Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

2012-04-07 Thread Paula Ryburn
I add it once for the parents and then once for each of the children--so it's
one less Event.  I use the event clipboard, of course. ;)  But I choose a more
narrative format for the Event Notes; I don't just transcribe the entries.  So
for a person, there will be Individual events before they are married, then
Marriage events, then Individual events if they are the surviving spouse.  I do
not use the Chronology much.

From: Michele Lewis 
Sent: Sat, April 7, 2012 11:09:53 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

The one problem with this is it is a lot harder to follow someone through the
census years this way.  If you enter it as an event under the person, every
census they appear in will show up on the chronology/timeline.  Doing it your
way will mean only the census records after they married will show up.


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RE: [LegacyUG] families app

2012-04-07 Thread Paul Gray
And don't forget, this Wednesday's webinar topic is the Families app.


From: Kathy Meyer []
Sent: April-07-12 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] families app

Thanks so much!  I had read a couple of bad reviews but your positive comments 
were very helpful; people tend to share bad experiences more often than good 
ones (because good ones are simply expected).  I went ahead and got the app and 
it installed and synced beautifully and quickly.  I was impressed to see my 
sources there :-)  what a huge help that is.  I don't intend to sync the other 
way; i.e. I don't intend to make changes to my file via the app, I just want 
the info readily available to me at any time.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding source to event

2012-04-07 Thread Bob McEwan
Thanks Brian


On 07/04/2012 7:24 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> 1. If you close then restart Legacy you should be able to get the
> reports to work so long as you do not first open the sources.
> 2. A fix was issued to our testers early today. So far it seems to be
> working so the next update will include that fix.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 07/04/2012 6:44 PM, Jackie King wrote:
>> I am also having the same problem - on vista here.  It was kind of bad
>> timing - I needed the report for a family obit.
>> On 4/7/2012 3:53 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:
>>> I am having the same issue is there going to a fix for this
>>> Bob
>>> On 05/04/2012 1:40 PM, J&K O'Neill wrote:
 I have Legacy, Mar 29 2012 build running on a Windows 7
 laptop - AMD Phenom II N640 dual-core 2.9GHz w/ 4gb RAM, 64 bit OS.

 Last night I discovered that  my Family Group Sheet and Individual
 Reports were coming up blank. All other reports seem to be OK and I
 have to exit Legacy and re-enter in order for the GS/Indiv reports to
 repopulate with data. After experimenting, I think I've narrowed it
 down to adding a source to an event. I have tried different events
 and sources and it SEEMS to be the source that triggers the problem.

 So far I have done the following: (tested after each step but problem
 was still there)

 1. Run all the file maintenance tools.

 2. Run scandisk and other system utilities.

 3. Saved as a Legacy file with a new name, imported it, but got same
 results. (kept getting the window that asked if you want to save the
 current event or import the new one which had nothing in the sentence
 fields -- I told it to save the one that was populated with the defaults)

 4. Still had the problem so restored the events Master List.

 5. Uninstalled Legacy and copied over ONLY the fdb, fg, and nc files.
 (did this twice with and without the tc, ~rc3, ~rgd, ~ppl files)

 6. Opened several previous backups but have same problem.

 The interesting thing is that after doing a clean reinstall of Legacy
 I opened the sample file and the reports were OK.

 Opened MY file, reports OK, entered an event, reports OK, added a
 source -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv reports.

 Closed my file, opened the Sample file -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv
 reports !!!

 As I'm having the same issue with some previous backups I don't know
 if something has been corrupted for some time and I just didn't
 notice it or if there is something else wrong.

 HELP  I don't know where to go from here and am hoping someone
 has an answer before I contact tech support.



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RE: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding source to event

2012-04-07 Thread John S. Adams

Why do very happy funeral directors disturb me?

John S. AdamsVentura, CA

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding 
> source to event
> Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2012 18:32:27 -0500
> Thanks Brian - That worked - the funeral director will be very happy
> when I meet with him tomorrow.
> As usual - Legacy support is superb.
> Jackie

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Re: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding source to event

2012-04-07 Thread Jackie King

Thanks Brian - That worked - the funeral director will be very happy
when I meet with him tomorrow.

As usual - Legacy support is superb.


On 4/7/2012 6:24 PM, Brian/Support wrote:
> 1. If you close then restart Legacy you should be able to get the
> reports to work so long as you do not first open the sources.
> 2. A fix was issued to our testers early today. So far it seems to be
> working so the next update will include that fix.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 07/04/2012 6:44 PM, Jackie King wrote:
>> I am also having the same problem - on vista here.  It was kind of bad
>> timing - I needed the report for a family obit.
>> On 4/7/2012 3:53 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:
>>> I am having the same issue is there going to a fix for this
>>> Bob
>>> On 05/04/2012 1:40 PM, J&K O'Neill wrote:
 I have Legacy, Mar 29 2012 build running on a Windows 7
 laptop - AMD Phenom II N640 dual-core 2.9GHz w/ 4gb RAM, 64 bit OS.

