LL:ART: GLW article on the banning of the veil

2004-02-05 Thread melbourne greenleft
Veiling the issue: sexism, racism and religion
Green Left Weekly issue 568
Susan Price, a Socialist Alliance member who is in the Democratic
Socialist Perspective, argues that feminists and socialists should
oppose state-enforced bans on women wearing hijab, or Muslim

In December 2003, more than 3000 protesters hit the streets of Paris in
opposition to the plan to introduce a law in France to ban the wearing
of the headscarf and "other ostentatious religious symbols" in French
state schools.

Tens of thousands then rallied across the world on January 18, as part
of an international day of protest against the ban. The bill is to be
put before the French cabinet on January 29, before an opening debate in
the National Assembly on February 3.

Pressure is mounting for a "no" vote - or at least abstention - by the
major parties on the bill.

Union opposition
The French trade union movement is divided on the issue. According to a
December article written by Luc Bronner and Martine Laronche in Le
Monde, the United Trade Union Federation (FSU), which represents 45% of
teachers in France, is hostile to the introduction of such a law, but
believes if introduced, it must address the contradictions in French
secular society.

Snuipp-FSU, which covers the majority of the primary schoolteachers, has
not taken a formal vote on opposing the ban. But its general secretary
Nicole Geneix declared the union hostile to the law, as is Sgen-CFDT
(the French Democratic Confederation of Labour's affiliated teacher
union) which covers 11.4% of teachers.

Other union federations covering teachers have come out in favour of the
ban, including UNSA-Education (affiliated to the National Confederation
of Independent Unions, covering 14.4% of teachers) and the Union
Confederation of National Education (CSEN), which represents 6.1% of
teachers. The Workers' Force, which represents 7.1 % of teachers,
declared in favour of a very partial revision to the legislation.

The debate hit the headlines after two teenage women were expelled from
a high school for wearing headscarves. This follows other such
exclusions over the last two years in France. According to Reuters, on a
visit to Tunisia in December 2003, French President Jacques Chirac
commented to pupils at the French High School that he saw "something
aggressive" in the wearing of traditional Muslim veils.

The Stasi Commission, given the task of looking into the possibility of
a ban by Chirac, recommended that "oversized crosses" and the Jewish
kippa should be banned along with hijab.

Agence France Presse reported on January 21 that education minister Luc
Ferry (who drew up the text of the law), told the National Assembly's
social affairs committee on January 20, that Sikhs could be persuaded to
wear "invisible nets" on their heads instead of turbans.

Ferry then went even further: "One can invent religious signs from mere
hairiness. When a beard is transformed into a religious symbol it will
fall under the law. Creativity is infinite in the matter."

However, although the law may affect many in France badly, its main
intention is the social regulation and control of young Muslims, who
bear the brunt of the neoliberal government's racist attacks.

The law has majority support amongst the French public (figures range
from 57-70% in polls) and has even drawn strong endorsement from
feminists and mainstream women's organisations and media.

Elle magazine carried a public appeal to Chirac to introduce a ban on
what it termed a "visible symbol of the submission of women". The appeal
has been signed by several high profile French women.

The revolutionary left has responded in different ways. The
Revolutionary Communist League's (LCR) Rouge newspaper carried a cover
page calling for "Neither the discriminatory law nor the oppressive
veil". Lutte Ouvrier (LO) supports the ban.

The main arguments to justify the ban in France have centred on defence
of secularism and women's rights.

Secularism has a deep historical basis in the founding of the French
Republic. The official separation of church and state was achieved in
1905. State regulation of religious dress and behaviour, however, has a
less clear history. In 1937, under the Popular Front government formed
against the threat of fascism, schools were instructed to keep religious
symbols out.

Fifty-two years later, in 1989, the French Council of State ruled that
"the wearing . of signs by which .[students] intend to express their
membership of a religion is not by itself incompatible with the
principle of secularity."

This remained the case until 1994, when schools were advised by the
education minister that they could ban "ostentatious religious symbols".
In 1996, the Council of State again ruled that the school ban
transgressed the principle of freedom of expression.

The uselessness of trying to impose secularism by banning individual
religious expression in public institutions such as schools is proven by

LL:DDV: Resistance Band Night "Chant Down Washington"

2003-11-20 Thread melbourne greenleft
"Chant Down Washington"

A night of reggae, funk and revolution...

Come along and help Unfuck the World with music! Proceeds will go to 
help Resistance continue to campaign against war, racism and injustice, 
and to fight for a better world.

Music will include bands Gazpacho and Riddle Wise and DJ's Jesse I and 
Ras Crucial (from PBS's "Chant Down Washington" 3pm Saturdays, 106.7FM).

DATE:  December 4, 2003
VENUE: Cafe 303, 303 High St, Northcote
PRICE: $6/$10

More info? Call James or Zoe on 9639 8622



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LL:DDV: Alvaro Guzman - "Venezuela, the revolution unfolding"

2003-08-26 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

"The revolution unfolding in Latin America"


Alvaro Guzman
National Director of the
Bolivarian Student Front in Venezuela

Thur. Sep 11, 6.30pm

Trades Hall, New Ballroom
crn Lygon & Victoria Str, Carlton
Entry: $8 waged $5 low income
Organised by Committees in Solidarity with Latin America & the Caribbean

Contact Allen for info on 9639 8622 or 9279 1829


VENEZUELA: Why the right has declared war on Chavez


LONDON - Almost 30 years after the violent destruction of the reformist
government of Salvador Allende in Chile, a repeat performance is being =
planned in Venezuela.

Little of this has been reported in Britain. Indeed, little is known of
the achievements of the government of Hugo Chavez, who won presidential
elections in 1998 and again in 2000 by the largest majority in 40 years.

Following the principles of a movement called Bolivarism, named after
the South American independence hero Simon Bolivar, Chavez has
implemented reforms that have begun to shift the great wealth of
Venezuela, which comes principally from its oil, towards the 80% of his
people who live in poverty.

With 49 laws adopted by the Venezuelan Congress last November, Chavez
began serious land reform, and guaranteed indigenous and women's rights
and free health care and education up to university level.

Chavez faces enemies that Allende would recognise. The "oligarchies",
which have held power since the 1950s during the corrupt bipartisan
reign of the Social Christians and Democratic Action, have declared war
on the reforming president, backed by the Catholic Church and the trade
union hierarchy and the media, both controlled by the right. What has
enraged them is a modest agrarian reform that allows the state to
expropriate and redistribute idle land; and a law that limits the
exploitation of oil reserves, reinforcing a constitutional ban on the
privatisation of the state oil company.

