2002-08-22 Thread NIBS


Wednesday 28th August 6.30 pm
New International Bookshop Meeting Room
Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton Sth

As part of the regular Wednesday night at the New International Bookshop
series, NIBS presents a discussion of the past, present and future of the
newest Pacific state. After comments from a panel of Timor experts, the
topic will be opened for discussion and debate from the floor.

Speakers include:

Gerson Alves, a graduate in Agricultural Economics
from the University of Timor Loro Sa'e, has worked
in microfinance, in public health and as District
Facilitator of the Community Empowerment Project.
He is currently a Masters student in Environmental
Management at Victoria University, St Albans and
Vice-President of the East Timor Students Association.

Joao Cancio Freitas, Lecturer at the University of
Timor Loro Sa'e in Public Administration and Deputy
Director of the National Research Centre, PhD
candidate at Victoria University and Chair of the
East TImor Think Tank on Local Government.

Dr Helen Hill, Senior Lecturer in Asia-Pacific
Sociology at Victoria University, convenor of the
VU East Timor Working Group and President of
the Australia-East Timor Association. She wrote
a Masters thesis on FRETILIN in the 1970's,
recently published as Stirrings of Nationalism in
East Timor: FRETILIN 1974-78, and currently
researching a book on the transition to
independence. She has spent almost a year in
TImor in the post-ballot period.

Alex Tilman, Secretary of the East Timor Students
Association, has worked for the Department of
Serious Crimes in the UN Transitional Administration
in East Timor, he is currently working on an Honours
thesis at Victoria University on the politics of
Constitution Making in East Timor.

Entry: members/subscribers $5, others $6, concession, $2

for more information, call 9663 4744 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeff Sparrow
New International Book Co-operative
Trades Hall
Box 18
54 Victoria St
Carlton Sth 3053
Mon-Fri 9am-6.30 pm Sat 11am-5pm
tel 03 9662 3744 fax 03 9663 4755

to receive regular updates about bookshop events, send a message to

"Comrades, cling to your principles! Be men and women! We are fighting 
for freedom; why should we falter?"
J.W.Fleming, 1889



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: Coming Soon at Trades Hall

2002-08-22 Thread Trades Hall Arts

GET IT LIVE - GET IT AT TRADES HALL ARTS, bringing class back into the
class struggle . . .



An Inaugural State of the Nation Address and Evening of Comic Vengeance

Must end this Friday . . .
'Brilliant observations only whet our appetite for more, like the
description of Ruddock's "cryogenic charm" . . . Once again, Quantock
delivers telling blows to the right with disarming humour, cunningly
disguised intelligence and idiosyncratic charm.' - Hellen Thomson, The
Age Monday 5/8/02

Direct from his 2002 Comedy Festival triumph, ëScum Nationí, Melbourne
comedy legend and the comedian they said killed Kennett is ready to take

up his hatchet-of-humour once more and get stuck into everything from
our Incredible Shrinking P.M. to The War on Trevor. Rod Quantock applies

himself to the geo-eco-socio-political post-S11 landscape. . . because a
comedian has to do what a comedian has to do.

The New Council Chambers
8:15pm Thursday & Friday, Aug 22 & 23
Tickets: $30 Full/ $22.50 Conc
Bookings Ph: 1300 136 166, visit www.ticketmaster7.com.au or buy at the
door on the night
Stage Left Review

FAINTING 33 TIMES presented by La Trobe University Student Theatre

Must end this Sunday . . .
Fainting 33 Times explores the last five years of the life of the great
Russian director, Vsevelod Meyerhold - one of the 20th century's
greatest theatrical innovators and the pioneer of Biomechanics. It
begins with his 1935 production of 33 Swoons, which comprised three
short farces by Anton Chekhov.
The production follows his struggles with the Soviet authorities, the
closure of his theatre and ends with his trial, torture and execution by
the NKVD in 1940. Fainting 33 Times will evoke  the spirit of the
cultural explosion that occurred in Russia in years following the
revolution. Written by Adam Cass, Directed by Bob Pavlich

The New Ballroom
8pm Wed - Sat & 6pm Sundays, until August 25th
Tickets: $14 Full/ $8 Conc  Bookings Ph: 9479 1198


FEMALE PARTS presented by Difficult Women Theatre Company

Must end this Sunday . . .
Welcome to a funny night at the theatre . . . Female Parts is a
production which draws attention to female oppression but is, at the
same time, shamelessly entertaining. Drawing on the traditions of
Brecht, Burlesque, Performance art and Day-time television, Female Parts
promises to take audiences on an exciting and wicked adventure into
hyper domesticity. Female Parts shines a comic light onto the reality of
working women and mothersí lives. It explores the daily domestic chaos
of a woman preparing herself for work and her baby for childcare, the
dilemmas of a middle class house-wife who is trapped and abused, and the
struggles of an articulate, upwardly mobile newly pregnant intellectual

WAKING UP: daily domestic chaos winds itself into the beginning of a
THE SAME OLD STORY: a late in the day, left wing, intellectual pregnancy
becomes a twisted fairy-tale.
A WOMAN ALONE: trapped cabin fever housewife armed with an iron attempts
to wrest control of her oppressive environment.

