LL:URL: What's new at Marxist Interventions

2003-10-20 Thread Tom O'Lincoln
We have two new articles: one on Melbourne's socialist cricketers, and 
one on convict rebellions.

In addition we've put the whole book Rebel Women in Australian Working
Class History on line (details below). Here is the link:


 From the back cover of Rebel Women:

HERE ARE stories that challenge the conventional views of working class
women and their struggles. Strikes and demonstrations throughout this
century shatter traditional images of women as passive victims.

Early in the century the women of Broken Hill fought strikebreakers with
axes and broom handles. In the 1930s Depression, women played an 
important role in strikes and unemployed movements. During World War II 
they fought explosive struggles for equal pay, and after the War left 
wing women tried to hold the line on equal rights during a time of 
conservatism and reaction. The battle for equal pay revived in the 
1970s, including a historic campaign in the insurance industry.

For several decades, migrants have been a militant part of the labour
movement, including the women textile workers at Melbourne's Kortex
factory, whose classic industrial dispute is chronicled here. And in 
1986, Victorian nurses waged the historic mass strike that concludes 
this book.

The contributors, who write from a Marxist perspective, all have a long
history of involvement in campaigns for women's liberation, in 
industrial struggle, and in writing about women's issues.


1. Militant Spirits: The Rebel Women of Broken Hill, by Sandra
2. Brazen Hussies and God's Police: Fighting Back in the Depression
Years, by Janey Stone.
3. Class Struggle on the Home Front: Women, Unions and Militancy in the
Second World War, by Janey Stone.
4. Against the Stream: Women and the Left, 1945-1968, by Tom O'Lincoln.
5. Equal Pay: The Insurance Industry Struggle,1973-75, by Diane Fieldes.
6. Sweatshop Rebels: The 1981 Kortex strike, by Sandra Bloodworth.
7. Dedication Doesn't Pay the Rent! The 1986 Victorian Nurses' Strike, 
by Liz Ross.



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From Vietnam to Iraq

2003-10-20 Thread LL:DDV
You are invited to a Marxist Forum on:

From Vietnam to Iraq: How the US was beaten last time

on Saturday, October 25, at 2pm.


* Bilal Cleland, Islamic Council of Victoria

* Jonathan Sherlock, convenor, Moreland Peace Group

The forum will be held in the back room at Caffe Mingo, 600 Sydney Rd,

Come along and have a drink and discussion about a topic of concern to
everyone opposed to the occupation of Iraq.

Info: 9386 4815



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LL:DDV: Palestine solidarity

2003-10-20 Thread David Glanz
*** November 9th - International Day of Protest Against Israel's 
Apartheid Wall ***

Leading Palestinian activist Dr Mustafa Barghouti has called for an
international day of protest against the Apartheid Wall being built in 
the Occupied Territories by Ariel Sharon.

The wall is a symbol of the barbaric apartheid system being imposed on 
the Palestinian people.

According to existing plans Israel is planning to build 360km of fences 
and walls to imprison the Palestinians.

At least 295,000 Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem will 
be completely isolated from the rest of the West Bank. At least 10% of 
land in the West Bank will be confiscated by Israel because of the route 
of the wall. Many people willl lose access to farmlands, orchards and 
ground wells.

*** Melbourne Protest ***

Build a symbolic wall blocking sections of Brunswick St
to protest Israel's Apartheid Wall
and inform the public.

12pm, Sunday November 9th

Cnr Brunswick and Johnston Sts Fitzroy.

Called by the Fitzroy Peace Group

For more information or to endorse this action
phone Hamish 9348 0130



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LL:DDV: Women Say No to the War at Home

2003-10-20 Thread Debbie Brennan
Melbourne Radical Women Meeting

Tuesday, 28 October, 7.00 pm

Women Say NO to the War at Home

Bush's war of global conquest is claiming casualties at home. In the 
United States, women face a full-scale gender war. Hard-won rights to 
reproductive choice and affirmative action are under attack, while the 
militarised economy destroys social services, education funding, welfare 
relief, housing programs, healthcare, childcare and supports for elders 
and the disabled. George W. has defunded agencies that monitor 
discrimination, he opposes sex education programs which advocate 
anything other than abstinence, and he's on a mission to outlaw 
abortion. He wants women to clean up the mess from this broken-down 
profit system.

Bush is not alone. His visit this month with John Howard, fellow 
warmonger and patriarch-in-arms, signals open warfare on women here.

Add your voice to feminists around the world who are speaking out 
against these attacks, and discuss how to build an anti-capitalist 
revolution for global peace and women's rights. Everyone is welcome!

A mouthwatering dinner, with vegetarian option, served at 6.30 pm for a
$6.50 donation.

The meeting will be held at Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick.
Plenty of parking, or take a North Coburg tram or Upfield train.

