LL:ART: Editorial: Crucial test, crucial time

2002-10-01 Thread CPA

The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
October 2nd, 2002. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial: Crucial test, crucial time

The Australian Government is busy re-writing its strategic military 
plans along the lines laid down by the US in its National Security 
Strategy document issued by Bush on September 17. It is a chilling 
document of militarization and war throughout the world using the phony 
"war against terrorism" as the justification.

Defence Minister Robert Hill foreshadowed the Government's thinking in a
speech last week. Its direction is indicated by Hill's remark that "the
Australian Defence Forces (ADF) will continue to find themselves turning 
up in unexpected places far from our shores".

Bush's statement says: ". the US will require bases and stations within 
and beyond Western Europe and Northeast Asia, as well as temporary 
access arrangements for the long-distance deployment of US forces."

To look after the global interests of the transnational corporations 
these governments require "transnational security", to use Robert Hill's 

Readers may be astounded to learn that Australian military forces are 
not only in East Timor, Afghanistan and in the Gulf but are now to be 
found in Kyrgyzstan and Diego Garcia. (Diego Garcia is an island 
strategically based in the Indian Ocean which is used by Britain and the 
US as a base for communications, and the refuelling and resupplying of 
ships and aircraft. It could be used to control traffic through the Suez 
and launching or supporting an attack on Iraq.)

Other countries in which Australian military forces are to be found 
include PNG, Bougainville, Indonesia (obvious from issues raised by 
Senator Faulkner last week in the Senate about the sinking of the 
refugee boat SIEV-X), Malaysia and in several other countries under the 
UN "peacekeeping" flag. They are also almost certainly operating in Iraq 
at the present time.

In respect to Indonesia, the Australian Government is attempting to
re-establish working relations with the Indonesian Army (the TNI). 
Despite the role of the TNI in maintaining in power the Suharto 
dictatorship, Robert Hill asserted that the "TNI will remain a 
fundamentally important institution in Indonesia. Its handling of 
difficult internal security problems across the archipelago will have a 
crucial bearing on stability".

The reality is however, that elements in the TNI are not the solution to 
but the cause of instability as their forces manoeuvre to re-establish 
its dictatorship over Indonesian politics.

Underlying the Government's review of "defence" strategy is the 
intention to act as the deputy sheriff of the US as it pursues its 
objective of world domination and, for this purpose, to join with the US 
in its various military adventures. Referring to the "war on terrorism" 
Hill says that "this is a conflict more likely to be fought out well 
beyond Australian shores".

The Government's strategy has no use for the United Nations. It does not
even rate a mention in Robert Hill's review.

The recent criticisms of the Government's policies by former political
leaders and some retired Army and Navy commanders express fundamental
disagreement with the whole strategic approach that the Government is
attempting to foist on the people of Australia and on Australia's 
military forces.

Responsible military commanders are concerned that Australian forces 
under their command should not be put into impossible and dangerous 
situations merely on the demand of the US.

The Government's strategy also leads inexorably to the destruction of 
the United Nations and its replacement by US unilateralism and 
pre-emptive strikes. This option has been clearly spelt out by Bush in 
his insistence that if the UN does not act the US will.

This is not a new policy. The US has for a long time ignored those UN
decisions with which it disagrees. The many UN decisions relating to 
Israeli aggression are just one example. The refusal of the US to 
support the creation of the International Court of Justice is another.

The people of Australia and other countries face a crucial test. EITHER 
the rule of law, collective decisions by the UN and the various 
covenants of the UN are to be abided by OR its replacement by US 
unilateralism backed up by its military power, war, occupation, bribery, 
threats, assassinations and the whole armoury of US coercion in the sole 
interests of the United States.



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LL:DDV: Outworker Forum & Briefing Melb

2002-10-01 Thread kylie wilkinson

Outworker Forum:

Outworker speaking on why we need legislation
Briefing on Legislation
Action Group and FairSchool Wear Updates

Where: TCFUA  - Level 2 132 Leicester St Carlton
When: Thursday 17th Oct. @ 3 - 4.30 pm

Dear FairWear Supporter,

We are writing to ask for your support for Outworkers at this critical
time. There is now a real possibility of achieving legislation for
outworkers in Victoria. The Family and Community Development committee
inquiry into the conditions of clothing outworkers, released a report 
last week, recommending that the State Government introduce legislation 
for outworkers as was introduced in NSW in December 2001.

