LL:DDV: Wednesday Night at the New International Bookshop

2003-03-31 Thread Shute, Carmel

Series 2/2003   March - May 2003

6.30 p.m. at New International Bookshop
Trades Hall, Victoria Street, Carlton.

Members $5   Others $6   Concession $2

Events are presented by a consortium comprising the Australian Fabian
Society (Vic); the New International Bookshop Co-operative; Arena
Publications; Overland Publications; the Australian Society for the 
Study of Labour History Inc. (Melbourne Branch); the Swinburne Institute 
for Social Research; and the Don Dunstan Foundation (Vic).

DateSponsorTopic & Speaker(s)

Wed. 2 AprilAFS Undemocratic Schooling. Melbourne University
Professor and 2002 Woodward Medal winner, Richard Teese
follows up his memorable 2001 AFS education conference
address with a compelling account of entrenched
educational disadvantage and social inequality.

Wed. 9 AprilAFS Iraq and After: Regional Implications for
Monash University Senior Lecturer in Asian Politics,
Dr Joan Grant discusses regional reactions to the Iraq
crisis and their significance for Australia.

Wed. 16 April   NIB Australia's Welfare Wars. Philip Mendes,
Senior Lecturer in Social Policy & Community Development   
 at Monash 
University, draws on his new book to mount acase for the relevance 
of social democratic ideals in  the welfare sector.

Wed. 23 April   NIB Ned Kelly Rides Again. Ian Jones, the pre-
eminent expert on the Kelly Gang, talks about the rise 
 and rise of 
the last outlaw.

Wed. 30 April   ASSLH   Not Before Time: The Triumph of Victorian
Legislative Council Reform. Victorian Finance Minister 
Lenders and Monash University Politics ProfessorBrian 
analyse Steve Bracks' radical upper house   reforms and 
significance for Victoria.

Wed. 7 May  AFS Partnerships at Work: the Challenge of Employee
Democracy. Workplace relations panellists led by Labor
Essays editor Glen Patmore launch and discuss a new
addition to the annual AFS Labor Essays series.

Wed. 14 May AFS A Federation of Regions. Former Hawke government
Minister Chris Hurford proposes radical reforms to the
fraught fabric of Australian federalism.

Wed. 21 May AFS What Next for Labor, Social Democracy and the Left?
Labor Deputy Leader Jenny Macklin returns to the AFS
lectern with a further progress report on her ALP policy

Wed. 28 May AFS Privatisations and What to Make of Them. Monash
Professor Graham Hodge discusses the why and how of privatisation 

Wed. 4 June NIB Student Radicalism Then and Now. Graham
Research Officer for the National Union of  Students, 
leads a launch 
and panel discussion of his new history of Australian student 

Wed. 11 JuneOverland Broken Song. Journalist and author Barry
Hill, discusses his massive new biography of T. G. 
 Strehlow who 
collected the songs, genealogies and sacred artefacts of the Arrernte 

Wed. 18 JuneAFS/DRS Saving the Pharmaceutical Benefits
Scheme, Fighting the Pharmaceutical Marketing Dollar. La   
University Senior Lecturer Dr Ken Harvey talks  about threats 
to the PBS.

Wed. 25 JuneOverlandMargaret Simons delivers the second 2003
Overland Lecture on the Hindmarsh Island Affair and its
repercussions for indigenous Australians.

For further information on any of the above events call the New
International Bookshop on 03 9662 3744.



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LL:DDV: "Wednesday Night at the New International Bookshop"

2001-01-15 Thread RaceM

I'm copying hereunder - and also attaching in rtf to preserve the
formatting - the program for the first three months of a new
"Wednesday Night at the New International Bookshop"  series of weekly
political and public policy events which may be of interest to you,
and which you may wish to draw to the attention of your friends,
workmates and other associates. Best wishes, Race Mathews.