Allied with Chavez's domestic enemies is the Bush administration.
Defying Washington, Chavez has sold oil to Cuba and refused overflying
rights to American military aircraft supplying Plan Colombia, the US
campaign in support of the murderous regime in neighbouring Colombia.
Worse, although Chavez condemned the attacks of September 11, he
questioned the right of the United States to "fight terrorism with

For this, he is unforgiven. On November 5-7, the State Department,
Pentagon and National Security Agency held a two-day meeting to discuss
"the problem of Venezuela". The State Department has since accused the
Chavez government of "supporting terrorism" in Colombia, Bolivia and
Ecuador. In fact, Venezuela opposes American-funded terrorism in those
three countries.

The US says it will "put Venezuela in diplomatic isolation"; Colin
Powell has warned Chavez to correct "his understanding of what a
democracy is all about". Familiar events are unfolding. The
International Monetary Fund has indicated it supports a "transitional
government" for Venezuela. The Caracas daily El Nacional says the IMF is
willing to bankroll those who remove Chavez from office.

James Petras, a professor at New York State University, who was in Chile
in the early 1970s and has studied the subversion of the Allende
government, says that "the IMF and financial institutions are
fabricating a familiar crisis. The tactics used are very similar to
those used in Chile. Civilians are used to create a feeling of chaos,
and a false picture of Chavez as a dictator is established, then the
military is incited to make a coup for the sake of the country."

A former paratrooper, Chavez apparently still has the army behind him
(as Allende did, until the CIA murdered his loyal military chief,
opening the way to Pinochet). However, several senior officers have
denounced Chavez as a "tyrant" and have called for his resignation. It
is difficult to assess this; in its rumour-mongering, the hostile
Caracas press plays a role reminiscent of Chile's right-wing press, with
poisonous stories questioning Chavez's sanity.

The most worrying threat comes from a reactionary trade union hierarchy,
the Confederation of Venezuelan Workers (CTV), led by Carlos Ortega, a
hack of the anti-Chavez Democratic Action Party. The CTV maintains a
black list of "disloyal" and "disruptive" members, which it supplies to
employers. According to Dick Nichols, writing from Caracas [see GLW
#480], Chavez's most serious mistake has been his failure to move
against the union old guard, following a national referendum in which a
majority gave him a mandate to reform the CTV.

The crime of Hugo Chavez is that he has set out to keep his electoral
promises, redistributing the wealth of his country and subordinating the
principle of private property to that of the common good. Having
underestimated the power of his enemies, his current counter-offensive
is imaginative but also hints of desperation.

He has set up what are called "Bolivarian circl

LL:DDV: the great annual GLW comedy debate with: Rod Quantock

2003-08-21 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Green Left Weekly presents:
4th annual Comedy debate
with Rod Quantock

a rabble rousing debate that covers war, refugees and the media!
It'll be for YOU to judge:

"is a good story more important than the truth?"

join us in a night of political comedy, satire, fun and drink

Oct 3, Fri 7.00pm
Brunswick Town Hall
cnr Sydney & Glenlyons Rds, Brunswick
for bookings phone 9639 8622


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LL:INFO: Unity in the Peace Movement

2003-08-14 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Dear friends,

I am passing on this message from Nick Everett, a co-convenor of 
Sydney's Walk Against the War Coalition. This is the coalition
which organised some of the very successful Sydney rallies against the 
war on Iraq this year and last.

Nick is seeking support for the motion below which will go to the 
coalition's next meeting in a couple of weeks. The motion
explains the context for this call for unity.

Of course, everyone has the right to set up whatever new organisation 
they wish. That is not in question here. What is, is the exclusion of 
some forces on political grounds. This will narrow and weaken the peace 
movement at a time when we have to be ready to take on the next 
challenge - to get the occupying troops out of Iraq and champion the
right of Iraqis to self-determination.

Please send this on to interested people, and groups, and encourage them 
  to respond - including by sending a message to Walk Against War via 
its  website (details are below).


In solidarity,
Graham Matthews
Socialist Alliance,


   Walk Against the War Meeting, August 18, 2003

   Dear friend,

   On Monday, August 18 at 6.30pm at Trades Hall a special meeting of 
the Walk Against the War Coalition will be held to decide the
Coalition's  future.

   Bruce Childs and Hannah Middleton, two of the three co-convenors of 
the Walk Against the War Coalition, will be arguing that the
Coalition - which has functioned as a single, united coalition 
reflecting the broad range of organisations involved in the anti-war
movement in Sydney - is now redundant.

   They have given notice of a motion (posted to the Walk Against the 
War list on July 18) calling for "two-thirds of the funds [of
the Walk Against the War Coalition to] be transferred to the Sydney 
Peace and Justice Coalition, after the Walk Against the War
Coalition has met its  other obligations".

   The Sydney Peace and Justice Coalition (SPJC) was initiated by Bruce 
Childs, Hannah Middleton and others on July 7 at a meeting
that was kept secret from the majority of affiliates of the Walk Against 
the War
Coalition, effectively splitting the anti-war movement.

   The meeting adopted a charter with the controversial position of 
support for "a strong UN oversight in Iraq". The role of the UN
in Iraq has been the subject of much debate in the movement both here 
and internationally. But the Walk Against the War Coalition
has to date not allowed this difference to split the peace movement.

   However, the SPJC's adoption of this position splits the anti-war 
movement at a time when opposition against the US occupation is
mounting and the movement needs to be able to respond with a united 
voice. The SPJC's operating rules provide its coordinating
committee - elected for a term of one year - effective control over who 
may become an affiliate of the coalition.

   We urge you to oppose this move to split the anti-war movement and 
support the following motion:

   "This meeting of the Walk Against the War Coalition notes the success 
the Coalition has achieved in uniting diverse elements of
the Sydney  anti-war movement, reflected in successive mobilisations of 
tens of thousands of opponents of the war between November 2002 and 
April 2003. The mobilisation of 500,000 people in Sydney on February 16 
was an expression of peoples power against the Howard government's
support for war on Iraq made possible by the unity of the anti war movement.

   "This meeting reaffirms the Walk Against the War Coalition's 
commitment to building an inclusive and united anti-war movement and
rejects any attempt to dispense with the Coalition's funds."

Moved: Nick Everett
Co-convenor Walk Against the War Coalition

Endorsed by: Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific;
Canterbury-Bankstown Peace Group; Sawayan Coalition for Palestine;
Socialist Alliance; Ashisha Cunningham (Chippendale-Darlington Peace
Group*); Bashir Sawalha (NSW Greens*); Bob Gould (Bookseller); Daniel
Jardine (Vice-President, General Staff, Macquarie University Branch,
NTEU*); Jamal Daoud (NSW Greens*); Jenny Long (Secretary, Education
delegates committee, PSA*); Leonore Gouldthorpe (Pittwater for Peace*);
John Morris (Councillor, NSW Teachers Federation*); Leon Parissi
(Central Councillor, PSA*); Les Gray; Liam Mitchell (delegate, AMWU*);
Marie McKern; Melanie Sjoberg (Secretary, Housing delegates committee &
Womens Councillor, PSA*); Mike Waterman (Convenor, Newtown Peace
Group*); Noreen Navin (Peace Contact, Executive, Canterbury-Bankstown
Teachers Assoc*); Steve Painter (St George Greens*); Susan Price
(Vice-President, UNSW branch, NTEU*).

