LL:ART: Bush and Blair's war without end

2003-02-04 Thread CPA
The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, February 5, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Bush and Blair's war without end

So you think the war on Iraq is all about weapons of mass destruction?

Maybe about Saddam Hussein's dictatorship - about "regime change"? WRONG!

About Iraqi links with al Qaida or other terrorists? WRONG!

That Iraq has not complied with the UN Security Council resolutions? 

That the US and Britain (and their Australian deputy sheriff) are about
bringing "freedom and democracy"? WRONG.

About seizing control of Iraq's oil? That is a main part of the plan but
even that is not all.

by Anna Pha and Peter Symon

"Regardless of whether we say so publicly", said defence intelligence 
expert Anthony H Cordesman of the influential Washington Center For 
Strategic and International Studies, "we will go to war because Saddam 
sits at the centre of a region with more than 60% of all the world's oil 

In a draft plan prepared by the Pentagon and quoted in the New York 
Times (9-3-92) it was stated quite bluntly: "In the Middle East and 
South West Asia our overall objective is to remain the predominant 
outside power in the region and preserve US and western access to the 
regions oil."

Ten years on that objective has not changed.

Vice President Dick Cheney received an energy policy report five months
before September 11, 2001, advocating the use of military force against 
any enemy such as Iraq to secure US access to and control of Middle 
Eastern oil fields.

"Iraq remains a destabilising influence to . the flow of oil to
international markets from the Middle East. Saddam Hussein has also
demonstrated a willingness to threaten to use the oil weapon and to use 
his own export program to manipulate oil markets", said the report to 
the Pentagon.

The report titled Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st 
Century describes the energy sector as being in a critical condition. It 
says, "A crisis could erupt at any time [which] could have a potentially 
enormous impact on the US . and would affect US national security and 
foreign policy in dramatic ways."

The report raises concerns about the US becoming too reliant on foreign
powers supplying it with oil and gas and the growing anti-American 
feeling in the oil rich states.

"Gulf allies are finding their domestic and foreign policy interests
increasingly at odds with US strategic considerations, especially as
Arab-Israeli tensions flare", said the report.

"They have become less inclined to lower oil prices . A trend towards
anti-Americanism could affect regional leaders' ability to co-operate 
with the US in the energy area."

This fear of oil states in the Middle East being beyond the control of 
the US and its energy corporations is behind the wider objective of the 
US which is expressed when George Bush says in his State of the Union 
speech, "Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, 
unlike any other we have ever seen".

George Bush makes it very clear when he says, "Every nation in every 
region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us or you are 
with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to 
harbour or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a 
hostile regime."

Hence the agenda, of which war on Iraq is only the beginning, is not 
only the establishment of a US base in Iraq and a compliant Government, 
but it involves a far broader objective -- that of controlling all 
Middle Eastern oil. Any threat to this objective will be dealt with.

Redrawing the map

For many decades British and French imperialist interests dominated the
Middle East. With the break-up of the Ottoman Empire and following WW I, 
the spoils were divided up and new states carved out by these two 
powers. French power predominated in Syria and Lebanon. British power 
held absolute sway in Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

The US objective is not simply to seize control of Iraqi oil but all the 
oil resources of the Middle East and if this involves the redrawing of 
the political map in the face of rising anti-American sentiments, this 
will also be done.

Today the four biggest and most powerful petroleum corporations in the 
world are based in Britain and the US: Exxon-Mobil, Shevron-Texaco, 
British Petroleum-Amoco and Royal Dutch-Shell.

This explains why the Blair Government has so enthusiastically lined up 
with the US objectives of war and redivision. It also explains the 
resistance of France and Germany. They are being excluded and as a 
by-product, the Euro as a currency will 

LL:DDN: The power of our 'alliance of the unwilling'

2003-02-04 Thread Hassan Naif
HI All,
The Medical Response on War in Iraq.
There will be a meeting to be held at 1pm at Westmead Hospital on 
Thursday February 20th on the medical stand on war against Iraq. The 
Speaker is Dr Keith Suter (Author and Broadcaster) and the meeting will 
be chaired by Professor R Kefford, Chair Division of Medicine, 
University of Sydney, Western Sydney.