A New Joint Venture by the Australian Fabian Society (Victorian
Branch), the New International Bookshop, Arena and Overland Magazines
and the Labour History Society.
For a six month trial period from 31 January, 2001, there will be
forums and other events on key political and public policy issues
every Wednesday at the New International Bookshop. The aim of the
program is to raise political consciousness, promote informed
discussion and provide a meeting place for getting to know one
another and exchanging views.

Wednesday, 31 January: AFS Event: ALP Federal Shadow Minister for
Industrial Affairs Arch Bevis will speak on "The Future of Enterprise
Bargaining". and join Melbourne Trades Hall Council Secretary Leigh
Hubbard and Australian Workers' Union (Vic) secretary Bill Shorten
for a panel discussion and questions.

Wednesday, 7 February: NIB Event: Warren Fahey (musician, folklorist
and professional larrikin) leads a celebration of protest songs,
convict ballads and scurrilous verses collected in his new book
Ratbags & Rabblerousers. Join us for a musical trip through
Australian history, from 'The Balls of Bob Menzies'. to "Joh's Were
The Days". Special guests to be announced.

Wednesday, 14 February: AFS Event: - For the People: Reclaiming Our
Government. Co-editors of the long-running Fabian Society "Labor
Essays" series, Dennis Glover and Glenn Patmore, join MP contributors
Craig Emmerson and Lindsay Tanner for a panel discussion of Labor
Essays 2001 and a launch by Victorian Treasurer and Minister for
State and Regional Development, John Brumby.

Wednesday, 21 February: AFS Event: "Dancing with Wolves: The Untenable 
Tenets of the Third Way". Political scientist Hugh Emy and Labor MP Mark 
Latham debate issues about the Third Way raised by Hugh  in a notable 
December 2000 address to the Tasmanian Branch of the AFS.
Wednesday, 28 February: Arena Event: "Beyond Blue - the Depression
Epidemic and Contemporary Life". Guy Rundle - journalist, social
commentator, Arena Magazine editor  and script writer for Max Gillies
-  discusses : Is there a depression 'epidemic'? What does it tell us
about contemporary society if there is? Will the cure turn out to be
worse than the disease?

Wednesday, 7 March: NIB Event: Australia in Accord? Professor Ken
Wilson - director of the Workplace Studies Unit at Victoria
University - introduces his new book on the Prices and Incomes Accord
of the Hawke/Keating years and joins a panel for discussion and

Wednesday, 14 March. Labour History Society Event: Crusade or
Conspiracy? Bruce Duncan  talks about his new book on the 1954/55
Labor Party split and joins fellow authors Paul Ormonde (The
Movement, 1972) and Bob Murray (The Split, 1970) for a panel
discussion and questions about B.A. Santamaria and his legacy today

Wednesday, 21 March. Overland Event: "The Australian Labor Party:
'Temper Democratic, Bias Australian'" Melbourne University's
Professor Stuart Macintyre delivers the first of a series of four
major public lectures organised by the editors of Overland.

Wednesday, 28 March. Arena event: "Third Way - Turnoff Ahead?: An
Alternative Politics of Community". Arena Assistant editor and AFS
Research Committee member Chris Scanlon takes up the Third Way theme
from Hugh Emy and Mark Latham.

4, 11, 18 & 25 April: Venue required by the Melbourne Comedy
Festival. Program resumes Wednesday 2 May.

6pm for 6:30pm, New International Bookshop Centre, Trades Hall,
Victoria Street, Carlton. Admission: Members/Subscribers $5, Others
$6, Concession $2.

Want to know more about the Australian Fabian Society and receive a
sample copy of the society's journal Fabian Newsletter? Write, to Box
2707X, GPO, Melbourne, 3001, fax (03) 9553 0148 or e-mail

Dr Race Mathews,
Senior Research Fellow,
International Centre for Management in Government,
Monash University/MountEliza School of Business and Government.

Postal Address:
123 Alexanda Avenue,
South Yarra, Vic, 3141,

Phone/Fax: (03) 9826 0104.


   Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List
Archived at http://www.cat.org.au/lists/leftlink/

Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop
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