LL:DDV: Coming Soon at Trades Hall

2002-06-14 Thread Trades Hall Arts

GET IT LIVE - GET IT AT TRADES HALL, the home of conscience culture ...

Bloomsday in Melbourne presents
JAMES JOYCE HITS TRADES HALL; their 9th annual celebration of Ulysses
Bloomsday tramps the worn steps of the Trades Hall to follow the
progress of James Joyce's enterprise bargaining case. Listen to what the
workers at Trades Hall and some from the slums of Dublin have to say to
him. This one-day festival will raise many questions in different media:
theatricals, music, mime, seminar papers, and even in the form of a
musical (Ulysses Cantabile, a musical in four movements) in the evening.
It employs a cast of several dozen professional actors, musicians,
theatre directors, as well as a legion of once-a-year readers. The
seminar will feature papers by Ross McMullin (on the first Labor
government anywhere in the world in Australia in 1904, the auspicious
year of the setting of Ulysses), Jim Cusack (on Union conditions in
Ireland in 1904), and Philip Harvey (on Joyce and work in Ulysses). Time
to Re-Joyce!
from 10:30am until late, Sunday June 16
All Day Tickets $65, tickets also available for individual events
Bookings Ph: 9819 0209

Public meeting - West Papua is another East Timor.
An eye witness report by Kel Dummett including a slide presentation and
5 minute film screening.
Benny Wenda, West Papuan Resistance Leader & Secretary-General of Koteka
Tribal Assembly, was arrested last Saturday by Indonesain military
forces. Wenda was taken by force without anyone showing him a Letter of
Order or telling him why he was being arrested. His arrest comes after
Papuan resistance leader, Dortheys Hiyo Eluay was kidnapped and
assassinated last year, allegedly by Indonesian Special Forces
Indonesia gained control of West Papua in 1963 from its Dutch
colonisers. An estimated 300,000 Papuans have been killed or disappeared
under Indonesian rule. A struggle for independence from Indonesia and
against multinational mining corporations, has been long and ongoing.
6:30pm Thursday, June 20th
The New Ballroom
FREE Event - all welcome
supported by: Free West Papua Collective, Asia Pacific Human Rights
www.koteka.net/ - Koteka Assembly of Tribes

WAKING UP THE NATION - Journal from the Freedom Bus
Film Screening presented by No One Is Illegal in support of the Asylum
Seeker Resource Centre
In the summer of 2002 a group of people, concerned about the
mistreatment of asylum seekers inside Australia's detention centres
decided to embark on a 2 months/15 000 kilometres journey around the
continent > Villawood > Maribyrnong > Woomera > Perth > Port Hedland >
Curtain . . . and back!!
THE MISSION - Visiting people inside the camps and creating more
awareness among the population, especially in rural towns.
THE FILM - Waking Up The Nation takes you on this inspiring journey, and
introduces you to many of the hundreds of people still incarcerated. It
also exposes some of the mistreatments at the hands of the private
corporation, which runs the camps, and the government who supports it.
"One of the most significant events for people in their time in
detention." Psychiatrist, Dr. Zachary Steele describing the Freedom Bus
8pm Thursday, June 20th
The New Council Chambers
Tickets $10 Full/ $7 Conc - Tickets at the door on the night

The Big Red Book Fair is the major fund-raiser for Trades Hall's New
International Bookshop, one of Australia's last remaining left-wing book
co-operatives. It's a bonanza of Bolshevik book-selling, transforming
for a weekend the historic corridors of Trades Hall into an emporium of
pre-loved books. The Big Red Book Fair featuring a gourmet barbecue,
raffle of signed literature and more books that you can poke a sickle
11am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday, June 22nd & 23rd Victoria St entry -
Trades Hall

Throughout the book fair Food Not Bombs will be exhibiting artwork by
some of Melbourne's brightest up and coming visual artists in the Trades
Hall Bar. The works will be auctioned in the Trades Hall Bar at 6:30pm
Monday June 24th.

