LL:ART: All the News That Fits

2003-06-03 Thread Hutchings, James
This week's stories:

But The Taxpayers Probably Asked For It...Dramatic Rescue...Government
Believes It Is Losing to Public Sector Unions...Weapons of Mass 
Destruction Found...Quotes of the Week.

Former Governor-General Peter Hollingworth will get a lifetime 
government pension worth at least $184,000 a year.  He will also get a 
taxpayer-funded office, a permanent staff member, and free 
business-class travel for him and his wife on official business.  Dr 
Hollingworth also gets a pension from the Anglican church.

For the 23 months that he served as Governor-General, before resigning 
over allegations that he helped cover up sexual abuse while an Anglican
Archbishop, Dr Hollingworth was paid an annual salary of $310,000 per year.

(The Age, May 27).

The rescue of Private Jessica Lynch from an Iraqi hospital during the
invasion of Iraq was faked, according to local medical staff.
The Times of India reports that the Iraqis had actually withdrawn from 
the area two days before the 'rescue'.

Hospital staff drove Pvt Lynch to a US checkpoint in an ambulance a day
earlier but were fired on by American troops.

Dr Harith Houssana told the Toronto Star that American troops faked a 
rescue operation for the cameras.  "It was like a Hollywood film" he 
said.  "They cried 'go, go, go', with guns and blanks without bullets 
and the sound of explosives.  They made a show".

(The Times of India).

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott says that unions have largely
frustrated the government's attempts to get public servants on to
individual, non-union agreements.

A document by Mr Abbott says that non-union agreements are declining, 
the government's favoured Australian Workplace Agreements remain 
unpopular, and public service agreements continue to be higher than 
equivalent pay rises in the private sector.

The document recommends that the government make AWA's compulsory for 
all new public servants.

(Workers Online website, May 23).

['[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is mis-spelled deliberately because the censorship software 
at my work would block it otherwise]

Investigators at a US Army base have found more than 2,000 tons of 
hazardous waste including 100 vials of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and other dangerous 
bacteria. They are believed to be left over from a US germ warfare 
program that was ended in 1969.

The Pentagon said it had no record of the biological agents dumped at 
the US site, which is being excavated as part of a $US15 million 
($A22.94 million) clean-up of the area.

"The documentation for where this came from doesn't exist," Lieutenant
Colonel Donald Archibald, Fort Detrick's director of safety, told the
Washington Post newspaper.

The Army expected to find mostly laboratory chemicals, debris and
incinerator ash when they started digging at the site two years ago.
Instead, they uncovered vials of live bacteria like Brucella melitensis,
which causes the flu-like disease brucellosis and Klebsiella pneumoniae, 
a cause of pneumonia.

They also found a nonvirulent form of [EMAIL PROTECTED] The potent form of the
disease was brewed by the gallon at Fort Detrick until the weapons 
program was shut down.

Another 50 pressurised cylinders of gases and liquids found at the site 
are still awaiting analysis.

"You never know what's there until you start digging," said Colonel John
Ball, the Fort Detrick garrison commander. "We've generally ruled out
finding a nuclear weapon."

(Australian Associated Press, May 28).

Quotes of the Week:

"I'm ready to meet my Maker and answer for those who have died or who 
have been horribly maimed as a result of my decisions".

Tony Blair, in the Times, May 27.

"In Iraq, there was a government holding valuable resources the U.S. 
could not control. So the U.S. took action. In the Congo, the U.S. 
controls the government and the resources, so it doesn't really matter 
that millions of Congolese are dying."

Prof. Didier Gondola, author of "The History of Congo" (Greenwood Press

"The United States cannot afford to write off any potential new export
market. A vast and growing market of 700 million consumers, Africa is in
many ways the last frontier for U.S. exporters and investors. We cannot
stand idly by waiting for Africa to achieve perfection before we engage
actively in helping to shape its future. If we temper our engagement, or
hold back until the whole of Africa is on even footing, we will concede
important opportunities to our competitors and worse still, leave doors 
open to our adversaries...A visionary economic policy toward Africa is 
in our own long-term interest."

Susan E. Rice, former US Govt. Assistant Secretary for African Affairs.

