LL:DDN: honey for ochun

2003-11-13 Thread joan
On Saturday, November 29, the Sydney branch of the Australia Cuba
Friendship Society will be showing a recent Cuban film 'Honey for Ochun'.
This film is directed by Humberto Solas who also directed the acclaimed
film Lucia, and stars Jorge Perugorria, recently seen in the wellknown
Cuban film 'Strawberries and Chocolate'. The film will be shown at the
CFMEU building, 6-12 Railway St, Lidcombe at 7pm, $10 entry.



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LL:DDN: cuban trade unionists speak in sydney

2003-03-24 Thread joan
A delegation of Cuban trade union representatives will be in Sydney as 
part of a tour organised by the Construction, Forestry, Mining  Energy 
Union (CFMEU). The delgation includes:

- Pedro Ross Leal, the General Secretary of the Cuban Confederation of
Workers, Member of the Cuban National Assembly  a member of the Central
Committee of the Cuban Communist Party

- Rafael Mesa Bravo, Secretary of the Cuban Construction Workers Union

- Hilda Chacon Bravo, the International Relations Representative (Asia
Pacific) for the Cuban Confederation of Workers

A dinner  talk sponsored by the CFMEU, the Australia Cuba Friendship
Society, Amigos de Cuba  the Committee in Solidarity with Cuba (Western
Suburbs) has been organised. Speacial guests will be Pedro Ross Leal,
Rafael Mesa Bravo and Hilda Chacon Bravo.

The details are as follows:
   Dinner  Welcome
   Topics include: -  International Workers Solidarity
   - The future of Socialism in the World
   - War, Peace  National Sovereignty

Date: Sunday, March 30, 2003


Where:  Greek Community Club
  206 Lakemba Street, Lakemba

Cost: $20.00 (dinner included)

Entertainment will be provided by Latin Band.
Seats are limited  bookings are essential. For bookings  further
information, contact Nick Rawson 0414 691 732, Hugo Nardini 9822 5891/ 
0408 964 953, Jodie Coleman 9749 0406 (for credit card bookings), Mara 
Ochoa on 9602 0450 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Joan Silk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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LL:DDN: Sydney ACFS activities

2002-11-17 Thread joan
Just a reminder about the Australia Cuba Friendship Society activities
coming up soon.

There is a film night being held at the Tom Mann Theatre at 7pm on 
Friday 22nd November. The Consul-General of the Republic of Cuba in 
Sydney, ACFS and the Committee in Solidarity with Cuba invites you to 
come along to see several recent Cuban documentaries. We hope that these 
will provide an insight into the island's present reality, its epic 
history, the ongoing fight against the U.S. blockade, Cuba's unique take 
on the arts, music and sport.So come along and enjoy an evening getting 
to know one of the most popular and attractive islands in the Caribbean.
Refreshments will be available

Tom Mann Theatre
128 Chalmers Street
Surry Hills

We are holding an art show and auction this coming Saturday, November 23 
at the Benledi Room, Glebe Library
186 Glebe Point Road, GLEBE
from 2pm - 6pm (Auction at 5pm)
The purpose of the auction is to raise money for our project in Cuba, 
the Mariana Grajales Primary School located in the Australia Sugar Mill 
in the Matanzas Province. The school was opened in 1954 and serves 
nearly 300 students. The current school facilities such as furniture, 
water supply, electricity, kitchen and bathrooms are outdated, in poor 
condition and insufficient for the increasing population in the rural 
area. The school was also severely damaged by Hurricane Michelle with 
many students having to relocate to schools further away from their 
homes. This function will be opened by the Cuban Consul-General in 
Australia and will feature live music and a speaker on education in 
Cuba. All are welcome.

The Australia Cuba Friendship Society will also be having its 
end-of-year party at the Spanish Club on Sunday, December 8th. This is 
an annual event with music, dancing and general good times to celebrate 
solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban revolution.

