LL:ART: US and China bring two options to Australia

2003-10-28 Thread CPA
The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, October 28th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


The US and China bring two options to Australia


Last week the Australian Parliament and the Australian people were 
presented with two entirely different perspectives and two virtually 
opposite courses of action.

The speech of President George W Bush was almost entirely devoted to war 
and was peppered with references to "murderers", "committed killers",
"terrorists", "outlaw regimes", "weapons programs", and the glory of 
past wars. "Our nations must confront the immediate threat of 
proliferation . We are preparing to search planes, ships, trains and 
trucks carrying suspect cargo, to seize weapons or missiles shipments 
that raise proliferation concerns", said George Bush.

The speech by the President of the People's Republic of China(PRC), Hu
Jintao, was devoted to peace, the development of trade and cultural

"I am convinced that China and Australia will shape a relationship of
all-round co-operation that features a high degree of mutual trust,
long-term friendship and mutual benefit, a relationship that makes our 
two peoples both winners", said Hu Jintao. There was no talk of war.

In welcoming President Bush, John Howard, also drew upon past wars. He
listed the supposed shared values of the US and Australia - the belief 
that the individual is more important than the state, that strong 
families are a nation's greatest asset, that competitive free enterprise 
is the ultimate foundation of national wealth, and that the worth of a 
person is determined by that person's character and hard work, not by 
their religion or race or colour or creed or social background.

Howard went on to say, "Our two nations have fought in defence of those
values". He listed joint Australia-US military campaigns beginning in 
1918 up to the present day.

He had nothing to say about the principles which determine the 
Australian Government's foreign relations with other countries, no 
mention of the United Nations.

He welcomed Bush "as a standard-bearer for the values that we hold in

In welcoming President Hu Jintao the next day, John Howard was much more
formal. While characterising the Australia-China relationship as "mature 
and practical", he dwelt on the fact that "We are different societies, 
we have different cultures, we have different traditions and we have 
different histories and no purpose is served in pretending otherwise".

Howard also attempted to pose as some sort of go-between in relations
between the US and the People's Republic of China. He said, "Our aim is 
to see calm and constructive dialogue between the US and China on those 
issues which might potentially cause tension between them ."

However Howard failed to say that Australia believes that there is only 
one China and that Taiwan is a part of that one China, yet this is a 
main issue of contention between the US and the PRC.

Both Howard and Crean, who also had some words of welcome to both Bush 
and Hu, attempted to raise the issue of the alleged North Korean nuclear 
issue when introducing Hu Jintao. They are attempting to "line-up" the 
PRC Government to put pressure on the Democratic People's Republic of 
Korea. President Hu was not drawn on the issue and did not mention the 
DPRK in his statement.

The choices facing Australia could not have been presented more starkly 
than in the immense differences between the two addresses to the 
Australian Parliament. The choice of policy that Australian governments 
make now and in the future will determine whether Australia becomes a 
genuine partner on an equal basis with the countries of Asia or whether 
Australia remains no more than a mindless sheriff of the US doing its 
bidding against Asian countries.


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LL:PR: RACNSW: police acted unlawfully at Ruddock protest

2003-10-28 Thread Alex Broun
Tuesday 28th October, 2003


Magistrate Taylor at Hornsby local court on Monday dismissed a charge of
assault on police arising from the controversial refugee protest at the 
then Minister for Immigration, Philip Ruddock's house on Saturday 19 July.

Police had refused permission for the protest which went ahead after a
Supreme Court judgement dismissing the police restraining action. On the 
day of the protest however a line of police blocked the protesters from 
reaching the vicinity of Ruddock's house.

Three people were arrested at the protest after police stopped the march 
50 metres short of Ruddock's residence. Two of the protesters were 
released with no charge, but police charged Mia Kriznic, 24, a union 
organizer, with assault police.

Dismissing the charges against Kriznic today, magistrate Taylor found 
that police had not been acting lawfully in the execution of their duty. 
  Talyor said it was clear, considering the Supreme Court judgement and 
all the evidence surrounding the events,  that police had acted 
unlawfully by stopping the protest arbitrarily in Britannia Street.

"The decision by the magistrate today totally vindicates the refugee
protest," said Ian Rintoul, a spokesperson for the Refugee Action 
Coalition which organized the march on Ruddock's house.

"We now expect an apology from the NSW police for their disruptive 
actions on the day and their attempt to undermine the democratic right 
to protest," he said.

