Re: [LegacyUG] Gedcom Export - getting too many families

2010-01-15 Thread Dave Keeney
Sorry for the late reply, this was lost in my sent mail for some reason and
I didn't see it until now.

Yes that is exactly what I am doing.

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Jenny M Benson wrote:

> Dave Keeney wrote
> >I'm having a problem that I'm hoping someone can confirm it happens to
> >others and/or explain why it's happening.
> >
> >When I export two tagged grandchildren (C1, C2) each with unique
> >parents (P1, P2) of the same grandparent family (F1) with Spouses,
> >Children, and Parents options I get the F1 also.
> >It doesn't seem that I should since F1 is not tagged, a parent, a
> >spouse or a child of the tagged indivudals.
> Can I just clarify how you are selecting records for export?  Are you
> saying that you have just tagged the two children, C1 & C2 and when
> selecting records for export you are choosing "All records with an
> individual tag of n" with the options for exporting all children, all
> spouses, all parents of the tagged individuals also ticked?
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Marilyn Clark
Uh-oh, sorry about the html.

--- On Fri, 1/15/10, Marilyn Clark  wrote:

From: Marilyn Clark 
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)
Date: Friday, January 15, 2010, 7:05 PM

I just started using, a free app that does what I need. I 
experimented with changing canvas size and you can do that with, 
too.  Get it at  -- if you type "paint dot net" only, 
you get a paint products site.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Marilyn Clark
I just started using, a free app that does what I need. I 
experimented with changing canvas size and you can do that with, 
too.  Get it at  -- if you type "paint dot net" only, 
you get a paint products site.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Headstones as sources

2010-01-15 Thread jenkinsonf
I use cemetery as the source with the date I visited. I put the inscription
in the cemetery notes.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 12:40 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Headstones as sources

If you add a headstone as a source, where do you normally attach it to?
or Cemetery or something else.

Any input would be appreciated.

Warm Regards,

Joe Hildreth

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Re: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Deborah Trounstine
Thank you, Charles.
That is a great idea and I'm going to change the few I have to that

Charles Apple wrote:
> Jenny,
> I just ran an example on my Test database using the Pedigree template and I
> can now see what your concerns are.
> I did not run into this problem because, on page 142 of "Evidence Explained"
> by Elizabeth Shown Mills, Family Group Sheets, Charts, etc. are Artifacts.
> Based on this I used the, Artifacts > Privately Held, template for the
> Family Group Sheets and Pedigree Charts that I have received from others.
> Hope this helps,
> Charles
> -Original Message-
> From: Jenny M Benson []
> Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 6:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter
> Charles Apple wrote
>> My understanding is that the "supplied by" or "supplied date" is for
>> the puposes of showing the Provenance of a particular record.
> Oh yes, I have no problem with that at all.  The two things I do have a
> problem with is that it some of the citations automatically assume that the
> Report was supplied by the Compiler and then put *my* residence so it reads
> as if that is the Compiler's residence.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
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Re: [LegacyUG] Headstones as sources

2010-01-15 Thread Connie Sheets
It depends upon the information the tombstone provides.  Usually, a tombstone 
will be a source for at least the date of death and the burial location.  
Often, it is also a source for the date of birth (either directly because a DOB 
is engraved on the tombstone, or indirectly because it provides an age at death 
from which I can calculate the birth date).  Some tombstones can also be a 
source for the name of the spouse or even the name of a child.

If you are asking where to attach an image/photo of a tombstone, that is 
entirely a matter of personal preference.


Joe wrote:

> If you add a headstone as a source,
> where do you normally attach it to?  Burial
> or Cemetery or something else.
> Any input would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards,
> Joe Hildreth

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[LegacyUG] Headstones as sources

2010-01-15 Thread xavier
If you add a headstone as a source, where do you normally attach it to?  Burial
or Cemetery or something else.

Any input would be appreciated.

Warm Regards,

Joe Hildreth

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RE: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Dianne Arnold
Other than to quibble with you over how many years the pictures processed at
Costco will last, I strongly agree with the statement that your hard
drive(s) and disc media will all fail at some point in time!!

The concept of having "analog" backup of everything that is in your Legacy
files -- reports, FGS, charts (whatever your preferred formats for the
printed data) and pictures -- in addition to digital backup is a good one.