Since 1998, civil war in the Congo has killed three and a half million
civilians.  Less than 25% of its 55 million population have access to 
clean water, and three out of every four children born during the war 
have already died or will die before their second birthday.

Last October, an independent panel of experts

LL:DDN: September anti-WTO protests - initial brainstorming

2003-06-03 Thread Nobby Tobby
From: Marina Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

There is going to be an initial brainstorming session about the 
September protests against the WTO's Cancun meeting.

Thursday, June 19, 6pm at the Reading Room, Holme building, University 
of Sydney.

Please come along, and circulate this information to all relevant people 
and organisations.

As far as I remember, initial international calls are for two days of 
action - one on Tuesday September 9 (WTO) another on Saturday September 
13 (War and globalisation).

But the idea is to get together and throw around ideas.



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

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LL:DDN: Sydney Social Forum Consultation

2003-06-03 Thread Vince Caughley
It's that time again - it's time to get ready for the next Sydney Social

Last year, more than 400 people gathered for the first ever Sydney 
Social Forum and packed out UTS' Markets Campus for two days of intense
discussion about all manner of issues: globalisation and the WTO, the 
"war on terror", refugee rights, environmentalism, strategies for social
movements in Sydney, tactics to confront racism, alliance-building,
alternatives for the future and much more.

This year, we are hoping to make the second Sydney Social Forum even
bigger and better than the first, and make it a real step forward for
social activism in this city.

The date for the second Sydney Social Forum has been set, provisionally,
for Saturday October 25 and Sunday October 26.

To get the ball rolling, we are holding a Consultation:

When:  Wednesday June 4, 6.30pm
Where: NSW Teachers Federation, 23-33 Mary St, Surry Hills
What:  A chance to raise thoughts and ideas on this year's Social Forum
Who:   Everyone interested in helping kick-start the next SSF

For those unable to attend, a feedback form will soon be established on
the website: http://www.SydneySocialForum.org/ .
The website also provides a way to subscribe to the SSF email lists, to
let you keep up to date with what's happening.

Supporting organisations are also encouraged to become Official
Participants in this year's forum, by making a donation of $100 for 
large organisations and $50 for small organisations. This will help 
defray costs of organising the event and will also grant Participants 
representation on the organising group.

We hope you and/or your organisation can be part of the second Sydney
Social Forum and we look forward to working with you to make it a 
success for social activism in this city. We hope to see you on June 4!

Another World Is Possible!

Sydney Social Forum Organising Group


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance state conference Sat June 28, Vic

2003-06-03 Thread Graham Matthews
Following on from the success of our second national conference,
Socialist Alliance will be organising a state conference for Saturday
June 28 (a little under four weeks) for Vic Trades Hall.

For more information or to register, please call Graham on 9639 8622 or
0403 802 944 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See you there!


Uniting to Fight for a Better World
Victorian state conference
June 28, 2003
Victorian Trades Hall
cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts Carlton
Draft Agenda
11.30am   Registration
  (New Council Chambers)
12.00pm   Lunch
12.30pm   opening panel - Stop the War on the Third World
1.30pmCampaign workshops
2.45pm   break
3.00pm   Unions in struggle: defend the CFMEU,Skilled 6=20
and the NTEU
4.00pm   Union workshops
5.15pm   break
5.30pm   Constitutional amendments, election ofstate=20
executive and state conveners
6.30pm   Conference close


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:DDV: RALLY to Save the Inner West Migrant Resource Centre

2003-06-03 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
please pass on to all lists and networks!

Community Rally to Save the Inner Western Migrant Resource Centre!

  Saturday June 7, 11am
Nicholson Street Mall, Footscray

for more info call Joe on 0402 697 201 or Ben on 9332 8566


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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LL:URL: New LINKS magazine now online:

2003-06-03 Thread Nobby Tobby

New LINKS magazine now online: Challenges in uniting the left

by LINKS = LEFT = CONNECTIONS - 4:02pm Tue Jun 3 '03 - article#31812
address: PO Box 515, Broadway, NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA -
phone: (+61 2) 9690 1230 - Fax: (+61 2) 9690 1381

LINKS No.23: January to April, 2003 -
Introduction (summary of articles) and list of contents with all the

LINKS seeks to promote the international exchange of information,
experience of struggle, theoretical analysis and views of political
strategy and tactics within the international left. It is a forum for 
open and constructive dialogue between active socialists coming from 
different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the
international left who are opposed to neo-liberal economic and social
policies. It aims to promote the renewal of the socialist movement in 
the wake of the collapse of the bureaucratic model of "actually existing
socialism" in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. LINKS is published
three times a year.