Peace for all,


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2003-02-04 Thread FoE Sydney - Nuclear Campaign

The  Australian Senate has given the government both barrels on Iraq in 
a motion now under debate that censures the government for 
forward-deploying troops without revealing to the people of Australia 
the commitments on which that deployment has been based.

The Walk Against War Coalition, a Sydney-based coalition of more than 60
groups including religious organizations, trade unions,  peace groups, 
and a wide variety of community groups has welcomed the vote, while 
emphasizing that military action against Iraq would be unacceptable with 
or without a UN security council resolution.

According to Coalition spokesperson Hannah Middleton:
"We welcome the fact that the Senate has expressed strong opposition to
unilateral military action with Iraq, and to the manner in which the
current deployment has taken place. In doing so, the Senate has 
recognized the fact that a mere 6% of Australians support unilateral 
action, while 80% oppose it. We reiterate that even with a Security 
Council resolution - a resolution that would inevitably be bought about 
by undue pressure from the Bush administration - military action should 
not be contemplated, and we are convinced that most Australians will 
oppose it.  The troops must be bought back."

The Coalition said that:
"We are committing Australian troops to harms way, and participating in
what will mean the deaths of thousands or tens of thousands of Iraqis,
based on a lie. The lie is that Iraq somehow represents a military threat."

"The one thing that is clear from the recent Blix Report and the El 
Baradei report is that Iraq really has very little that constitutes any 
significant threat to the world. Iraq has little or nothing that 
threatens either the region or Australia, and nothing that warrants a 
rush to military action. Iraq has questions to answer about Vx 
precursor, missiles, and biological agents. That is why we need to keep 
the inspectors in Iraq."

"The Senate has sent a signal to the government that our involvement is
ill-advised and precipitate. "

Bruce Childs 9389-0993
Hannah Middleton 0418-668-098
Nick Everett 0409-762-081
John Hallam 9567-7533 h9810-2598

The following motion is now being debated in the Australian Senate and 
it is hoped it will pass.

I move an amendment to the Government motion in the following terms:

"That the Senate take note of the statement and:

1.  Censures the Government for forward-deploying Australian troops to a 
potential theatre of war with Iraq in the absence of any United Nations 
authorisation and without revealing to the Australian people the
commitments on which that deployment was based;

2.  Declares its opposition to a unilateral military attack on Iraq by 
the United States;

3.  Insists that the disarmament of Iraq proceed under the authority of 
the United Nations;

4.  Expresses its full support and confidence in our servicemen and
women, while expressing its opposition to the Government's decision to
forward-deploy them;

5.  Expresses its total opposition to any use of nuclear arms and that 
Australian support should not be provided to any operation where such 
weaponry may be used; and

6.  Declares that it has no confidence in the Prime Minister's handling 
of this grave matter for the nation.


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LL:DDN: Is North Korea next? ASAP forum reminder

2003-02-04 Thread Iggy Kim
Reminder about the next ASAP forum:

Bush's War Drive: Is North Korea Next?

Guest speaker: Kang Hyo-Soo, Student activist from Seoul National
University, plus ASAP activist, Iggy Kim

Thursday, Feb 13, 6.30pm
Resistance Activist Centre
23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale (just off Broadway)

Entry by gold coin donation. Cheap meal available from 6pm.

Enquiries: Iggy 0421 322 175 or John 0413 310 452


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LL:DDV: International Women's Day 2003 - RALLY for Peace

2003-02-04 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
please distribute widely through your networks and put in your activist 

Melbourne International Women's Day 2003

Rally for Peace, Justice and Solidarity-
NO War on Iraq, NO war on our communites!

Saturday March 8, 1.00pm, State Library, City

for more information on how to get involved or endorsements contact 
Nazra on 0405 735 902, Vivian on 9639 8622/0403 924 409 or
Michelle on 9326 9622 (ext. 314)

International Women's Day organising meetings are every Tuesday, 6.00pm, 
Level 3 meeting room, YWCA, 489 Elisabeth Street, City



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LL:AA: Send it back

2003-02-04 Thread Tricia Dearborn
With apologies if you've seen it already...