*Organisations listed for identification purposes only.

To add your endorsement email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  or phone 0409 
762 081.

Feedback can also be sent directly to the Walk Against the War 
Coalition's website 

LL:DDV: Michael Moore's coming to Brunswick!

2003-08-12 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Come along and join us for a big screen showing of:

Oscar-Winning Documentary Maker Michael Moore's The Big One
At the Retreat Hotel
280 Sydney Rd
Brunswick (near intersection with Glenlyon Rd)

Wednesday 3 September
6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Entry by donation
Organised by Socialist Alliance

For information ring 0407 023672 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wills Socialist Alliance meeting

Feature talk:
Money for health and education, not for military intervention!
Speaker: Michael Reidie, Victorian Socialist Alliance Co-convenor
speaking on Australia's intervention to the Solomon Islands
Wednesday 20 August
Solidarity Salon
580 Sydney Rd
For information ring 0407 023672.


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LL:DDV: Film screening: Inside the Venezuelan Coup

2003-07-22 Thread melbourne greenleft
on the BIG Screen: inside the Venezuelan Coup

'the revolution will not be televised'

August 14
THUR. 6:30pm
@ Trades Hall Council - new council chambers
(crn Lygon & Victoria str., Carlton)
ph: 9639 8622 or 0403 894 842 for info and bookings
entry cost: $10/$7 conc.

"film making rarely does the three magic things that film can do.
Inform, Persuade and ENTERTAIN. This movie does!" (- aint i cool news)

this film is an unprecedently frank and intimate profile of Venezuelan
President Hugo Chavez, charting the last seven months in the run up to
the April 2002 coup attempt against him and his dramatic return to power
some 48 hours later.

Never has such a range of footage of Chavez, destined to be the next
icon of the left and the next rogue leader of the US, been assembled in
one documentray.

"Chavez - inside the Coup" is a story relevant not only to audiences
today but which, by its nature. will be of historical value to future

presented by:
  CISLAC (Committees in Solidarity with Latin America & the Caribbean)
and Green Left Weekly


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LL:REM: Postponement of Alvaro Guzman's tour - CISLAC

2003-07-21 Thread melbourne greenleft

Postponement of Alvaro Guzman's tour - CISLAC

Dear friends. supporters and solidarity activists

Unfortunately we will have to advise you that the national tour for 
Alvaro Guzman, director of the Bolivarian Student Front in Venezuela, 
has to be postponed due to unforseen visa delays. The CISLAC public 
forum on Thursday, 24, at Kerr Street, Fitzroy will be cancelled.

We appologise of any inconvenience this might cause but unfortunately 
the matter is out of our hands.

For any further questions contact Allen J on 9279 1829 or Margarita W on 
9639 8622

in solidarity
Margarita W



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Venezuela leader in Melbourne - Public meeting Thursday 24 July

2003-07-17 Thread melbourne greenleft
Dear friends, (please pass this on to your contacts)
Alvaro Guzman, the National Director of the Frente Bolivariano 
Estudiantil (Bolivarian Student Front) in Venezuela will in in Melbourne
next week. Mr Guzman will be the first leading figure of the Bolivarian
Movement to visit Australia. He will arrive fresh from meetings with
President Chavez.

He is playing a leading role in the organisation of the national
literacy campaign (Mision Robinson), aimed at 2 million Venezuelans both
adult and youth.=

Public Forum featuring Alvaro Gusman

6:30 Thursday July 24, 88 Kerr Street, Fitzroy,
ph: Margarita 96398622 or Allen 0403894842, entry by donation ($6/$3) to 
cover the cost of the tour.

Presented by CISLAC


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LL:DDV: Green Left Weekly Annual Glovbal FIESTA

2003-07-17 Thread melbourne greenleft
Annual Green Left Weekly Fiesta: For a World without War!
Sat. July 26, Brunswick Town Hall, 7.00pm

celebrate the achievements of GLW with delicious food and great Latin
dance band AZUCAR

costs: $25.00/$15.00 conc (food and band)
for more info or bookings call: 9639 8622


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LL:PR: ASAP statement & background briefing on Solomons

2003-07-10 Thread melbourne greenleft
No troops to the Solomons! People aid not military aid!
Statement by Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific, 8 July 2003

We oppose the planned Australian-led military intervention into the
Solomon Islands later this month to "restore law and order" because it
is against the interests of the Solomon Islands people and heralds an
assault on the independence of other Pacific nations.

PM John Howard says that the intervention will take place at the
invitation of the Solomons Islands' people. But press reports say that
most of the 465,000 Solomon Islanders have been kept in the dark.

Solomons PM Sir Alan Kamakeza, who invited the Australian intervention,
has stolen thousands of dollars of aid money. The Solomon Islands
parliament, which has yet to pass a motion inviting the invasion, is a
notoriously corrupt institution.

The intervention will prop up a corrupt political elite that serves the
interests of foreign corporations. Many MPs and police officers are part
of the criminal gangs that the intervention is supposed to be aimed at.

It is aimed at defending Australian business interests, as the report by
the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (which called for the
intervention earlier this year) verifies.

Australia's aid program to the Solomon Islands is part of the system of
neo-colonial corruption and exploitation. According to Aid/Watch most of
the $37.4 million in
aid goes back to Australian companies with some going to Australian
multimillionaire Kerry Packer's GRM International to strengthen the law
and justice sector.

Instead, Australia should pay reparations to the Solomon Islanders for
years of colonial and neo-colonial exploitation and support an immediate
reversal of the privatisation and other neo-liberal policies that have
been forced on the Solomons and other Pacific nations. Australia should
support the nationalisation, under community control, of the mines and
plantations and help end the destruction of its forests and fisheries by
international corporations.

This will begin to address the root sources of ethnic conflicts and
corruption in the Solomon Islands.

On top of that, we support Aid/Watch's call for an aid program to the
Solomon Islands that should be "focused primarily on alleviating
poverty, thereby promoting sustainable development within the country
and attacking the problem of internal conflict directly by addressing
the urgent needs of the people of the Solomon Islands".

One such measure could also include fully funding young Solomon
Islanders' travel, board and tuition to study in Australian schools and
Canberra should repudiate the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive military
intervention and instead cultivate peaceful relations with its Pacific
and Asian neighbours.

