LL:DDV: public forum

2003-08-26 Thread Energy Action Group

Public forum on

What it means, in 2003, to be a woman or a man a generation on from the
Women's Liberation Movement

with guest speakers:

Beatrice Faust - The Weaker Sex
Val Kaye - Affirmative Action
Bob Pease - Masculinity after the second wave feminism

Wednesday 3rd September 2003
Clarrie Whollers Hall,
Corner Albert and Cross Streets,
wine and nibbles provides


Enquiries Jo 9380 6704AH


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LL:DDV: Public forum- Environment under Fire

2001-05-13 Thread Green Left Weekly

Public Forum

Environment Under Fire

Tuesday 22nd May, 6.30pm
Level 5, Druids House
407 Swanston St (opp RMIT)

Tristy Fairfield - Friends of the Earth National Climate Spokesperson
Scott Kinnear - Victorian Greens Senate candidate
Jo Brown - Democratic Socialist Party completing PHD in climate change

Speakers will discuss whether capitalism can provide for a sustainable 
future. What are socialist solutions to the environmental crisis? What are 
the implications of the latest US backdown on the Kyoto agreement?

Organised by the melbourne Central branch of he Democratic Socialist Party. 
For more info phone 9639 8622


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LL:DDV: Public forum with Ali Kazak

2001-09-14 Thread Melbourne Green Left

Public Forum
Who is to blame: Middle Eastern People or US foreign policy?
Discussion on the US tragedy and possible implications
speakers include:
Ali Kazak - Head of the General Palestinian delegation to Australia and 
Palestinian Ambassador to Vanuatu
Surma Hamid - Political refugee and Representative of Worker Communist 
Party of Iraq
Alison Thorne - Socialist Alliance Senate Candidate

Thursday, 20/09/01, 7.00pm, New Council Chambers, Trades Hall, corner Lygon 
st and Victoria st., Carlton, entry by donation

sponsored by Socialist Alliance Seat of Melbourne
endorsed by: Socialist Alliance House of Representative Candidates for 
Gellibrand, Jorge Jorquera; Batman, Jackie Lynch; Corio, Tim Gooden; Wills, 
David Glanz; Aston, Josephie Cox
contact: 9639 8622, 9388 0062,  0417 537 388


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LL:DDV: public forum with ANURADHA MITTAL

2003-03-24 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
Apologies for cross postings. Please send out through your networks, 
elists or ebulletins.   All welcome.  Thanks.

a public forum:
Food, trade and neoliberalism

International guest ANURADHA MITTAL, co-director of the California-based
'peoples' think tank FOOD FIRST, tackles world trade and the root causes 
of world hunger.

Thursday March 27, 6-8pm
Seminar Rooms 1 and 2
Storey Hall, 344 Swanston Street, City
Wheel chair accessible

Food First (www.foodfirst.org) highlights root causes and value-based
solutions to hunger and poverty, establishing food as a fundamental 
human right. Anuradha Mittal's articles on food and trade have been 
published in numerous national and international newspapers and 
journals, bringing together the links between debt, aid, cash crops, 
genetic engineering and neoliberalism to explain world hunger and 
poverty. She was born in India and is currently based in the United States.

Presented by the Globalism Institute (www.rmit.edu.au/globalism) and the
Friends of the Earth Trade Campaign (www.foe.org.au).
RSVP if possible, by calling Friends of the Earth on 9419 8700 or 


Friends of the Earth's trade campaign is run by a collective of people
using creative and catchy public education and direct action to oppose
corporate globalisation. To get involved come to a meeting (fortnightly 
on Monday evenings), or contact FoE on 9419 8700.

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)



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LL:DDV: Public Forum "S11, Labor & Police Violence

2000-10-04 Thread Rachel

Organised by the Democratic Socialist Party this forum will look at the
Bracks government's year in power. It'll examine their role in brutally
putting down peaceful protesters at the S11 blockade and examine the
overall role and politics of Labor. Are they the Party for workers and
the poor?

If not: what should the left and progressive movements build in it's

Those and many more questions and comments will be addressed at this
timely of timely meeting!

