[LegacyUG] Has anyone probs

2009-02-01 Thread toni evans

Sadly it looks like others have not had much of a problem, firstly I noticed my 
countries entered in Capitals had all turned to lower case which I have sorted 
with help, now I note that where I had entered (FTM) given names they were now 
surnames in capitals ( this could have been my fault) in trying to ajust my 
surname to capitals, now funnily I notice the group sheet is not surname 
capitals but index is.

So far one person found born in the wrong country and so with 7500 people in 
the tree how much other stuff is messed up.

Thank you for your replies just needed someone else that had problems with the 
changeover and so I would feel less like chucking the prog. out.  This 
unfortunately is the second bought prog (Printmaster 23) which I have a problem 
with which I cannot solve, perhaps I will throw the PC and all out, and now I 
see a new replacement for Vista   .  yikes!!


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Re: [LegacyUG] Help please

2009-01-30 Thread toni evans
Hi again,  Thank you Jane but sadly this is what I have been doing, and this 
will only edit the line specified, so now I have 999 lines to edit  
Now I am wondering whether to never import anything and what other mistakes 
are there still to find of which I found one.

Another question is can I delete the lines on a family group record  (a lot 
of wasted ink and far less busy to look at, this I was able to do in FTM

Regards Toni

Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Help please

If you select Master from the top toolbar, you can select the Master
Location list. If you select edit, you can globally edit the locations 

that screen. I just did this in a PLAY FILE I created (and an excellent
suggestion from this LUG).
After you edit Nz to NZ, a pop up message This change will affect all
records using this location. Do you want to save the change? appears.
Select Yes and you have changed each entry of that location.
That Master selection is quite powerful. I do suggest you create a PLAY
FILE to see all you can do with the options for locations. Please come 

to the LUG with any questions.
Regards, Jane Tripp

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Re: [LegacyUG] Help please

2009-01-30 Thread toni evans
Many grateful thanks Margaret .  it worked !  such relief as it made 
1500 corrections to Eng.


From: M Couch genet...@wave.co.nz
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Help please

Hi Toni
The joys of changing genealogy programmes, eh?

For the carry over capitalisation glitches - NZ to Nz or USA to Usa try

Use the Search tab and 'search and replace'
In the top box Find Where use the down arrow to find Lists-Location
Then type in your changes and click Start, all locations using NZ will be
changed. Its quicker than changing the Locations line by line in the 


*Take care with Nz to NZ if you have Cornish forebears from Penzance they
may suddenly be from PeNZance, you can avoid that by using the choices, 

if that does happen, its easy to fix.

Family Group sheet - try creating a text file instead, it come with few
lines, you can open it in your word processor and edit freely.

Hang in there
In Hamilton 

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