"We are very concerned with the possibility of political interference in 
the police decision to block the march. We will be writing to the police 
to get an explanation of their decision and to find out who was 
responsible for the moves to subvert the Supreme Court decision allowing 
the march on Ruddock's house."

"We look forward to better co-operation with the NSW police in the 
future to safeguard and uphold the right to protest" said Ian Rintoul.

"The right to protest has been under considerable pressure in recent 
days both at a state and federal government level. There has even been 
attempts to silence parliamentarians during the recent visit by George 
Bush. We hope this decision will remind the politicians that the right 
to dissent is an essential democratic right that cannot be minimized 
without being lost," he said.

For more information contact; Ian Rintoul 0417 275 713 or Mia Kriznic 
0423 593 344



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LL:DDV: Wipe the smile off John Howard's Face!

2003-10-28 Thread Alison Thorne
Do you want to wipe the smile off John Howard's face?

Wills Branch of Socialist Alliance invites you to

Curry to Kick Out Howard!
Saturday 8 November, 7 pm
Lazzat Kadah
61 - 63 Sydney Road Coburg
* Tickets $25/$20 * BYO drinks

Enjoy a lively evening with like-minded locals. And, at the same time, 
help launch the fundraising effort for the Wills Socialist Alliance 
Federal election campaign. We need several thousand dollars to run a 
really effective campaign in Wills. Our aim is that every voter in the 
seat of Wills knows our candidate, David Glanz and that Socialist 
Alliance stands for taxing the rich, money for health and education, not 
war, and defeating anti-union laws.

Booking essential! Call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
by Thursday 6 November.



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LL:ART: Editorial: Let us welcome Dr Hanan Ashrawi

2003-10-28 Thread CPA
The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper of 
the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, October 
28th, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.


Editorial: Let us welcome Dr Hanan Ashrawi

The decision of the Lord Mayor of Sydney, Lucy Turnbull to withdraw from
events at which the Sydney Peace Award to Dr Hanan Ashrawi will be 
presented has highlighted a sickness in Australian society and it is not
anti-Semitism. It is the racism of many who pursue the Zionist objective 
to occupy Palestinian lands and conquer its people. It is part of the 
hate campaign by some Australian politicians and sections of the media 
towards the Palestinian people. There is a strong Zionist lobby in 

The Lord Mayor claimed that Dr Ashrawi "is on record as one of the few
members of the Palestinian National Council to vote against the Oslo 
peace accord and a two-state solution in the Middle East". It appears 
that the Lord Mayor was misinformed and overstepped her authority. She 
had not received the backing of the Sydney City Council when she 
withdrew her support for the award presentation.

The Australian Jewish News backed her stand, as did the Deputy leader of 
the NSW Opposition Liberal Party who said, "The fact is that, as 
documented, Ashrawi is neither a moderate nor a peace activist."

The fact is that Dr Ashrawi was one of the negotiators of the Oslo 
Accords, acting on behalf of the Palestinian Authority. She has 
condemned attacks that kill innocent Israeli citizens and supports the 
formation of a state of Palestine alongside Israel.

Professor Stuart Rees, the Executive Director of the Sydney Peace 
Foundation said the Foundation's jury was unanimous in supporting her 
selection. Professor Rees strongly refutes claims that Dr Ashrawi is 
opposed to peace. He has come under enormous pressure to withdraw the 
prize and cancel Dr Ashrawi's visit.

The Jewish Board of Deputies has formally called on NSW Premier Bob 
Carr, who has agreed to present the award, to reconsider his decision.

The Zionist lobby has for many years accused anyone who makes a 
criticism of Zionism or the Jewish state of Israel of being 
anti-Semitic. This ploy is nothing more than a cover by which to smother 
and silence any criticism of Israel and the extremely reactionary, 
aggressive and racist policies and actions of its government.

The extreme right Zionists claim to have a god-given right to seize the
lands of Palestinians who have lived in Palestine for many generations, 
just as some Jewish families have also done. Their objective remains the 
creation of a Greater Israel - at the expense of the many thousands of 
Palestinians who have lived peacefully side by side with Jewish families 
for generations - until the Zionists created a racist and religious 
divide that led directly to the present conflict. The former British 
colonialists helped to create these divisions by promising the land to 
both Jews and Arabs.

A statement by the Australian Palestine Human Rights Campaign says, "The
reality is that the pro-Zionist lobby is opposed to any recognition of 
[the] positive Palestinian contribution. It is apparent from the 
vitriolic attack levelled against Ashrawi that they seem to struggle 
with any recognition of our humanity, of our achievements and of our 
commitments to the notion of peace."