 Last night I discovered that  my Family Group Sheet and Individual
 Reports were coming up blank. All other reports seem to be OK and I
 have to exit Legacy and re-enter in order for the GS/Indiv reports to
 repopulate with data. After experimenting, I think I've narrowed it
 down to adding a source to an event. I have tried different events
 and sources and it SEEMS to be the source that triggers the problem.

 So far I have done the following: (tested after each step but problem
 was still there)

 1. Run all the file maintenance tools.

 2. Run scandisk and other system utilities.

 3. Saved as a Legacy file with a new name, imported it, but got same
 results. (kept getting the window that asked if you want to save the
 current event or import the new one which had nothing in the sentence
 fields -- I told it to save the one that was populated with the defaults)

 4. Still had the problem so restored the events Master List.

 5. Uninstalled Legacy and copied over ONLY the fdb, fg, and nc files.
 (did this twice with and without the tc, ~rc3, ~rgd, ~ppl files)

 6. Opened several previous backups but have same problem.

 The interesting thing is that after doing a clean reinstall of Legacy
 I opened the sample file and the reports were OK.

 Opened MY file, reports OK, entered an event, reports OK, added a
 source -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv reports.

 Closed my file, opened the Sample file -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv
 reports !!!

 As I'm having the same issue with some previous backups I don't know
 if something has been corrupted for some time and I just didn't
 notice it or if there is something else wrong.

 HELP  I don't know where to go from here and am hoping someone
 has an answer before I contact tech support.



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Re: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding source to event

2012-04-07 Thread Brian/Support
1. If you close then restart Legacy you should be able to get the
reports to work so long as you do not first open the sources.

2. A fix was issued to our testers early today. So far it seems to be
working so the next update will include that fix.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 07/04/2012 6:44 PM, Jackie King wrote:
> I am also having the same problem - on vista here.  It was kind of bad
> timing - I needed the report for a family obit.
> On 4/7/2012 3:53 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:
>> I am having the same issue is there going to a fix for this
>> Bob
>> On 05/04/2012 1:40 PM, J&K O'Neill wrote:
>>> I have Legacy, Mar 29 2012 build running on a Windows 7
>>> laptop - AMD Phenom II N640 dual-core 2.9GHz w/ 4gb RAM, 64 bit OS.
>>> Last night I discovered that  my Family Group Sheet and Individual
>>> Reports were coming up blank. All other reports seem to be OK and I
>>> have to exit Legacy and re-enter in order for the GS/Indiv reports to
>>> repopulate with data. After experimenting, I think I've narrowed it
>>> down to adding a source to an event. I have tried different events
>>> and sources and it SEEMS to be the source that triggers the problem.
>>> So far I have done the following: (tested after each step but problem
>>> was still there)
>>> 1. Run all the file maintenance tools.
>>> 2. Run scandisk and other system utilities.
>>> 3. Saved as a Legacy file with a new name, imported it, but got same
>>> results. (kept getting the window that asked if you want to save the
>>> current event or import the new one which had nothing in the sentence
>>> fields -- I told it to save the one that was populated with the defaults)
>>> 4. Still had the problem so restored the events Master List.
>>> 5. Uninstalled Legacy and copied over ONLY the fdb, fg, and nc files.
>>> (did this twice with and without the tc, ~rc3, ~rgd, ~ppl files)
>>> 6. Opened several previous backups but have same problem.
>>> The interesting thing is that after doing a clean reinstall of Legacy
>>> I opened the sample file and the reports were OK.
>>> Opened MY file, reports OK, entered an event, reports OK, added a
>>> source -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv reports.
>>> Closed my file, opened the Sample file -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv
>>> reports !!!
>>> As I'm having the same issue with some previous backups I don't know
>>> if something has been corrupted for some time and I just didn't
>>> notice it or if there is something else wrong.
>>> HELP  I don't know where to go from here and am hoping someone
>>> has an answer before I contact tech support.
>>> Regards,
>>> Kathleen
>>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
>>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
>>> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
>>> Online technical support:
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>>> and on our blog (
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Re: [LegacyUG] sources on FGS

2012-04-07 Thread Brian/Support

Multiple citation numbers for the same source are only used in the RTF
format reports.
Go to Options > Customize > Sources Tab
In the lower right there is a setting for linked rtf sources. That
setting will create a new citation number each time a source is cited.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 07/04/2012 3:58 PM, Michele Lewis wrote:
> When I view/print a FGS, if a source is used more than one time, then the
> source is only listed once and all the references to that source use that
> once source number.  I need it to print a separate source for each citation
> even if the same source is used multiple time.
> I know it can do this because you have "short citations" available for
> subsequent citations.  I have fiddled with the source settings for the FGS
> sheet but it isn't working.
> Michele

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[LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-07 Thread Tony Rolfe
Thanks again to all for their comments.

