LL:PR: Workers Power on US Attacks

2001-09-14 Thread fernandezandrew


Stop US military retaliation! Fight imperialist hypocrisy! Reject 
individual terrorism!

The horrific attacks and the killing of thousands of people in New York on 
11 September have shocked millions around the world.

Revolutionary communists condemn the attack on the World Trade Centre and 
massacre of civilians, because such actions will not take forward the 
struggle against US world domination by a single step.

It is not yet known who organised these individual terrorist attacks. But 
in the midst of the wave of anger and sorrow, one thing must not be forgotten.

The attack was a consequence of the fact that the actions of the US have 
earned the hatred and indignation of millions. This is because the rulers 
of the USA dominate the globe, consign millions to poverty and debt, back 
oppressive regimes and the violation of national, human and democratic 
rights. Over the last ten years the armed forces of the USA and their NATO 
allies have bombed and blasted the civilian populations of countries like 
Iraq and Serbia that dared to oppose it.

The Western media has rushed to blame the attacks on New York and 
Washington on forces who are fighting against US sponsored oppression in 
the Middle East. If this is true, revolutionary communists - who seek the 
overthrow of global capitalism and its US superpower - believe that 
isolated terrorist attacks and civilian massacres will actually set back 
that struggle.

Whilst we remain firm in our support for the Palestinian liberation 
struggle and all resistance against imperialism, we say tactics such as 
these play directly into the hands of the imperialist enemy.

The massive loss of life? of office workers, firefighters, ambulance crews? 
has given US President Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair every 
excuse they need to:
* Step up repression against liberation movements in the Middle East and 
around the world
* Rally the shocked and terrorised populations of the capitalist 
democracies behind their leadership
* Win backing for greater internal repression and increased military spending
* Accuse Islamists of being the 'greatest threat to world peace', 
distracting attention from the carnage, war, poverty, starvation and 
suffering caused by their global capitalist system of inequality
* Pose as men of peace, when in reality they and their immediate 
predecessors are directly responsible for bombings, deaths and injuries in 
Belgrade and Baghdad running into the hundreds of thousands? far exceeding 
the bloody toll of 11 September
* Prepare a sustained war on the peoples of the Third World, especially on 
those peoples who fight back.

Not everyone around the world has viewed these events with revulsion. Those 
who have suffered or witnessed the effects of US cruise missile attacks on 
the population of Baghdad or Belgrade, the families of the 700 or so 
Palestinians killed by US-supplied weapons, including Apache attack 
helicopters, have understandably rejoiced at proof of that the world's only 
superpower Is not invulnerable They see the World Trade Centre as a symbol 
of financial capital and the elite institutions that plunder the world's 
resources. They see the Pentagon as the command centre for the USA's 
ongoing war against Iraq, Afghanistan and for military support for Israel. 
Indeed, depending on who carried it out, the attack on the Pentagon may 
indeed be a legitimate target for forces engaged in resisting the US's 

But terrorist methods? which alienate the US working class and confuse the 
anticapitalist movement, are not the way to defeat US imperialism. The 
attack on the World Trade Centre killed thousands of ordinary, often low 
paid, office workers and firefighters. The US working class today? like the 
antiwar movement of the 1960s? can enormously aid those fighting 
imperialism. For this reason such an attack was reactionary. Any members of 
the financial elite caught in the blasts can be replaced, office buildings 
can be rebuilt.

Sickening Hypocrisy
But in his expressions of shock and his stern threats to exact retribution, 
Bush is guilty of gross hypocrisy. He heads a state that?through the IMF 
and the other global financial institutions? kills hundreds of thousands of 
children every year through poverty, preventable disease, and through 
weapons sold to all sides in the conflicts which erupt as a result of this 

As the head of a state that backs Israel1s every move to suppress the 
Palestinian people, to assassinate their leaders, bulldoze their homes and 
drive them step by step from their land, he has no right to lecture anyone 
about barbarism.