Put it in your diary now - and stay tuned for bands, times, etc.



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LL:DDN: solidarity gathering for latin america

2002-06-11 Thread joan

Solidarity gathering - Latin America and the Struggle against Neoliberalism

Millions of people throughout Latin America are being dispossessed by
neoliberal economic policies, plunder from the west and repression from
within their own countries. But at the same time they are increasingly
challenging the system, their rulers and United States intervention in the
region. They are doing so while proposing, in practice, new and autonomous
ways of struggle through popular grassroots organisations.

In Sydney an event has been organised to show solidarity with Latin America
and the struggle against neoliberalism. Representatives from popular and
grass roots organisations will provide first hand accounts of their
experiences. This event will also be held a week later in Melbourne.
Special guests are: from Argentina - Hebe Bonafini, President of the Plaza
del Mayo Association (Mothers of the Disappeared); from Chile - Maria
Panchillo Neculhual, member of the Xeg Xeg Mapuche Development Corporation;
Columbia - Carlos Olaya, executive member of the National Food Industry
Workers Union. Also a video will be shown on the effects of NAFTA on
workers, farmers and indigenous people in Mexico.

The event will be held at the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney,
Guthrie Theatre, Building 6, Harris Street, Ultimo at 2pm Saturday, June
29, 2002. Entry is by $5 donation and food and drinks are available.
Organised by the Latin American Popular and Indigenous Network and the
support group for Argentina's Mothers of Plaza del Mayo.

For more information phone - 9698 8119 or 9558 7694


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LL:DDN: close pine gap - no star wars

2002-05-22 Thread joan

Information Evening

Thursday, 6 June
6 - 7.30 pm
Boardroom, Level 3, 410 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills
(near the corner with Devonshire Street. If you arrive
after 6 pm and the front door is locked, please dial 65
on the dial system on the left)

info on Pine Gap  -  buses  -  costs  - timetable
- ideas for actions - legal matters - affinity groups
- and more

Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition

PO Box A899, Sydney South NSW 1235. Phone: (02) 9212 0800.


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LL:DDN: cuban minister for youth speaks in sydney

2002-04-12 Thread joan

The Australia Cuba Friendship Society is hosting a public meeting for 
Otto Rivero Torres, First Secretary of the Union of Young Communists of 
Cuba and Cuban Minister for Youth.

The meeting will commemorate the 41st anniversary of the 1962 victory of
the Cuban people over the Bay of Pigs invasion carried out by 
mercenaries trained and armed in the United States.

Rivero will explain the current international campaign to free five 
young Cubans convicted and jailed in the United States today for 
defending their homeland from terrorists based in Miami.

He will discuss the central role played by Cuban youth in the expansion 
of education and culture in Cuba today through programs like the 
University for All.

Otto Rivero Torres

First Secretary of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba, Cuban Minister
for Youth

7 p.m., Thursday 18 April 2002

Room 33, Trades Hall

4 Goulburn St, Sydney

For more information contact: 9698 8119




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LL:DDN: Cuban speaker in Sydney

2002-03-20 Thread joan

Fernando Duque, a representative of the Cuban Institute in Solidarity 
with the Peoples (I.C.A.P.), will be visiting Australia and New Zealand 
on a speaking tour in late March.He will be the guest speaker at a 
public event organised by the Australia Cuba Friendship Society 
(A.C.F.S.)in Sydney at the CFMEU building, 12 Railway St, Lidcombe at 
6.30pm on Saturday, April 6.

All welcome




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LL:DDN: celebrate the cuban revolution!

2001-07-17 Thread joan

Celebrate the Cuban revolution!

On July 26, 1953, Fidel Castro led a group of
100 men and women in an attack on the Moncada
barracks near Santiago de Cuba. Although its
immediate aims were not achieved, the attack
was a spark which set off the Cuban revolution.