The new imperialist interventions are the armed component of corporate
globalisation when local elites can no longer be trusted, or be relied
on, to implement the intensified exploitation that neo-liberalism

Australia in the Solomons: Security in whose interests?
A Background Briefing Paper by Action in Solidarity with Asia and the
Pacific, 8 July 2003

Colonial legacy
The Solomons crisis is rooted in the debilitating colonial legacy that
goes back for more than a century. Selective and distorted economic
development, arbitrarily-drawn borders, racist colonial administration,
and the exploitation of ethnic divisions were the basic features of
Britain's control of the Solomon Islands.

The present ethnic tension stem from Britain's policy of privileging
Malaitan employment in its colonial industries and administration. This
began when thousands of Malaitans were brought to work on plantations in
Guadalcanal in the early 20th century. As the predominantly male
Malaitian workforce intermarried with Guadalcanalese women, the
Malaitans benefited from the Guadalcanalese custom of matrilineal land
inheritance. Over time, Malaitans came to dominate the professions,
business, public service, police and military.

By the time of independence in 1978, the legacy of colonial
de-development left the Solomons economy reliant on a few primary
resources - the lion's share of which remained in British and Australian
corporations' hands.

The Solomon Islands Plantation Limited (SIPL) is almost wholly owned by
the British Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC), after Honiara
sold its 30% share to the CDC in 1999. Indigenous landowners have only a
2% stake.

The dependence on primary industries is also responsible for a
debilitating trade imbalance: in 2001-02 the Solomons imported $64
million of Australian products - nearly half its total imports - while
exporting only $2 million of goods to Australia.

This huge shortfall is made up for by a program of "boomerang aid" from
the Australian government. This means aid is tied to contracts given
exclusively to Australian companies, of which 100 were operating prior
to the 2000 coup.


LL:DDV: No Troops to Solomon Islands - Rally, Wed July 9

2003-07-07 Thread melbourne greenleft
No troops to Solomon Islands! Financial Aid not Imperialist take over!

Rally against Australian Miliatry Intervention into the Solomon Islands
Wed, July 9, 12.00pm
DFAT (Dep. of Foreign Affairs) - @DIMIA, Casselten Place, crn Lonsdale & 
Spring Street

for more info call: Vanessa on 0407 023 672 or Margarita on 9639 8622

No troops to Solomon Islands!

The Socialist Alliance today condemned the Howard Liberal-National
government's decision to send a warship and thousands of troops and
police to the Solomon Islands as "an imperialist act" driven by the
desire to protect Australian corporate interest in the South Pacific.

"This is an assertion of naked neo-colonial policy", said Socialist
Alliance national co-convener Riki Lane today in response to PM John
Howards announced "significant change in regional policy".

"Australian and New Zealand governments have long treated the South
Pacific as their backyard and have justifiably earned a reputation as
the region's bullies. Rather than sending warships and troops, Australia
should be sending reparations for decades of economic exploitation and
political bullying of the region".

The crisis in the Solomon Islands is a crisis brought on by "corporate
globalisation agenda" pursued by the Australian government, the World
Trade Organisation and the International Monetary Fund, said Mr Lane.

"It is no coincidence, however, that the biggest single Australian
business investment in the Solomon Islands -- the Gold Ridge gold mine
-- is located on Guadalcanal, and has not been operational since June
2000, when it was raided for its vehicles by one of the two main private
militia groups on the island.

"The real reasons for Canberra's decision to militarily intervene in the
Solomon Islands were spelt out in the Australian Strategic Policy
Institute's Our Failing Neighbour report, launched on June 10 by foreign
minister Alexander Downer:

The collapse of Solomon Islands is depriving Australia of business and
investment opportunities that, though not huge, are potentially valuable...

Australia's interests are also engaged in other ways. In a subtle but
important sense, state failure in the Southwest Pacific reflects badly
on Australia... Australia's standing in the wider world -- including
with the United States -- is therefore at stake.

"This government spends up on wars of aggression and spying on innocent
civilians while cutting back on urgently needed social services. It is a
government of social vandals. We say money for jobs, education and
health not more war", added Mr Lane.

Further comment:

National Co-Convener Riki Lane (03) 9387 7819 0400 877 819

Acting Co-convenor Peter Boyle (02) 9690 1230 0401 760 577

National Co-convener David Glanz (03) 9384 0225 0418 316 310

National Co-convener John van der Velden (02) 6247 8813



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LL:DDV: Aceh under Fire

2003-07-07 Thread melbourne greenleft

Video screening of "Aceh: Indonesia's Dirty War" followed by discussion.

John Martinkus, journalist just returned from Aceh, courageously
breaking the foreign media ban
Damien Kingsbury from Deakin University, author of 'Power Politics and
the Indonesian military'
Vannessa Hearman, Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific (ASAP)

Friday 18th July 6.30pm
Kaleide Theatre, 360 Swanston Street (Royal Melbourne Institute of
Technology- RMIT), Melbourne
Entry by donation

Ring 0407 023672 for information
Organised by Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific (ASAP)


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LL:DDV: Protest against US occupation of Iraq - July 4

2003-07-01 Thread melbourne greenleft
Rally on American Independence Day

   a.. Independence for Iraq - end the occupation - troops out!
   b.. No US attacks on Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria
   c.. Israel out of Palestine
   d.. Independence for Aceh
  Friday, July 4, 5,30pm

Nike Superstore, crn Swanston & Bourke St., City

Endorsed by: Darebin Anti-War Group, CISLAC, Socialist Alliance,
BooksNotBombs, Chilean Popular & Indigenous Network,  Madres de la Plaza
de Mayo, Socialist Alternative, ASAP

Allen 0403 894 842, Margarita 9639 8622


You should demonstrate on July 4 (American Independence Day) because:

   a.. Iraq is under military occupation
The US-led invasion of Iraq was a crime against humanity waged in
defiance of world opinion. Thousands of Iraqi people were killed and
injured. War has brought a US-British military occupation, not

Since the fall of Baghdad, the US appointed 'administrations' led by Jay
Garner and Paul Bremmer have faced demonstrations throughout the country
demanding that US troops leave and that the Iraqi people be able to
elect their own representatives. Oil workers have protested to demand
that members of the Baath Party re-appointed by US officials be sacked.

The US, British and Australian governments must withdraw their troops
now and pay reparations to be used by the Iraqi people to rebuild an
independent Iraq.