On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 08:12:01 -0700 Jenny M Benson wrote

 > Did you read (and try) the method I offered?  I cannot see how it does
 > not do exactly what you want.

Yes, Jenny, at least here's what I did.

1.  My existing search list is actually Tag1=tagged AND tag3=tagged
(Tag1 is people likely to be alive in 1911, in the UK, without a 1911
source and Tag3 is all blood relatives and their spouses).

2.  I created a new search list Tag6=tagged and navigated to the middle
of that, double-clicked a random person.  Did a find Next (either F3 or
search menu>find next) a few times and it restarted from the start of
the list.

3.  I then recreated my first list (Tag1=tagged AND tag3=tagged),
navigated to the lady I'm looking for, double-clicked her and she
appeared in the pedigree view.

4.  I did a find next and the second person on the list appeared.

I may have done something wrong, but I believe that this is analogous to
what you suggested.  It is certainly what I want to do.

On Sat, 07 Apr 2012 00:53:44 -0700 Mike Fry wrote

 > So! What's wrong with using two tags as I have previously suggested?

Firstly, I don't have any spare tags.  In the reply to Jenny above, I
said that I'm using Tag1=tagged AND tag3=tagged.  It would make life
easier if I could combine those into Tag10=tagged, but I don't have a
tag10.  That's also the reason why I can't simply use the tag arrows.

Secondly, it relies on me doing something extra and I'm highly likely to
forget to do it in the haste of getting to the next person. I have
frequently forgotten to untag tag1 when I find that a person died before
1911.  That doesn't matter too much as I can always set Tag1=untagged
for all people with a death date before 1911 prior to my next pass.

Thirdly, it would fine when i start my next exercise, but I already have
a couple of hundred people in the processed but not found part of the
list so it's a bit late to start for this run.

Yes, your way would work. However, it would be prone to human error and
it would be far simpler if the search list pointer did what it was
supposed to do.

I started this thread simply to find out if the behaviour I was
experiencing was a bug, a feature or something wrong with my setup. I've
reported it as a bug and, hopefully, it will be fixed sometime.



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Re: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding source to event

2012-04-07 Thread Jackie King
I am also having the same problem - on vista here.  It was kind of bad
timing - I needed the report for a family obit.

On 4/7/2012 3:53 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:
> I am having the same issue is there going to a fix for this
> Bob
> On 05/04/2012 1:40 PM, J&K O'Neill wrote:
>> I have Legacy, Mar 29 2012 build running on a Windows 7
>> laptop - AMD Phenom II N640 dual-core 2.9GHz w/ 4gb RAM, 64 bit OS.
>> Last night I discovered that  my Family Group Sheet and Individual
>> Reports were coming up blank. All other reports seem to be OK and I
>> have to exit Legacy and re-enter in order for the GS/Indiv reports to
>> repopulate with data. After experimenting, I think I've narrowed it
>> down to adding a source to an event. I have tried different events
>> and sources and it SEEMS to be the source that triggers the problem.
>> So far I have done the following: (tested after each step but problem
>> was still there)
>> 1. Run all the file maintenance tools.
>> 2. Run scandisk and other system utilities.
>> 3. Saved as a Legacy file with a new name, imported it, but got same
>> results. (kept getting the window that asked if you want to save the
>> current event or import the new one which had nothing in the sentence
>> fields -- I told it to save the one that was populated with the defaults)
>> 4. Still had the problem so restored the events Master List.
>> 5. Uninstalled Legacy and copied over ONLY the fdb, fg, and nc files.
>> (did this twice with and without the tc, ~rc3, ~rgd, ~ppl files)
>> 6. Opened several previous backups but have same problem.
>> The interesting thing is that after doing a clean reinstall of Legacy
>> I opened the sample file and the reports were OK.
>> Opened MY file, reports OK, entered an event, reports OK, added a
>> source -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv reports.
>> Closed my file, opened the Sample file -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv
>> reports !!!
>> As I'm having the same issue with some previous backups I don't know
>> if something has been corrupted for some time and I just didn't
>> notice it or if there is something else wrong.
>> HELP  I don't know where to go from here and am hoping someone
>> has an answer before I contact tech support.
>> Regards,
>> Kathleen
>> Legacy User Group guidelines:
>> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
>> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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>> Follow Legacy on Facebook (
>> and on our blog (
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> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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[LegacyUG] Duplicate Problem

2012-04-07 Thread RUNION ROBERT
I received a GEDCOM file that I would like to add to my files (to a backup copy 
just as a safeguard).  In importing the GEDCOM of approximately 2000+ names, I 
have discovered duplication of about half of the persons imported.  Is there a 
recommended way to eliminate the duplications?  I tried the duplication process 
and it appears that I have to address each pair separately.  This creates a 
problem when looking at the names and data as to which one is the accurate one 
or even if it is a duplication.  Suggestions?

