, double bass, female vocalist - original compositions)
* Nitya
(saxophone, flute, guitar, mandolin and percussion - a blend of Indian,
Macedonian and Tuggeranong music)
* Denise Dixon
singer songwriter
* Graeme King
didgeridoo and story telling
* Anne Edgeworth
reading own poetry and the poetry of Judith Wright
* Ellie Gilbert
reading the poetry of Kevin Gilbert
* Michel Anderson
Update on the current United Nations situation.  Please tell as many friends
as possible.

Hi guys, also wanted to tell about Jared Diamond's lecture on Friday, June
9th at 7.00pm, at the Manning Clarke Lecture Theatre, ANU.  He wrote "Guns,
Germs and Steel," which won the Science Book prize in 1998.  The book
debunked Social Darwinist notions of "white superiority."  Should be a great



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LL:PR: No Honeymoon for New Uranium Miner

2000-06-07 Thread Friends of the Earth Fitzroy

Friends of the Earth Melbourne

7th June 000

No Honeymoon for New Uranium Miner.

National environment group Friends of the Earth (FoE) has today condemned 
plans for a new uranium mine in eastern South Australia. The Honeymoon 
project, located around 80 kms from Broken Hill, is set to be the latest 
flash point in an escalating series of anti-nuclear protest actions.

"The Honeymoon proposal is dirty and dangerous", stated FoE representative 
Ila Marks at a protest held outside the Melbourne office of part owner of 
the mine, Sedimentary Holdings". The company plans to pump sulphuric acid 
into the underground water reserves in order to leach out uranium. This is 
a direct threat to the quality of this precious resource and must not 
proceed". In situ leach (ISL) mining such as that proposed for use at 
Honeymoon is not an accepted industrial practise in any OECD nation other 
than Australia and the controversial technique has been documented to have 
caused massive contamination of groundwater reserves when used 
internationally in Central and Eastern Europe."

The Honeymoon project is majority owned by the Canadian based Southern 
Cross Resources, who are holding their Annual General Meeting today in 
Toronto. "Southern Cross are proposing to do in South Australia what they 
would not be allowed to do at home in Canada," outlined Ms Marks." It is 
unsafe and unacceptable and will be strongly resisted."

Today's action in Melbourne is part of wider action against the Honeymoon 
proposal with protest action also occurring today in Adelaide and Brisbane. 
"Today's message is clear. We are telling the company and the Government 
that polluting our groundwater in order to access a material that will 
become high level radioactive waste is not going to be accepted by the 
Australian community. The Honeymoon is most certainly over."

What:   Protest over plans for a new uranium mine in SA
Where:   Melbourne headquarters of Sedimentary Holdings - 40 Dudley St,
North Melbourne
When:   8 am to 10 am.
On 7 June-2000

Further information and comment - Ila Marks at the demonstration:   042
859 4480
ISL and Technical Issues - Gavin Mudd   9467 5756.


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LL:DDV: Residents vs Pascoe Vale McDonalds anniversary

2000-06-07 Thread margaret

Residents Against McDonalds are commemorating the first anniversary of the 
demolition of the 109 year old house at # 1 Sussex Street, Pascoe Vale to 
construct the drive-through McDonalds now on the site. A plaque will be 
unveiled on the footpath outside.

A year ago 200 police and 80 private secuity guards overpowered the 
protesters and the historic home destroyed.

The residents have shown the video film McLibel and participated in World 
anti-McDonald's Day October 16th.

Join them at 11.30am on Sunday June 11th.
corner Bell  Sussex Streets
(55 tram terminus nearby in Melville Road)

Residents Against McDonalds are also putting on a touring exhibition of the 
94 day community protest, with the Living Museum of the West  others, to 
tour schools and communities to help educate others resisting Corporate 

"RAM is a resident group opposed to McDonalds, dedicated to informing the 
community about the impact McDonalds has on our society, and the repeal of 
the Victorian planning laws RL 155  RL 160"

Residents Against McDonalds,
PO Box 103, Pascoe Vale South 3044
Telephone: 0418 300 507

International web site http://www.McSpotlight.com



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2000-06-07 Thread Kath Mallott

media release

PO Box 8196 Perth WA 6849

Tel:  61(0)8 9227-5751  Mobile:  041993-0375Fax:  61(0)8 9227-5593
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  URL:http://www.deathsincustody.com/

7th June 2000   


Another Aboriginal prisoner from WA's infamous Casuarina Prison died in
Royal Perth Hospital at 5 am today.