This was a war for oil and profits, not disarmament

Bush's war drive to invade Iraq has been a grab for oil. Iraq has the
world's second largest oil reserves. A May 22 UN Security Council
resolution places this oil wealth under the control of US and Britain.
Billion-dollar oil and construction contracts have been given to the
Halliburton and Bechtel corporations, both of which have close ties to
the Bush administration. US Vice-President Dick Cheney is a former CEO
of Halliburton, and continues to receive $1 million a year from the
company. Bechtel's senior Vice-President Jack Sheehan, a retired Marine
Corps general, sits on the Pentagon's Defence Policy Board and Bechtel
board member George Shultz was the  US Secretary of State under the
Reagan administration immediately after 'retiring' as director and
president of the company.

   a.. Palestine too is under military occupation
For 55 years, the people of Palestine have been dispossessed of their
land by the US-backed Israeli defense forces and denied their right to
self-determination. Since September 2000 - the beginning of the second
intifada - more than 2200 people have been killed and 20,000 injured by
the Israeli army and paramilitary settlers. Palestinians in the West
Bank and Gaza continue to suffer from strict military curfews and are
subjected to arbitrary arrest and house demolitions.

Bush's 'road map to peace', announced in the lead-up to the Anglo-US
invasion of Iraq, will give no respite. Palestinians are being asked to
give up the right of refugees to return, claims to their historic
capital and accept as fact the imposition of illegal settlements and
military roads on what is left of Palestine. In return they will get
'self-rule' over townships in only 23% of historic Palestine. This
Palestian 'state' will have no control over water resources, foreign
affairs and who can come into and out of their country.

Peace can never be achieved in Palestine until the Israeli occupation
ends and a viable, fully independent Palestinian state is established.
The right of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to return to
their homes must be recognised.

July 4 is a global day of protest against the US colonial occupation of

July 4 protests are being organised by anti-war coalitions in the United
States, where thousands will march against Bush in Philadelphia, in
Britain, targeting Bechtel corporation offices, and across New Zealand
and Australia.


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LL:DDV: 'Roger and Me' - Michael Moore

2003-06-26 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
 From the maker of "Bowling for Columbine" and author of "Stupid White 
Men"... see Moore's first feature length doco on the big
A fascinating and hilarious expose of corporate America.

==="Roger and Me" :: Michael Moore :: Film Screening===

JULY 15th Tuesday 6:30pm @ THE KALEIDE THEATRE (RMIT, Swanston St, 

Bookings ph. Marcus 9639 8622 :: entry $9 / $6 concession

Presented by Green Left Weekly



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LL:DDV: Annual Green Left Weekly Fiesta For a World without War

2003-06-17 Thread melbourne greenleft
Join us at our annual:
Green Left Weekly Global Fiesta
  "For a World without War"

Sat. July 26, 7.00pm, Brunswick Town Hall, Brunswick

celebrate the achievements of GLW and international freedom struggles
with a night of global festivities to tantalise the body and mind!
a healthy dose of politics, delicious banquet feast, tropical cocktails
and explosive Latin dance rhythms with
  live band  AZUCAR

tickets: $35.00 (solidarity price), $25.00 waged, $15.00 concession
for bookings call 9639 8622

(entry for band "AZUCAR" only: 9.30pm - $12.00 waged, $8.00 concession)


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LL:DDV: US Out of Iraq: end the occupation - PROTEST July 4

2003-06-10 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
pass on to various lists

Protest on US Independence Day
US - out of Iraq: End the Occupation
   a.. end US occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq
   b.. No US attacks on Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria
   c.. Israel out of Palestine
   d.. Indepenence for Aceh
Rally: Friday July 4 (US Independence Day)
  5.30pm @ NIKE (cnr Swanston & Bourke St, City)

call Allen on 0403 894 842 or 9639 8622 for more info
endorsed: Darebin Anti War Group, Chilean Popular & Indigenous Network,
BooksNotBombs, Socialist Alliance, CISLAC (Committees in Solidarity with
Latin America and the Caribbean), ASAP (Action in Solidarity with Asia
Pacific), Women for Peace

Bush, Blair and Howard have used the lie of weapons of mass destruction
to justify the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Months down the track, Iraq is devastated, no weapons have been found,
thousands of people have been killed and the US occupying forces have
replaced Saddam Hussein as the new dictators.

In an attempt to re-shape the world according to US imperialist
interests, the Bush administration is violating and threatening the
sovereignty and independence of Third world nations who refuse to be US

As the US is celebrating their Independence Day, thousands of people
around the globe languish under US domination.20

So join the protest against the US war on the Third World


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LL:DDV: urgent - community rally

2003-06-04 Thread Melbourne Greenleft


June 03 2003

At a meeting at the now closed Inner Western Region Migrant Resource
Centre (IWRMRC) in Footscray on June 2, local community members have
called a protest rally against its closure for this Saturday, June 7, at
11:00 AM in the Nicholson St. Footscray Mall.

The IWMRC was forced to close when the Federal government refused to
advance $170 000 which was necessary for the centre to remain open until
the end of the financial year. The government also refused to guarantee
funding next year, meaning the centre was unable to get a loan from a
bank. The staff at the centre were given 48 hours notice of the centre's
closure on May 22. This comes after the Minister for Citizenship and
Multicultural Affairs, Gary Hardgraves, visited the centre in January 03 
and praised it for the "impeccable" standards of service.

Following from the May 28 public meeting attended by over 250 concerned
community members, the meeting on June 2 called on the Federal
government to keep the IWRMRC open, and for the Department of
Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs to convene an open
meeting for all migrant community organisations and members, so the
government can explain their actions and hear the community's response.

All concerned members of the community are encouraged to attend
Saturday's protest, which will be the first step in an ongoing campaign
to save this valuable community resource. Following the rally, the next
campaign meeting will be held on Monday June 9.

For information about the rally or the campaign, please phone Joe
Montero on 0402 679 201.


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LL:DDV: RALLY to Save the Inner West Migrant Resource Centre

2003-06-03 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
please pass on to all lists and networks!

Community Rally to Save the Inner Western Migrant Resource Centre!

  Saturday June 7, 11am
Nicholson Street Mall, Footscray

for more info call Joe on 0402 697 201 or Ben on 9332 8566


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LL:DDV: Michael Moore film showing - "The Big One"

2003-06-02 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Green Left Weekly presents:

Michael Moore's  film  "The Big One"

"What would it take to have a couple of scenes removed from the movie?"
-Lee Weinstein, NIKE Head of Public Relations in a call to Moore
before "The Big One's" release

June 10, Tuesday 6.30pm at Kaleide Theatre, RMIT, Swanston St, Melb

for bookings call 9639 8622

$9/$6 conc entry - fundraisers for Australia's best radical newspaper,
Green Left Weekly


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2003-03-30 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Gardens on the corner of Flinders St. and Spring St. = March
with the Books Not Bombs contingent from Treasury Gardens gathering at 

Saturday April 5, 11am to 5:30pm
Resistance Centre, 5th Floor 407 Swanston Street, Melbourne
Organised by the Melbourne branch of Resistance - socialist youth 
ALL WELCOME, no cost.

