From Vietnam to Iraq

2003-10-20 Thread LL:DDV
You are invited to a Marxist Forum on:

From Vietnam to Iraq: How the US was beaten last time

on Saturday, October 25, at 2pm.


* Bilal Cleland, Islamic Council of Victoria

* Jonathan Sherlock, convenor, Moreland Peace Group

The forum will be held in the back room at Caffe Mingo, 600 Sydney Rd,

Come along and have a drink and discussion about a topic of concern to
everyone opposed to the occupation of Iraq.

Info: 9386 4815



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World Refugee Day - Victoria

2003-06-17 Thread LL:DDV
Glossy posters and leaflets are available at the Trades Hall bookshop

Pls forward this email around

World Refugee Day
RALLY - Melbourne =AD SUNDAY 22 June 2003
Meet 1pm State Library
(Cnr Swanston  Latrobe sts)
marching to Federation Square by 2pm


The rally will be chaired by ACTU President Sharan Burrow.
Mohammed Aljanabi
Fivo Freitas
Pamela Curr
Arnold Zable

There'll be theatre, singing, speakers and puppets.
Women for a Humane Refugee Policy will meet beforehand at 12.00pm in the
Carlton Gardens (Cnr Victoria  Rathdowne sts) and march to the State
Library. Actors for Refugees will perform at the Yarra riverside.

Please bring your banner and march as a contingent.


THIS ACTION HAS BEEN ENDORSED BY: Victorian Alliance for Refugees,
Australian Council of Trade Unions, Rural Australians for Refugees, 
Refugee Action Collective, Victorian Trades Hall Council, Labor 
Coalition of Friends of Asylum Seekers, Ethnic Communities' Council of 
Victoria, Labor for Refugees, Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, A Just 
Australia, Women for a Humane Refugee Policy, Permanent Protection for 
All Network, International Federation of Iranian Refugees, The Victorian 
Deaths in Custody Watch Committee, The Greens, Socialist Alliance, 
Darebin Community Legal Centre, Australians Against Racism, Action in 
Solidarity with Asia and The Pacific, Bula Bula Health Project at the 
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Good Shepherd Social Justice, Actors for 
Refugees, Brigidine Community for Justice, Kurdish  Turkish Human 
Rights Group, Islamic Girl's/Women's Group, Friends of the Earth, 
Amnesty International, Melbourne Congregation of Sisters of Mercy, 
Fitzroy Learning Centre, Labor Council of NSW, Walk Against the War
Coalition, Free the Refugees Campaign,  CFMEU (Construction) NSW, 
Campaign for the Protection of Asylum Seekers, Islamic Society of 
Victoria, Geelong Refugee Action and Information Network, Port Phillip 
Council, and many more.
Victorian Trade Unions: AEU, AMWU, ANF, AWU, ETU, VIEU, MEAA, NTEU, TCFUA.

to add your name to the list of supporters please contact Victorian
Alliance for Refugees working party members:

Judy McVey [EMAIL PROTECTED]0418 347 374
Steve Mullins  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0413 021 412
Vicki Doherty  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0419 503 077
Harvey Stern   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9531 5941



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LL:DDV: IWD movie night - The Hours

2003-02-03 Thread LL:DDV
Celebrate International Women's Day with Radical Women and the Freedom
Socialist Party at a Gala Movie Night

Sunday, 2 March, 7.15 pm
Upstairs, Westgarth Theatre, 89 High Street, Northcote

Based on a Pulitzer-prize winning novel by Michael Cunningham, the film
employs as its foundation and inspiration Virginia Woolf's own classic
novel, Mrs Dalloway, with its central character, Clarissa. Set during 
a single day, yet spanning three different eras, the film focuses in the
parallel lives of three women. Nicole Kidman -- wearing a prosthetic 
nose -- is virtually unrecognisable as English author Virginia Woolf, 
whose battle with mental illness eventually led to her tragic suicide in 
1941. Opening at the moment of her suicide, the film regresses to 1923, 
and Woolf's life and work as she crafted her most memorable character -- 
Clarissa Dalloway. In 1950s Californian suburbia, another woman, Laura 
Brown (played by Julianne Moore), struggles with alienation and 
depression. Trapped by a clinging young son and an adoring husband, who 
she does not love, the desperate woman tries to prepare for her 
husband's birthday but can=B9t stop reading Mrs Dalloway. Finally, in 
modern day Manhattan, Clarissa Vaughan (played by Meryl Streep), a 
lesbian who lives with her lover and daughter, struggles to prepare a 
party for her ex-husband, who is dying of AIDS. Beautifully overlapping 
editing sews the women's interwoven stories seamlessly together.

This special evening will kick off a four month long $75,000 
international fund drive for our two feisty socialist feminist 
publications -- the Freedom Socialist newspaper and the Australian 
Freedom Socialist Bulletin. So get the International Women's Day 
season off to a great start by enjoying a fun night out and helping two 
publications which the founder of this day of socialist feminist action, 
Clara Zetkin, would enthusiastically support!

Screening followed by a wine and cheese supper in the ornate upstairs foyer.

Tickets are $20 solidarity price, $15 regular or $12 concession.
For tickets send a cheque, payable to FSP, PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic
For more information call Alison on 9386-5065 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Can't make it? We'd welcome your donation to help us reach our $7,500 
local goal!



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