"This the sixth prison death in 4 weeks" said Murray Jones, Chairperson of
the Watch Committee, "and the eighth prison death this year."

"Of the six deaths to occur over the last month, four of the prisoners were
Aboriginal and three of those deaths were due to illness."

"I understand that Ministry of Justice is conducting a "Health" conference
this weekend, but none of the key stakeholders from the community have been

"Curtin University of Technology - The Centre for Aboriginal Studies - has
been addressing this very issue for over seven years.  Since the early
1990s, - they have been graduating Indigenous people as Bachelors of
Applied Science (Indigenous Community Health).  Further, Mar Moodich at
Clontarf College has been graduating Indigenous health workers at the TAFE
level for more than a decade.  The ex Director of that College, Dr Joan
Winch, is now the Head of the Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin
University.'" - Mr Jones said.

"But to my knowledge, the Ministry of Justice does not employ a single
Aboriginal graduate health worker within its prisons.  Specialists in a
specialised area, schooled and educated into this special area of study"

"Given that nearly forty percent (40%) of inmates in Western Australia's
prisons, are Aboriginal, is it therefore unreasonable to suggest that that
each prison should be adequately staffed with professional graduate
Indigenous Health Workers?' said Mr Jones.

"We call upon the Ministry to immediately staff the medical facilities in
our prison system with appropriately qualified health professionals for
appropriate inmates."

"Whilst it is accepted that some inmates will die of natural causes, we
will vigorously pursue an independent inquiry into whether or not those
inmates received adequate and appropriate health care prior to death."

Media Contact:  Murray JonesChairperson 08 9265-69340407 191469
Kath MallottExecutive Officer   08 9227-5751041 9930375

Deaths In Custody Watch Committee (WA) Inc)
119 Mathieson Road, REDCLIFFE, Western Australia,  6104

"The beginning of the cause of deaths in custody does not occur within the
confines of police and prison cells or in the minds of the victims.
Initially it starts in the minds of those who allow it to happen."
Elder Dr. Jack Davis (OA, MBE)

*[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.deathsincustody.com/*


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LL:URL: Call Centres

2000-06-07 Thread rc-am

[The links below overrun the screen, so copy then open in browser, rather 
than click.]

"Women On Standby: Call Girls of the Global Market"

Hearing of the Alternative Economic Summit to the G7/8 Summit June 1999 Cologne

Convened and organised by the NGO Womens Forum German Platform of Women in 
Development Europe (WIDE) in cooperation  with the Heinrich Böll Foundation 
and the German Welthungerhilfe


"Examples of Union-Based Resistance from Two Countries: Sabine Morgenroth und
Karen Dowling"

Sabine Morgenroth

Live Wire

In the fall of last year, workers in the trade union, HBV (trade, banks, and
insurance companies), came together at both the Citifinanzberatungs GmbH Bochum
(better known as Citiphone-banking Bochum), and the Fachhändler-Service in
Duisburg. Here they united to fight against the shutdown and integration of
their companies into a new Citibank office building in Duisburg.
Citifinanzberatungs, or Citibank's financial consulting department, and the
Fachhändler-Service, or the retail service department in Duisburg, are both
Citibank call centers. The workers united under the slogan 'Auf Draht', which
is a play on words which combines 'on the ball' with 'on the phone' and is best
expressed by the notion of a 'live wire').

The rest at

Karen Dowling

Call Center Ireland

My name is Karen Dowling. I am a member of the national executive council of
the communications workers union in the republic of Ireland. My union has
approximately 2o ooo members, which is considered a large union in Ireland. We
represent the majority of workers in the Irish Post Office and in the Irish
Telecom Company.

I.e. we have 8o% of the membership in Eircell, the mobile phone subsidary of
Telecom Eireann. We have also organized workers in two other major call
centers. One is owned by the post office parcel service - SDS and the other is
known as TSS which is a customer service company run by irish telecom.

