The following statement concerning the  proposed replacement for Lucas
Heights nuclear reactor  is seeking endorsement by organisations worldwide.
To sign the statement please email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  or fax 61-2-9261-4588

                              NO SECOND
                           NUCLEAR REACTOR!

Australia likes to be seen as a country leading the way in
environmental protection, nuclear disarmament and scientific
research.  However, the proposal to build a second reactor at Lucas
Heights in Sydney is an example of Australia using outdated and dirty
nuclear technology.  A second nuclear reactor would lock us into the
production of highly toxic nuclear waste for at least another 40 years
creating both environmental and proliferation risks.

There is no solution to the world's nuclear waste problem, even in
storage it remains radioactive for thousands of generations.
Operations at Lucas Heights have proceeded without any long-term
plan for the waste produced and there is currently no place prepared
to accept the waste.

The potential dangers of a nuclear reactor in Sydney should be
obvious in light of the September 11 terrorist attacks. It is not possible
for a nuclear facility to be totally secure.   The reactor is the wrong
technology, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

The half a billion dollars allocated to building and maintaining another
reactor could be better spent on developing existing, cleaner
technology for the creation of medical isotopes - a field in which
Australia has the chance to become a world leader.

In the new millennium, Australia is confronted with a clear choice =96
continue to support the nuclear industry or take an alternative route
and promote cleaner, safer technologies over nuclear reactors.

We support the Reaction campaign and oppose the construction
of a second nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights.


Contact Name            Position

Email           Phone

Fax     Mobile

To add your endorsement to the Reaction campaign for a nuclear free
future, please gain your organisation's approval, and fill in the details
above. We intend to use this endorsement publicly to demonstrate the
strong support that exists for the growing campaign against the
second reactor.

Please fax or email your completed form to:     Reaction
     Fax: (02) 9261 4588

Reaction is a coalition of national and local environment organisations
(listed below) campaigning to stop the construction of a second
nuclear reactor at Lucas Heights.

Greenpeace, Australian Conservation Foundation, Friends of The
Earth & People Against A Nuclear Reactor


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