LL:REM: meeting: Che Guevara today

2002-03-11 Thread Jeff Sparrow

Wednesday 13th March 6.30 pm
David Deutschmann, founder of Ocean Press and editor
of numerous books on Guevara and Cuba, speaks on the
relevance of Che to today's struggles for social

New International Books
Trades Hall
Cnr Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton Sth
ph 9662 3744 for more information




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LL:DDV: Forum: Climate, Australia and the Pacific 14th March

2002-03-11 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Climate change: Australia's policy and its regional implications

FoE presents a climate justice forum.
Dr Jon Barnett, Lecturer, Dept of Anthropology, Geography & Environmental
Sciences, Melbourne University;
Nic Maclellan, Journalist & researcher specialising in South Pacific issues;
Tristy Fairfield, FoE Australia spokesperson

Thursday 14 March, 6.30pm in the FoE bookshop
312 Smith st, Collingwood. Ph 9419 8700
Donation: $5. Finger food provided, drinks available
- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)




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LL:REM: "Building Effective Social Movements" Workshop

2002-03-11 Thread Gillian Davy

MICHAEL ALBERT, co-founder of Boston-based Z Magazine and ZNet, will 
present a one-off practical workshop for Melbourne activists.

"Building Effective Social Movements " will be held on Monday 25 March,
from 6.00-9.00pm, at RMIT University's City Campus (MultiFunction Room,
Level 4, Building 8).  Registration is just $10 full or $4 concession.

This three-hour workshop is aimed at activists and all those interested 
in building more effective social movements.  The workshop will be 
informal and interactive and will touch on the following:

- strategic thinking and vision development
- unity with difference: how different political groupings and 
tendencies can work together effectively
- contemporary perspectives: lessons from recent mobilisations around 
the world
- historical perspectives: lessons from earlier struggles and movements

Michael Albert,co-founder of Boston-based Z Magazine and ZNet. has been 
an activist for over 30 years and has written extensively on movement 
building and on alternatives to capitalism and globalisation, including
his most recent book, "Moving Forward: Program for a Participatory Economy".

For further information/registration contact:

Gillian Davy, Community Advocacy Unit
Telephone 03 9925 2910  OR  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cam Walker, Friends of the Earth
Telephone 03 9419 8700  OR  Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gillian Davy
Co-ordinator, Community Advocacy Unit
School of Social Science and Planning
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne  VIC  3001


Tel: +61 3 9925 2910
Fax: +61 3 9925 1855




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LL:PR: Community Legal Centres to oppose anti-terrorism laws

2002-03-11 Thread Damien Lawson

Media Release : For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Community Legal Centres to oppose anti-terrorism laws

The Federation of Community Legal Centres has expressed strong concern
regarding new anti-terrorism laws introduced into Federal Parliament today.

The new measures include changes: allowing ASIO to detain non-suspects 
for 48 hours incommunicado, with no right to legal representation or the 
right to silence. Other measures include new offences, which are broad 
in scope and could criminalise a range of legitimate political activity.

The Federation says the existing criminal law and processes should be 
used to investigate and prosecute terrorism.

Damien Lawson, spokesperson for the Federation of Community Legal 
Centres said today,

"ASIO will move from spy agency to secret police."

"These laws violate fundamental rights which we have had for hundreds of
years. The right not to be detained unless there is a reasonable 
suspicion you have committed a crime, the right to legal representation, 
the right to silence are democratic rights we should vigorously defend."

"We hope the Australian Labor Party will take a principled stand on 
these issues and use their ability to block or significantly amend the 
laws in the Senate."

For more information and comment:
Damien Lawson
Federation of Community Legal Centres: 03 9391 2244 or 0418 140 387

Damien Lawson


Western Suburbs Legal Service Inc.
30 Hall St, Newport 3015 VIC
03 9391 2244 (Tel)
03 9399 1686 (Fax)
0418 140 387 (Mobile)




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LL:PR: WILPF media release re Nuclear Posture Review

2002-03-11 Thread Cathy Picone


A classified Pentagon briefing paper recently leaked to the US media
calls for marked changes in US nuclear posture. Until now, US nuclear
policy (to use nuclear weapons as a last resort) has been based
around the use of nuclear weapons as deterrents.

A secret "Nuclear Posture Review" would expand the kinds of
situations in which the US would be prepared to countenance the use
of nuclear weapons by its military. The Review states that nuclear
weapons could be used by the US in three types of situations: against
targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack; in retaliation for
attack with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons; or "in the event
of surprising military developments."

The report also identifies seven countries against which the US would
be prepared to use its nuclear armoury.

Consistent with recent changes in foreign policy, this Nuclear
Posture Review,  if adopted, would see yet another sharp move towards
increased US unilateralism. Refusal to participate in the
Comprehensive Test Ban  Treaty; an announced intention to withdraw
from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty; and commitment to the
National Missile Defence system have all signalled a renewed
unilateralist inclination in the US.

"These suggested changes to US policy on the use of nuclear weapons
are provocative in the extreme and, if adopted, could only be
regarded as irresponsible," says Mary Ziesak of the Women's
International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

"If this review is adopted, the US would be giving itself carte
blanche to use nuclear weapons even against nation states which
possess only conventional weapons.