Join us to celebrate at the Villawood Senior
Citizens Centre, Villawood Road, Villawood, Sydney
at 7pm on Saturday night, July 21. Food and drinks
will be available and there will be live music
from Latin band Cafe Sur and Group Candombe.
Entry is $5 with under-12s free.

Organised by
the Committee in Solidarity with Cuba (Western
suburbs), Amigos de Cuba and the Australia Cuba
Friendship Society (Sydney). contact 9565 1197
for more information.


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LL:DDN: bay of pigs 40th anniversary celebration

2001-04-18 Thread joan

A conference on "Gir=F3n: Forty Years Later" was held on March 22-24 in
Havana, Cuba to mark the defeated, US-sponsored, counter-revolutionary
invasion at Playa Gir=F3n near the Bay of Pigs, four decades ago.
Participants in the meeting included former top advisers to U.S. President
John F. Kennedy and CIA officials; commanders and other combatants of the
Cuban forces in the April 1961 battle; members of the Brigade 2506 invasion
unit; and academics from both the United States and Cuba.

Cuban President Fidel Castro joined in much of the conference. On the very
eve of the US-backed invasion attempt, on April 16, 1961, Castro, as the
young leader of the revolution, had rallied the Cuban people in a speech
explaining that the revolution was socialist. Castro personally oversaw the
command of the victorious Cuban forces that repelled the invasion.

The Australia-Cuba Friendship Society in Sydney is holding a celebratory
event on the 40th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs at 7 pm, Saturday, April
21st in the Edge Theatre, King St, Newtown. Guest speakers will include the
new Cuban Consul-General to Australia, Sicilia Fernendez Dominguez, and
Peter Ross from the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies at
UNSW. The event will also include video clips, songs, poems, photographs
and literature on revolutionary Cuba and the Bay of Pigs.

A central organiser of the Havana conference was Jose Ramen Fernendez,
today a vice president of Cuba, and at the time commander of the main
column that repelled the CIA-organised forces at Playa Gir=F3n. Fern=E1ndez
recently spoke at ACFS events in Sydney while here as president of the
Cuban Olympic Committee. In a recent testimony, Fern=E1ndez points out that
"from a strategic and tactical point of view, the enemy's idea was
well-conceived=85What they lacked was a just cause to defend."

With an invasion force of 1500 Cuban-born exiles, the Kennedy
administration aimed to entrench a beachhead on an isolated piece of Cuban
territory to set up a "provisional government". This would then have called
for direct military intervention by Washington and its closest Latin
American allies to restore the old propertied classes and military command
to power. In this way the White House and CIA hoped to overturn the Cuban
revolution and wipe out its example. But they underestimated Cuba's workers
and peasants. In less than 72 hours Cuba's popular militias, Revolutionary
National Police, and Rebel Army routed the invaders, inflicting what Fidel
Castro termed "Yankee imperialism's first great defeat in the Americas."

Building on this victory, the Cuban people transformed both their country
and themselves. In the process, they inspired millions of working and
democratic-minded people and youth across the world. They showed it is
possible to stand up to the enormous might of the U.S. government, to
tackle seemingly insurmountable odds - and win.

For more information, contact Ron Poulsen (02) 9798 8740 or 0413 450 981
Or Rebecca Pinkstone (02) 9565 1197 or 0419 256 572


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LL:INFO: Not just a tourist!

2000-10-17 Thread joan

Experience the social, political and cultural life of revolutionary Cuba.
Visit Cuba with the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society's 18th annual
Work/Study Tour, December 27, 2000 to January 28, 2001.