The NSW legislation, or Ethical Trading Act, provides some of the 
essential framework for protection's for outworkers, offering a real 
prospect of changing the exploitative culture in the industry and giving 
outworkers wage justice at last.

The legislation allows for outworkers to be deemed employees, and the
capacity for outworkers to recover monies up the contracting chain 
beyond the person who gives them work. It also provides for a state 
Retailers Code, similar to the Code recently launched in NSW, to ensure 
transparency in the contracting chain and for accreditation to the 
Homeworkers Code of Practice. Legislation to cover all links in the 
contracting chain is needed to give outworkers the same rights as other 
Australian workers to fair wages and conditions.

Actions you can take
*Fax, post or email letters urging the Government to keep their
pre-election promise to outworkers and introduce legislation to end
exploitation within the clothing industry.
*Fax, post or email letters to the Opposition encouraging them to show
bipartisan support for legislation for outworkers.
*Pass on this request far and wide and get Networks to call or send
letters, faxes and emails and come along the campaign briefing.
*Form a delegation and see Ministers, Independents or your local member 
to ask them to support these most vulnerable and underpaid of workers.
*Join FairWear in actions to highlight the need for effective legislation.

In the lead up to the State election we are stepping up the campaign for
legislation. The next few months are important. A real opportunity 
exists to make an immeasurable difference to the lives of outworkers and 
their families, to end the $2 and $3 an hour wages. We need to see 
effective legislation for outworkers in Victoria and we are seeking your 
support to do this. For further information or to let us know if you or 
a representative from your organisation will be at the briefing please 
ring 92515270 or 0403 920 195.
Yours sincerely,
Karrina Nolan - FairWear Coordinator

130 Lt Collins St Melbourne 3000
Ph 92515270 fax 96504490

Why Outworkers need legislation - Points to inlcude in your letter

*Outworkers in Victoria still have no legal protections, despite 
numerous Senate inquires, reports, commissions and academic research 
which has documented the vulnerable position of outworkers who often 
work long hours, with pay rates as low as $2-$3 an hour. Many companies 
in Victoria are not party to the Federal Award and do not have any 
obligations about what pay and entitlements they provide to outworkers. 
Legislation would go some of the way to address the culture of 
exploitation in the industry.

*An inquiry conducted by the Family and Community Development Committee 
into the conditions of clothing outworkers released a report in 
September 2002 recommending that the Victorian Government introduce 
legislation. The Government attempted to introduce legislation for 
outworkers as part of the Fair Employment Bill in 2000, which did not 
receive support from the liberals.

*We are calling on the Bracks Government to keep their election promise 
of ending exploitation within this industry and to initiate specific
legislation to ensure outworkers receive a fair go. We are urging 
bipartisan support for legislation to protect outworkers.

*It is also time for the Government to set an example and end 
exploitation through ensuring all government contracts are covered by an 
ethical procurement/sourcing code. Governments on NSW and QLD have 
already done this.

*Legislation is necessary as retailers continue to renege on their
responsibilities under the voluntary industry Homeworker's Code of 
Practice, most companies who are signed on are refusing to support the 
accreditation and labelling parts of the code.  This refusal to abide by 
the voluntary code demonstrates why legislation is necessary.

The Hon Robert Doyle
Leader of the Opposition
Parliament House, Melbourne 3002
Ph: 9651 8512
Fax: 9651 8426

Phil Honeywood
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
44 New St, Ringwood 3134
Ph: 9870 7396
Fax: 9870 9518 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andrew McIntosh
Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations
Suite 1, 400 High St, Kew 3101
Ph: 9853 2999
Fax: 9853 1299 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Lenders

LL:DDV: Hard Travelling - the Woody Guthrie Story in Song

2002-10-01 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Hard Travelling - the Woody Guthrie Story in song

an informative and entertaining night rediscovering the songs and
stories of Woody Guthrie - from the Dust Bowl Ballads, union and
anti-fascist songs.