For information, contact Radical Women
* Ph: 03-9386-3230 * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
* website: www.radicalwomen.org



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LL:DDV: The new face of the feminine mystique

2003-10-20 Thread Alison Thorne

-- Socialist Feminist Study Group --
The Feminine Mystique and Its Relevance Today

Thursday 30 October --  The new face of the feminine mystique

Does the feminine mystique still exist today? Discussion based on 
chapter 1, Blame it on feminism from Susan Faludi's ground breaking 
book, Backlash.

Dinner at 6.30 pm ($6.50 donation) Sessions run from 7 - 8.45 pm

Solidarity Salon. 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. All welcome.

Sponsored by Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women. For more info
call 9386-5065.



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LL:DDS: Adelaide protests: Land Warfare Conference

2003-10-20 Thread Cathy Picone
If you want peace, prepare for peace. If you want war, prepare for war.

Adelaide will soon be hosting a Land Warfare Conference at the
Convention Centre, North Terrace. This Conference will take place 27
- 29 October, next Monday week through to Wednesday.

To protest the arms trade, three actions will be held during the time
of the Land Warfare Conference:

1. Monday 27 October, 4pm - 6.30pm, on the plaza just outside the
Convention Centre on North Terrace (near the railway).  This is the
time when conference delegates will be registering. This protest is
for women and men.

2. Tuesday 28 October, 7.30am - 10.30am, also on the plaza just
outside the Convention Centre. This is the time when delegates will
be arriving for the start of the conference. This protest is also for
women and men.

3. Wednesday 29 October, 5 pm to 6pm, the usual Women in Black vigil,
on the steps of Parliament House. This protest is for women only.

Ruth is making some signs and placards for these actions so come
along and stand with us if you can.

The money required to provide adequate food, water, education,
health and housing for everyone in the world for a year is what the
world spends on arms every two weeks.

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (SA): (08) 8232 6334
Australian Peace Committee (SA): (08) 8212 7138



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LL:DDV: Amnesty International Australia - Victoria

2003-10-20 Thread alister air
Dear Friend and Amnesty International Supporter,

Thank you for your ongoing support of Amnesty International Australia.

I would like to let you know about a very special Victorian event -
Amnesty Internationals Australia's Charity Comedy Gala - Stand Up For
Your Rights! I hope that you and your friends can join us for this
exciting extravaganza.

*Amnesty International Australia’s Charity Comedy Gala Stand Up For Your
Rights* is being held on 25th of October at the Comedy Theatre in
Melbourne.  This exciting night will have you rolling around the floor
laughing while supporting human rights! Featuring Dave O'Neil, Tom
Gleeson, Hung Le, Gerard McCulloch, GUD (Paul McDermott, Cameron Bruce
and Mick Moriarty), Charlie Pickering, Terri Psiakis, Dave Williams,
Michael Chamberlian, Chris Bennet, Nellie Thomas, Ciel Stowe, Man Bites
God, The Pinch and The 6 and hosted by Craig Reucassel and Chris Taylor
from C.

This impressive line up of some of Australia's leading comedians will be
a fantastic night out! Use your freedom to support human rights and
enjoy three hours of comic relief. Tickets through ticketek
(www.ticketek.com.au or call 132 849 ) $45/$35conc. Visit
www.amnesty.org.au for more information.

Other events on Amnesty International Australia's 2003 Victorian
calendar include:

-  The 24th and 25th of October is *Candle Day* - a street based
fundraising and awareness day when thousands of volunteers across
Victoria collect funds and distribute badges on local streets,
workplaces, schools, churches and in Melbourne's CBD. Visit

-  The *Freedom Festival* is a national music and dance festival with
the motto of do good, feel good. There are four Victorian music/dance
events as part of the Freedom Festival - visit www.amnesty.org.au/freedom

*-  Harmonies - Music of Faith *on the 7th of December is set to be a
musical adventure - a concert in celebration of International Human
Rights Day. With music from a large variety of religions included,
please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 03 9427 7055 on
Thursdays for more information.

*-  On Dec 13th Daybreak in Detention* is a public action to celebrate
Human Rights Day. Daybreak in Detention is a 12 hour overnight 'sit in'
to raise awareness and raise dollars for defending human rights. To
start your own Daybreak in Detention Centre or to join up with a local
group - contact the Victorian Activist Resource Centre on 03 9427 7055.

To keep in regular contact with the activities and events of Amnesty
International Australia in Victoria, you can subscribe to our free
regular email bulletin - VicActivE. To join, simple send a blank email

For information on getting involved with Amnesty International and its
local groups, campaigns and activities, please visit our website at
www.amnesty.org.au/getintouch/vic or contact the Victorian Activist
Resource Centre on 03 9427 7055 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*Thank you once again for your ongoing support of Amnesty International
Australia and the global defence of human rights!  We hope to see you at
our Charity Comedy Gala Stand Up For Your Rights!*

*Kind regards*


*Anna Skarbek*
*Victorian President*

Amnesty International Australia
Victorian Activist Resource Centre
PO Box 1333
14 Risley Street
T: 03 94277055
F: 03 94271643

USE Your Freedom - Defend Human Rights in the Asia Pacific. Become a
Human Rights Defender today call 1300 300 920


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