PLENARY 1 >> War: who is it good for?
11am to 12:30pm
Introduced by Claudia Quinell
Why are the US Government and their allies so committed to waging war on 
Iraq despite massive, global opposition from ordinary
people? What is their agenda? What does capitalism stand to gain from 
this fake "war on terrorism"?

All run at the same time from 1pm to 2pm

1 >> All Nations are equal but .
Introduced by Helen Slaney
A history of the United Nations and the League of Nations. What has been 
the real nature and role of these bodies in international
politics and war since the end of the First World War?

2 >> Clash of Fundamentalisms
Introduced by Zoe Kenny
Why have Britain and the US supported Israel's occupation of Palestine 
in the face of years of international condemnation? What is
the real relationship between religion and politics in the Middle East?

3 >> Iraq today
Introduced by Stephen Garvey
Who is Saddam Hussein, what does he represent and where did he come 
from? Why are the Kurds and Shi'ites persecuted by Hussein's Ba'
ath regime? How can a just and democratic society be built in Iraq?

Both run at the same time from 2:30pm to 4pm

1 >> High School
Run by Jess Melvin

2 >> University
Run by Vivian Messimeris

PLENARY 2 >> Confronting Empire
4:30pm to 5:30pm
Introduced by Matt Rich
The US, the ultimate "rogue state", is waging a campaign of terror in 
its pursuit of control over world resources (such as oil). How
can this superpower be confronted? A discussion of strategies for the 
anti-war movement, the movement against corporate
globalisation and liberation struggles in the Third World.

If you have any Q's call Marcus Pabian on 0403 876 934.



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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Northcote anti-war public meeting

2003-03-24 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Socialist Alliance Public Forum
Wed April 2nd 6:30pm
Ruckers Bar and Grill
250 High St,

"Where to for the US: from Iraq to Nth Korea"
- Allen Jennings who will look at US interests in Latin America and the 
ongoing victories of the people of Veneuzuala against US
- Bill Hartley - long term Middle East peace activists will look at the 
history of the US in Iraq.

Ph) 9486 5472 for more info

All welcome!



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LL:DDV: VPN Vigil at State Library: 5.00pm - 8.00pm - starting

2003-03-18 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
please forward this email to your friends and contacts

join us at the daily anti war vigil until war starts:
STATE  LIBRARY: 5.00pm - 8.00pm
Swanston Street, City (opposite Melbourne Central Station)



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LL:DDV: Women's Voices against War - Women's Performance Night

2003-03-13 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Green Left Weekly presents:

'Women's Voices against the War'

Join us at our annual GLW Women's performance nite
celebrating the manifold talents of uppity women and feisty feminists.

A night of music, poetry and comedy

with a special performance from the wonderful "UKeLeLe LADIES",
and the magnificent comedian Allysha Hawke
and many moore!!!

Saturday, March, 22, 8.00pm
279 Smith St
$12.00 or $7.00 conc.


For more information and bookings contact : 9639 8622 or Rachel on 0403
798 420


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LL:DDV: Fitzroy Rally for Peace - this Saturday

2003-03-10 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
 please forward
No War on Iraq. No Australian Involvement

Fitzroy Rally for Peace
part of nation-wide local rallies
As the US deadline for war draws closer be part
of expressing your local community's opposition to war.

11am Saturday 15th (this Saturday)
Corner of Brunswick and Kerr St
for more information ph. Karen or Jody - 9639 8622


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LL:DDV: Pilger's fim about Iraq

2003-03-03 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Tuesday, 11 March. 7.30pm
Maribyrnong Anti-War Group film screening
JOHN PILGER'S "Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq"
"House of Fools" hotel, Nicholson St, Footscray (opposite VUT Nicholson 
St Campus)



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LL:DDV: Women's Voices against War - Women's Performance Night

2003-02-27 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Green Left Weekly presents:

'Women's Voices against the War'

Join us at our annual GLW Women's performance nite celebrating the 
manifold talents of uppity women and feisty feminists.

A night of music, poetry and comedy

Saturday, March, 22, 8.00pm=20
279 Smith St
$12.00 or $7.00 conc.


For more information and bookings contact : 9639 8622 or Rachel on 0403
798 420


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance International Women's Day dinner

2003-02-27 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
The Socialist Alliance invites you to:

International Women's Day Dinner
and the Maribyrnong & Brimbank Council Election Launch:
" Peace, Justice & Solidarity" - No War on Iraq

enjoy an exquisite three course meal, live performance and brief toasts
from our candidates and local activists

Saturday, March 8, 7.00pm
Church Hall, Hyde Street (next to Council Chambers)

costs: $ 25.00 (solidarity price), $ 20.00 waged, $ 10.00 concession

for more information and bookings contact:
Linda on 9687 0789 or 0403 920 394


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LL:DDV: Premiere of New Noam Chomsky film: Green Left Weekly

2003-02-20 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Green Left Weekly Fundraiser:

Come to the Melbourne Premiere of:
"NOAM CHOMSKY, Power and Terror in Our Times" -a film by John Junkerman.

"Everyone's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really =
easy way: stop participating in it" -Noam Chomsky.

Thursday 27th February, 6.30pm for complementary Wine and cheese. Film =
starts 7pm.
Nova Cinema, 380 Lygon St, Carlton.
Tickets $14.50/11.00

Bookings Essential. Please call Peter on 9639 8622, or 0422 075 904.
Tickets available at 407 Swanston St, Level 5 (opp RMIT).


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LL:DDV: Footscray Community Rally Against the War

2003-02-18 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Footscray Community Rally Against the War

There will be a community rally in Footscray, this Saturday (February 22)
Where: Footscray Mall, Nicholson St
When: 11am. Saturday, 22 February.

Speakers will include council election candidates from the Greens, ALP
and Socialist Alliance and Iraqi feminist and pro-democracy activist
Surma Hamid.
The rally will include a "Return To Sender" of the government's
"Terrorism Packs", reflecteing the view that this taxpayer funded
pro-war propaganda is likely to be divisive in a community as culturally
and religiously diverse as Footscray.
The rally is organised by the Maribyrnong Anti-War Group which meets
every Tuesday, 6.30pm at the Footscray Resistance Centre, 48 Leeds St
(room 6, upstairs). For more information ring Tony Iltis on 9332 8566 or
9687 0789.


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LL:DDV: International Women's Day

2003-02-18 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Rally for Peace, Justice and Solidarity
Saturday March 8, 1.00pm State Library, Melbourne
for more info call Vivian on 9639 8622/0403 924 409 or Nazra 0405 735 902


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LL:INFO: Maribyrnong anti war group formed

2003-02-13 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Maribyrnong anti war group formed. Meets every Tuesday 6:30pm at suite 6
48 Leeds St. Footscray. Ph. 9682-0789
Footscray rally against war in Iraq. Saturday 22nd February at 11am, 
Footsray mall.
Speakers; Sylvie Leber Australian Greens, Justine Kamprad Socialist 
Alliance, Lincoln Hancock anti war activist.