Dianne Arnold
651-994-0305 (St. Paul, MN)
760-479-0632 (Encinitas, CA)

-Original Message-
From: Brian L. Lightfoot []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 5:29 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

Agree that the price of Photoshop is probably too steep for most families
and the alternatives suggested are all good ones. I might add that I have
scanned many of my family's photo collections to make part of my genealogy
records. The digital copies reside as part of the Photo Gallery in Legacy.
In nearly all cases, I used Photoshop to add a border on one side or another
upon which I entered a text description of who was in the picture as well as
a date and location. The images were then resized to a now standard 6" x 4"
print size. Whenever Costco has one of their 9 cent print sales, I run over
there with a CD of over 500 images. The reason: your hard drive and/or disc
media will all fail at some point in time...guaranteed. With a hard copy
image, they can last as long as the pictures taken during the Civil War.
Besides, the hard copy image also serves as an "analog backup" to the
"digital copy".

Brian in CA

-Original Message-
From: Dianne Arnold []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

Unless you already have Photoshop, it is too expensive and complicated to
learn for this use. If you want to purchase an application, consider
Photoshop Elements 8, their "consumer" version. It is very powerful. I
happen to have both of them for photography.

I also use Irfanview (free) and FastStone (free); both will allow you to
resize the canvas and add a caption in the new area and save it.

Dianne Arnold
651-994-0305 (St. Paul, MN)
760-479-0632 (Encinitas, CA)

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

Mike, I use photoshop.

Sally Miller Hindley

In a message dated 1/15/2010 2:55:16 PM Eastern  Standard Time, writes:
I'm creating images (.JPGs) from  old photos.  I'd like to add a
caption/text to the bottom or top of the  image (.JPG) without
overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found  software that adds
text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image  covering
some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the  .JPG
at the top or bottom of the image.

I know I can add text on web  pages, but I want to have the text as a
permenant part if the  image.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,


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RE: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Brian L. Lightfoot
Agree that the price of Photoshop is probably too steep for most families and 
the alternatives suggested are all good ones. I might add that I have scanned 
many of my family's photo collections to make part of my genealogy records. The 
digital copies reside as part of the Photo Gallery in Legacy. In nearly all 
cases, I used Photoshop to add a border on one side or another upon which I 
entered a text description of who was in the picture as well as a date and 
location. The images were then resized to a now standard 6" x 4" print size. 
Whenever Costco has one of their 9 cent print sales, I run over there with a CD 
of over 500 images. The reason: your hard drive and/or disc media will all fail 
at some point in time...guaranteed. With a hard copy image, they can last as 
long as the pictures taken during the Civil War. Besides, the hard copy image 
also serves as an "analog backup" to the "digital copy".

Brian in CA

-Original Message-
From: Dianne Arnold []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

Unless you already have Photoshop, it is too expensive and complicated to
learn for this use. If you want to purchase an application, consider
Photoshop Elements 8, their "consumer" version. It is very powerful. I
happen to have both of them for photography.

I also use Irfanview (free) and FastStone (free); both will allow you to
resize the canvas and add a caption in the new area and save it.

Dianne Arnold
651-994-0305 (St. Paul, MN)
760-479-0632 (Encinitas, CA)

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

Mike, I use photoshop.

Sally Miller Hindley

In a message dated 1/15/2010 2:55:16 PM Eastern  Standard Time, writes:
I'm creating images (.JPGs) from  old photos.  I'd like to add a
caption/text to the bottom or top of the  image (.JPG) without
overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found  software that adds
text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image  covering
some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the  .JPG
at the top or bottom of the image.

I know I can add text on web  pages, but I want to have the text as a
permenant part if the  image.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,


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Re: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread Ron Taylor
If you use LTools or an Access script, you can set the marriage tags and then 
go back into Legacy and search for those marriage tags or use the marriage tag 
buttons to view each of those tagged marriages.
Ron Taylor

--- On Fri, 1/15/10, Richard Van Wasshnova  wrote:

From: Richard Van Wasshnova 
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags
Date: Friday, January 15, 2010, 4:57 PM

Hi Peter,

Ltools works great for marriage tagging and displaying but not Legacy.

Richard Van Wasshnova

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 4:32 AM, Peter Abbott
> Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date and then set one of
> the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot find ‘Advanced
> tagging’ features for the marriage tags only the individual ones.