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Re: [LegacyUG] Run-time error 3021

2012-04-07 Thread Gene Young
On 4/7/2012 5:21 PM, Marilyn Clark wrote:
> I did everything at least twice. I only exported once. I thought I'd
> made that clear...
> Marilyn
You did not mention going to Legacy's website for a solution, but if
that didn't work I would wait for Monday to contact support again.  They
do not work weekends, especially holiday weekends.


Gene Young
Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
With Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Run-time error 3021

2012-04-07 Thread Marilyn Clark
I did everything at least twice. I only exported once. I thought I'd made that 

> From: Gene Young 
>Sent: Saturday, April 7, 2012 12:44 PM
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Run-time error 3021
>On 4/7/2012 3:10 PM, Marilyn Clark wrote:
>> I sent this problem report to the folks at Legacy today, but thought I'd
>> pick the brains of other users here, too. Here's what I have going on:
>Did you go here and follow these suggestions.
>Gene Young
>Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
>With Legacy Family Tree

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Re: [LegacyUG] Family GS & Indiv report come up blank after adding source to event

2012-04-07 Thread Bob McEwan
I am having the same issue is there going to a fix for this


On 05/04/2012 1:40 PM, J&K O'Neill wrote:
> I have Legacy, Mar 29 2012 build running on a Windows 7
> laptop - AMD Phenom II N640 dual-core 2.9GHz w/ 4gb RAM, 64 bit OS.
> Last night I discovered that  my Family Group Sheet and Individual
> Reports were coming up blank. All other reports seem to be OK and I
> have to exit Legacy and re-enter in order for the GS/Indiv reports to
> repopulate with data. After experimenting, I think I've narrowed it
> down to adding a source to an event. I have tried different events and
> sources and it SEEMS to be the source that triggers the problem.
> So far I have done the following: (tested after each step but problem
> was still there)
> 1. Run all the file maintenance tools.
> 2. Run scandisk and other system utilities.
> 3. Saved as a Legacy file with a new name, imported it, but got same
> results. (kept getting the window that asked if you want to save the
> current event or import the new one which had nothing in the sentence
> fields -- I told it to save the one that was populated with the defaults)
> 4. Still had the problem so restored the events Master List.
> 5. Uninstalled Legacy and copied over ONLY the fdb, fg, and nc files.
> (did this twice with and without the tc, ~rc3, ~rgd, ~ppl files)
> 6. Opened several previous backups but have same problem.
> The interesting thing is that after doing a clean reinstall of Legacy
> I opened the sample file and the reports were OK.
> Opened MY file, reports OK, entered an event, reports OK, added a
> source -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv reports.
> Closed my file, opened the Sample file -- NO DATA in the FG/Indiv
> reports !!!
> As I'm having the same issue with some previous backups I don't know
> if something has been corrupted for some time and I just didn't notice
> it or if there is something else wrong.
> HELP  I don't know where to go from here and am hoping someone has
> an answer before I contact tech support.
> Regards,
> Kathleen
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook (
> and on our blog (
> To unsubscribe:

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Re: [LegacyUG] Run-time error 3021

2012-04-07 Thread Gene Young
On 4/7/2012 3:10 PM, Marilyn Clark wrote:
> I sent this problem report to the folks at Legacy today, but thought I'd
> pick the brains of other users here, too. Here's what I have going on:

Did you go here and follow these suggestions.


Gene Young
Researching Young, Harer, Cox & Sallada
With Legacy Family Tree

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[LegacyUG] Run-time error 3021

2012-04-07 Thread Marilyn Clark
I sent this problem report to the folks at Legacy today, but thought I'd pick 
the brains of other users here, too. Here's what I have going on:

When adding new child, I show family screen, and R-click in the boxes below to 
add a new son or daughter.
I add name, dob. and pob.(I don't save yet)
Then click on "add Event."
Type "Residence" and complete the fields. (I don't save yet)
I click "Add Another" event.
I get as far as typing 'occupation' (or any other event) and when I tab to next 
field, the runtime error occurs.

Runtime error '3021 '
No current record.
OK. (Legacy closes by itself - I don't have time to click anything)

Then when I re-open Legacy and the database, and return to that record, it is 
there, but only the Surname is there. No dob or pob. The first-entered event is 
there. The second-entered event just has a blank line there, and if I click it 
and select 'edit' I can go ahead and enter the items in the fields and save it.