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LL:DDV: No War on Iraq! No War on Civil Liberties!

2003-02-12 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
Socialist Alliance is organising an important public meeting following 
the anti-war rallies this weekend, which draws the links
between the Bush/Howard 'war on terror' and the attack on civil 
liberties by both federal and state governments.

When? Monday February 17, 6.30pm
Where? New Ballroom, Trades Hall Council, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts Carlton
Who? Rob Stary, Civil rights lawyer and reporesentative for John Thomas, 
Melbourne man currently detained in Pakistan on charges of
Professor Lou Irving, Medical Association for the Prevention of War
Karen Fletcher, former principal solicitor Prisoners' Legal Service 
(Brisbane ) and Socialist Alliance
Gareth Stephenson, rank and file CFMEU activist
Why? To get informed and activated in the campaign against war on Iraq 
and indefence of civil liberties



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LL:DDV: International Women's Day 2003 - RALLY for Peace

2003-02-04 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
please distribute widely through your networks and put in your activist 

Melbourne International Women's Day 2003

Rally for Peace, Justice and Solidarity-
NO War on Iraq, NO war on our communites!

Saturday March 8, 1.00pm, State Library, City

for more information on how to get involved or endorsements contact 
Nazra on 0405 735 902, Vivian on 9639 8622/0403 924 409 or
Michelle on 9326 9622 (ext. 314)

International Women's Day organising meetings are every Tuesday, 6.00pm, 
Level 3 meeting room, YWCA, 489 Elisabeth Street, City



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LL:DDV: city-wide March 5 organising meeting

2003-01-30 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
To all interested activists, supporters of March 5 Student Strike,


Campuses are continuing come on board the March 5 Student Strike and 
organising for the day is under way.

This meeting has been called to organise the platform and march for the 
city convergence protest on March 5.

High School students, young workers and unemployed and university 
students should all come to help shape this convergence protest.

A proposed time for the convergence protest is 2pm to allow campuses and 
High School students to get there from all quarters of
Melbourne. To discuss these details we need representation from all 
campuses invloved.

In solidarity,
Marcus Pabian
Youth and Students Coalition Against War
0403 876 934
office 9639 8622



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LL:DDV: Carmen Lawrence supports March 5

2003-01-29 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
March 5 Student Strike AGAINST WAR ON IRAQ!
[endorse the strike contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

A meeting of 850 people in Melbourne on Wednesday 29 discussed the 
reasons for opposition to the war on Iraq.

Carmen Lawrence was one of the key note speakers, and spoke quite well. 
Encouraging people to take to the streets rather than asking
Labor Premiers to write letters to John Howard.

In question time I passed on the news of the 20-30 national 
organisations in the US who are organising a National Student Strike
against Bush's war on Iraq on March 5.

I mentioned the Youth and Students Coalition Against War plans for a 
joint strike against the war here on March 5.

I asked Carmen Lawrence and Bishop Hilton Deakin if they would publicly 
support students striking here on March 5 in union with
students in the US. They both expressed clear support for such an action.

Carmen Lawrence said she thought it was a great idea and strongly 
supported students going on strike! The crowd at the meeting gave
a loud applause in response. She has offered to help publicise it.

To endorse the strike and get in contact with others organising it 

In solidarity,
Marcus Pabian
Youth and Students Coalition Against War
0403 876 934



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LL:DDV: Mike Moore - Bowling for Columbine: Film showing

2002-12-09 Thread Melbourne GreenLeft
Join us at the exclusive Preview Screening of Mike Moore's Latest Film: 
Bowling for Columbine

when: Sunday 15 Dec, 5.00pm
where: Kino Cinema - Collins Place on Collins Street

price: $12.00/15.00
call: 9639 8622
a Green left Weekly Fundraiser


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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Unity Forum

2002-11-25 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
join us at the Socialist Alliance Unity Forum:
Fighting War and Racism - how to build a  socialist movement

Wed. Dec 11, 6.30pm
RMIT Function Rooms (next to Kaleide Theatre), RMIT - Swanston Street 
entrance, City
phone: 9639 8622
all welcome



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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance Anti War speak out - Sat, Nov 23

2002-11-13 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
No US/UN War on Iraq!
No Australian Involvement!
Taxpayers money for welfare not warfare!

The Socialist Alliance invites you to join us on Saturday, Nov 23 at 
11.00am at the Victoria Markets (Elisabeth Street entrance),
City for a rally and speak out against a war on Iraq.
Speakers will include Socialist Alliance candidate Arun Pradhan, 
anti-war activists and others (tbc)

for more information contact:
Margarita on 9639 8622 or 0438 869 790



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LL:INFO: Public Anti War forum in Coburg - not happening

2002-10-23 Thread Melbourne Greenleft
hi all

on monday a forum in Coburg at the Anatolian Centre was wrongly 
advertised on this list. This forum is not taking place (as it took
place last year!) and we want to apologiese for any inconvenience caused.

in solidarity
margarita w.

- Original Message -
From: "Melbourne Green Left" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 5:27 PM
Subject: LL:DDV: Public Anti War forum in Coburg

Behind the War forum: Corporate globalisation and the drive for war in 
the Middle East
Tuesday Oct.30, 6.30pm
organised by Turkish & Kurdish Human Rights Committee and the Democratic
Socialst Party

Anatolia Cultural Centre, 195 Sydney Rd, Coburg
tel 9639 8622


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LL:DDV: Woody Guthrie story in song

2002-10-11 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Hard travelling: the Woody Guthry story in song

He has inspired the likes of Bob Dylan, Bruce Springstein and Billy 
Bragg.  Woodrow Wilson Guthrie is often considered as the original folk 
hero - as early as the 1930's he was the first to use the folk ballad as 
a means of social protest.

This informative and entertaining night will rediscover the songs and 
stories of Woody Guthrie - from the Dust Bowl Ballads, union and 
anti-fascist songs

feature includes:
Peter Hicks (Tasmanian folk legend)
Melanie Shanahan (from Akasa)
Vic. Trades Hall Choir

October 31, Thursday 7.30pm
Trades Hall Council (bar), crn Lygon st and Victoria st, Carlton
$8.00/$5.00 (concession)

for interviews, contact Peter Hicks on (h) 03 626 63010, (w) 03 626 48481
bookings, phone Margie 9639 8622



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LL:DDV: Hard Travelling - the Woody Guthrie Story in Song

2002-10-01 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Hard Travelling - the Woody Guthrie Story in song

an informative and entertaining night rediscovering the songs and
stories of Woody Guthrie - from the Dust Bowl Ballads, union and
anti-fascist songs.