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RE: [LegacyUG] Sorting Children

2010-01-15 Thread Roger Jarrett
Use LTOOLS It has options to sort Children and 


-Original Message-
From: Robert Mann []
Sent: Saturday, 16 January 2010 12:44 p.m.
Subject: [LegacyUG] Sorting Children

Does anyone know of a way to sort all the children in all marriages in one go, 
without having to call up each family individually?


Robert Mann
Sandy Springs, GA

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RE: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Charles Apple

I just ran an example on my Test database using the Pedigree template and I
can now see what your concerns are.

I did not run into this problem because, on page 142 of "Evidence Explained"
by Elizabeth Shown Mills, Family Group Sheets, Charts, etc. are Artifacts.
Based on this I used the, Artifacts > Privately Held, template for the
Family Group Sheets and Pedigree Charts that I have received from others.

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Jenny M Benson []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

Charles Apple wrote
>My understanding is that the "supplied by" or "supplied date" is for
>the puposes of showing the Provenance of a particular record.

Oh yes, I have no problem with that at all.  The two things I do have a
problem with is that it some of the citations automatically assume that the
Report was supplied by the Compiler and then put *my* residence so it reads
as if that is the Compiler's residence.
Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread Richard Van Wasshnova
Hi Peter,

Ltools works great for marriage tagging and displaying but not Legacy.

Richard Van Wasshnova

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 4:32 AM, Peter Abbott
> Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date and then set one of
> the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot find ‘Advanced
> tagging’ features for the marriage tags only the individual ones.

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[LegacyUG] Sorting Children

2010-01-15 Thread Robert Mann
Does anyone know of a way to sort all the children in all marriages in one
go, without having to call up each family individually?


Robert Mann
Sandy Springs, GA

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Re: [LegacyUG] Genealogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Connie Sheets
Jenny M Benson wrote:

> The two
> things I do have a
> problem with is that it some of the citations automatically
> assume that
> the Report was supplied by the Compiler and then put *my*
> residence so
> it reads as if that is the Compiler's residence.


As you know, SourceWriter templates are based upon examples in the book 
Evidence Explained.  I am away from home this week and don't have a copy of EE 
with me, but many of the EE examples illustrate complicated situations, e.g. if 
I'm remembering correctly, the Family Group Sheet template is based upon a 
collection example, not a single group sheet I received years ago from another 
researcher (my most common situation).  The Family Group Sheet template makes 
sense when one closely studies the example in EE on which it is based, but I 
find it unusable for the reasons you mention.

I have used "Artifacts - privately held" in the past to cite a FGS, but in 
looking more closely at the other templates you mention in your original post, 
I'm now inclined to think that creative use of the fields in the Research 
Report template might work better.

I can't explain the inconsistent way in which the Comments do or do not print 
on these templates; personally, I'm inclined to ignore that field and use the 
Text/Comments tab instead, where I can control the printing.


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Re: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Jenny M Benson
Charles Apple wrote
>My understanding is that the "supplied by" or "supplied date" is for
>the puposes of showing the Provenance of a particular record.

Oh yes, I have no problem with that at all.  The two things I do have a
problem with is that it some of the citations automatically assume that
the Report was supplied by the Compiler and then put *my* residence so
it reads as if that is the Compiler's residence.
Jenny M Benson

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RE: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Dianne Arnold
Unless you already have Photoshop, it is too expensive and complicated to
learn for this use. If you want to purchase an application, consider
Photoshop Elements 8, their "consumer" version. It is very powerful. I
happen to have both of them for photography.

I also use Irfanview (free) and FastStone (free); both will allow you to
resize the canvas and add a caption in the new area and save it.

Dianne Arnold
651-994-0305 (St. Paul, MN)
760-479-0632 (Encinitas, CA)

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

Mike, I use photoshop.

Sally Miller Hindley

In a message dated 1/15/2010 2:55:16 PM Eastern  Standard Time, writes:
I'm creating images (.JPGs) from  old photos.  I'd like to add a
caption/text to the bottom or top of the  image (.JPG) without
overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found  software that adds
text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image  covering
some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the  .JPG
at the top or bottom of the image.

I know I can add text on web  pages, but I want to have the text as a
permenant part if the  image.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,


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Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread saludevil

Mike, I use photoshop.

Sally Miller Hindley

In a message dated 1/15/2010 2:55:16 PM Eastern  Standard Time, writes:
I'm creating images (.JPGs) from  old photos.  I'd like to add a
caption/text to the bottom or top of the  image (.JPG) without
overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found  software that adds
text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image  covering
some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the  .JPG
at the top or bottom of the image.