Despite US denials, this new policy review would amount to nuclear
weapons being regarded as conventional battlefield weapons.

"These are moves which would make the use of nuclear weapons more
likely and could only result in increased international tensions.

"We need to be reducing political and military tensions not
increasing them," says Ms Ziesak. "This new nuclear posture would
diminish the safety of all, including the safety of Australian
citizens. At Pine Gap, Australia hosts a base which plays its part in
the US nuclear war fighting strategy. There is ample room for a
middle ranking power on the international stage such as Australia to
stand up against these belligerent and provocative moves on the part
of the US. WILPF believes that the Australian Government now needs to
take a firm stand against the changes proposed in this policy review."

Contact: Cathy Picone 08 8296 4357




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LL:URL: Refugee deportation plans

2002-03-11 Thread Jack Smit

Project SafeCom Members
All other refugee lists
refugee groups

News update - Saturday March 9, 21:00 Taipei ST

News has just come through that the Minister for Immigration has ordered
the deportation of 700 asylum seekers from Woomera Detention Centre, 
Cocos Island and Christmas Island within weeks.

He says out of the 1,700 detainees, there are now 700 people awaiting
deportation because their asylum claims were rejected, and that another
700  detainees are appealing against adverse decisions.

The story is first reported on ABC online:


This news fills me with disgust, especially because in terms of
deportation, this Ministry can and is acting swiftly, while in terms of
assessment and acceptance the process for many drags out for months and 

Today, on the day that Amnesty International's Secretary-General, Irene
Khan, departs Australia after a formal visit because of AI's concerns 
with the detention policies, this Minister was of the opinion 'that she 
did not know the background' - but in the light of renewed protest 
action by 170 detainees in Woomera, this Minister responds with the 
"send them back" strategy. This government, faced with more 
embarrassment, is quite happy to place asylum seekers in further danger, 
rather than have a heart that speaks with and for refugees.

Australia may well be said to "refoul" asylum seekers within its own
territories - one of the clearest UN Convention Criteria - but now, with
this speedy removal, I fear that hundreds of those who will be deported, 
in addition to having undergo trauma at the hand of this government and 
its detention policies, face that refoulement again in the countries 
where they will arrive.

I ask from Amnesty International, the UN Association of Australia, the
reporting officers of UNHCR, and all other agencies charged or working 
with the care for refugee and human rights standards, as well as from 
all refugee support, lobby and action groups, AS WELL AS all politicians 
who put a heart and a conscience before their career, the following - in 
  addition to their previously agreed pro-refugee mandate:

1. to declare the strongest possible protest against these recent 
actions of the Minister for Immigration and the Howard Government;

2. - for politicians: to refuse to cooperate with the actions of this
government, to move a motion of no confidence in this government, to 
cross the floor in any decisions as appropriate, and to announce the 
blocking of supplies to this government in the Senate, thus forcing a 
double dissolution;

3. to - if this deportation happens - start on a conscious program of
closely monitoring all asylum seekers individually after their 
deportation, of course in the first place for their welfare and enabling 
further support strategies, but also in order to collect evidence for 
the future Royal Commission into the treatment of refugees by the Howard 
government - which has been called for recently and has now attracted 
about 10,000 signatures on-line at:


Jack H. Smit

Project Coordinator
Project SafeCom Inc.

   . . . . . . . . .  http://www.safecom.org/people-visa.htm




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LL:INFO: Royal Commission into Building Industry

2002-03-11 Thread Steve Smith

Dear Comrades,

Here is some information about the Royal Commission into the Building 
and Construction Industry.  Make no mistake about it, this is a Patricks 
style attack upon building unions.

The Federal Government has allocated $60 million to the building 
industry Royal Commission compared to only $29.9 million for the HIH 
inquiry.  Shadow Attorney-General Robert McCelland said, "It is 
astonishing that the government is spending twice as much on its 
politically motivated inquiry into the building industry than it is on 
the royal commission into one of the biggest and most serious corporate 
collapses in Australia's history."

The Age reported that "The revelation sparked accusations from Labor 
that the government was using tax dollars to attack unions at the 
expense of the HIH commission."

The following is a summary of the main points raised at the Senate Legal 
and Constitutional Legislation Committee on 18/2/02.

