The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, March 26, 2003.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 Australia.
Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.


1. The world says NO!

Since the massive bombardment of Iraq commenced on Thursday last week,
millions of people around the world have taken to the streets to stop 
the war. Never before have so many people from so many countries united 
in such strong opposition to a war. In total disregard of the will of 
the people, and in total disregard for the thousands or possibly 
hundreds of thousands of innocent victims, the US and British 
Governments with their Australian lackey in tow, went ahead with their 
murderous, illegal and morally unjustifiable war on the people of Iraq.

In Australia hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets 
in mass actions.

Anti-war marches in Perth climaxed last Saturday with 20,000 people 
rallying and marching through the city streets. On the day the war began 
6000 protested in Forrest Place and marched to the UN Consulate, 
blocking St George's Terrace.

More than 2000 Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU)
members downed tools and joined the action. Unions WA Assistant 
Secretary Dave Robinson called on the union movement to maintain the 
pressure and drive the Howard Government from office.

Maritime Union of Australia State Secretary Wally Prichard said: "Bush 
says he has Saddam in his sights. We have Howard in our sights. We will 
have regime change."

Greens MLC Dee Margetts said the Greens had walked out of Parliament at 
the news of the war. "The strategy of Bush, Blair and Howard will 
backfire", she said.

Other speakers in Perth came from the Uniting Church and the No War

In Sydney 70,000 to 100,000 people marched from Belmore Park to The 
Domain on the Sunday to deliver another powerful message to the Howard 
Government to "Stop the War on Iraq, Bring the Troops Home" and 
"Howard's War - Bloody Outrage"

As in other centres, there was a wide cross-section of the community, 
with trade union, church, ethnic, student, political and other groups
participating. Many of the recently formed local peace groups took part 
as well as families and other individuals and even a few pets.

Thousands of unionists rallied and marched against the war in Melbourne 
on Friday, March 21. The union anti-war rally, organised by the 
Victorian Trades Hall Council, demanded an end to the war in Iraq and 
called on the Howard Government to bring the troops home.

The Victorian Trades Hall Council is calling on union members to attend 
the up-coming anti-war actions, including a day of action against the 
war on Thursday, March 27, and a rally on Saturday March 29 at the State 

There are meetings of the Workers Against War on Wednesday nights at 
6.30pm at the VTHC.

Seasoned peace advocates and a growing core of new activists have had a
hectic week in Adelaide including marches, rallies and candlelit vigils 
in several public parks and beaches.

Five hundred people gathered on the steps of parliament house on the day 
the aggression was announced and a thousand gathered there again at 5pm 
on the day of the first bombing and the invasion.

Then on Sunday over 15,000 people crowded into Victoria Square before
marching on the State Parliament. FA18 fighter jets "entertaining"
spectators at the Clipsal 500 car race on the other side of the city 
added some rather frightening background shrieks to the event.

Mike Khazam of the NOWAR coalition that organised the rally surely 
echoed the upbeat mood of the people with his comments: "Do not despair. 
Do not be despondent. We won't stop and we won't forgive our government!"

Yasmine Ahmed of the Islamic Foundation emphasised the potential 
political power of movements like the one that has sprung up in 
opposition to the war in Iraq. "The Vietnam War was stopped in the 
streets and we'll make sure this one will be, too."

In Brisbane at the commencement of the attack on Iraq more than 6000 
people, with a good trade union presence, gathered in King George's 
Square and on Saturday another 6000-plus crowd protested.

There were protests also when the war began and with follow up actions 
on the weekend in Darwin, Hobart, Geelong, Wollongong, Newcastle and in 
cities and country towns around the country.

The actions continue as The Guardian goes to press. The Books not Bombs
coalition against war have organised another national student strike for
this Wednesday, March 26. Palm Sunday, April 13, is shaping up to be 
another big day of Australia-wide actions.


In Germany, more than 80,000 school children, many with their faces 
painted with "No War" and peace signs, protested in the capital Berlin 
and the cities of Stuttgart, Cologne, Munich and Hanover.

More than 60,000 people took the streets in Austria with 30,000 marching
through Vienna.

Swiss police attacked protesters who marched on the US diplomatic 
mission in Geneva. Spanish police in riot gear fired rubber bullets at 
protesters gathered in central Madrid in protest at Prime Minister Jose 
Maria Aznar's support for the US attack on Iraq.

Anti-war demonstrations took place in more than 30 other cities across

In Britain, around one million rallied around the country demanding an 
end to the bloodshed in Iraq. Police used force against students on a 
sit-down strike in Parliament Square.

In New York City, 300,000 people of all ages and from all walks of life
protested, with other actions taking place in cities across the USA.
Protests are continuing in San Francisco in the face of violent attacks 
and arrests by police.

More than 100,000 people, many of them high school and university 
students, marched on the US Embassy in Athens on the weekend, in the 
first of two mass demonstrations organised by labour activists, students 
and teacher unions.

In Bangladesh there was a nationwide strike against the US war. People 
from all sections of society came onto the streets to voice their 
opposition to the war. The capital, Dhaka, came to a standstill.

There was a mass protest march on the US Embassy in New Delhi. Thousands 
of workers, teachers, artists, and people from all walks of life in 
India joined the protest. Though blocked by a police cordon, 22 
protestors slipped behind police lines and chained themselves to the 
highly fortified Embassy fence.

All speakers condemned the deadly bombardment and demanded that the 
Indian Government also condemn the attack.

In Afghanistan around 1000 people took to the streets to protests 
against the war, chanting slogans against the US and its supporters.

There were also protests in Vietnam, Thailand, South Korea, Japan 
(against US bases), Ireland, Pakistan, Indonesia, The Netherlands 
(80,000), Malaysia, across the Middle East and elsewhere.


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