54 Victoria St (Cnr Lygon St) Carlton  Ph: 9662 3555
Trades Hall Bar - open nightly from 5pm 'til late
Friday Happy Hours 4-7pm
more info visit www.tradeshallarts.com.au

"There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns - that
is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know but there are
also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don't know . .
. And each year we discover a few more of those unknown unknowns."
- Donald Rumsfeld, United States Defence Secretary

-> Pass it on


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LL:PR: Lie Leads to Suicide Attempt

2002-06-14 Thread Dave/Cherry

ACM Lie Leads to Suicide Attempt

On June 2nd, a woman who had travelled from Adelaide to visit a
refugee nurse incarcerated at the Woomera Detention Centre, was told
that the young woman she wished to visit did not want to see her.
The visitor had a letter from the refugee nurse requesting the visit.
It had been officially approved by the Department of Immigration.  It
would have been the nurse's first visit from anyone in Australia, in
the many months that she has been held at Woomera.

The truth was that the anxious young mother, who holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in nursing, had eagerly anticipated the visit.  The
ACM guard lied.  He was simply too lazy or uncaring to go and inform
the woman that she had a visitor.  The guard apparently acted
arbitrarily in cancelling the visit.

Later in the day, the same guard co-operated in organising a visit
with another female detainee, but he insisted on sitting in on the
conversation and interjected every time that he disagreed with
anything that the detainee said.  His manner, according to the woman
from Adelaide, was overbearing and obnoxious.  Any time he was
challenged or questioned, his reply was, "Tell it to Canberra."

When the refugee mother who had missed the visit was told that her
only visit had been denied, it became the last straw in a series of
disappointments.  It appears that in the same week, she had been
approved for a visa, and then the Department of Immigration had
decided to appeal against the decision.  Rather than being free while
the appeal is processed, she was told that she would still be held in
custody.  (NOTE:  This information has not yet been conclusively
verified, although the woman is definitely still being held in
custody, and she is not being allowed visitors.)

She wrote a letter the next day to a pen friend in Melbourne.  She
said of the cancelled visit, that it was "because they don't want
anyone to know about our suffering in here."  Then the letter

"I've prepared something for dying.  Just I tell you before.  I can't
continue.  It means I must lose the time.  I can't more.  I will die
because Ruddock and Howard's dirty policy.  Goodbye."

After posting the letter, she seriously slashed herself, and was
rushed to the Woomera Hospital, where she is still being treated.

It is only a matter of time before one of these suicide attempts is
successful.  Another mother is in the same hospital, recovering from
serious burns that she received in a suicide attempt nearly two
months ago.  It is rumoured that the DIMIA reaction to that suicide
attempt has been to charge the woman with arson.  (That information
also has not been verified.)

Dave McKay
Refugee Embassy
Post Restante
Woomera 5720
Phone: 0407-238805
for the moment, mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] will be automatically
forwarded to [EMAIL PROTECTED], so you may reply to either
address and it will reach me.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: Skilled 6 organising meeting

2002-06-14 Thread maureen murphy

A meeting to organise a benefit and public meeting in
support of the Skilled 6 is to be held on Monday 17
June 2002 at 5pm at the John Curtin Hotel in Lygon
Street, Carlton.

All welcome.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:URL: Day 3 - Trust the Women Convention

2002-06-14 Thread Judy Harrison



The available papers presented on the final day of the Trust the Women
Convention today are now available on the web site. Additional papers
presented on Day 1 and  2 are also now on the site at:

The Convention finished with a summary of the themes from presentations and
workshops and a number of resolutions. These should be on the web site by
tomorrow night (Friday 14th June).


Tonight in Canberra there has been a free public debate at Old Parliament
House. The topic was 'That Women Should Never Have Got the Vote,' with
Rachel Berger.

Tomorrow some delegates are staying in Canberra to take a tour that
includes the National Archives, National Library and Parliament House on
the theme of women's suffrage and women's social and political participation.


Many delegates are going back to their communities buzzing with information
and enthusiasm to discuss the issues further.

For those who were unable to attend the Convention but are interested in
leading a workshop in your area, there are ideas on the web site at:

or contact National Community Coordinator, Robin Tennant-Wood, at the
Conference Coordination Office from next week
ph: 02 6247 6679  fax: 02 6247 4669  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Community workshops are coming up as follows:

17 June, Katanning, Western Australia
20 June, MT Gambier SA
28 June, north east of Alice Springs, hosted by the Marle Ingkhereke
Arndaritjika Aboriginal Corporation
29 June, Tennant Creek, NT
29 June, Broulee, NSW
Contacts for these workshops are on the web site at


If you would like to order a copy of the Trust the Women Convention photo
or postcards or tea towel that have the Convention logo on them, you can
use the order form on the web at:


Or phone the Coordination Office from next week to have the order form
faxed or posted to you.

Regards, Judy Harrison
For the Canberra organising committee


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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