Acts include:

Peter Hicks (Tasmania)
Melanie Shanahan (Akasa)
Victorian Trade Union Choir

and more...

$5.00/$8.00 (includes nibbles)
Trades Hall Bar, cnr Lygon Street & Victoria Street, Carlton
Thurs Oct  31st  7.30

proceeds go to Green left Weekly newspaper
for bookings contact Margarita on 9639 8622



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2002-10-01 Thread Ben Donnelly

Please circulate widely (apologies for cross posting)

 *Saturday 5th October
 *11:00am on the George St entrance of the Hilton
 *(opposite Queen Victoria Building)

Workers at the Sydney Hilton have voted to take industrial action on
Saturday 5th October from 6:00am and need your support!

Anyone who could attend at this time would be much appreciated. However 
the community rally will occur at 11:00am on the George St entrance of 
the Hilton (opposite the Queen Victoria Building).

The strike follows the collapse of union-management talks on Monday, 
over the hotel's plans to sack nearly 500 workers so they can implement 
a $400 million renovation.

There are two outstanding issues:-
1. Some of these workers have worked at the hotel for over 20 years and 
will only recieve 8 weeks pay as they are under a federal award.

2. The hotel will not guarantee total preference of employment when the
hotel reopens in 2004.

**FOR MORE DETAILS: http://www.lhmu.org.au/union/737.html

**You can also support the LHMU Hotel Union campaign by sending a 
protest e-mail to the Sydney management at LabourStart's Sydney Hilton 
Hotel protest webpage


For more information contact:

Jagath Bandara - 0425 214 618

Rebecca Reilly - 0425 214 598



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LL:ART: Marching for Peace

2002-10-01 Thread CPA

The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, October 2nd, 
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795. CPA Central Committee:
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Marching for peace, against war

 From London to Sydney and from Rome to Washington, hundreds of thousands
marched over the weekend to stop an illegal war against Iraq.

In London, estimates of the numbers ranged from 150,000 (the police) to 
over 350,000 by the march organisers.

"Nothing can take the British people into a war that they do not accept 
and do not want", said former Labour Party MP, Tony Benn. "When the 
bloodshed begins, if it does, criminal responsibility for what has 
happened will rest with those who have taken that decision. There is a 
share of responsibility with us as well."

The Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone said: "This is the largest march 
for peace I have seen in 30 years. This will have an electrifying effect 
on the Labour Party conference and on those MPs opposed to war.

Over one hundred thousand flag-waving, whistle-blowing and chanting
demonstrators took to the streets of Rome last Saturday.

In Sydney about 2000-3000 marched from Town Hall Square to Belmore Park.
Speakers included John Sutton, National Secretary of the CFMEU and 
Meredith Bergmann, Labor Party MLA in the NSW Parliament.

Following the joint statement from former Australian Prime Ministers, 
former Army and Navy Chiefs of Staff and the National Secretary of the 
RSL, David Woolcott, the former Australian representative to the United 
Nations, also came out in opposition to unilateral action by the US.

A letter published in the "Sydney Morning Herald" by Major-General 
Stretton (ret) asks, "How could Australia be under any threat from a 
county with no current nuclear weapons, no delivery system ... and a 
country which would not even be interested in Australia were it not for 
our belligerent talk of supporting America in an attack.

"There is simply no rationale for Australia to be involved. To send 
young Australians into a war ... is irresponsible to say the least."

In Washington, thousands of people opposing war with Iraq marched to the
residence of Vice President Dick Cheney on Sunday, culminating three 
days of demonstrations in the US.

"Many thinking people are questioning this war", said Rita Clark a 70 
year old grandmother. "I have to do this for my children and 
grandchildren", she said.

Protestors held banners saying "No Blood for Oil" and blamed Cheney for
pushing the nation towards war.

There were protest marches in Cyprus, Spain and many other countries.

Many more actions are planned in Australia, Britain, the USA and 
elsewhere during October. In Australia, there will parallel actions this 
week in solidarity with the big protest at the US Pine Gap base in the 
Northern Territory.