As you are probably aware, over the next fortnight the Federal
Government is sending a mailout to every household in Australia. In this
pack is a letter from our illustrious Prime Minister, a booklet on how 
to help the government "fight terrorism" and a fridge magnet (!)

Today, Brisbane's Lord Mayor, Jim Soorley, made the eminently sensible
suggestion that Australians who did not support the Howard government's
backing of America's war should simply return the package to sender.

This could be a fantastic opportunity to show Mr Howard that
not all Australians think the way he does. If you agree --

1. Watch out for the package when it arrives, mark it "Return to Sender"
and drop it in the nearest mailbox. You may also want to add a personal
anti-war message to it.

2. Please forward this email to as many people as you think might be
interested in joining this protest. Mr Howard's mailout is already on
its way to practically every Australian - but email can still beat it!


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LL:ART: The hard sell of hypocrisy and lies.

2003-02-04 Thread CPA
The following Editorial was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, February 5, 
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.

1. Editorial: The hard sell of hypocrisy and lies

Rolling around the world the gathering storm of people's opposition is
lashing the war drive of the US, British and Australian Governments. The
"hard sell" being undertaken by Bush, Blair and Howard to justify war is
being increasingly recognised and dismissed as lies and hypocrisy. Once
again they are trotting out the outrageous deception that they are 
concerned about peace and that no decision for war has been taken. Bush 
declares that he would launch war to maintain peace!

Peace will never been achieved by the building of a huge war machine and
threats to use nuclear weapons.

"Not in our name" is the reply of those who vehemently oppose the war

"No blood for oil" sums up the incisive understanding of the real 
objectives of the Anglo-American oil lobby whose cause is being pursued 
by their respective governments.

The mass media is playing a particularly despicable role. It gives top
billing to any and every statement by Bush, Blair, Colin Powell, Howard 
and their like. The worldwide sweep of the peace movement that even now 
is making these warmongering politicians waver, goes largely unreported. 
The statement of Hans Blix disputing interpretations being given to his 
report to the UN Security Council by Colin Powell and President Bush has 
been virtually ignored. The demonisation of Iraq and North Korea that 
underpins the whole war drive remains uncontested by the media.

This is understandable coming from the likes of Packer and Murdoch.

The present is a defining moment for all nations, all governments and 
each individual. A war on Iraq and on many other countries over the next 
few years would result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. 
Only those governments and individuals that make a genuine stand for 
peace will be able to say that their hands are clean.

It is to be hoped that journalists find the courage to take a principled
stand and do more to tell the truth about the warmongers and, thereby, 
help save the world from the greatest possible disaster.

Beware provocations

The Los Angeles Times has revealed the creation of an organisation by US
Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld called the "Proactive, Preemptive
Operations Group" Its purpose is to "bring together CIA and military 
covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and 
deception". The PPOG's role is to manufacture the terrorism that is to 
be combatted.

Faced with the massive opposition to their war plans Bush and his team 
may again be planning some terrorist act to provoke massive revulsion 
and whip a sceptical and reluctant world into supporting war against 
Iraq and other targets.

Chris Floyd of CounterPunch writes, "The US government is planning to 
use 'cover and deception' and secret military operations to provoke 
murderous terrorist attacks on innocent people. Such operations are not 
new for the United States authorities.

"Operations Northwoods" was such a scheme. It was a plan put forward by
America's top military brass in 1963 to justify the invasion of Cuba. It
called for a phony terrorist campaign complete with bombings, 
hijackings, plane crashes and dead Americans to provide justification 
for an invasion of Cuba. President Kennedy rejected the plan -- and was 
assassinated a few months later.

Another similar provocation was a reported attack by Vietnamese naval 
craft on the US navy in the Tonkin Gulf. It was used by President 
Johnson to escalate the invasion of Vietnam by American forces. It was 
subsequently revealed that the incident never took place - but that was 
after hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed in the 
Vietnam War.

Many believe that the events of September 11 were another such 
provocation using a terrorist organisation infiltrated by the CIA and 
under its effective control. There is no other logical explanation for 
the complete failure of the interception of the hijacked planes that 
crashed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. September 11 has 
been used by Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and others to launch the phony "war 
on terrorism".

