LL:DDV: Geelong: Study Series on Socialist Feminism

2001-09-19 Thread Debbie Brennan

Radical Women invites you to join us on Week #2 of
our 6-week study of "The Radical Women Manifesto: Socialist Feminist Theory,
Program and Organizational Structure"

Saturday, 22 September, 2.00 - 3.30 pm

This week: Origins of Oppression; Women under Capitalism; Race and Gender
New participants are most welcome.

Come at 1.30 pm for light snacks beforehand ($3.00 donation)

The Radical Women Manifesto is available in English and Spanish for $10.00
by mail (email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details). Copies will also
be available for purchase at study group meetings. Everyone is welcome!

Venue: Wathaurong Cooperative, Morgan St, North Geelong

Sponsored by: Radical Women, PO Box 94, Drysdale Vic 3222, www.socialism.com
For information or a lift, phone Brenda (03) 5253 3373 or Brigitte (03) 5241


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LL:DDV: rally 22 Sep - *no to racist scapegoating*no to war*free

2001-09-19 Thread Judith Anne McVey

the refugees
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2001 18:03:52 +1000
Precedence: bulk

Stop the war on refugees
End racist scapegoating
No to retaliation - no to war
RALLY on 22 September
1pm State Library (cnr Latrobe and Swanston sts)
Speakers include:
Barney Cooney, ALP Senator for Victoria
Andrew Rowe, Councillor, City of Moreland
Australian Arabic Council
Kate Davison, National Education Officer, NUS
Victorian Trades Hall Council
Chris Chaplin, Greens Victoria
Alison Thorne, Senate candidate Socialist Alliance
Brian Pound, Refugee Action Collective and Secretary Equity Branch MEAA
This rally coincides with the "Free the Refugees--Solidarity Bus Tour" to
Woomera Detention Centre.
The mock detention centre will be set up at the State Library

The bombings in America are awful. But war and military action are no 
solution: they simply mean more death, more destruction, more hatred, more 
refugees. We need international social justice, not revenge. We need to 
keep Australia from being involved in any military adventure. We need to 
stand up against the racist abuse being inflicted on Muslim people around 
Australia. And we need to stop the federal government using the American 
crisis to justify locking up refugees.

Ring Veronica for posters, leaflets, more details: 0421 724 905
Refugee Action Collective 0418 347 374


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LL:DDV: O3- anti-war protest

2001-09-19 Thread Sandra & Mick


The major theme of the first day of the protest at the Commonwealth
Business Forum in Melbourne on Wednesday 3 October will be opposition to
the current build up to war in the Middle East and against the racist
scapegoating of Arabs and Muslims in Australia.

A series of the heads of states, including John Howard, of the coalition
that is building up to support the US war drive in the Middle East will be
speaking at the conference. So here is a major opportunity to make our
voices heard against the war in which George Bush is threatening to engulf
us and for which John Howard is a a major cheer leader.

The protest starts at 7am on Wednesday 3 October @ the Hilton Hotel, 192
Wellington Parade, East Melbourne.

John Howard will be speaking at the forum from 5pm.

So join the protest against Bush and Howard's drive to war.

For more information on the three day CBF protest go to www.s11.org/O3

Mick Armstrong
O3 to CHOGM Alliance


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LL:ART: Bomb them with butter, bribe them with hope]

2001-09-19 Thread Cathy Picone

Bomb them with butter, bribe them with hope

A military response, particularly an attack on Afghanistan, is exactly what 
the terrorists want.  It will strengthen and swell their small but 
fanatical ranks.

Instead, bomb Afghanistan with butter, with rice, bread, clothing and 
medicine.  It will cost less than conventional arms, poses no threat of US 
casualties and just might get the populace thinking that maybe the Taliban 
don't have the answers.  After three years of drought and with starvation 
looming, let's offer the Afghani people the vision of a new future. One 
that includes full stomachs.

Bomb them with information. Video players and cassettes of world, leaders, 
particularly Islamic leaders, condemning terrorism.  Carpet the country 
with magazines and newspapers showing the horror of terrorism committed by 
their "guest".  Blitz them with laptop computers and DVD players filled 
with a perspective that is denied them by their government. Saturation 
bombing with hope will mean that some of it gets through.  Send so much 
that the Taliban can't collect and hide it all.

The Taliban are telling their people to prepare for Jihad. Instead, let's 
give the Afghani people their first good meal in years.  Seeing your family 
fully fed and the prospect of stability in terms of food and a future is a 
powerful deterrent to martyrdom. All we ask in return is that they, as a 
people, agree to enter the civilized world.  That includes handing over 
terrorists in their midst.

In responding to terrorism we need to do something different. Something 
unexpected..something that addresses the root of the problem.  We need to 
take away the well of despair, ignorance and brutality from which the Osama 
bin Laden's of the world water their gardens of terror.