THIS IS FEMINIST FARCE! Fast, funny, smart and sexy. They may be chained
to the kitchen sink, but beware! The drawers are full of sharp things!

The Old Council Chambers
7.30pm Tues - Sat, 6pm Sunday Aug 20 - 25
Tickets: $18.50 Full/ $13 Conc  Bookings Ph: 9417 0776


THE PARTY ROOM - A Keep Left Theatre Benefit Fundraiser

Everything is stuffed . . . so, for one night only, The Keep Left
Theatre Company is turning the Trades Hall Bar into THE PARTY ROOM!
Featuring new and pre-loved comedy skits from Frank Otis, scenes from
(and news of the return of) Safe Haven, a sneak preview of the new Keep
Left Theatre full length play, music from Spotswood Swing and The Keep
Left Quartet plus much, much more. Money raised will assist the funding
the next Keep Left Theatre production which will be announced on the
night. Remember . . . Keep Angry, Keep Active, Keep Left!

Here is what famous people think about Keep Left Theatre:-
"They put the T in Terror" - George W Bush
"They should lighten up and call themselves The Give Way To The Right
Theatre Company" - Meg Lees
"I heard some of them even shower in the nude" - George Pell
"What they are doing is illegal and it is th

LL:PR: Refugee Embassy closes down

2002-08-22 Thread Dave/Cherry

Refugee Embassy Closes Down

submitted by Dave McKay

The Refugee Embassy which has been based at Woomera since Easter of
this year, has announced that it is closing down.

Ross Parry and Dave McKay started the bus-based "embassy" as an
attempt to provide better communication and moral support between
asylum seekers imprisoned at Woomera and members of the general

They announced their intentions to visit detainees on a regular
basis, as well as putting fellow Australians in contact with
detainees for the purpose of writing to and telephoning them.

An indefinite ban (by the Department of Immigration) on the two men
visiting detainees has restricted them in their efforts, but did not
stop them from arranging visits for many other people, and from
campaigning for better conditions inside the detention centre.

Eventually, with help from his wife, Cherry, who was allowed to visit
detainees, Dave produced a book of profiles about specific residents
of the desert concentration camp, called "The Worst of Woomera".
Sales of the book are now approaching 50,000.  It has been a powerful
tool in introducing the general public to the human face of asylum

"We knew from the start that we could not stay on here indefinitely,"
Ross Parry said today.  "And we have been trying to encourage others
to come and take over what we have started."

The Embassy's efforts to assist detainees were seriously hampered
when an opponent of the embassy turned up in town and was granted
free access to detainees, some of whom she convinced that the Refugee
Embassy was out to get them or their relatives killed.

"This woman has been here for more than two months now," complained
Dave Mckay, "and she has done little if anything to help the
detainees.  Her main contribution has been to undermine our efforts.
Detainees are being torn in two, and we cannot function under this
kind of opposition."

Both McKay and Parry say that fresh faces could be the answer to both
of their problems.  If someone else were to set up in Woomera, they
might be able to get permission to visit, and they might be able to
shake the stigma which the agitator has generated with regard to the
Refugee Embassy.

It is understood that the woman herself has now been banned from
visiting detainees, because of the distress that her presence has
generated amongst asylum seekers there.

Both Ross Parry and Dave McKay will continue to maintain contact with
detainees by mail and post from the East Coast, and they will
continue to produce "The Freedom Banner", a newspaper consisting of
contributions from the detainees themselves.  (It is composed and
printed outside the prison, and then posted in to the detainees for

In addition, Ross and Dave will continue to promote and distribute
copies of "The Worst of Woomera" to people around Australia.  Copies
may be ordered singly, or in bulk (up to 880 copies at one time),
from the email address, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or via Box A678, Sydney
South 1235.  There is no set price on the 32-page A4 sized books,
which have been produced for less than fifty cents each.  People are
asked to contribute as little or as much as they feel they can

"Even if you cannot afford to pay fifty cents, do not let it stop you
from ordering copies to distribute in your neighbourhood, at work, or
at school," they said.

Dave McKay 0422-142-702
Ross Parry 0407-238805
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to
remain silent and do nothing."



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDV: Is wind power disadvantaged in the Electricity Market?

2002-08-22 Thread Andrea Sharam

The Energy Action Group presents

Is wind power disadvantaged in the National Electricity Market?

Professor Hugh Outhred

wind power, security of supply  and the 'market'

Dr Hugh Outhred is from the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for
Renewable Energy at the University of New South Wales and has written
extensively on the national electricity market. The Energy Action Group
represents electricity users on the Reliability Panel of the National
Electricity Code Administrator.

Thursday 5th September 2002
Victoria University Conference Centre
level 12, 300 Flinders St

Energy Action Group
Inquiries: 041 736 2709 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Want to do some pre-reading?

This is a free event


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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