The "war on terrorism" requires a steady stream of alleged "terrorist"
actions and who better to arrange them than the CIA and Rumsfeld's
"Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group" or other "special" forces.


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LL:ART: All the News That Fits

2003-02-04 Thread Hutchings, James
To the person who mailed me a donation recently - thanks! Could you 
email me, because I couldn't contact the email in your letter.

This week's stories: Grief, Anxiety and Confusion - We Must Be in
Church...Democracy Not Very High on the Agenda For US...Threat To World
Peace From Rogue State...Iraqi People to Be Liberated From Life Under 
Saddam - And From Life In General...Free Market Triumphs Again...Quotes 
of the Week.

The support of Sydney's Catholic Archbishop, George Pell, for an 
American psychologist who claims homosexuality is a curable disorder 
will only result in "untold grief, anxiety and confusion", according to 
the Australian Psychological Society.
Dr Peter Rudegeair claims that, among other categories, those who fail 
on the sporting field because of poor co-ordination are at risk of 
turning to homosexuality later in life.
Dr Rudegeair's visit to Australia has been promoted by Archbishop Pell, 
as well as Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart.

(Sydney Morning Herald, January 29, and Melbourne Community Voice, 
January 31).

A US national security adviser has implied that the US intends to set up 
a dictatorship in Iraq after invading it.
Condoleezza Rice told Egypt's state-run Al-Ahram newspaper that, once
Washington had taken control, it hoped to install an administration made 
up of Iraqis currently living in the United States.
"We believe that when Iraq has been liberated from this terrible regime, 
the Iraqi people will be perfectly capable of running their own 
affairs," she said, "But there will be a certain moment, particularly 
while military operations are still under way, during which we will need 
to restore order and US military forces will play a central role in that".

(The Age, February 3).

An online poll by Time magazine, asking "which country poses the 
greatest danger to world peace in 2003?", has so far given the following 

North Korea 7.3 %
Iraq 8.4 %
The United States 84.3 %

A total of 328726 votes were cast.

(Time magazine website poll, as of February 3).

British doctor's group Medact estimates that an invasion of Iraq would 
lead to a total of 48,000 and 260,000 deaths. Civil war within Iraq 
could add another 20,000 deaths.  Later deaths from adverse health 
effects could add a further 200,000 deaths.
These estimates do not include the use of nuclear weapons, which the US 
has refused to rule out using.

US President George W. Bush chose to outline his economic plan at a 
trucking company warehouse while surrounded by
cardboard boxes.
The boxes were all stamped with "Made in China", so workers preparing 
for the event taped over every Made in China with a white sticker or 
packing tape.
The President spoke in front of a printed canvas backdrop with pictures 
of cardboard boxes stamped "Made in America" in large black letters.

(Sydney Morning Herald, January 24).

Quotes of the week:

"Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the
powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral."

- Paulo Freire, educator (1921-1997)

"It was a hard choice...we think the price is worth it".

- Madeleine Albright, then US ambassador to the United Nations, when 
asked how she felt about the fact that sanctions had killed more than 
500,000 Iraqi children.

anarchist news service
write to James, PO Box 503, Newtown NSW 2042

contact us to get ATNTF emailed directly to you.

If you like All the News That Fits, forward it on.

www.angry.at/politicians - new anarchist website with fliers for 
download, contacts etc.

www.angry.at/racists - Anarchist/anti-racist music site with free mp3s, 
Real Audio, Real Video, internet radio, band interviews etc.  Also 
includes the text of 'Escape', an anarchist novel -

www.dolearmy.org - information for unemployed people.

www.activate.8m.com - anarchist magazine aimed at teenagers.

All the News That Fits appears in the Anarchist Age Weekly Review
(www.vicnet.net.au/~anarchist - PO Box 20 Parkville VIC 3052) and The 
Ham (www.theham.cat.org.au), as well as Melbourne Indymedia

Media outlets mentioned in All the News That Fits are sources - items 
are not direct quotes from news media.  Background information may have 
been gathered from sources in addition to media outlets cited.  Where no 
source is cited, the information has been gathered from direct sources.


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