$3,650 ex Syd/Melb/Adel/Bris

The Work/Study Tour shows how Cuba has transformed itself over the last 40
years from underdevelopment and poverty into an example for the rest of the
Cuba has achieved:
-lower infant mortality than most parts of the United States
-more teachers and doctors per capita than any other country
-a country without homelessness

For further information
Adelaide - Naomi 08)8267 3915
Albury - Peter 02)6021 3520
Brisbane - Dita 07)3893 2854
Canberra - Daniel 0410 472 137
Melbourne - Maree 03)9478 9473
Perth - Lefki 08)9367 2622
Sydney - Ingrid 02)9744 6665
Auckland - Fiona 09)620 9872
Christchurch - Dennis 03)388 7288
Hamilton - Helen 07)825 7470
Wellington - Jim 04)384 8120


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LL:REM: program for cuban sport exhibition

2000-09-06 Thread joan

Calendar of events for the Cuban Sport Exhibition Centre
COMET building, 6-8 Railway St, Lidcombe (near the railway station), Sydney

Organised and sponsored by Australia Cuba
Friendship Society (Sydney branch)
and Ocean Press. Sponsored by COMET Training

The Exhibition Centre will be open between 2 and 8pm from September 13 -
25, 2000

Wednesday September  13 , 7pm - official exhibition launch. Join members of
the Cuban delegation, Cuban Consuls and activists at the launch

Saturday September 16, 6pm - Jose Ramon Fernandez. Talk by Cuban
revolutionary and President of the Cuban Olympic Committee

Sunday September 17, 3pm - Cuban movie and discussion

Monday September 18, 6pm - Alicia Corredera from ICAP will discuss
solidarity with Cuba around the world

Tuesday September 19, 6.30pm - Humberto Rodriguez, Cuban Minister of Sport
talks about the commercialisation of sport

Wednesday September 20, 7pm - Mirta Muniz. Talk and discussion by Cuban
journalist and activist

Thursday September 21, 6.30pm - "Making History" book launch

Friday September 22, 6.30pm - Movie night

Saturday September 23, 6.30pm - Cuban celebration. Join with the Cuban
delegation to celebrate achievements at the Olympic Games

Sunday September 24, 4pm - Cuban movie. Also Amigos de Cuba BBQ at Addison
Rd Community Centre, Addison Rd, Marrickville

Monday September 25, 7pm - Official close of exhibition

Wednesday September 27, 7pm - Jose Ramon Fernandez at The Edge Theatre,

Saturday September 30 - BBQ with Jose Ramon Fernandez

n.b. Program is subject to change. Please ring 0412 787 708 for updated


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LL:DDN: cuban sport exhibition

2000-09-05 Thread joan

Come and visit the Cuban Sport Exhibition Centre COMET building, 6-8 
Railway Street, Lidcombe (near the railway station)

Wednesday September 13 - Monday, September 25
Exhibition Centre open 2-8pm every day

* Against the commercialisation of sport!
* For the right of poor countries to participate equally in the Olympics!

Meet members of the Cuban Olympic team
Talks by Cuban officials and activists including
Humberto Rodrigues
Jose Ramon Fernandez
Mirta Muniz
Alicia Corredera

Autographed posters and free memorabilia, film showings, book launch, 
public meetings

Organised and sponsored by Australia Cuba Friendship Society (Sydney 
branch) and Ocean Press. Sponsored by COMET Training

For more information ring 0412 787 708



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LL:DDN: cuba event, sydney

2000-07-18 Thread joan

Commemorating the attack on the Moncada barracks
in Cuba, on July 26, 1953 - the spark that set
off the Cuban revolution.

Live music with Latin band Mojito, and DJ Specs
Food and drinks available

Saturday July 22 from 7pm until late
Villawood Senior Citizens Centre
Villawood Road, Villawood
$8 entry

Organised by the Australia Cuba Friendship Society, the Committee in
Solidarity with Cuba, Western Suburbs and Amigos de Cuba



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LL:DDN: abduction of cuban child

1999-12-09 Thread joan

dear friends,

below you will see the text of two letters sent from cuba regarding the 
abduction of a cuban child by united states authorities.

this shameful act has been brought to you by the government that is so 
loudly full-on about family values and human rights abuses! would they have 
done the same had the child been haitian or mexican? no way...he would have 
been back to his family faster than you can say human rights violation!

