The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, August 21st, 2002.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills. Sydney. 2010 
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US/Aust fuel greenhouse disaster

The world is faced with an inferno of global warming and environmental
disaster while the two biggest producers of greenhouse gases, the US and
Australia, fuel the fires of destruction. Concerns over this 
unacceptable situation flared up last week when six of the island states 
at the Pacific Island Forum in the Fiji capital of Suva gave vent to 
their anger at Australia's refusal to sign the Kyoto climate change 

by Marcus Browning

Kiribati, Nauru, Cook Islands, Niue, Tuvalu and Marshall Islands, all
threatened with rising sea levels, expressed "profound disappointment" 
at the decision of Australia to tail along behind the US as the only two
developed, industrialised countries to refuse to sign the Kyoto Protocol.

The US is the world's biggest overall producer of greenhouse gases, and
Australia is the biggest producer per capita.

Instead of responding positively to these concerns of the island 
nations, Prime Minister John Howard opportunistically tried to hijack 
the Forum, arrogantly lecturing the Pacific nation leaders on "good 
governance", threatening to cut Australian aid if it wasn't "dispersed 
and dispensed wisely and frugally".

Out of arrogance inevitably comes hypocrisy: Howard, the head of 
arguably the most deceitful, anti-democratic and corrupt Australian 
Government in history, self-righteously lecturing Australia's Pacific 
neighbours like a colonial overlord.

Howard's performance at the Pacific Forum is in line with his 
Government's smoke-and-mirrors act on greenhouse gas emissions in 
Australia. Last week Environment Minister David Kemp produced a 
greenhouse gas inventory as measured by the Government's Greenhouse Office.

Kemp claimed that Australia was "within striking distance" of the Kyoto
Protocol targets. (The Protocol's modest aim is to keep emissions at 
around eight per cent more than the 1990 level.)

The Australian Greens labelled this as a "greenwash", saying that no 
amount of number-crunching can disguise the Australian Government's 
appalling performance on global warming.

The Government is manipulating the figures by claiming that some changes 
to land clearing and agricultural practices have brought Australia 
within reach of the Kyoto target.

The reality is that Australia's greenhouse gas emissions from fossil 
fuel use have escalated to such a degree that by 2010 our carbon 
emissions will be an estimated 33 per cent more than the 1990 level.

The US and Australia want the world to ignore the growing environmental
crisis now taking place around the globe -- floods, droughts, cyclonic
storms, increasing desertification -- climate extremes causing 
widespread devastation.

As the Cook Islands Prime Minister, Robert Woonton, said in response to
Australia's claim that the rise in sea levels is due to coastal erosion
rather than climate change: "If the polar caps are melting, where do you
think the water's going?"

In a statement the Greens outlined the looming danger. "For the world to
avoid financial, social and ecological tragedy this century, these 
emissions need to be reduced 60-80 percent. This means massive 
restructuring to an economy based on eco-technologies like solar and 
hydrogen power."




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