I know I can add text on web  pages, but I want to have the text as a
permenant part if the  image.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,


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Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Tim Rosenlof
Dennis makes a good suggestion.
I use faststone  I use it all the time for
what you want. (Free)
It has some more bells and whistles.

Tim Rosenlof

Michael Keevican wrote:
> I'm creating images (.JPGs) from old photos.  I'd like to add a
> caption/text to the bottom or top of the image (.JPG) without
> overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found software that adds
> text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image covering
> some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the .JPG
> at the top or bottom of the image.
> I know I can add text on web pages, but I want to have the text as a
> permenant part if the image.
> Any thoughts?
> Best regards,
> mike
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Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Michael Keevican
thanks.  I'll give it a try.

Best regards,


On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek  wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 14:54:19 -0500, Michael Keevican
>  wrote:
>>I'd like to add a
>>caption/text to the bottom or top of the image (.JPG) without
>>overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found software that adds
>>text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image covering
>>some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the .JPG
>>at the top or bottom of the image.
> You can use IrfanView to enlarge the canvas in any direction. Look under
> Batch Conversion/Rename. Then you can add text to this area.
> --
> Dennis Kowallek (LTools)
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Re: [LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Dennis M . Kowallek
On Fri, 15 Jan 2010 14:54:19 -0500, Michael Keevican

>I'd like to add a
>caption/text to the bottom or top of the image (.JPG) without
>overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found software that adds
>text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image covering
>some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the .JPG
>at the top or bottom of the image.

You can use IrfanView to enlarge the canvas in any direction. Look under
Batch Conversion/Rename. Then you can add text to this area.


Dennis Kowallek (LTools)

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[LegacyUG] Caption/Text for images (.jpg)

2010-01-15 Thread Michael Keevican
I'm creating images (.JPGs) from old photos.  I'd like to add a
caption/text to the bottom or top of the image (.JPG) without
overlapping any of the original photo.  I've found software that adds
text, bubbles, watermarks. etc., 'within' the actual image covering
some of the original photo, but not software that 'adds to' the .JPG
at the top or bottom of the image.

I know I can add text on web pages, but I want to have the text as a
permenant part if the image.

Any thoughts?

Best regards,


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RE: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Brian L. Lightfoot
Hmmm...and I'm thinking that eggs are not used in a puddingunless you are 
talking about custards.
"over-eggs the custard"? :-)

OK, I better quit before Sherry chimes in and says this is all off-topic. 
Unless she knows a good recipe.

Brian in CA

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

'...over-eggs the pudding...'.  I never heard that expression but I like it!!


On Jan 15, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Jenny M Benson wrote:

> On the whole I am a great fan of SourceWriter, but there are times when
> I feel it rather over-eggs the pudding!  Such as when it offers 4
> templates for recording genealogy reports:  Family Group Sheet, GEDCOM
> file, Pedigree Chart and Research Report.
> Largely because I've forgotten what I've used before, I've ended up
> using all 4 at random for all sorts of Reports - handwritten trees,
> Register Reports, FGS ...
> I'm not really sure why it's necessary to distinguish between them,
> anyway.  The main elements of the Citation for FGS, Gedcom and Pedigree
> Chart are all the same:  compiler, report title, supplied date &
> supplier, with just the option of adding some specifics in the case of
> the Gedcom.  With all 3 it is not possible to suppress Master Source
> Comments in Reports, which is *annoying*.  All three included "supplied
> by" or supplied [date] by" and then pick up on the compiler's or
> author's surname which is sometimes misleading and sometimes just wrong.
> (I have a Tree compiled by a deceased relative which was given to me by
> his son who does have the same surname, it might well have come from
> another member of the family with a different surname.)
> The Pedigree Chart citation is slightly misleading because it reads, for
> example, "Ralph Hare, "Rev Edward Hare Tree," supplied 2005 by Hare,
> [ADRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Wrexham, Wales" which may be a correct form of
> Citation (I don't know) but implies that the person who supplied the
> Chart is from Wrexham, Wales whereas it is me, the current owner, who is
> from there.
> As usual with Legacy, I suppose it boils down to "you pays your money
> (or not if you're using the standard edition!) and you takes your
> choice."  I have decided that the FGS output suits my needs and I shall
> use that for all manner of Reports.
> I'd be interested to hear the musings of other LUGgers on this subject,
> though.
> --
> Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread RUNION ROBERT
'...over-eggs the pudding...'.  I never heard that expression but I like it!!