we will be demonstrating against this act of abuse outside the us consulate 
at the
mlc centre, 19-29 martin place, sydney on friday, december 10 at 5pm. 
please give your support to this action by coming along to the 
demonstration and by passing on this information through your networks, 
putting resolutions to your union meetings and publicising this outrage in 
every possible way.

if you can't be at the demonstration but wish to be involved in helping 
elian to return to his family, please contact the australia cuba friendship 
society at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at po box k364, haymarket, 1240, nsw.

yours in solidarity with cuba,
joan silk, secretary, acfs sydney branch

Letter by Dr. Ricardo Alarcon de Quesada, Speaker of the National Assembly 
of People's Power of the Republic of Cuba, to all members of Parliament in 
the world.

Dear Members of Parliament,

Cuba has repeatedly denounced the double standard policy that the United 
States government pursues towards Cuba with regards to immigration. While 
the nationals of other countries are quickly deported when they illegally 
enter that country, the Cubans are immediately granted permission of 
residence in compliance with the so-called Cuban Adjustment Act thus 
undermining the migratory agreements signed by both countries while 
encouraging illegal migration. This has lately given rise to a new 
phenomenon: the illegal smuggling of aliens when unscrupulous individuals 
wanting to profit from others and despising human life have come from the 
United States and surreptitiously enter our territory on speed boats to 
fetch Cuban citizens that they take to that country on payments of 8,000 to 
10,000 US dollars per person.

Most often, the travelling takes place on overcrowded boats and not few 
people, women and children included, have perished during such trafficking 
in humans. In addition to this, over two thousand weekly hours of radio 
stations programming invade our radio-electronic space as part of a 
campaign that repeatedly incites to ignore the established procedures for a 
legal and safe migration in accordance with aforementioned agreements 
signed by the United States and Cuba. The trafficking in humans is 
conducted on rudimentary and unsafe vessels, either built or stolen in our 
country by people who receive money from and act in complicity with others 
living in the United States of America.

Last November 22, ancillary troops of our Coast Guard Forces detected, 
within our jurisdictional waters, a vessel carrying a group of people to 
Florida. As the efforts to persuade them to abandon their undertaking 
failed --and in compliance with the well-known conduct observed in such 
cases to avoid the use of force and intimidation to prevent accidents-- it 
was decided to escort them up to the international waters. Additionally, an 
immediate communication was forwarded through the established channels, 
that is, fax and telex to the U.S. Coast Guard Service patrolling the seas 
adjacent to Cuba about the presence and characteristics of such vessel 
navigating towards Florida "with a group of about 13 people, including 
children, on the northern coast of Matanzas province with the intent to 
illegally enter the territory of the United States of America.

A few days later, on November 25, we learned that the U.S. Coast Guard 
Service had rescued, near the coast of Florida, three survivors of a 
shipwreck and that five-year-old Eli1n Gonza1lez Brotins was one of them. 
That child was being illegally carried aboard that vessel by a man named 
L'E1zaro Munero Garcia who had close personal relations with the child's 
mother already divorced from the boy's father, Juan Miguel Gonz=E1lez 
Quintana, a resident in the city of Cardenas, Matanzas province, Cuba. The 
father had a very close relationship with his son whom he constantly 
visited as he properly discharged his obligations as a parent. The child's 
grandparents, on both sides of the family, had also a very close and loving 
relationship with him as they live in the same city. They, too, have been 
deprived of the boy's presence. Neither the father nor any other relative 
was consulted about the child's departure. The father's permission was not 
requested to take his small son to the United States of America, least of 
all to carry him there illegally and by irresponsible and risky means. The 
two persons responsible for illegally taking the child, that is, the mother 
and her friend, perished in the shipwreck.

Once again the United S

LL:DDN: Communities/Identities/Inequalities in West. Sydney Conference

1999-11-10 Thread joan

Communities, Identities and Inequalities in Western Sydney Conference.