Please pass this along.

It is important that we learn to think in NEW ways.  If we continue 
attacking in the old ways we will get the same old results. Look at what 
has been happening the middle east for thousands of years to see what we 
can expect if we attack with bombs and military force.

Do we want to live a life of fear as people in the middle east do?


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LL:DDV: Public Meeting: Direct Action: Lessons from recent events

2001-09-19 Thread sp


The Socialist Party, Australian section of the Committee for a workers 
international has had a wealth of experience in direct action in community 
campaigns such as the Richmond Secondary College occupation and in 
industrial disputes and mass actions like S11.

We have seen  recently in Genoa a sustained effort by the capitalist state 
to intimidate, criminalise and terrorize participants and organisers alike 
of anti-capitalist protets.

We have called a public meeting to discuss and clarify tactics, strategies 
and democratic organisational principles and structures to ensure that 
future events such as O3 achieve their objectives.

We think that such discussions are urgently needed at this time to ensure 
that our civil liberties are defended.

The meeting will be at Trades hall at 7pm on Tuesday 25th September.

You are invited to attend.

Comradely greetings,

Jim O'Connor


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LL:PR: Dalai Lama opposes use of force

2001-09-19 Thread FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign

1. Dalai Lama opposes use of force (UPI)

NEW DELHI, India, Sep 17, 2001 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- 
Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has urged the United States not 
to use force in retaliation against the terrorist strikes on New York and 

In a letter written to President Bush, the exiled Tibetan leader said the 
use of force in retaliation against the terrorist strikes on New York and 
Washington "might not be appropriate."

"Any problem within humanity should be solved in a humanitarian way and 
Ahimsa (non-violence) is the human way of approaching a target," the letter 

The Dalai Lama wrote: "The essence of all major religions, I believe, is

forgiveness, brotherhood and sisterhood along with many other things. But 
there are people who use religion ... but blaming a particular religion will

not be appropriate."

"It is wrong to describe it as an act by Muslim terrorists. Because, I think

all religions have the same potential to strengthen human values and to 
develop general harmony," the Press Trust of India reported, quoting from 
the letter.

2. Dalai Lama urges U.S. to shun violence (Reuters)

CALCUTTA, India, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Tibet's exiled spiritual leader the

Dalai Lama urged the United States on Monday not to respond militarily to 
last week's devastating attacks, saying only non-violence could combat 
international terrorism.

"While I express my sympathy, I have appealed to the U.S. president not to 
respond with more violence as violence is not an appropriate answer," the 
Tibetan Buddhist leader told a news conference in Calcutta.

The Dalai Lama fled from his homeland to India with thousands of followers 
in 1959, nine years after the Chinese army entered Tibet and overthrew the 
Buddhist theocracy there.

The 1989 Nobel Peace Prize laureate's comments came after Pope John Paul 
appealed on Sunday to the world not to allow the attacks on New York and 
Washington to lead to more violence, and not to allow "a spiral of hate and 
violence" to prevail.

The United States has pledged to avenge the attacks by hijacked airliners 
that slammed into the twin towers of New York's World Trade Center and the 
Pentagon near Washington last Tuesday.


"Most cases of violence only cause destruction...these things will have to 
be prevented the non-violent way. Only non-violent means can counter 
terrorism in the long-term," the Dalai Lama said.

The United States has said Islamic militant Osama bin Laden, harboured by 
Afghanistan's Taliban rulers, was the prime suspect behind the attacks in 
which some 5,000 people were killed or are missing.

Bin Laden, a 44-year-old multi-millionaire, has denied he was responsible, 
saying Afghanistan would not permit it.

The Dalai Lama said he believed there were numerous causes for the attacks.

"Every event has many causes...you can't just pick up one individual-- 
Osama bin Laden -- and say he was responsible. That is not realistic," said 
the Dalai Lama, whose exiled government accuses China of repression in Tibet.

"The economic gap between the rich and poor nations is one factor (that 
could have been responsible)," he said.

But the Dalai Lama said the attacks could not have been sanctified by any 

"The essence of all major religions is compassion, forgiveness, 
contentment, self-discipline and brotherhood," he said.

"Some people may only be using the name of religion to justify their 
actions," he said.


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LL:DDV: Merri Creek

2001-09-19 Thread crust

On Sunday 23 September from 10.00am to 1.00pm there will be a Wetland 
Guided Tour and Handweeding session at the Rotunda Wetland Hall Reserve 
Clifton Hill (Melway ref: 44 H1).

Guides are Ben North from Friends of the Quarries Clifton Hill and Judy 
Allen from Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Co-operative.

For more details contact Barb miles at Merri Creek management Committee on 
9380 8199.


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