[LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread Tony Rolfe
On 04 November 2012 00:46 Sherry/Support said:

"If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't
recommend for several reasons)"

Sherry, can you please clarify this?

I have all details in locations. Street numbers and Street names, Church
names, Cemetery names etc. with each field separated by commas.

My biggest includes grave number, section number, Cemetery name, street
address, town, county, England.

I'm not having any problems that I'm aware of, but I can geolocate
everything and it keeps everything together.



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RE: [LegacyUG] Latest Webinar not working?

2012-11-04 Thread John Smith
I have no doubt that what you suggest is a permanent solution to the problem
but requires some expertise.

However I have found that the problem only occurs when you try to delete
Chrome, even using the correct uninstall method, as it acts like a virus and
lines of instruction stay in your registry.

A simple solution to the problem is to reinstall Chrome and then let it lie
dormant on your computer. To make sure that I did not inadvertently start
this programme I deleted any icons or shortcuts that referred to Chrome.

Leaving it installed but unused seemed to please the Google Gods as on doing
this my computer  was instantly trouble free.

Hoping this is of help.. john


From: Brian Woolvett [mailto:woolv...@one-name.org]
Sent: 04 November 2012 01:10
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Latest Webinar not working?

Google Cc Cleaner, it's very good, free, backs up registry, uninstalls
problem programs, and generally cleans up your system.  I've never had any
problems with it and before retirement I worked in IT at a Uni campus and it
was one of the major tools! We used.

For safety though always back up any important data, the main problem with
using any program like this is that you don't lose power while it's working,
pretty rare  BUT!!!

Brian Woolvett

From: Judith [mailto:judithsfamilyt...@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 4 November 2012 9:42 AM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Latest Webinar not working?

Anytime you can't uninstall a program, like the Chrome, go to the that
program's site and they usually have an 'uninstall' tool you can download to
get rid of it, works great.


Hello Peggy,

I installed and then tried to uninstall the accursed Chrome and it caused me
much trouble

It does not completely uninstall but leaves some instructions on the
registry which prevents you following links. If you try, you get the message
'you do not have authority to execute this command -- see your supervisor'
(from memory).
My temporary solution was a, reinstall and then leave it dormant which,
though annoying, did work.

A computer expert eventually opened my computer registry and deleted any
reference to Chrome.

My personal view is that Google should be prosecuted as writing a programme
which is impossible to uninstall is really a Virus.

Marg Strong  wrote:

I uninstalled Chrome but the problem is still there. If I could figure out
how to backup my registry, I would use regedit and try get rid of all the
pieces left. Otherwise I'll go back a week or so and try a system restore -
sure hope that's the problem if I do that since I'll have to remember what
programs I updated or installed.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread Ward Walker
I prefer -, rather than the reverse, for sorting
reasons in the master location list. It works for hospitals too. (I don't
capture street addresses, unless in the notes narrative.)

To find the county or find the approximate lat/long using the Geo-database,
just temporarily drop the cemetery/hospital name, observe the results, then
add the cemetery/hospital name back in.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Fry
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 7:26 AM
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

On 2012/11/04 13:36, ArdenholmeGenealogy wrote:

> Well at least I have personally verified each single location so that is
> good
> enough for me. It was just a curiosity the way Sherry mentioned the dash.

Her use of the hyphen effectively makes the cemetery part of the town name.
you then use the Geo-database search, it should fail.

Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)

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Re: [LegacyUG] File Statistics

2012-11-04 Thread unique64 Riley
Just click on the "Legacy Home Tab" on the far left of your screen.  When that 
view opens, on the top, right hand side are your statistics of how many 
individuals and families that are in your file, how many sources you have, and 
what version you have of Legacy and if it is the most current.

  - Original Message -
  From: Judith
  To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
  Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 9:45 PM
  Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] File Statistics

  Thank you!

  Help | General Information

  > Hello:  Where do I find the totals for all individuals, all families
  > and all sources within the family file when opened in Legacy.  This
  > information comes up when you import a gedcom, but where can you located it 
  > Thanks,
  > J

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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread Mike Fry
On 2012/11/04 13:36, ArdenholmeGenealogy wrote:

> Well at least I have personally verified each single location so that is good
> enough for me. It was just a curiosity the way Sherry mentioned the dash.