The call center phenomena is new and does not have existing staff
representation structures. However in the past this work was predominantly
performed in house by the parent company and has only recently been outsourced
by a large number of companies. One of the effects of this approach is that it
allows the companies to bypass the existing collective agreements in the parent
company, that could mean lower wages and an increase in the number of temporary
part time agents. Traditionally a lot of these parent companies are unionized.

The rest at

Case History:
Call Centre in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Andrea Reischies

"ABC Europe, hello, my name is Ramona Schneider." This is the kind of greeting
one is likely to hear constantly emerging from some 40 cubicles in which not
much more than the women's eyes can be seen.

To say that they are telephone operators does not adequately describe their
job ­ because besides answering calls, they are required to type up orders on
their PCs, check clients' addresses, as well as stock up the appointment books
of the bank's sales representatives and service representatives. These are some
of the responsibilities of a telephone operator, or call-center agent, as they
are now called. It is a fairly new profession that is becoming popular because
of the 'Call-Center Offensive' initiated by the federal state of

30,000 new jobs have been created in Germany in the past year, mainly in the
banking, insurance, mail order, tourism, electronic data processing,
telecommunications, and energy supply sectors. It is expected that by the year
2001, another 140,000 jobs will have been created.

The rest at


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2000-06-07 Thread Communist Party of Australia

Dairy Farmers fight milk monopoly

Dairy farmers across Australia vented their anger last week at
the deregulation of their industry on July 1. Over 600 farmers
and farm workers (and a dozen cows) in NSW, and over 1000 farmers
in QLD marched on their state parliaments at the imminent loss of
their livelihoods. Legislation to deregulate the industry is
currently before the NSW and QLD parliaments and is well advanced
in other states.

Deregulation is being forced by the unilateral decision of the
Victorian industry to deregulate on that date, but it is also
supported by other State governments and the Federal government.
Milk processing companies such as Dairy Farmers and the big
supermarkets are also in favour.

The price of a litre of milk is currently $1.50 out of which the
dairy farmer receives 54 cents in NSW. But after July 1 the major
milk processors (some overseas owned) will be able to dictate
their own prices and are planning to slash the price paid to
dairy farmers to as low as 27c a litre. This reduction will cut
over $85,000 off the average farm income while the margin of
profit for the processors and supermarkets will sharply increase.

Over 60 per cent of Australia's milk is produced cheaply in
Victoria, and the industry there intends to aggressively enter
the NSW and QLD markets, whether the market is deregulated or

The loss of income to already struggling farmers will cause the
"total destruction" of the industry in NSW and QLD, according to
the Australian Milk Producers Association (APMA).

The APMA, which represents 1100 farmers in NSW, has put forward
an alternative plan to retain the milk quota system, but allow
interstate producers to provide a share of the NSW market.

The Association's director Ken Cork says this would save up to
15,000 rural jobs in Australia, where they are already suffering
from higher than average unemployment levels. However, this plan
does not have the backing of NSW Labor Agriculture Minister
Richard Amery. His Federal counterpart Warren Truss has dismissed
the plan as unconstitutional and has also ruled out a suggestion
that the Federal Government use its power to institute a national
floor price.

Dairy farmers in Australia have already seen the industry fall
into the hands of big business, with the number of farmers
dropping from 30,700 to just 13,150 over the last 25 years. Under
the new system, market farms would have to be milking 400-500
cows to remain viable, when the average farm herd is currently
only 118.


Mr Amery acknowledges the financial hardships that are going to
be faced by NSW farmers, but will push the deregulation
legislation through parliament regardless. He states that this is
necessary to take advantage of $337 million being offered by the
Federal Government, and does not see how any further compensation
from the NSW Government would help.

The Federal government's bail-out is nothing more than a
sweetener to facilitate the "restructuring" of the industry. The
government's package is not aimed at helping small farms remain
in business, but rather as an incentive to quit the industry and
deliver their livelihood into the arms of Agribusiness
Corporations. It is a continuation of the farm policy pursued by
governments for decades -- "Get big or get out".

Those who are driving deregulation claim that benefits will flow
to consumers with cheaper drinking milk. No major price fall is
expected however, and the $85,000 cut from the income of each
dairy farmer will, instead, flow into the pockets of the
processing corporations and the major supermarket chains.