I also tried saving the new person before adding any events; then the Given 
Name, dates and places are retained, but I still get the run-time 3021 when I 
try to use "add another" event.

I tried doing the "add another" on an existing person (not a brand-new 
addition) and I continue to get the run-time 3021 error.

I tried saving the new person before going to add new events. I added 3 events, 
saving each event one-at-a-time, then finally, attempting to use the "add 
Another" button, same error.

I did all your suggested fixes; the first time I did the Check/Repair an error 
message came up:
"Error getting next deleted RIN. Error 3021: No Current Record. Try Again?" I 
continued with the repair. I also exported to a new family file and the problem 

When I look at the Index view I count 41 individuals plus a "0" blank at the 
top of the list. When I check the Gen.Info. icon it says there are 37 
individuals.(I removed viewing alt names and married names on the Index, so 
they are unique persons) And their RINs are all sequential, no gaps. (I forgot 
to mention this to Legacy support)

I am inputting these all new, no imports. At one point I had a husband and wife 
who did not belong in the tree. They had one daughter, who DID belong. I 
deleted each of the husband and wife, and linked the 'loose' daughter to the 
correct parents. Maybe something went askew here?

I have another Legacy db that does NOT replicate this error. So there must be 
something amiss with this one. I did as the Help advice says and exported to a 
new Familyfile but it still continues to crash on 3021.

I am running Vista 64x, have the .180 version, just began inputting these names 
on Apr 2nd. My Windows program is pretty up to date, and since my other family 
files don't experience this problem, I doubt that it's the Windows component. 
Help, please!! Thanks.


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Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

2012-04-07 Thread R G Strong-genes
What I do, is Create the census event under the marriage event for husband and 
wife and in the notes section Include the household as listed on the census and 
enter the source and any pictures. Then copy the event to the event clipboard, 
then for the children that appear on that census I copy the event to their 
individual event and then use just their line of information in the notes 
section of the event. That way they appear on the chronology report when they 
were single and appear after their marriage when they do.

From: Michele Lewis
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

If the 1930 event had been added to her PARENT’S marriage event, it would  not 
have shown up on the chronology.


From: R G Strong-genes []
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool


For my Great Grandmother I entered a 1930 census event under her info and the 
1940 census event under her and her 2nd Husbands marriage. I then went to her 
and had her highlighted and changed to Chronology tab and both events show up 
1930 and 1940 Apr 4 is the Census Event listed with the details that I put in 
the note section. Have you checked your chronology options? You have to put a 
check mark to show the events for both sections.


From: Michele Lewis

Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:09 PM


Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

The one problem with this is it is a lot harder to follow someone through the 
census years this way.  If you enter it as an event under the person, every 
census they appear in will show up on the chronology/timeline.  Doing it your 
way will mean only the census records after they married will show up.


From: Bob McEwan []
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

Hi Nancy

Exactly the way I record it and if they remarry they go under the new marriage 

On 07/04/2012 10:22 AM, Nancy Porter wrote:

I, too, place the census event where the husband and wife are together under 
marriage events. If one of them dies or they split and they are single again, 
then subsequent census are placed in their individual event. Its much easier 
for me to follow them.

On 4/6/2012 4:26 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:

Thanks to Paula and Russ for agreeing with my placement of the census under 
marriage event.
I feel that if the event contains both husband and wife that's where it should 


On 06/04/2012 4:04 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:

I record it for the couple. Â Just a preference, I think.


From: Randy Clark
Sent: Fri, April 6, 2012 2:51:50 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

Why is a census event under a marriage event?

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Bob McEwan  wrote:

when using the census tool I do a search to exclude individuals from search 
list who appear to be in census but if the census event is under a marriage 
event it does not pick it up and places the individual in the list. Has anyone 
found this problem.

Thanks Bob

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Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

2012-04-07 Thread Randy Clark
I find it much easier to trace the progression of census appearances on the
individual info page than on Chronology which can seem cluttered.

On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 12:31 PM, R G Strong-genes