The state of Israel has been the aggressor in the region, launching the 
1967 war against Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. The military forces of Israel 
invaded Lebanon for a second time in the 1980s. The present Israeli 
Government has renewed threats against Syria and recently bombed Syrian 
territory. It is the state of Israel that instigated a policy of 
assassinations of Palestinians and during frequent military incursions, 
killed many Palestinian civilians.

This does not excuse the use by the Palestinian resistance of tactics 
that are aimed at Israeli civilians. Resistance against occupation and 
invasion is fully justified but tactics must be used that weaken the 
invaders rather than providing justification in the eyes of many for 
Israeli aggression and assassinations.

Zionist racism must be exposed and opposed just as racism from any other
quarter. The award to Dr Ashrawi is fully justified and her pending 
visit to Sydney to receive the award needs to be supported.


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LL:INFO: No Leftlink from the 3rd to the 7th of November

2003-10-28 Thread Leftlink
Dear Leftlink subscribers,

Leftlink will not be sending emails from the 3rd to the 7th of November,
inclusive.  I will not be near a computer for this time.

I have realised for a while now that Leftlink can't really continue in
its current format.  There needs to be a way for others to moderate the
list.  I have been moderating this list for four or so years now, and
need to be able to share the load.  This should enable messages to get 
out faster, although I don't see that there will be more of them.  I 
think subscribers have been clear that there are enough, although I'm 
happy to have more direction on what an appropriate number of messages is.

If you are interested in assisting (or discussing Leftlink's future)
please email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (remembering that I won't be 
accessing emails from the 3rd to the 7th inclusive).

In solidarity

Alister Air
Leftlink moderator


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LL:DDV: Film night for new community garden

2003-10-28 Thread Nicole Oke

Rushall Gardens is a new community garden about to be opened next to
Rushall train station in North Fitzroy. The garden will have about 60
allotments for people who don't have space to garden at home as well as
communal areas: a tree orchard, worm farms, sitting spaces and space for
workshops, herb gardens and more. We want to build this into a vibrant
community garden but need money to buy things like tools, sleepers,
trees, soil and insurance.

We ask you to support us by attending this film night below showing
Calendar Girls, where you can also find out more about the community

Calendar Girls: A Fundraising screening for Rushall Gardens, a new
community garden in North Fitzroy
Westgarth Cinema, 89 High Street, Northcote
Wednesday November 12, 7pm
$13/$10 con.
Raffle, drinks and Nibbles on the night
To book: email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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LL:URL: New poll on new workers' party

2003-10-28 Thread Socialist Party
Dear Leftlink comrades,

Could you please put the following message out on Leftlink:

"The SP has a new poll on the front page of its web site 
(www.socialistpartyaustralia.org). It's on the question of a new 
workers' party. Please visit and vote once.
"The results of the previous main poll on whether socialists should 
support the jailing of Hanson and Ettridge were: Yes, let her rot in 
hell - 39.2%; No, she broke an unjust law, ALP/Libs do worse - 34.09%; 
Not sure - 8.52%; No, she's a political prisoner - 18.18%.
"The SP's position on the new poll can be read in 'Feature on the new 
workers' party debate' on our web site (use search engine) and our 
position re Hanson jailing is outlined in as editorial in the latest 
issue of The Socialist (article also on line)."

Stephen Jolly, for SP


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LL:INFO: JA Mentoring: Its Official!

2003-10-28 Thread JUSTICE ACTION

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to announce that the JA Mentoring Project, BREAKFREE 
which has been in the pipeline for many years now, is finally going to 
be officially recognised.

Petersham TAFE NSW has committed a teacher to deliver their "Mentoring 
in the Community" to the first group of JA mentors.  Margaret Goninan 
was so enthusiastic when she heard about the project that she is 
starting this Tuesday, October 28th! Margaret has been teaching the 
course inside prisons, and is eager to change the culture inside because 
she has seen first hand how damaging it can be.

Starting at 5:30 this next Tuesday 27/11/03, Margaret will lead us 
through six three-hour sessions which will cover all three modules of 
the TAFE "Mentoring in the Community" course.


She says to us: "I'll probably go really quickly, as I don't want to 
bore the old hands. I reckon I can find a way to get to the nuts and 
bolts to bring the new ones up to speed and go more deeply into the 
complexities of what you have done so far. I really don't mind how many 
people you get together - sounds like the more you train, the more 
you'll have for your project. Looking forward to getting together. " 

COME AND JOIN US ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON!! 5.30 start for 3 hours.