The latest edition features a number of articles by socialist activists
from around the world on the theme of "Challenges in uniting the left".


Previous issues of LINKS have frequently discussed internationalism and
internationals, or the question of how socialists should collaborate on 
an international scale. This issue is devoted to the closely related 
matter of left regroupment, or how socialists can collaborate at the 
national level. It discusses the challenges of left regroupment through 
concrete experiences in Australia, England, Scotland, France and Brazil.

In Australia in 2002, the Socialist Alliance, grouping nearly all the
far-left organisations, was able to overcome difficult electoral
registration requirements in several states and attract as new members a
significant number of activists who were not members of any of the
component groups. In September, the Democratic Socialist Party (DSP), 
the largest member organisation of the Alliance, proposed to spur the 
process of left regroupment by becoming an internal tendency within the 
Alliance and carrying out all its public political activity through the 
Socialist Alliance.

In the following pages, we present two articles and two documents 
relating to the Socialist Alliance and the DSP's proposal. Peter Boyle's 
"Steps toward greater left unity in Australia" presents the background 
and rationale of the DSP proposal and the response to it within the 
Socialist Alliance and the Australian left more generally.

"What we proposed", Boyle stressed, "was not an abandonment of Leninism
but a tactic to build a bigger revolutionary vanguard in this country. 
The current political situation is creating new openings to collect a 
bigger revolutionary vanguard in Australia, and the proposal is a 
response to new conditions." Accompanying the article are the DSP's 
proposal, as contained in a letter to the Socialist Alliance National 
Executive, and a resolution on further steps adopted by the congress of 
the DSP in January 2003.

John Percy, the National Secretary of the DSP, then examines the history
of the party in order to extract some of the key lessons it has learned
and which the DSP relied on in its proposal to strengthen the Socialist
Alliance and the process of left regroupment. He concludes that "our
Leninist party perspective will still guide us, whether in the DSP, or 
as a Democratic Socialist Tendency, or as a strengthened Socialist 
Alliance party, or as a United Socialist Party. We have to be able to 
withstand bourgeois pressures, swim against the stream, to be critical 
and creative, but not reject the methodology and strengths that got us 
to where we are."

Five other articles in this issue constitute a discussion about the 
forms and content of regroupment between members of the Socialist 
Workers Party and the International Socialist Movement in the Scottish 
Socialist Party.

The first of these articles, by Murray Smith of the ISM, examines the
evolution of the SWP's attitude to left regroupment, welcoming what he
regards as important changes, but calling on the SWP "to question some 
of its assumptions and deepen its analysis, on the Labour Party and 
above all on what kind of parties we need to build in the coming period".

Alex Callinicos of the SWP then outlines his party's view of the 
question, situating it in an analysis of the rise of the 
anti-globalisation movement and the war drive of US imperialism. He 
debates the idea of the "bourgeoisification of social democracy" as used 
by Smith and the ISM, and argues that "The future of left regroupment 
depends heavily on how well revolutionaries address [the] tricky task" 
of "know[ing] how to work with forces to their right without 
capitulating to them".

Next, Nick McKerrell of the ISM takes issue with the SWP's use of the 
term "unite

LL:DDV: Coming soon at Trades Hall

2003-06-03 Thread Trades Hall Arts
GET IT LIVE - GET IT AT TRADES HALL ARTS, bringing class back into the
class struggle . . .

presented by Keep Left Theatre

Naked Communist Terrorist Hippies from Outer Space tells the story of a
group of aliens who land on Earth after they are shocked to observe our
wars, poverty, pollution and general insanity. In their naive,
well-intentioned manner they attempt to show the people of Earth a
simple solution to our problems.

Presented in THEATRERAMA: An exciting new 3D process that leads you to
believe that you are in the same room as the actors!