Oct 12 Thurs 6:30pm @ Melb Resistance Centre. Level 5, 407 Swanston St,
Melb. (just opp. RMIT) Ph. 9639 8622


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LL:DDV: Public Forum - White Settlement in Australia

2003-02-18 Thread Gillian Davy

violent conquest or benign colonisation?


New Council Chamber, Trades Hall

In his recent book The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, Keith 
Windschuttle charges academic historians with a series of wilful 
misrepresentations intended to portray Australia as a society marked by 
atrocities against Aborigines. In this important debate, Keith 
Windschuttle and Pat Grimshaw outline competing accounts of white 
settlement, and explain what's at stake in the dispute.

Keith Windschuttle is the author of The Killing of History: How Literary
Critics and Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past (2000), now in its
fourth edition, as well as five other books on contemporary social 
issues. His most recent book, The Fabrication of Aboriginal History, 
Volume One, Van Diemen's Land 1803-1847, was published by Macleay Press 
in November 02.  He is also a publisher and a frequent contributor to 
The New Criterion and Quadrant.

Pat Grimshaw holds the Max Crawford Chair of History at the University 
of Melbourne. She is the author of Women's Suffrage in New Zealand 
(revised edition 1987) and Paths of Duty: American Missionary Women in 
Nineteenth Century Hawaii (1989), and co-author of Creating a Nation 
(1994). A co-authored comparative study of the place of indigenous 
peoples in the political structures of British settler colonies is 
currently in press with Manchester University Press.

The event will be chaired by Associate Professor Joy Damousi, Editor of
Australian Historical Studies.


Further information from Gillian on 9925 2910 or Jeff on 9662 3744
www.advocacy.tce.rmit.edu.au or www.nibs.org.au

Sponsored by the RMIT Community Advocacy Unit, the New International
Bookshop, Australian Historical Studies, the Australian Historical
Association and Latrobe University Aboriginal Studies.

Gillian Davy
Co-ordinator, Community Advocacy Unit
School of Social Science and Planning
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne  VIC  3001


Tel: +61 3 9925 2910
Fax: +61 3 9925 1855


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LL:DDV: Public forum - 'global perspectives, local action'

1998-11-19 Thread Friends of the Earth Fitzroy

Public forum - 'global perspectives, local action'

The forum will feature Friends of the Earth (FoE) speakers from around
the world who are in Melbourne for the FoE International AGM. Countries
represented at the forum include Nigeria, United States, Costa Rica,
England, Wales & Northern Ireland, Ukraine, Ghana. The speakers will be
discussing current environnmental and social justice campaigns from
around the world.

Sunday 29th November 2-5pm
at the Ecoversity - Australian Conservation Foundation
340 Gore St, Fitzroy

For More Information:
Friends of the Earth ...Phone:  9419-8700; ..FAX: 94162081;

The Speakers:

Andrea Durbin (FoE-US): Andrea is well known for her work on the
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI). The MAI was successfully
halted through a concerted international campaign. FoE US played a
leading role in research, community education and tracking of the
negotiations for the MAI.

Nnimmo Bassey (Environmental Rights Action ­ Nigeria): Nnimmo is a well
known poet and architect and is the Director of Environmental Rights
Action, which undertakes many broad-based campaigns throughout Nigeria.
Originally starting as a group of public interest lawyers, ERA became
focussed on environmental issues when research indicated that up to 80%
of human rights abuses in Nigeria were related to environmental issues
and the behaviour of government policy and transnational activity in
securing acccess to natural resources.

Gabriel Rivas Ducca (Asociacion Ecologista Costarricense ­ AECO ­ Costa
Rica): Gabriel is a biologist and social ecologist who has worked on a
large number of campaigns within Central America, including campaigns
against multinational paper companies, open cut gold mining and dams
which would displace farming communities.  He has extensive experience
with conservation of endangered species, forest and wetlands campaigns.
Gabriel is one of the co-ordinators of the FoEI mining campaign and
represents AECO on the FoEI executive committee.