More about mentoring on our website on page 3 of the new FRAMED magazine 
now being distributed.

We are now preparing for a Graduation Ceremony/party, tentatively 
scheduled for Friday 5th December.  We have approached Peter Garrett to 
be part of it. He was in  the western desert for "Shine the Light" but 
said he supported our work.

COME AND JOIN US ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON!!  5.30 start for 3 hours.  Six 
weeks long course.

The more in the stronger we are to make the challenge to change the culture.

Justice Action
65 Bellevue St, Glebe, NSW 2037, Australia
P.O. Box 386, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
voice: 61-9660 9111 fax: 61-9660 9100

Please log into the Justice Action Web site, designed and sponsored by
Breakout Design & Print, exercising good corporate citizenship:
http://www.justiceaction.org.au   http://www.breakout.net.au/



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LL:DDV: Philippine trade unionist speaks in Melbourne

2003-10-28 Thread Sue B.
Bitter-sweet: the story of Philippines sugar workers resisting the Empire

Featuring: Ariel Guides, Philippines unionist and leading activist from
Freedom from Hunger Coalition in Negros, Philippines

6.30pm Thu Oct 30
Seminar Rooms 1 & 2,
Level 7, Storey Hall,
RMIT, 344 Swanston St

Negros was once called the 'Sugar Bowl' of the Philippines, supplying a
large share of the sugar market. But since the 1980s, tens of thousands
of Negros sugar workers have defended their livelihoods from US
agribusiness pushing sweeteners derived from genetically-modified
corn, sugar dumping by the EU and Australia, and stepped-up exploitation
at the hands of the big cane growers.

Theirs is a heroic story including land and granary occupations that
interconnects the daily struggle against hunger with the global struggle 
against the US corporate empire, the ages-long labour of workers on the 
land with the Brave New World of GM crops, and the hard reality of trade 
liberalisation with the utopian fantasies of neoliberalism.

Ariel Guides is a leader of the Negros BMP (Solidarity of Philippines
Workers) and the Freedom from Hunger Coalition, actively involved in 
grassroots organising with 22,000 sugar workers and their families.

Sponsors: Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific (ASAP), Sydney
Social Forum, Globalism Institute (RMIT), Maritime Union of Australia
(Vic), Catholic Commission for Justice, Development and Peace,
Socialist Alliance Victoria


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LL:DDV: Marxist educational: The state and capitalist democracy

2003-10-28 Thread Sue B.
Marxist Educational Series:

'The state and capitalist democracy'

2pm Saturday November 1
Resistance Centre
Level 5, Druids house
407 Swanston Street

Registrations in advance are required as there is some recommended
reading. Ring 9639-8622 to register.
Organised by the Democratic Socialist Party


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LL:DDS: 44th Peace and Justice Candle Light Walk

2003-10-28 Thread Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre Inc.
44th Peace and Justice Candle Light Walk around Government House from
8.00 PM Friday 7/11/03 - Treaty - Bill Of Rights - NO SA NUCLEAR DUMP

The 44th Candle Light Walk for Justice & Peace is on Friday 7th
November, 2003, in Adelaide. Walkers gather from 7.30pm for an 8.00pm
start. Feel free to use the item in italics below as a template for your
publicity for the Justice & Peace Candle Light Walk in support of a
Treaty, a Bill of Rights and NO SA NUCLEAR DUMP.
JUSTICE & PEACE CANDLIGHT WALK: "Australians can show their support for
a treaty with Australia's Indigenous peoples. Candles will be lit for
justice and peace advocating an Indigenous treaty on Friday 7th
November, 2003, and then on the following   first Friday of December to
celebrate the eightieth (80th) anniversary of the Ngarrindjeri petition
to the Governor of South Australia in December 1923. The walk will
continue on the first Friday of the month throughout 2004. Walkers can
gather with candles at Government House from 7.30.PM for an 8.00PM
start. The walk aims to protect Ngarrindjeri culture, spiritual beliefs,
lands and waters via a Treaty & Bill of Rights, and to stop any nuclear
waste dump on traditional lands, and from affecting the environment."

Candle Light Walks are held in Adelaide at Genocide Corner in front of
Government House on the first Friday of the month. These walks express
the concern of those who wish justice for Indigenous peoples. There's an
opportunity to listen to Ngarrindjeri, and other Indigenous Elders speak
on issues affecting their people. The microphone remains open for anyone
to offer their thoughts on current issues, to sing a song, or to share
stories of struggle. Please feel free to attend, and show support for a
Treaty with Indigenous people, a Bill of Rights, justice and peace, as
well as opposition to any nuclear dump in South Australia.