He is not alone in his hypocrisy. The European Union has immediately fallen 
in behind the US, supporting Bush's claim that the target of the attack was 
not US government, finance and military power but freedom and democracy 
around the world. It is a lie, one which underlines the European Union's 

LL:PR: Socialist condemn terrorist outrage

2001-09-14 Thread Kim Bullimore

Socialists condemn terrorist outrage

[The following statement was issued by the Democratic Socialist Party on 
September 13, 2001.]

Socialists unequivocally condemn the September 11 terror bombings in the 
United States. The killing of thousands of ordinary working people is 
absolutely criminal and has nothing whatsoever to do with the struggle for 
a better world. Indeed, this atrocity will undoubtedly make this struggle 
more difficult and aid the forces of capitalist reaction.

Popular struggles throughout history have often involved the killing of 
oppressors, tyrants, police torturers and the like. Such actions may or may 
not be politically expedient. But the attack on the World Trade Center and 
the Pentagon was of a fundamentally different kind. It was a deliberate act 
of mass murder. The perpetrators made no political demands, they had no 
goal except to kill indiscriminately and inflict pain, suffering and 
devastation. It showed an astonishing callousness and brutality. Our 
sympathy and solidarity are completely with the innocent victims of these 
terrorist acts not with their perpetrators.


But our solidarity with the victims should not blind us to the absolutely 
breathtaking hypocrisy of George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Ariel Sharon and 
other imperialist spokespeople and their lackeys in the 
always-accommodating capitalist media. The outrage in the US may be 
described as the greatest act of terror of all time only with severe 
reservations. While it is certainly the greatest act of non-state terror, 
many acts of governmental terror have far surpassed it.

At the end of World War II, for example, the US leaders cold-bloodedly 
carried out the nuclear annihilation of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima 
and Nagasaki solely to demonstrate their power and intimidate the Soviet 
Union; several hundred thousand men, women and children were killed to make 
this point.

During the long Cold War with the USSR, Washington propped up scores of 
blood-soaked Third World dictatorships and helped them torture and murder 
their opponents with impunity, and helped cover up their crimes. In 1965, 
for instance, the US helped aspiring Indonesian dictator Suharto organise a 
pogrom against the left and progressive forces which massacred at least one 
million people. The long US intervention in Vietnam against the liberation 
forces there killed and maimed millions of people and inflicted massive 
material devastation on the country.

Saddam Hussein's murderous regime was another US client, being particularly 
favoured during the Iran-Iraq war of the early 1980s. Then the wheel turned 
and, for various reasons, he became a liability. Since the Gulf War, US- 
and British-backed sanctions against Iraq have led to the deaths of more 
than a million Iraqis through starvation and disease and politically 
strengthened Saddam's hold on power.

Afghanistan's brutal Islamic fundamentalist Taliban regime is a product of 
the US-backed war of the reactionary Mujahadeen freedom fighters against 
the Soviet-backed secular, leftist People's Democratic Party government. 
This was also the origin of the Saudi Islamic fundamentalist Osama bin 
Laden, Washington's current world public enemy number one and suspected 
organiser of the US attacks.

Ever since the 1959 Cuban Revolution removed Cuba from the US sphere of 
influence, Washington has organised numerous ­ terrorist ­ attempts to 
assassinate Fidel Castro. Furthermore, the US has imposed a ruinous 
economic blockade on the island for over 40 years. And right now, the US 
authorities are resisting Cuban calls for them to extradite the CIA-linked 
counter-revolutionary terrorist responsible for the 1976 midair 
bomb-destruction of a Cuban airliner off Barbados in which 73 people died.

And then there is the misery and slow death to which the mass of the 
world's people have been condemned by Western capitalism's ruthless drive 
for profit, regardless of the costs to the planet and its people. Each 
year, for instance, millions of children in the Third World die of 
absolutely preventable diseases, victims of an implacable and merciless 
economic regime imposed on their countries by imperialism and its agencies 
such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade 

Who are the major enemies of civilisation? If Osama bin Laden is a 
terrorist we would have to conclude that he is a relatively minor one. If 
there was any justice in this world, Western capitalist leaders like George 
Bush senior, Bill Clinton, Blair and Bush junior would be on trial for 
crimes against humanity. The Saddam Husseins, Suhartos and Bin Ladens would 
feature simply as their junior accomplices.