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LL:ART: SP newsletter

2000-06-07 Thread sp

Socialist Party newsletter
Wednesday 7th June 2000
Produced every Wednesday
PO Box 1015, Collingwood 3066   Ph: (03) 9417 0805   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address: http://home.mira.net/~sp/

Newsletter back on track
The Socialist Party newsletter has been revived, and it will go out on the
email and by post every second Wednesday.

Issue 4 of Voice out
Our newspaper Voice comes out tomorrow. The centre page spread is on the
Fiji and Solomon Islands coups with maps, background factual information, a
history, and two main articles on the current situation from a socialist
perspective on the two coups.
Other articles include Aceh, British Council elections, Howard's racism,
the new Young Workers Association, campaign updates, Reith's 3rd wave, the
Olympics, an editorial on the collapse for the National Party, an article
from a new member on why he became a socialist and more. Take out a
subscription at the new special annual rate of $10. Contact us now!

Young Workers Association (YWA)
Our new youth campaign, YWA, was launched last month. For $1 young workers
can join and get access via a telephone hotline to legal and industrial
advice (we have developed a relationship with better elements in WorkCover
and JobWatch) and if necessary direct action against their employer. Up to
90% of young workers in the private sector (including retail and
hospitality) are outside the union movement. This is a long term campaign
for us to get more support from youth, and help organise youth at work. It
is potentially the most important campaign we have launched.
On the first recruitment drive on Friday 26th May we did Brunswick St,
Fitzroy and got a great response from staff in the many cafes and pubs in
the area. Some joined on the spot.
The next recruitment drive is next Wednesday at 4pm on Smith St,
Collingwood. We meet at 4pm outside radio station 3CR.
The Melbourne branch last night decided to buy a special new phone line for
the YWA hotline instead of using the SP phone number as is currently the

Angela's Ashes next week
Next week's Melbourne SP branch meeting is cancelled because members are
supporting the Community Campaign for Heroin Reform's fundraised on that
night, June 13th. At 6.45pm at the Westgarth Cinema in High St, Northcote
we are showing Angela's Ashes. Tickets $13/$10 concession, including a
light meal. Phone 9417 08085 for tickets or pay on the night.

New John Pilger movie
The Melbourne SP branch is showing the new John Pilger movie on Iraq at its
branch meeting of Tuesday June 27th at 7pm at Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and
Victoria Sts, Carlton South. Phone 9417 0805 for details. When first shown
on British TV in March it caused a sensation in its exposure of the West's
cruel sanctions against innocent Iraqi people.

National Trade Union camp
The Progressive Labour Party have agreed to co-sponsor a joint national
trade unioncamp for militant unionists with the SP. We will also approach
the Greens and DSP to join in. The camp will be held later in the year in
Melbourne, probably at Camp Eureka. Watch this space for details

Sydney Olympic Coach
The Coach from Melbourne to the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony's protest in
Homebush leaves at 6pm Thursday September 14th; returning Saturday 16th.
Deposit for a ticket is $20, the final cost will be around $50.
Tickets can going fast, so book now.

s11 campaign
On Monday September 11th the World Economic Forum meets at the Crown
Casino, Melbourne for three days. It is a collection of the world's
capitalists and government chiefs who will as a prelude to the Olympics in
an attempt to find new ways to exploit the environment, the Third World and
our wages and conditions. There will be a Seattle-style protest out the
front. The SP is supporting the S11 campaign as it prepares for the three
days. We are calling a high school strike on the Monday. Phone in for
leaflets for your school or to get to school students you know. School
student contingent will meet at 9am Monday 11th September at Flinders St
Railway Station, for a rally followed by a march to the Crown Casino.

Fighting Fund
Nearly $80 was raised inpaper sales and fighting fund at the Corroborree
2000 walk last month. Well done Sydney comrades!
In Melbourne the CCHR rally last week diverted us from the usual good sales
in the city. Better effort with the new paper this week!
In Perth comrades are distributing old copies for free to potential
contacts and in working class areas.