>   Michele,
> For my Great Grandmother I entered a 1930 census event under her info and
> the 1940 census event under her and her 2nd Husbands marriage. I then went
> to her and had her highlighted and changed to Chronology tab and both
> events show up 1930 and 1940 Apr 4 is the Census Event listed with the
> details that I put in the note section. Have you checked your chronology
> options? You have to put a check mark to show the events for both sections.
> Russ
>  *From:* Michele Lewis 
> *Sent:* Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:09 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* RE: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool
> The one problem with this is it is a lot harder to follow someone through
> the census years this way.  If you enter it as an event under the person,
> every census they appear in will show up on the chronology/timeline.  Doing
> it your way will mean only the census records after they married will show
> up.
> Michele
> *From:* Bob McEwan []
> *Sent:* Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:47 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool
> Hi Nancy
> Exactly the way I record it and if they remarry they go under the new
> marriage event
> Bob
> On 07/04/2012 10:22 AM, Nancy Porter wrote: 
> I, too, place the census event where the husband and wife are together
> under marriage events. If one of them dies or they split and they are
> single again, then subsequent census are placed in their individual event.
> Its much easier for me to follow them.
> nancy
> On 4/6/2012 4:26 PM, Bob McEwan wrote: 
> Thanks to Paula and Russ for agreeing with my placement of the census
> under marriage event.
> I feel that if the event contains both husband and wife that's where it
> should be.
> Bob
> On 06/04/2012 4:04 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote: 
> I record it for the couple. Â Just a preference, I think.
> Â 
> --Paula  
>  --
> *From:* Randy Clark 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Fri, April 6, 2012 2:51:50 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool
> Why is a census event under a marriage event?
>  On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Bob McEwan 
> wrote:
> when using the census tool I do a search to exclude individuals from
> search list who appear to be in census but if the census event is under a
> marriage event it does not pick it up and places the individual in the
> list. Has anyone found this problem.
> Thanks Bob
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Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

2012-04-07 Thread R G Strong-genes
For my Great Grandmother I entered a 1930 census event under her info and the 
1940 census event under her and her 2nd Husbands marriage. I then went to her 
and had her highlighted and changed to Chronology tab and both events show up 
1930 and 1940 Apr 4 is the Census Event listed with the details that I put in 
the note section. Have you checked your chronology options? You have to put a 
check mark to show the events for both sections.

From: Michele Lewis
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 12:09 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

The one problem with this is it is a lot harder to follow someone through the 
census years this way.  If you enter it as an event under the person, every 
census they appear in will show up on the chronology/timeline.  Doing it your 
way will mean only the census records after they married will show up.


From: Bob McEwan []
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2012 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

Hi Nancy

Exactly the way I record it and if they remarry they go under the new marriage 

On 07/04/2012 10:22 AM, Nancy Porter wrote:

I, too, place the census event where the husband and wife are together under 
marriage events. If one of them dies or they split and they are single again, 
then subsequent census are placed in their individual event. Its much easier 
for me to follow them.

On 4/6/2012 4:26 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:

Thanks to Paula and Russ for agreeing with my placement of the census under 
marriage event.
I feel that if the event contains both husband and wife that's where it should 


On 06/04/2012 4:04 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:

I record it for the couple. Â Just a preference, I think.


From: Randy Clark
Sent: Fri, April 6, 2012 2:51:50 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

Why is a census event under a marriage event?

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Bob McEwan  wrote:

when using the census tool I do a search to exclude individuals from search 
list who appear to be in census but if the census event is under a marriage 
event it does not pick it up and places the individual in the list. Has anyone 
found this problem.

Thanks Bob

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Re: [LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-07 Thread R G Strong-genes
OK, this is what I am seeing:
Depending on how you have the cursor set on the sort order, ie RIN, First
Name, or Surname the F3, Shift-F3 works as it should next or previous person
in the search list as sorted, if the current person is in the list he/she
will be highlighted when the list is open and double clicking a person takes
you to that person.
However, on the family view screen the "Indi. Tag #" arrow keys goes to the
Next Individual Tagged starting from the beginning of the list. Clicking on
the arrow keys goes through each of them in RIN order, however if you go
down the list and get to some point, pressing F3 or Shift-F3 will pick the
next person on the Search List from where you were before you started
clicking on the Arrow keys on the family view screen.
So it appears that these two ways of searching the list are independent of
each other Indi Tag # goes each one tagged by RIN and the F3 by the sort
order and remembers where it was in the list.

My suggestion would be to use bookmarks along with the F3 Shift-F3 and not
use the Family View Individual Tag scroll buttons.
Also, you could shorten the list by regions instead of everyone. Regardless,
by using the bookmarks you could bookmark someone in the list, then work on
that person, untag him or tag him with a finish tag, etc., then use F3 or
Shift-F3 to go to the next person or previous person in the list as sorted.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Rolfe
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2012 8:50 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Search List Question

Thanks to all for trying to help with my problem.  To recreate my
problem, try the following:

1.  Create a search list (use the one you are currently using if you
don't mind getting out of synch).  Make a note of the current person if
you are using an existing one, or note the second person on the list if
a new one.

2.  Open the search list and navigate to someone far away from the
current (or first) person.

3.  Note this person's name and then Double-click them.

4.  Do a find next.

If you have my bug, you will get either the second person in the list or
the person following the one who was your previous current one.

If you don't have my bug, you will get the person following the one you

I believe that double-clicking from the search list should reset the
pointer but, in my setup, it doesn't.