1. $60 million is to be spent on the building industry inquiry as 
opposed to $29.9 million for the HIH version.
2. $28 million is to be spent in 2001-02 and $25 million in 2002-03.
3. The Commission has 4 teams of investigators each headed by a Counsel
Assisting.  The teams include investigators, solicitors and analysts.
4. There are 16 investigators in total.  Eight of which are seconded 
from the Australian Federal Police (AFP).  Of the others, one is from 
the Western Australian police, 1 is from the Victorian police, 2 are 
from the National Crime Authority (NCA) and the others are from the 
Australian Tax Office, Australia Post, Australian Stock Exchange and BHP.
5. No AFP or NCA investigators are being used by the HIH inquiry despite
allegations about corporate crime.
6. Colin Thatcher was asked whether the Commission had been tapping 
phones.  He stated that the Commission does not have the ?authority? to tap phones. 
However he did not say that it was not being done ie. Does the 
Commission have the "authority" to ask the AFP to tap phones on their 
7. Senators Carr and Cooney criticised the fact that if a member of the
public has a complaint about the conduct of an investigator, all they 
can do is approach the Commission about it.  Hence there is little 
accountability.  There is an allegation from Mr Noonan of the CFMEU 
Victorian Branch that phones are being tapped.  There is also an 
allegation that investigators had been looking into union official's 
private lives.  Cooney stated that there had been a report that an 
investigator was asking union official's neighbours about whether they 
had heard of any domestic violence perpetrated by the official.
8. Thatcher is required to advise the Committee as to Cole's salary as 
well as the fees of Counsel Assisting.  Thatcher claimed that barrister 
fees were confidential in order to protect their commercial reputation. 
  He will look into the matter more closely.
9. Thatcher would not comment as to whether union officials were under
10. Thatcher was criticised for the fact that no action seems to have 
been taken against Tony Abbott for contempt over his letter to 
Multiplex.  Thatcher is on notice to investigate whether action has or 
will be taken.
11. Thatcher was asked what level of industrial relations experience
Commissioner Cole has.  Thatcher said his CV is on the website.  He also
said Cole has a good understanding of IR.
12. The Royal Commission has a "Media Relations Area" comprising of a 
Media Adviser, Media Coordinator and at least one other person.  The 
budget for this section is $700,000.  This is compared with a media 
budget of $140,000 for the HIH inquiry.  Senator Carr asked whether this 
implies that one is meant to be more public than the other.
13. The Commission employs a Mr Gillespe in what Thatcher says is an
administrative role.  He is formerly of the DEWRSB and the Department of
Finance and Administration.   He had a role in the Patrick's dispute.
Thatcher was asked whether Gillespe was a member of the "Workplace 
Reform Unit".  Thatcher made no comment.  Gillespe is paid under an SES 
1 rate which is substantial for someone doing purely administrative work.

$60 million is;

* More than what the Federal Government allocated in their Budget last 
year (that is for the year 2001-02 - all the following figures are based 
upon this period) to improving after hours medical care
* Over half what the Federal Government allocated in their Budget last 
year for more practice nurses in rural and regional Australia
* Just under half what the Federal Government allocated in their Budget 
last year for rural and regional telecommunications and internet services
* More that what the Federal Government allocated in their Budget last 
year for primary health care for indigenous people.
* Over 5 times more than what the Federal Government allocated in their
Budget last year to helping people find jobs
* More than 9 times more than what the Federal Government allocated in 
their Budget 

LL:DDS: Woomera tour

2002-03-11 Thread Sandra & Mick


This Easter, a demonstration will be held at the Woomera Detention 
Center in South Australia. Hundreds if not thousands of people disgusted 
at the Howard government's racist policies will be travelling to Woomera 
for a weekend of protest.

If you are angry that desparate refugees are being locked up in
concentration camps in the desert, like the infamous Woomera, in 
appauling conditions, then GET ON THE BUS!

Socialist Alternative will be organising a 'Red Bloc'. We will be 
working with other groups to make the trip as worthwhile as possible by 
being organised, discussing all the political issues regularly, holding 
workshops both before and during the trip, and making every effort to 
show the detainees that we are determined, angry and defiant in support 
of their struggle for justice.

Some quick facts about Woomera and refugees:
- The Howard government pays Australian Correctional Management (the
company that runs the refugee centers) $135 per refugee per day. This
amounts to $49275  per refugee per year to persecute them. In contrast,
welfare, english classes and assistance in job placement would cost less
than $15000 per year.
- More than 80% of detainees are found to be genuine refugees, even by 
the government's ultra-harsh criteria.
- Most refugees are fleeing from problems largely caused or aided by the
Australian government. The majority of refugees have fled war or
persecution in Afghanistan (which still continues today under the 
Northern Alliance.), or the bombing and economic sanctions on Iraq which 
still kill more than 5000 people every month. In Iraq, diahorrea is the 
leading cause of death for children under 5 - because the Australian-led 
blockade of the country does not allow most medicines into Iraq.

If you are angry about this barbarous treatment and want to come to 
Woomera with us, then GET ON THE BUS! At the moment, the trip will cost 
$100 for students, $160 for wage earners, but we are fundraising to try 
to reduce this.

To get involved either:

Come to our planning meeting: 2:30pm, Saturday 16 March
This meeting is at the New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, cnr.
Victora and Lygon St, City. If you want to book for the trip, please 
bring a deposit of $50 (we need this to book the buses).
To get there: Get to Melbourne Central Station (cnr. Swanston and 
LaTrobe St, City), then travel one block along Swanston St (passing 
RMIT), then turn right just before the city baths. Continue walking 
around RMIT - when you come to a major intersection (not the first one). 
Trades Hall is the old stone building directly opposite you. Cross over 
to it, and enter via Victoria st. Head up a few stairs, and the Bookshop 
is on your left.

OR: Call 9348 0766 and speak to Sandra or Mick.




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