Ronnie Hall (England, Wales & Northern Ireland): Ronnie is co-ordinator
of the FoE International Trade, Environment and Sustainability program.
This campaign aims to harness trade as a positive force in the
development of sustainable societies. This demands more equity within
nations and peoples, a reduction in resource and consumption, increased
trade within local communities and regions, and greater public
participation in government decision-making. FoE monitors negotiations
and agreements by the international and regional trade organisations and
the UN.

Victor Khazan (Ukraine): Many people are unaware of the environment
movement in Eastern Europe. FoE was one of the first environmental
networks to meet up with pre-existing groups in the East and
subsequently has had member groups join in most Eastern European
nations. Victor has experience in agriculture, ecologically sustainable
development, energy, waste and many local campaigns. He has a special
interest in the development of Ukrainian culture and the role of
national minority groups within the broader national identity.
Theo Anderson (Ghana): FoE Ghana is a widely respected NGO which works
on a number of the key environmental issues in western Africa. Theo's
camapign specialties include mining, international financial
institutions and forestry.

This forum follows on from the FoE International annual meeting, which
will be held in Fitzroy from November 24 ­ 28th. FoE has member groups
in 58 countries and is the largest federation of environmental
organisations in the world. There will be other FoE campaigners from all
regions attending the forum who will be available for comment and

Each speaker will give a brief presentation. Please stay on for a cuppa
and chat afterwards


LL:DDV: public forum on GMOs in the UK

2003-08-06 Thread Friends of the Earth Melbourne
campaigning on genetically engineered farming in the UK
a public forum

Thursday 14 August at 6pm at Friends of the Earth, 312 Smith st,
Collingwood (just near Johnson st, #86 tram from the city)

Jessica Hampson has just returned to Australia after living in the UK 
for the past five years.

She will speak on her experiences in the anti-GE movement over that time.

In 1998 the situation was similar to Australia, with many people unaware
that GE was present in their food. A massive programme of farm scale 
trials was about to take off. In the next 2-3 years consumer opposition 
to GE was so strong that all the major food retailers went GE free, and 
sourced animal products from animals not fed on GE. Large protests took 
place at trial sites, and many were damaged in secret.

Jessica will also show a short video is a series of clips from summer of
2002, including a bicycle tour of Devon by activists, ending in the 
dumping of GM crops at the government department responsible for GM 
pollution in the UK.

All welcome

- help keep FoE active - give a tax-free donation -

Friends of the Earth Melbourne (Australia)
PO Box 222 Fitzroy 3065
312 Smith St Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9419 8700
Fax: (03) 9416 2081
(International: tel. +61 (3) 9419 8700; fax +61 (3) 9416 2081)


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LL:DDV: public forum with Ali Kazak - CORRECTION TO DATE

2001-09-17 Thread Graham Matthews

Because of difficulties with flights, the Socialist Alliance public forum 
on `Who's To Blame' has had to be moved a day forward. The correct details 
are now 7pm Wednesday September 19, New Council Chambers Trades Hall 
Council, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton. Entry by donation.

Also, because the new date clashed with a pre-organised forum sponsored by 
the ISO, two additional speakers, David Glanz, Socialist Alliance candidate 
for Wills and Ezzedine Rafhi, Moreland Ethnic Communities Council, Vice 
President have been added.


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LL:DDV: public forum and discussion: Women against War and Racism

2001-11-01 Thread Melbourne Green Left

Women against War and Racism
Thursday, November 15, 6.30pm
Trades Hall Bar
Trades Hall, corner Lygon & Victoria Street, Carlton

speakers include:
Nazra Ibrahim, Islamic Society of Vic, Vic. Immigrats & Refugee Womens
Hala Abdelnour, University of Melbourne Arabic Culture Club
Sherron Dunbar, Refugee Council of Victoria, Springvale Community Aid &
Advice Bureau, Lecturer in Social Work RMIT
Michelle O'Neil, State Secretary TCFUA (Textile, Clothing and Footwear
Vivian Messimeris, Socialist Alliance and International Women's Day
collective member

for more info, contact 9639 8622
sponsored by: VTHC, Islamic Society, Socialist Alliance and IWD collective


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