Re: A response from Andy Anderson Of Legacy Regarding Support.

2017-11-16 Thread Andy Anderson
I didn't mention Art's name before, he has passed beyond all of life's 
grief and trouble and should rest in peace, but since you bring it up I'll 
respond.  Art did design and sell a CNC system.  I can't say how successful 
he was but I was contacted by many of my loyal OM customers to inform me 
that he had contacted them and tried to sell them a CNC.  Since we were 
also selling a CNC system at that time they felt the need to tell me about 
it.  Their only contact with Art was through this group so it isn't too 
difficult to draw the conclusion.  If that was not your intent when you 
started the group then you have my apology but my facts are not WRONG.  I 
spoke to Art on several occasions about our conflict.  These are facts, you 
may not be aware of them or part of the disinformation campaign but I am 
not wrong on this.  Many people thought highly of Art and I wouldn't have 
brought this up if you hadn't made the claim that I was trying to misinform 
the group.
Again, I apologize if you were caught in the cross-fire but you can only 
speak to your own actions and intents and not to the actions and intents of 
others.  Let's let the matter and Art rest.

On Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 9:47:53 PM UTC-7, Tim wrote:

> I had a conversation with Andy Anderson of Legacy and he has asked me to 
> forward this email to the group.  
>  Forwarded Message  
> Dear Tim,
> I can see the confusion caused by our statement but if you understand that 
> support, to us, means coaching and producing new training materials for a 
> product and of course manufacturing means we still build new OM's then it 
> becomes quite clear. I can see that a longer, wordier explanation could 
> have been used to tell the story but I'm sure that those determined to 
> complain would have found something in the longer explanation to complain 
> about too.  With a little effort say, a phone call to me, and the whole 
> story could have been told on the thread but telling the truth, getting the 
> whole story onto the forum, is not what some of those making comments on 
> the thread intended.   
> Some of the claims and statements made in the thread are incorrect and 
> some just not true and if any of these folks had an ounce of courage they 
> would have spoken to me instead of wasting their time and yours in an 
> online conversation with others that definitely don't have the answers 
> either.  I have an 800 number, I'm at extension 11. The call is free. I'm 
> not hiding.  800 279 4570
> If they had have called me they would find out we still sell, build, and 
> use index hubs in our CNC systems, pilaster dogs as well.  We still build 
> and stock many of the  gears and gear sets, spit nuts and other items that 
> go missing or wear out over time.  We sell them to people that buy second 
> hand OMs at yard and estate sales quite often.  Of course if these new 
> owners were to join the misinformed on this google group and believed the 
> nonsense that they read they may not been able to buy these items because 
> they believed the myth that we don't provide any customer service for our 
> OM's and they would not have called and receive the parts they needed.  You 
> can see why I don't encourage people to join the group. Of course, it is 
> true, that we no longer stock many of the parts required to build an OM 
> from scratch.  If you back your car over your OM in the garage I'm afraid I 
> won't be able to help you. 
> Until I read through this latest thread I might have been willing to 
> allow someone to use my designs and drawings to build replacement parts for 
> OM owners but I can't see the point of working with people as misinformed, 
> ignorant, arrogant, and unwilling to investigate to find the truth as those 
> that were commenting on the thread today. If the google group forum isn't a 
> place to find the facts then what exactly is it's purpose?  As I pointed 
> out in our conversation this morning, many of the comments were made by 
> people who don't really want solutions, they don't want the truth, they 
> want to do damage.  
> The irony is that after inflicting as much damage as they can with their 
> ignorant comments they complain that I don't spend enough time and money 
> supporting them and they complain that I'm not reasonable.  After they put 
> in jeopardy the jobs and the future of the 20 families that work at Legacy 
> I am supposed to give them whatever they want.   
> A reasonable request to use my designs and drawings, made directly to me 
> not to others in the g

Re: A response from Andy Anderson Of Legacy Regarding Support.

2017-11-16 Thread Andy Anderson

Thanks for clearing this up.  I do have a "list" and apparently you are not on 
it.  I wanted to clarify how one of my in house policies work and in no way 
intended to single you out.  If you felt that the comment was directed squarely 
at you then please let me express my regrets.


 on behalf of Dexter Bland 

Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 5:24 PM
To: Legacy Ornamental Mills
Subject: Re: A response from Andy Anderson Of Legacy Regarding Support.

"I don't take or process phone orders.  The only time I'll end up on the phone 
with a customer is if he or she is a friend, or has a difficult question that 
someone else on the staff can't answer, or I end up on the phone with those 
customers that are rude, crude, abusive, curse, or have no manners."

I will address this comment as it seems directed at my criticism of Legacy not 
selling hubs to me. Andy, you did not answer the sales call nor did I ask to 
speak to you. Some lady took the call to the sales line and was pleasant. I was 
just asking to buy a few parts that were still listed on the web site but were 
told were no longer available. My call was passed along to you Andy, and you 
asked me if I was a second-hand mill buyer. When I answered yes, you then told 
me you would not sell me parts. Maybe you had a bad day, maybe you thought I 
was trying to buy something to copy and then sell, I don't know. After reading 
your response to the group, I kinda think that must have been what you thought. 
This conversation was probably 5-6 years ago, and you, have taken many more 
calls since then so not remembering this conversation would not surprise me. I 
was not rude nor did I cuss anyone as that is not my nature. Actually I was 
more stunned by your answer than anything.

The only reason I brought up this issue in the first place was one commenter 
said he was needing/looking for hubs and the pilaster dogs. I was letting him 
know of my experience and to not count on being able to buy them from Legacy. 
If you have changed your mind on selling parts that you still make, great.

Sorry to bring this up, Tim and Curt. I did not wish to take away from the help 
this comment board supplies. There are loads of interesting and informative 
conversations here and hope it continues. There are several here that impress 
me with their creativity and ability.

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A follow up response to comments made by members of this group.

2017-11-15 Thread Andy Anderson
ot;.  You are probably an arrogant soul 
determined to ignore reality and embrace a fantasy. A fantasy where you are 
a victim and not a boorish ass that embarrassed, bullied, and harassed the 
members of my staff and were then too arrogant to apologize. 

I'm sure that this response will generate more interesting comments from 
this agenda driven group and I didn't write it to convince them of the 
error of their ways.  I only ask the other members of the group to do your 
own research and draw your own conclusions.  

I will issue this challenge to the whole group.  When was the last time any 
of the contributors to this lastest thread posted any pictures of their 
woodwork?  When was the last time they shared with the group some useful 
and helpful information about the operation or uses of their ornamental 
mills?  When did they, they are the experts after all, produce a helpful 
training video and post it to YouTube or share it with the group? I know I 
haven't seen any of their actual work. One of these "experts" says he has 
business expertise and knows all about running a company, will he risk his 
own money and spend his own time building a parts business or producing 
training videos for the group or will he produce the next generation OM? 
No, I don't hear or see anything like that going on but I do hear their 
agenda loud and clear.

Once again, I suggest that if this group is going to be of any real benefit 
to OM owners it's time to get the whole story and I repeat my former 
suggestion, it's time to clean house.

Andy Anderson, Legacy Woodworking Machinery

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