On Jan 15, 2010, at 12:14 PM, Jenny M Benson wrote:

> On the whole I am a great fan of SourceWriter, but there are times when
> I feel it rather over-eggs the pudding!  Such as when it offers 4
> templates for recording genealogy reports:  Family Group Sheet, GEDCOM
> file, Pedigree Chart and Research Report.
> Largely because I've forgotten what I've used before, I've ended up
> using all 4 at random for all sorts of Reports - handwritten trees,
> Register Reports, FGS ...
> I'm not really sure why it's necessary to distinguish between them,
> anyway.  The main elements of the Citation for FGS, Gedcom and Pedigree
> Chart are all the same:  compiler, report title, supplied date &
> supplier, with just the option of adding some specifics in the case of
> the Gedcom.  With all 3 it is not possible to suppress Master Source
> Comments in Reports, which is *annoying*.  All three included "supplied
> by" or supplied [date] by" and then pick up on the compiler's or
> author's surname which is sometimes misleading and sometimes just wrong.
> (I have a Tree compiled by a deceased relative which was given to me by
> his son who does have the same surname, it might well have come from
> another member of the family with a different surname.)
> The Pedigree Chart citation is slightly misleading because it reads, for
> example, "Ralph Hare, "Rev Edward Hare Tree," supplied 2005 by Hare,
> [ADRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Wrexham, Wales" which may be a correct form of
> Citation (I don't know) but implies that the person who supplied the
> Chart is from Wrexham, Wales whereas it is me, the current owner, who is
> from there.
> As usual with Legacy, I suppose it boils down to "you pays your money
> (or not if you're using the standard edition!) and you takes your
> choice."  I have decided that the FGS output suits my needs and I shall
> use that for all manner of Reports.
> I'd be interested to hear the musings of other LUGgers on this subject,
> though.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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RE: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Charles Apple

My understanding is that the "supplied by" or "supplied date" is for the
puposes of showing the Provenance of a particular record. If you are the
"Supplier" then it would probably be "Privately Held," I think.

I am rather new at Legacy and learning, so you may want to get responses
from others in the group, to further clarify your questions.


-Original Message-
From: Jenny M Benson []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

On the whole I am a great fan of SourceWriter, but there are times when I
feel it rather over-eggs the pudding!  Such as when it offers 4 templates
for recording genealogy reports:  Family Group Sheet, GEDCOM file, Pedigree
Chart and Research Report.

Largely because I've forgotten what I've used before, I've ended up using
all 4 at random for all sorts of Reports - handwritten trees, Register
Reports, FGS ...

I'm not really sure why it's necessary to distinguish between them, anyway.
The main elements of the Citation for FGS, Gedcom and Pedigree Chart are all
the same:  compiler, report title, supplied date & supplier, with just the
option of adding some specifics in the case of the Gedcom.  With all 3 it is
not possible to suppress Master Source Comments in Reports, which is
*annoying*.  All three included "supplied by" or supplied [date] by" and
then pick up on the compiler's or author's surname which is sometimes
misleading and sometimes just wrong.
(I have a Tree compiled by a deceased relative which was given to me by his
son who does have the same surname, it might well have come from another
member of the family with a different surname.)

The Pedigree Chart citation is slightly misleading because it reads, for
example, "Ralph Hare, "Rev Edward Hare Tree," supplied 2005 by Hare, [ADRESS
FOR PRIVATE USE,] Wrexham, Wales" which may be a correct form of Citation (I
don't know) but implies that the person who supplied the Chart is from
Wrexham, Wales whereas it is me, the current owner, who is from there.

As usual with Legacy, I suppose it boils down to "you pays your money (or
not if you're using the standard edition!) and you takes your choice."  I
have decided that the FGS output suits my needs and I shall use that for all
manner of Reports.

I'd be interested to hear the musings of other LUGgers on this subject,
Jenny M Benson

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RE: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread Peter Abbott

Thanks but that will set individual tags and  I want to set Marriage Tags.