Acts include:

Peter Hicks (Tasmania)
Melanie Shanahan (Akasa)
Victorian Trade Union Choir

and more...

$5.00/$8.00 (includes nibbles)
Trades Hall Bar, cnr Lygon Street & Victoria Street, Carlton
Thurs Oct  31st  7.30

proceeds go to Green left Weekly newspaper
for bookings contact Margarita on 9639 8622



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LL:DDV: PEOPLE'S ENQUIRY - West Refugee Meeting

2002-05-10 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

in Footscray's Inner West Migrant Resource Centre Hall, a people's inquiry
into the detention centers will be held.

Come along to a community meeting to examine the policy of mandatory
detention and the realities of life inside Australia's detention centers
including the Maribyrnong center located in the western suburbs. Featuring a
panel of  welfare workers, ex-detainees, and refugee rights activists.

Speakers include Barbara Rogallo, a former nurse at Woomera, Wayne Lynch, a
former counselor from Woomera, and Pamela Curr, the Greens refugee
spokesperson who works closely with the Maribyrnong refugees. The Inquiry is
of particular relevance to the community in the West because the West houses
one of the detention centers at Maribrynong. More information about the
conditions in detention centers will be made public at the meeting.

Rogallo comments "`These are concentration camp conditions. We are calling
people by a number and we are locking them up behind fences topped with
razor wire. It reminded me of a Nazi concentration camp I visited in
Czechoslovakia". Australia is the only country in the world to have
mandatory detention.

Wayne Lynch adds " I was personally traumatized by it and I decided I
couldn't participate in such an atrocity any more." He understands the
recent escape attempts, explaining that for detainees, escape or
self-mutilation are the only way of exerting control over their lives. Lynch
comments that he witnessed most detainees arriving in good health, robust
and buoyant but by the end of their time in detention may were clinically
depressed, suicidal and mutilating themselves.

People's Inquiries are part of a long tradition of community action and
involvement. Thursday 16th May, at 7pm at the Inner West region migrant
resource center hall, 30a Pickett St, Footscray.

Ph Jody on 0438 191 768 for more info


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LL:DDV: Cultural Night with Ray Pereira & Nii Tettey Tetteh

2002-03-17 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Greenleft Weekly Cultural Night
End Racism: Free the Refugees

Featuring world music performers Ray Pereira & Nii Tettey Tetteh.

Venue: The Church Hall
Address: 10a Hyde St, Footscray
Date: Friday March 22
Time 7.30pm
Entry: $15 waged $10 conc.
Drinks and Tapas available
Ph 9687 0789 or 0438 191 768 for booking



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LL:DDV: Maribyrnong Vigil, Sunday 3 March 11:30am

2002-02-26 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Refugee Action Collective - West

Please note: Vigils at Maribrynong will be organised by RAC - West at
11.30am on the first Sunday of the month.

Maribrynong Dentention Centre , Vigil
Theme : Refugee Rights are Womens rights
Where: Maribyrnong Detention Centre, Hampstead RD (Melways 27H10 - tram 
82 from Footscray)
When: Sunday March 3rd @ 11.30am
What to bring: voices, placards, balloons and solidarity

All refugee rights supporters are invited to a vigil on the Sunday prior
to International Women's Day (IWD) to focus on the struggle of women
refugees.  Because of women's experience of persecution in many
countries because of their sex, women make up a disproportionate number
of refugees. Women refugees are both the victims of an inhumane refugee
policy and sexism, compounding the difficulty of their lives. Show your
solidarity in the lead to IWD (6pm Friday March 8th, City Square (crn
Collins and Swanston )- All Welcome)
For more info contact Tanya or Jody on 9687 0789 or 0438 191768




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LL:DDV: Socialist Alliance National Conference

2001-07-30 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

The Socialist Alliance which was launched by nine socialist organisations 
in Australia in February will have its first national conference in 
Melbourne this weekend at Trades Hall.

The Socialist Alliance will be standing candidates at the coming federal 
election. Socialist Alliance is committed to fighting neo-liberalism, 
whether introduced by Liberal or Labor governments. The Alliance is 
committed to campaigning for change on the streets, in the workplaces and 
on campus. Although we will field candidates, we do not believe that 
fundamental change will come through parliament.

The Socialist Alliance conference will begin at 9am Saturay August 4 at 
Victorian Trades Hall, cnr Victoria Pde and Lygon Sts Carlton. All 
supporters of progressive politcs are welcome. Observers will pay $10/$5 
conc. per day of attendance.

The conference will stretch over the whole weekend, with  fundraiser fr the 
Alliance at the Mission to Seafarers building at 717 Flinders St (just next 
to the Melbourne police centre) beginning at 8pm on Saturday Aug 4. Entry 
will be $7/$5 conc, and a full bar will be available.

For more information about the conference call Graham 9639 8622 or David 
9386 4815. Also visit the Socialist Alliance web-site 


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LL:DDV: Launch of O3 to CHOGM Alliance

2001-07-12 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Join the S11, M1 and all anti-corporate activist in the launch of our 
latest project, the mass protest and blockade of the Commonwealth Business 
Forum on October 3-5.
Date of Launch: Friday, August 10, 7.30pm
Old Coucil Chambers, Trades Hall, corner Lygon and Victoria Streets.

Speakers from the environment, anti-corporate, student, trade union and 
feminist movment will discuss the impact of corporate globalisation and 
need to oppose the  agenda of the business elite. The Commonwealth Business 
Forum plays an essential role in setting economic policy for the 
Commonwealth Heads of Goverment Meetings and to pressure Third World 
countries into undemocratic trade deals.

for further information on the launch and how you can get involved with the 
O3 alliance call: 9639 8622 or 9421 4439

cancel Third World debt!
boycott the next WTO trade round!
stop GATS!


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LL:REM: Indo conference bust public mtg

2001-07-05 Thread Melbourne Greenleft

Dear comrades,

ASIET (Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor)and AAWL 
(Australia Asia Worker Links) are co-sponsoring a public meeting to be held 
on Wednesday evening 11 July at 7.00pm in The Annexe, 2nd floor, Victorian 
Trades Hall Council.

The discussion and analyses will cover the forcible dispersal of the 
INCREASE (Asia Pacific People's Solidarity Conference on Neoliberalism and 
Militarism) Conference in Indonesia last month, and events immediately 
after the conference.

The speakers will be Tom O'Lincoln and Graham Matthews, who attended the 
conference, as well as Piergiorgio Moro.

We are sure the discussion will be full of interest, so we ask you to 
advertise this public meeting in the short time available. Please feel free 
to relay this email to anyone you believe might be interested.

Leaflets will be available at the Nike demonstration this coming Friday.

I understand that there will be an open bar for drinks and coffee.


Mark Matcott


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