My current search list is over 1000 people and will take me several
months to complete.  I don't want to have to stop all other work
requiring search lists while I'm doing it.  I have everyone tagged on
tag 1.  I can recreate the search list any time I want simply by
untagging everyone with a 1911 census source and searching tag1=tagged.

However, I want to keep all the "processed but not found" people in the
list because I'm doing a quick first-pass through the list and if
someone doesn't leap out at me I'm skipping onto the next.  That way
I'll get to look at everyone in a reasonable time frame and be able to
go back to the beginning for a longer in-depth look at those who were
skipped the first time.

So, when I recreate the search list, I want to be able to get to the
last one checked easily and have "find next" work from that person, but
the only way I can currently do it is by repeated "find next" until I
get there.

I know I can do it with using a second tag for those I've checked and
want to keep, but that relies on me remembering to do it each time and I

I've reported the problem as a bug.  Hopefully it will be accepted and
fixed.  I can't see it being a huge coding exercise.

Thanks again for all the advice.  I've learned a lot even though some of
it isn't solving the main issue.



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Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

2012-04-07 Thread Bob McEwan
Hi Nancy

Exactly the way I record it and if they remarry they go under the new
marriage event

On 07/04/2012 10:22 AM, Nancy Porter wrote:
> I, too, place the census event where the husband and wife are together
> under marriage events. If one of them dies or they split and they are
> single again, then subsequent census are placed in their individual
> event. Its much easier for me to follow them.
> nancy
> On 4/6/2012 4:26 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:
>> Thanks to Paula and Russ for agreeing with my placement of the census
>> under marriage event.
>> I feel that if the event contains both husband and wife that's where
>> it should be.
>> Bob
>> On 06/04/2012 4:04 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
>>> I record it for the couple. Â Just a preference, I think.
>>> Â
>>> --PaulaÂ
>>> *From:* Randy Clark 
>>> *To:*
>>> *Sent:* Fri, April 6, 2012 2:51:50 PM
>>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool
>>> Why is a census event under a marriage event?
>>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Bob McEwan
>>> wrote:
>>> when using the census tool I do a search to exclude individuals
>>> from search list who appear to be in census but if the census
>>> event is under a marriage event it does not pick it up and
>>> places the individual in the list. Has anyone found this problem.
>>> Thanks Bob
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Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool

2012-04-07 Thread Nancy Porter
I, too, place the census event where the husband and wife are together
under marriage events. If one of them dies or they split and they are
single again, then subsequent census are placed in their individual
event. Its much easier for me to follow them.

On 4/6/2012 4:26 PM, Bob McEwan wrote:
> Thanks to Paula and Russ for agreeing with my placement of the census
> under marriage event.
> I feel that if the event contains both husband and wife that's where
> it should be.
> Bob
> On 06/04/2012 4:04 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
>> I record it for the couple.  Just a preference, I think.
>> --Paula
>> *From:* Randy Clark 
>> *To:*
>> *Sent:* Fri, April 6, 2012 2:51:50 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] New Census Tool
>> Why is a census event under a marriage event?
>> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Bob McEwan
>>>> wrote:
>> when using the census tool I do a search to exclude individuals
>> from search list who appear to be in census but if the census
>> event is under a marriage event it does not pick it up and places
>> the individual in the list. Has anyone found this problem.
>> Thanks Bob
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Re: [LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-07 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 07/04/2012 01:50, Tony Rolfe wrote:
> So, when I recreate the search list, I want to be able to get to the
> last one checked easily and have "find next" work from that person, but
> the only way I can currently do it is by repeated "find next" until I
> get there.

Did you read (and try) the method I offered?  I cannot see how it does
not do exactly what you want.

I have just created a Search List on Tag 1.  Worked through the first
few people by using the "next" Indi Tag 1 arrow.  I then created a
different Search and looked at someone (who would also have been low
down on the Tag 1 list.  Then I created a different Search list
(completely different set of people to the last 2 searches) and opened
one or two people from that list.  Then I again created a Tag 1 search
list, used the "next" Indi Tag 1 and was taken to the next person in the
list *after that previously last worked on*.

In other words, I created a search list, let's say it was people with
RINS 1 - 20.  I worked on person RIN 1. "Next" Indi Tag 1 arrow took me
to RIN 2. I continued thus up to and including RIN 5. I then did other
searches, worked on other people.  I recreated my search list and using
the "next" Indi Tag 1 arrow took me to RIN 6.

Is that not exactly what you are trying to achieve?

Because I am using Tag 1 for another purpose I did not delete the Tag
from anyone, but I could well have done so, leaving a second Tag intact
and thus been able later on to create a search list on the 2nd tag for
all those who I could not "deal with" first time round.

Jenny M Benson

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RE: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults

2012-04-07 Thread Linda Hauley
Thanks, Brian!