From: Byron []
Sent: 15 January 2010 17:24
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

Go to , select  tab, select ,  = ‘Marriage Date’,

 set  to ‘Equal’, and leave  as a blank. Create 
list. Then use Options-Advanced

tagging as needed.

Byron Schafbuch


From: Peter Abbott []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 6:33 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date and then set one of 
the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot find ‘Advanced 
tagging’ features for the marriage tags only the individual ones.


Peter Abbott

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[LegacyUG] Genalogy reports - SourceWriter

2010-01-15 Thread Jenny M Benson
On the whole I am a great fan of SourceWriter, but there are times when
I feel it rather over-eggs the pudding!  Such as when it offers 4
templates for recording genealogy reports:  Family Group Sheet, GEDCOM
file, Pedigree Chart and Research Report.

Largely because I've forgotten what I've used before, I've ended up
using all 4 at random for all sorts of Reports - handwritten trees,
Register Reports, FGS ...

I'm not really sure why it's necessary to distinguish between them,
anyway.  The main elements of the Citation for FGS, Gedcom and Pedigree
Chart are all the same:  compiler, report title, supplied date &
supplier, with just the option of adding some specifics in the case of
the Gedcom.  With all 3 it is not possible to suppress Master Source
Comments in Reports, which is *annoying*.  All three included "supplied
by" or supplied [date] by" and then pick up on the compiler's or
author's surname which is sometimes misleading and sometimes just wrong.
(I have a Tree compiled by a deceased relative which was given to me by
his son who does have the same surname, it might well have come from
another member of the family with a different surname.)

The Pedigree Chart citation is slightly misleading because it reads, for
example, "Ralph Hare, "Rev Edward Hare Tree," supplied 2005 by Hare,
[ADRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Wrexham, Wales" which may be a correct form of
Citation (I don't know) but implies that the person who supplied the
Chart is from Wrexham, Wales whereas it is me, the current owner, who is
from there.

As usual with Legacy, I suppose it boils down to "you pays your money
(or not if you're using the standard edition!) and you takes your
choice."  I have decided that the FGS output suits my needs and I shall
use that for all manner of Reports.

I'd be interested to hear the musings of other LUGgers on this subject,
Jenny M Benson

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RE: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread Byron
Go to , select  tab, select ,
 = 'Marriage Date',

 set  to 'Equal', and leave  as a blank.
Create list. Then use Options-Advanced

tagging as needed.

Byron Schafbuch


From: Peter Abbott []
Sent: Friday, January 15, 2010 6:33 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date and then set one of
the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot find 'Advanced
tagging' features for the marriage tags only the individual ones.


Peter Abbott

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Re: [LegacyUG] Compiler, not editor, again

2010-01-15 Thread Carl Hilton
Will do.

Jenny M Benson  wrote:

>Connie Sheets wrote
>>Another solution is to use the authored (not edited) template and add
>>the word "compiler" without the quotes in the author name suffix field.
>>(I try to avoid citation overrides for a variety of reasons).
>Brilliant!  I like that much better than having to use overrides.  I
>shall go back and re-do the one I just created!  (I hadn't thought to
>try the authored template, thinking that "compiled" was nearer to the
>fact than "edited".)
>Jenny M Benson
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Re: [LegacyUG] Putting record numbers in

2010-01-15 Thread Jenny M Benson
Michele Soulli wrote
>Right now I am only doing my family tree from Piazza Armerina, Sicily.
>I did a lot of research at the Family History Center, than I got to go
>to Sicily and spend time in the records office. So what I want to
>do, is put the record number where I found the birth/marriage/death
>records.  I have been putting the record number right in the year box,
>for example- 1840 (30).  What is a better way to record this?

You definitely don't want to be putting it in the Year field because it
will muck up any searching you might want to do with Year of [Event] as
a criterion.

I would say the Record Number is part of the Source and should be
included in the Source Detail .  Where *exactly* you put it depends on
whether you are using Basic Sourcing or SourceWriter, if the latter on
which template you are using and finally on your personal preference.
Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Compiler, not editor, again

2010-01-15 Thread Jenny M Benson
Connie Sheets wrote
>Another solution is to use the authored (not edited) template and add
>the word "compiler" without the quotes in the author name suffix field.
>(I try to avoid citation overrides for a variety of reasons).

