Radical Women Study Group

Saturdays, through 25 May
2.00 - 3.30 pm

"Women in the Arab World: Essays by Nawal El Saadawi".
Join in our continuing discussion of selections from "The Hidden Face of
Eve" and "The Nawal El Saadawi Reader." For over three decades, Saadawi 
has analysed the impact of religious fundamentalism and class 
inequalities on women, especially poor women.

Upcoming readings:
27 April: "Women and Islam"
4 May: "Islamic Fundamentalism and Women," "Fundamentalism: Old Friend, 
New Enemy"
11 May: "Arab Pioneers of Women's Liberation"
18 May "Arab Women and Politics"
25 May: "Women in Resistance: The Arab World," "Women and the Poor: The
Challenge of Global Justice"

Everyone is welcome. Lunch is served at 1.30 pm for a $6.00 donation.

Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. (North of Blyth St tram 
stop; 5 minute walk from Anstey Station on Upfield Line; parking off 
Staley St)

For more information, phone 9386 3230 or email




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