-Original Message-
From: Brian/Support []
Sent: April 7, 2012 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults

It will work fine the way you have it.

I was replying to someone who had suggested you keep your .usr files in dropbox 
along with your data.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 07/04/2012 7:19 AM, Linda Hauley wrote:
> Brian:
> The files that appear in my Dropbox are the .fdb, .CBH, .FG, .fsd, .NC, .NC0, 
> .TC, .Rc3 (.Rc3.Cal) and .RGD files.  The .usr file is still in my C:/ drive 
> with the program on each computer.  Should that not work?  It seems to be 
> working for me.
> I have updated each of my programs so that all the data customization is the 
> same also whether on my desktop or either of my laptops.
> Linda J. Hauley
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian/Support []
> Sent: April 6, 2012 4:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults
> The .usr files must be in the same folder as the Legacy program. You cannot 
> use .usr files from dropbox.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 06/04/2012 3:15 PM, Paul Gray wrote:
>> Linda,
>> What files do you have in Dropbox? Is it just the .fdb file? I'm not an 
>> expert on customizations because I don't use them a lot, but I think at a 
>> minimum you would need to have all of your .usr files in Dropbox as well.
>> As a test, if you change one of the settings on your desktop, will it stick? 
>> If so, that would indicate you actually have separate usr files on the two 
>> machines.
>> Paul

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Re: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults

2012-04-07 Thread Brian/Support
It will work fine the way you have it.

I was replying to someone who had suggested you keep your .usr files in
dropbox along with your data.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 07/04/2012 7:19 AM, Linda Hauley wrote:
> Brian:
> The files that appear in my Dropbox are the .fdb, .CBH, .FG, .fsd, .NC, .NC0, 
> .TC, .Rc3 (.Rc3.Cal) and .RGD files.  The .usr file is still in my C:/ drive 
> with the program on each computer.  Should that not work?  It seems to be 
> working for me.
> I have updated each of my programs so that all the data customization is the 
> same also whether on my desktop or either of my laptops.
> Linda J. Hauley
> -Original Message-
> From: Brian/Support []
> Sent: April 6, 2012 4:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults
> The .usr files must be in the same folder as the Legacy program. You cannot 
> use .usr files from dropbox.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> On 06/04/2012 3:15 PM, Paul Gray wrote:
>> Linda,
>> What files do you have in Dropbox? Is it just the .fdb file? I'm not an 
>> expert on customizations because I don't use them a lot, but I think at a 
>> minimum you would need to have all of your .usr files in Dropbox as well.
>> As a test, if you change one of the settings on your desktop, will it stick? 
>> If so, that would indicate you actually have separate usr files on the two 
>> machines.
>> Paul
> Legacy User Group guidelines:
> Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
> Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
> Online technical support:
> Follow Legacy on Facebook ( and on 
> our blog (
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Re: [LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-07 Thread Lloyd Hite
On 4/6/2012 8:50 PM, Tony Rolfe wrote:
>Open the search list and navigate to someone far away from the
> current (or first) person.
> 3.  Note this person's name and then Double-click them.
When I do a double click, it takes me back to the Index.
> 4.  Do a find next.
Where do I find the Find Next?


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RE: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults

2012-04-07 Thread Linda Hauley

The files that appear in my Dropbox are the .fdb, .CBH, .FG, .fsd, .NC, .NC0, 
.TC, .Rc3 (.Rc3.Cal) and .RGD files.  The .usr file is still in my C:/ drive 
with the program on each computer.  Should that not work?  It seems to be 
working for me.

I have updated each of my programs so that all the data customization is the 
same also whether on my desktop or either of my laptops.

Linda J. Hauley

-Original Message-
From: Brian/Support []
Sent: April 6, 2012 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Resetting Defaults

The .usr files must be in the same folder as the Legacy program. You cannot use 
.usr files from dropbox.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

On 06/04/2012 3:15 PM, Paul Gray wrote:
> Linda,
> What files do you have in Dropbox? Is it just the .fdb file? I'm not an 
> expert on customizations because I don't use them a lot, but I think at a 
> minimum you would need to have all of your .usr files in Dropbox as well.
> As a test, if you change one of the settings on your desktop, will it stick? 
> If so, that would indicate you actually have separate usr files on the two 
> machines.
> Paul

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Re: [LegacyUG] Search List Question

2012-04-07 Thread Mike Fry
On 2012/04/07 02:50, Tony Rolfe wrote:

> However, I want to keep all the "processed but not found" people in the
> list because I'm doing a quick first-pass through the list and if
> someone doesn't leap out at me I'm skipping onto the next.  That way
> I'll get to look at everyone in a reasonable time frame and be able to
> go back to the beginning for a longer in-depth look at those who were
> skipped the first time.

So! What's wrong with using two tags as I have previously suggested?

Mike Fry

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