Keep Left Theatre - satire at its natural best from a left-wing
perspective. Naked Communist Terrorist Hippies from Outer Space is from
the very same Keep Left Theatre team that brought you "S11 - The
Dividing Line", "Complicity", and "WTO - The Musical".

The Old Council Chambers
8pm Wed - Sat, June 5 - 14
$15 Full/ $10 Conc
Bookings Ph: 9318 5271

MICHAEL MOORE'S TV NATION - The acclaimed director of "Bowling For
Columbine" takes on the KKK, Michigan Militia, Aryan Nations and various
homophobes in the infamous "Love Night" episode of his 1996 U.S. TV
show. Never before aired in Melbourne. Rated M - Running Time 20 mins

MARK THOMAS: WEAPONS INSPECTOR - Left wing British comedian Mark Thomas
turns the tables on the British authorities by conducting his own
weapons inspections of hallowed institutions such as Buckingham Palace
as well as British and US war bases. Neither this program nor this
episode have been shown before in Australia. Rated G - Running Time 45

QUEERUPTION 2002 - This British documentary follows the 5 days of Queer
chaos that exploded during the 2002 London Queeruption festival.
Australian debut. Rated M - Running Time 20 mins

FOOD NOT BOMBS - A recent documentary that follows the Melbourne Food
Not Bombs crew through a typical day of preparing and delivering free
food to the homeless. Rated G - Running Time 20 mins

All proceeds benefit 3CR Radio and the Squatters & Unwaged Workers
Airwaves show.

New Ballroom
7pm Friday, June 6th
$5 Full/ Gold Coin 4 Unwaged
Tickets available at the door on the night

Book Launch of Graham Hastings
Histroy of Australian Student Activism
Graham Hastings long awaited history of student activism, "It Can't
Happen Here" will be launched at the New International Bookshop. There
will be a Panel with lively anecdotes from the annals of the student

GRAHAM HASTINGS - former campus activist, currently research officer at
the Melbourne national office of the National Union of Students;
TOM CARGILL - was General Secretary of the Flinders University Students'
Association, currently has been working a a staffer for various ALP MPs.

KEN McALPINE - Known as 'Red Ken'  during his student politics days in
NSW and SA in the 70's & 80'S's, currently the national industrial
officer of the NTEU.
CAMILLE BARBAGELLO - a leading student activist in the Queensland, very
active in recent anti-capitalist and Baxter protests, National Education
Officer of NUS in 2002, currently is the co-ordinator of the Victorian
Young Unionist Network
Chaired by JEFF SPARROW - as well as being the co-ordinator  of the NIBS
collective Jeff was active in the Victorian student activism in the
1990s and was one of the infamous Austudy 5.

The book, the first comprehensive history of Australian student
activism, covers the Vietnam/Springbok protests, the wave of campus
occupations in 1973/4 - including the 29 day occupation at Flinders
University, a history of national student unionism from the 1920s till
now, VSU, the free education movement and the recent anti-capitalist
protests. Copies of the book, literally hot off the press, will be
available for $25.

New International Bookshop
6:30pm - Wednesday, June 4th
FREE Event

Gypsy Music by CZARDAS
One Night Only
Czardas (pronounced: zar darsh) play a panoply of gypsy music from
Russia and Hungary, a touch of klezmer, a bit of Balkan and the
occasional venture into flamenco. Czardas also play original material
inspired by Eastern European music.

Their music is romantic, full of passion and pathos. They add to their
concerts, a sprinkle of gypsy swing revealing the lighter whimsical side
gypsy music.
Czardas are Marjorie Gadd on violin, Steve Gadd on Guitar and bazouki,
and Erin Collins on vocals.

Marjorie is a professional string teacher and co-director of The
Tasmanian Heritage String Ensemble. Steve is a composer, folklorist and
collector and is known na


2003-06-03 Thread Shute, Carmel
  Here is the latest ABC online poll, about the War and the protests:
  It has not been widely notified and Young Liberals have organised a
  campaign to discredit the peace marches via this poll so I urge you
  to vote immediately - it is well set up and only takes a second.


  Note the interesting discrepancy in results at midday Monday ..
  the marchers are " a vocal minority"   according to this poll - but
  the very same poll shows 60% opposed to the attack - in spite of
  their best efforts to spin it.

  Pass it on!



   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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