Brilliant!  I like that much better than having to use overrides.  I
shall go back and re-do the one I just created!  (I hadn't thought to
try the authored template, thinking that "compiled" was nearer to the
fact than "edited".)
Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Compiler, not editor, again

2010-01-15 Thread Connie Sheets
Another solution is to use the authored (not edited) template and add the word 
"compiler" without the quotes in the author name suffix field.  (I try to avoid 
citation overrides for a variety of reasons).


Jenny M Benson wrote:

> Back in September last year someone
> asked about using SourceWriter when
> citing a book which was "compiled" rather than "edited".
> Someone suggested that entering the compiler's surname as
> "Surname,
> compiler" would have the desired end-result of "Forename
> Surname,
> compiler."  Well, yes, it does, but in fact the
> citation will then read
> "Title, Forename Surname, compiler, editor ..." which is
> not very
> satisfactory.
> The solution I gave at the time was to override the Master
> Source,
> changing "editor" to "compiler" in the Bibliography and
> then making the
> same change to the Footnote/Endnote Citation at the Detail
> Source level.
> Now that this situation has actually arisen in my own
> Sources, I am
> thinking that this will be very irksome if I ended up with
> a lot of
> compiler citations!  I am wondering why it is not
> possible to edit the
> Master Source Citation so that the word Editor can be
> changed to
> Compiler throughout, not just for the Bibliography?  I
> have submitted a
> Feature Request to Legacy, asking that a third option of
> "compiled" be
> added to the existing "authored" and "edited."
> --
> Jenny M Benson

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[LegacyUG] Putting record numbers in

2010-01-15 Thread Michele Soulli
Right now I am only doing my family tree from Piazza Armerina, Sicily. I did a 
lot of research at the Family History Center, than I got to go to Sicily and 
spend time in the records office. So what I want to do, is put the record 
number where I found the birth/marriage/death records.  I have been putting the 
record number right in the year box, for example- 1840 (30).  What is a better 
way to record this?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread mjmethod
Disregard prior post. I just led you back to individual tags.

I think you are correct. I can't find a direct way to tag them.


Michael J Method

phone=  317-284-1303
family research of: Method, Feehily, Fredrick, Herzog,  tenEyck, Belsley

In a message dated 1/15/2010 8:00:31 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date  and then set one
of the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot  find ‘
Advanced tagging’ features for the marriage tags only the individual  ones.
Peter  Abbott

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Re: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread Jenny M Benson
>If you've done a Search and produced a Search List, click Options
>(second button on bottom), then choose Advanced Tagging.
But the Search List which is produced is a list of the Indviduals
involved in the marriages, not a Marriage List.  With the Search List
you can only use Advanced Tagging with Individual Tags.  As the OP has
discovered, there is no Advanced Tagging option for Marriage Tags.
Jenny M Benson

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[LegacyUG] Compiler, not editor, again

2010-01-15 Thread Jenny M Benson
Back in September last year someone asked about using SourceWriter when
citing a book which was "compiled" rather than "edited".

Someone suggested that entering the compiler's surname as "Surname,
compiler" would have the desired end-result of "Forename Surname,
compiler."  Well, yes, it does, but in fact the citation will then read
"Title, Forename Surname, compiler, editor ..." which is not very

The solution I gave at the time was to override the Master Source,
changing "editor" to "compiler" in the Bibliography and then making the
same change to the Footnote/Endnote Citation at the Detail Source level.

Now that this situation has actually arisen in my own Sources, I am
thinking that this will be very irksome if I ended up with a lot of
compiler citations!  I am wondering why it is not possible to edit the
Master Source Citation so that the word Editor can be changed to
Compiler throughout, not just for the Bibliography?  I have submitted a
Feature Request to Legacy, asking that a third option of "compiled" be
added to the existing "authored" and "edited."
Jenny M Benson

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Re: [LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread mjmethod
If you've done a Search and produced a Search List, click Options (second
button on bottom), then choose Advanced Tagging.


Michael J Method

family research  of: Method, Feehily, Fredrick, Herzog, tenEyck, Belsley

In a message dated 1/15/2010 8:00:31 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date  and then set one
of the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot  find ‘
Advanced tagging’ features for the marriage tags only the individual  ones.
Peter  Abbott

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[LegacyUG] Marriage Tags

2010-01-15 Thread Peter Abbott
Is it possible to select marriages with say a blank date and then set one of
the marriage tags for all the selected marriages. I cannot find 'Advanced
tagging' features for the marriage tags only the individual ones.


Peter Abbott

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