CWI news
The Committee for a Workers' International unites over 30 socialist parties
(including ours) around globe. *Congratulations to the Irish comrades, one
of their members has just been elected as President of the biggest white
collar union in the Irish Republic.
*The two Nigerian student comrades arrested last month have been released.
*We won a seat inCoventry (making 3 SP members on the local council) in the
recent English council elections.
*A leading Swedish Central Committee member will be visiting the Melbourne


2000-06-07 Thread Communist Party of Australia

Opposition grows to Fijian coup

Fiji's crisis is in its third week and the effects are being felt
right across the region. On Monday, June 5 reports from the
Solomon Islands indicated a coup attempt by the Malaita Eagle
Force. Key government buildings were under siege with mobs
roaming the streets.

In Fiji not only has the democratically elected government been
overthrown but the fabric of civil society is disintegrating into
mob rule as the crisis drags on. In a classic example of
appeasement the Australian Government has so far, delayed
implementation of the measures which were announced more than a
week ago.

Meanwhile acts of orchestrated violence against innocent
communities and families in rural areas have taken place.

A press release from Fiji's People's Coalition, Fiji Labour Party
dated June 3 reports on the pattern of violence saying that "They
involve groups of 8 to 10 masked men, armed with iron bars, semi-
automatic rifles, knives and rocks. Some of whom remain on guard
outside, while the others smash their way into a house, loot,
destroy and physically assault the terrified family members. In
many cases, the young daughters of a family are threatened with
rape if they do not get what they want. Temples and holy shrines
have also been deliberately targeted".

The press release states that the "raids are methodical and
planned to target Indo-Fijian families living in isolated
settlements. In some instances, the houses are burned down

The first incidents took place right after Prime Minister
Chaudhry and his government were taken hostage and have continued
since then. The perpetrators are young men from villages with
close kinship ties with George Speight.

Military, police complicity

The military government claimed to be acting to restore law and
order but clearly sympathises with Speight and his gang. There
are also reports of police complicity with police officers
actively involved in transporting slaughtered cattle and
livestock, root crops and other stolen food directly to the
parliamentary complex to feed Speight's men.

Courts are also virtually condoning the lawlessness and
criminality by imposing $20 dollar fines for stealing and

Trade unions

Fijian trade unions are angry at the continuing hijacking of the
democratically elected government.

The Fiji Trades Union Congress declared: "Like all other
democratic bodies in the country, [we] cannot give any
recognition to the unlawful and illegal interim military
government". The TU Congress will "exert all the pressure it can
to restore the 1997 Constitution and the democratically elected
government. Its resolve to achieve both these goals is absolute".

The Fijian trade unions are vowing to bring Fiji to a halt to put
pressure on the authorities and the military to rethink their

Mr Anthony, the Congress's national secretary, condemned the
Australia Fiji Business Council as "selfish" after it called on
Australian trade unions to lift bans imposed on postal, airline
and shipping services to Fiji.

The Council's president, Mr Ross Porter claimed that the bans
would only hurt innocent Fijians. In reply, Mr Anthony pointed
out that "they are looking at their business and how they [could]
continue to make their own money. We have bigger things at stake
here like democracy, the rule of law and the restoration of a
democratically elected government."

International union solidarity

The Commonwealth Trade Union Council plans to circulate a Fiji
crisis submission to members of the Commonwealth Ministerial
Action Group. John Monks, the British TUC General Secretary,
wrote to the British Foreign Minister, Robyn Cook urging the
Commonwealth to ensure that the Commonwealth continues to
recognise the Labour-led People's Coalition Government of Fiji
and that the 1997 Constitution is upheld.

"In the event of failure by the current military regime to
restore democracy and the rule of law, we would call upon the
Commonwealth to take immediate actions to expel Fiji and sever
all diplomatic, trade, sports and military links with any
illegitimate government in Fiji", said the letter.

The Executive Committee of the 20-million-strong International
Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions
(ICEM) have condemned the violence and illegality of the attempt
to overthrow the democratically elected government of Fiji. The
ICEM pledged to "mobilise a campaign of international actions" to
support the call for the release of the hostages and a return to

The ILO Workers Group has also declared its support for the
request from the Fiji Trade Union Congress for solidarity support
and action by unions in the region and internationally. The group
"welcomed the boycott action already being undertaken by
Australian workers and other trade union organisations in the

Despite the growing international trade union support for
restoration of democracy in Fiji, the main burden of the struggle