Meanwhile US attorneys, Carl Messineo and Mara Verheyden-Hilliard have
declared that "no UN resolution and no Congressional resolution can 
legalise an illegal war. A war of aggression violates the US 
Constitution, the United Nations Charter and principles of the Nuremberg 
Tribunal. It violates the collective law of humanity that recognises the 
immeasurable harm and unconscionable human suffering when a country 
engages in wars of aggression.

"The US administration is now waging a campaign to convince the people 
of the United States to fall into step and finance with money and blood 
this war brought for conquest on behalf of the corporate and oil 
interests that make up Bush's true constituency."

Commenting on the National Security Strategy document issued by 
President Bush on September 17, the attorneys said that "Bush's 
pre-emptive war against Iraq doesn't even purport to pre-empt a physical 
attack. It purports to pre-empt a threat that is neither issued nor 
posed. Iraq is not issuing threats of attack against the United States. 
It is only the United States which threatens war.

"It is not for disarmament. It is the US which has stockpiled nuclear,
biological and chemical weapons. It is the US which is directly 
threatening to use these weapons against another country. It is the US 
which has bombed Iraq relentlessly for more than ten years, killing 
scores of innocent civilians.

"There has been no evidence that Iraq is capable of an attack on the US, 
let alone possessing the intention of carrying out such an attack", said 
the attorneys.

UN Security Council members France, Russia and China, who have the power 
to veto any Security Council resolution, have refused to support the 
proposed US-British war resolution.

Voices need to be raised to ensure that these governments reject US and
British pressure and blandishments and exercise their votes rath

LL:DDV: friends of the earth needs volunteers for sun 6/10

2002-10-01 Thread howard marosi


Comedy Theatre- Sun 6 Oct 02
Backstage volunteers needed
Spike Milligan Tribute- promoted by ABC
For a few hours  between noon and midnight
Lifting  couches and tables, also looking for a rigger to hang banners
Dinner provided
Call Howard 9527 3236 asap


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LL:INFO: Socialist Alliance state registration a certainty!

2002-10-01 Thread Graham Matthews

Socialist Alliance will be a registered political party for the coming
Victorian state election. Over the last few weeks, Socialist Alliance
members been polled by the Victorian Electoral Commission to varify that
the party has at least 500 members. Today, positive responses to the VEC
questionnaire reached 502.

There follows from tomorrow a four week period where objections to
Socialist Alliance's registration can be made. The grounds for objection
however are particularly narrow, and will not be satisfied. It is a
certainty therefore that Socialist Alliance will achieve registration
before any early election called by the Bracks government.

Successful state regitration will mean the identification of Alliance
candidates with 'Socialist Alliance' on all ballot papers. At last there
will be an easily identifiable socialist alternative for elections in
this state.

On behalf of Socialist Alliance I would like to thank all individuals
and organisations who have made this success possible. It is testament
to what a united left can achieve together.

Once again our thanks to all who have contributed.

In solidarity,

Graham Matthews
Socialist Alliance state co-convenor.


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LL:DDV: Land Justice for Indigenous People

2002-10-01 Thread Jennifer Perlstein

Land Justice
for indigenous people
7.30 pm, Thursday,  October 10
Coburg Concert Hall;
in Coburg Town Hall; facing Urquhart Street, Coburg
Melway 17 J12;  Tram No 19 along Sydney Rd;  Upfield train to Coburg
Station;   Bus No 513 along Bell St

Ian Hunter:  Wurrundjeri Elders Representative
Joe Caputo:  Mayor of Moreland
Annette Xibberas: Kulin Nation Cultural Heritage Organisation
Tony Shelley: National Native Title Tribunal
Joel Wright: Gunditjmara claimant and Indigenous Education Officer, NTEU 
Peter Seidel: Yorta Yorta Native Title Claim Case Lawyer

Funded By Moreland City Council
Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, MORELAND/WILLS,
Contact Jenne: 0414 650 727;   Les: 9380 8158;email:
ANTaR meets: 8-9 pm, First Thursday of every month, Café Mingo, 600
Sydney Road, Brunswick.


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