Another monthly Candle Light Walk is to begin in Sydney, and soon Candle
Light Walks in other States may follow. Don't worry if it will just be a
small group of you to start with as Vincent Lingiari said: "from
little things big things grow" ! Respect Indigenous people's traditional
land and waters. Light a candle and walk for justice and peace. Join the
Indigenous call for a TREATY.

Respect Indigenous rights. Recognise Ngarrindjeri culture and spiritual
beliefs. Look after the Coorong and its wildlife. Protect this unique
Australian wetland. Look after Lake Eyre. Conserve this unique cultural
environment. Protect its cattle and tourist industries.


For further information contact the organisers and register your fax
number or e-mail address.

DONATIONS: Ngarrindjeri Justice Fighting Fund c/: BANK SA - BSB 105-165
A/c No. 015569840

Ngarrindjeri Contacts:

Victor Wilson - Kalparrin Community at Murray Bridge - email:

{W} 85 324 940 / FAX 85 325 511 / mob. 040 718 2353;

Pastor Ken Sumner - Raukkan Community Council - Co-ordinator

{W} (08) 85 740 096 / {Fax} (08) 85 740 096;

Tom Trevorrow - Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association - e-mail:


website: http://ngarrindjeri.tripod.com/


{W} 85 751 557|657 / FAX 85 751 448


http://www.country-liberal-party.com/pages/adelaidemob.htm - [there are
companion sites at: http://peaceliberation.tripod.com/index1.htm
and http://peaceliberation.tripod.com/pages/intro.htm ]
Support the Justice and Peace Candlelight Walk at 8.00 PM on 7th
November, 2003, around Government House, Adelaide, and oppose any
nuclear dump in South Australia, by walking in your State/Territory
around your local government domain to advocate a Treaty with Indigenous

P.S. If anyone in other States (or the TERRITORIES) is interested -
please give the Ngarrindjeri Land and Progress Association (NLPA) an
email/phone call. We hope that there will soon be monthly walks all over
Australia EVERY first Friday...


original message

" Dear all, ...

I think the concept of the Candlelight Walks in the evenings is just
brilliant. So yes, Candlelight Walks on the evening of
Invasion/Australia Day."

In solidarity always, Maureen Riches-Brown

Defenders of Native Title - Victorian ANTaR

Ballarat Branch

-Original Message-

From: Len Lindon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: The Bigger Picture <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Thursday, 11 January 2001 16:09

Subject: Re: Press Release: Candle Light Walk for Justice, Peace &
Treaty via a Bill of Rights - 26 January - Genocide corner, North
Terrace, ADELAIDE Twelve candlelit walks aro


2003-10-28 Thread Pilar/Ocean Press

October 27 ,2003

Father Michael Lapsley to speak on
Next year will be 10 years since the ANC government was elected in South
Africa. What are the issues facing post-apartheid South Africa, and what 
are the social justice, human rights and development challenges for the 
African continent today?

As a young priest in South Africa in the 1970s, Father Michael Lapsley
became actively involved in the struggle against apartheid and joined 
the ANC. This put him into conflict with the hierarchy of the Anglican 
Church and brought him to the attention of the apartheid government. 
While in exile in Zimbabwe in 1990 he was the target of a letter bomb 
attack in which he lost both hands and an eye.

His story is told in "Priest and Partisan: A South African Journey,"
published by Ocean Press. It is the story of how a deeply religious man
grappled with his commitment to pacifism in the face of what he came to 
see as one of the greatest crimes against humanity --the apartheid system.

Today Michael Lapsley is the director of the Institute for the Healing 
of Memories in Cape Town and has traveled extensively through Africa.

Thursday November 6 at 7pm
AVI, Kerr Street, Fitzroy
All welcome. Light refreshments provided.

For details phone Ocean Press on 9326 4280

360 Victoria Street
North Melbourne 3051


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LL:DDV: Melbourne solidarity events

2003-10-28 Thread Majordomo
AAWL Email News

Important solidarity events coming up:

Tuesday 11 November at 10 am
March for a Fair Go - Stop work & rally
Trades Hall, 54 Victoria Street Carlton South
Organised by: VTHC

Sunday 16 November at 7:30 pm
Freedom Night=20
The HIFI Bar, 125 Swanston Street, Melbourne
Organised by: Asylum Seekers Resource Centre & RAC
Cost: $25 / Free entry for refugees

workers change the world

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web: www.aawl.org.au
ABN: 82 920 590 967   Assn No: A1318


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