November 15-16, 1999, at the University of Western Sydney Macarthur, 
Bankstown Campus, Bullecourt Avenue, Milperra.

The conference includes community, academic and activist speakers on a 
range of issues including crime and youth, indigenous issues, migrants, 
health, women and education. Keynote address by Associate Professor Jock 
Collins, author, Migrant Hands  Cosmopolitan Sydney.

All sessions are in Building 2, Faculty of Health Studies, Lecture Theatres 
2 or 5, (LT2 or LT5)

Registration fees: unfunded - 1 day $30, 2 days $50, funded - 1 day $55, 2 
days $100

For more information and/or to register, phone 02 9772 6577 or email



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LL:DDN: cuba festival

1999-10-27 Thread joan

the 8th annual festival de cuba

amigos de cuba, the cuba solidarity committee and the australia-cuba
friendship society present the AUTHENTIC cuba festival, on saturday,
november 6 from 6pm until late. dance to the rhythms of son, salsa,
charanga and timba with bands charanga libre and cachavacha at addison road
community centre main hall, 142 addison road, marrickville. sponsored by
the cfmeu, tickets are $8 at the door and latin-american food and drinks
will be on sale. proceeds go towards solar electricity projects in 3 rural
medical clinics in granma province in cuba.



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LL:PR: work/study brigade to cuba

1999-09-19 Thread joan

Spend the New Year in the new society

Every year since 1983 the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society has
organised a group to visit Cuba as an expression of solidarity. This
year the brigade will  be in Cuba for three weeks and will participate
in a range of activities. These include voluntary work with Cuban
cooperative farmers, family stays, visits to farms, industrial
enterprises, health, scientific and education institutions, meetings and
seminars with political activists and leaders, visits to tourist
attractions such as Cuba's famous beaches and mountains plus lots of
music, dancing and free time.

The group leaves on Boxing Day (December 26, 1999) and gets back to
Australia on January 24, 2000. The cost of the tour is A$3670 all

For more information, ring the State Coordinators on the following

Adelaide Ricardo Fredes (08) 8388 9581
Albury Peter Hood (02) 6021 3520
Brisbane Dita Petersen (07) 3893 2854
Canberra Daniel Bravo  0414 472 137
Melbourne Maree Delloro (03) 9478 9473
Newcastle Ruth Davies (02) 4957 7514
Perth Lefke Kailis (08) 9367 2622
Sydney Ingrid Paling (02) 9744 6665
Auckland Jill Ovens (9) 846 9389
Christchurch Annalucia Vermunt (3) 377 3834
Hamilton Helen Ritchie (7) 825 7470
Wellington Jim Coad (4) 384 8120


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LL:DDN: Celebrate 40 years of the Cuban revolution

1999-09-01 Thread joan

1999 is the 40th anniversary of the Cuban revolution. Since the triumph of 
January 1, 1999, Cuba has gone forward in leaps and bounds in providing its 
people with a standard of living which is the envy of many people in the 
world, if not their leaders. For 40 years, Cuba has had to suffer the 
relentless hostility of the US government.

Until 1989, Cuba could balance this hostility with a favourable 
relationship with the Soviet Union. However for the past ten years Cuba has 
been going it alone. Cubans have faced this challenge with creativity, 
commitment and revolutionary consciousness. They suffered great privations 
initially but have now turned the corner and are on the way to a secure 
social and economic future.

Cubans see globalization as an historical necessity and are actively 
working to define the next logical step - a cooperative globalization that 
respects people and the environment - a liberated world. On October 9, 
Sydney Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (ACFS),and other groups supporting 
Cuba are putting on a multi-media event to celebrate the Cuban revolution. 
Everyone is invited to come along and see and hear why this tiny island 
nation is a comparative giant in international affairs. Find out about the 
ACFS Brigade to Cuba and other activities.

October 9, 7pm, Great Hall, Building 4, University of Technology, Harris 
Street, Ultimo



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