Roots of terrorism

It is still not clear who organised the terrorist operation in the US. But 
where would any terror organisation recruit people who were so embittered 
and without hope of the future that they could contemplate such a pointless 

LL:DDV: Public forum with Ali Kazak

2001-09-14 Thread Melbourne Green Left

Public Forum
Who is to blame: Middle Eastern People or US foreign policy?
Discussion on the US tragedy and possible implications
speakers include:
Ali Kazak - Head of the General Palestinian delegation to Australia and 
Palestinian Ambassador to Vanuatu
Surma Hamid - Political refugee and Representative of Worker Communist 
Party of Iraq
Alison Thorne - Socialist Alliance Senate Candidate

Thursday, 20/09/01, 7.00pm, New Council Chambers, Trades Hall, corner Lygon 
st and Victoria st., Carlton, entry by donation

sponsored by Socialist Alliance Seat of Melbourne
endorsed by: Socialist Alliance House of Representative Candidates for 
Gellibrand, Jorge Jorquera; Batman, Jackie Lynch; Corio, Tim Gooden; Wills, 
David Glanz; Aston, Josephie Cox
contact: 9639 8622, 9388 0062,  0417 537 388


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DDV: Study seminar - Against Individual Terrorism

2001-09-14 Thread Alison Thorne

Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women present a study seminar on Leon 
Trotsky's Against Individual Terrorism.

In New York and Washington DC thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of 
working people have lost their lives. This event is tragic. But despite the 
total lack of political context presented in mainstream media commentary, 
these events are not incomprehensible. The policies of the U.S. imperialism 
cause terrorism - a reaction fuelled by despair - to flourish.

The introduction to Russian Revolutionary leader, Leon Trotsky's pamphlet 
titled Against Individual Terrorism describes terrorism as an attempt to 
substitute the technical feats of a small group with a necessary social 
movement of the masses themselves.

Socialist feminist are implacably opposed to terrorism as a strategy. We 
oppose terrorism as a strategy because it provides a rationale for 
repression at home and abroad. It is used as an excuse to fuel racism and 
curtail civil liberties. What the U.S. Government and its mates Howard and 
Beazley in Canberra will attempt to do is use the tragedy in the U.S as an 
excuse to clamp down on the working class and particularly the growing 
anti-corporate mass movement.

They will crack down, but we won't back down!

Debate about terrorism raged in the movement in Russia in the decades 
leading up to the Russian Revolution. Come to a study seminar which looks 
at the theoretical lessons of last century and applies them to the searing 
reality of the world in 2001.

Sunday 30 September 11.30 am - 3.00 pm
Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick

Study guide and pamphlet: $2
Delicious lunch served for a $6 donation

Everyone is welcome to participate in this seminar

Sponsored jointly by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women, PO Box 266
West Brunswick Vic 3055. For more information call Peter on 9388-0062 or


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LL:DDV: Socialists Stand Up for Reproductive Freedom

2001-09-14 Thread Debbie Brennan

Wednesday, 26 September, 7.00
Radical Women Meeting

Not the Church, Not the State. Women Must Decide our Fate!
Stand Up for Reproductive Freedom for ALL Women

Limited as they are, women's reproductive rights are under fire. Abortion
clinics are under tight protective security from rightwing terror. In
Melbourne, a guard was recently killed. Abortion is still a crime. The
Howard Government is trying to further impose his family values by
allowing only certain women access to fertility treatment. Women with
disabilities, Indigenous women and other women of colour are sterilised.
Childcare is only for those who can afford it.

The good news is feminists are fighting back, and we can defeat the Right!
Join us in a panel discussion with Jackie Lynch, Socialist Alliance
candidate for Batman in the upcoming federal election, Melissa Venville,
federal Queer Officer for the National Union of Students, and Debbie
Brennan, veteran reproductive rights activist.

Meetings are free and held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.

Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6.00 donation. For more information,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or phone us on (03) 9386 3230


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