Beste Willy,

Ik weet niet hoe goed je Engels is maar op de website van Legacy vond ik het volgende:

Het lijkt er op dat er iets niet goed werkt tussen Legacy en Internet Explorer.
Ik zou me voorlopig daarop focussen.

 Error 429 - Active X Component Can't Create Object - ActiveX/Active-X

Author: *Jim Terry* Reference Number: *AA-00254* Views: *22891* Created: *2013-11-07 10:17 AM* Last Updated: *2017-11-01 08:37 AM* *0 Rating*/ Voters

*Error 429 - ActiveX Component Can't Create Object*

When ActiveX programs are improperly configured or tampered with in the registry by malicious tools, they may cause errors in Legacy possibly related to Internetfunctions. (Legacy uses Internet Explorer as its internal web browser.) Start with steps 1 through 5:

1. Run your antivirus program to remove viruses and other threats from your computer that can damage ActiveX components.

2. Spyware can also damage ActiveX components. Spyware is a problem that many anti-virus applications do not cover. Visit for an excellent, free spyware removal utility.

3. An ActiveX error might be related to a missing DLL. Do a clean re-installation of Legacy.

 * *LEGACY: *Do a clean removal of Legacy by following the directions
   at Uninstall - how to do a complete and totally clean removal of
   Legacy <>. 
   Next do the free downland at and use your
   customer number to unlock the deluxe features.
 * *LEGACY 7.5 OR EARLIER:* Do clean re-installation Legacy by
   following the directions at Clean Reinstall Legacy v7.5 and earlier
   <>. You may
   also wish to read "How to Install Legacy 7.5 or earlier on a Windows
   8, Windows 7 or Windows Vista computer" at

4. Update Internet Explorer through your Control Panel. Do this even if Internet Explorer is not your default browser. Restart your computer and try Legacy again.  If it works, stop here

5. In Internet Explorer, go to *Tools > Internet Options*.  Select the *Advanced* tab and scroll down to *Security*.  Uncheck the box that says *Allow active content to run in **files on My Computer*.  You will have to restart your computer for this to take effect. Try Legacy again.  If it works, stop here.

If the above steps do not fix the ActiveX problem then do the following:

1. Many ActiveX problems occur first in the registry. Running a registry cleaner or repair tool usually restores missing ActiveX keys. We have had success with Ccleaner from Piriform. You can download the free version at Optionally visit <>. This is a reputable site that also offers a program called Free Window Registry Repair. The download is free and there is a video preview that you can watch.

2. Another step you can take to solve ActiveX errors involves resetting a system file which may be misconfigured. Close Legacy and any browser windows before you begin.

1. Go to the Start button
2. Choose Run
3. Type in: regsvr32 msxml3.dll
4. Click OK
5. Click OK again when prompted

3. Copy DAO360.DLL from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\DAO folder into the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder and theC:\Windows\System32 folder. This should fix the problem. Make sure Legacy is closed when you do this and your computer will probably ask for Administrative approval, so give it.  Try Legacy again, if it works so stop here. You are done.

4. You can also try a System Restore. See Windows - How do I do a System Restore to undo changes to my computer? <>


Dirk JW Detmar

phone: +55 86 981254397
address: R. Lincoln F. Guimarães, 120
Cond. São Cristovão Park, blc. Orquídea, apt. 203
Santa Isabel, CEP: 64053-240
Teresina, Piauí, Brasil

web: <>
email: <>

Willy Janssis schreef op 20.oktober.2018 om 11:06:

Error 339 is OK maar error 429 nog niet , wat moet ik doen.

Dank bij voorbaat


Op 19/10/2018 om 18:49 schreef Dirk JW Detmar:
Beste Willy,

Zoek de foutboodschap op.
Na je vorige noodkreet hebben Wim en ik dat voor je gedaan.
Laat het weten of je het hebt kunnen oplossen.


Dirk JW Detmar

phone: +55 86 981254397
address: R. Lincoln F. Guimarães, 120
                 Cond. São Cristovão Park, blc. Orquídea, apt. 203
                 Santa Isabel, CEP: 64053-240
                 Teresina, Piauí, Brasil

web: <>
email: <>

Willy Janssis schreef op 19.oktober.2018 om 12:47:
Het blijft verkeerd gaan vandaag.

Bij het ingeven van een plaatsnaam krijg ik de volgende opmerking

" Run-time error 429"

Wat doe ik verkeerd

Dank bij voorbaat


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