Her use of the hyphen effectively makes the cemetery part of the town name. If
you then use the Geo-database search, it should fail.

Mike Fry
Johannesburg (g)

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RE: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread ArdenholmeGenealogy
Thanks Ron, I thought that would be the case as can be seen when using the 
mapping feature and geo-verifying the locations.

Well at least I have personally verified each single location so that is good 
enough for me. It was just a curiosity the way Sherry mentioned the dash.

Thanks anyway,


-Original Message-
From: Ron Ferguson [mailto:ronfergy@tiscali.co.uk]
Sent: 04 November 2012 11:18
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Locations


The Four Field Convention was designed by Americans for America, full stop. It 
does not work for those of use who live in the UK, which is an alliance of 
countries. Whenever have you written "England, UK"? If it was anything other 
than an alliance how could a constituent part (Scotland) propose to leave?

And since when have we had "County, ,England"? There is not, and never has been 
any layer between our counties and the country. My advice, include our 
locations, and for that matter those of every country, as they are used by the 
locals, and not by an artificial construction which was never designed for 
worldwide use. Furthermore when looking up locations I use a Gazetter published 
by the country concerned. For us the Geo Locator does gives the wrong answer.
Ron Ferguson
GOONS #5307

"ArdenholmeGenealogy"  wrote:

>I realise that this is focused on the USA County Verifier but your answer 
>below, Sherry, prompted me - does the cemetery-town using the dash work 
>equally for UK locations?
>I have been entering places into Legacy for many years and most of them have 
>street names with house numbers but they are all in the town placefield before 
>the first comma so should the street names be dashed along with the 
>village/town/city before the first comma followed by county, , country - but 
>another problem comes up where state should be as we don’t have states. Or 
>would England, Scotland, Wales be classified as such and then the country is 
>United Kingdom or Great Britain?
>For example I could say 12 Merridash Place-Bristol, South Gloucestershire, 
>England, United Kingdom ?? Or it wouldn’t work? Is there a UK verifier for us 
>UK people?!
>Any ideas please?
>Many thanks,
>-Original Message-
>From: Sherry/Support [mailto:she...@legacyfamilytree.com]
>Sent: 04 November 2012 00:46
>To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Locations
>If you find a problem in the USA County Verifier, please write to 
>supp...@legacyfamilytree.com, directing it to my attention, and I'll research 
>it and get it corrected as appropriate.
>The cemetery one of my ancestors was buried is in now in a different county 
>than when he was buried. So you can't say it doesn't matter if you use the 
>current county or historical. County boundaries changed around cemeteries as 
>well as around towns.
>If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't recommend 
>for several reasons), you should enter it as cemetery-town, county, state, 
>country so Legacy can correctly identify the county. Do not put a comma 
>between the cemetery and town name - use a dash instead.
>Technical Support
>Legacy Family Tree
>On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
>> Legacy is good but not totally accurate as far as clueing you in when
>> you're entering  county before it existed..
>> Also when you are entering burial info -- as far as I'm concerned I'm
>> happy with the current county since the remains are ordinarily still
>> there but Legacy doesn't like it -- tho' that's easy enough to ignore.
>> Pat

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Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Re: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread Jenny M Benson
On 04/11/2012 11:17, Ron Ferguson wrote:
> Jemima,
> The Four Field Convention was designed by Americans for America, full
> stop. It does not work for those of use who live in the UK, which is
> an alliance of countries. Whenever have you written "England, UK"? If
> it was anything other than an alliance how could a constituent part
> (Scotland) propose to leave?
> And since when have we had "County, ,England"? There is not, and
> never has been any layer between our counties and the country. My
> advice, include our locations, and for that matter those of every
> country, as they are used by the locals, and not by an artificial
> construction which was never designed for worldwide use. Furthermore
> when looking up locations I use a Gazetter published by the country
> concerned. For us the Geo Locator does gives the wrong answer.

Ron Ferguson may now be away from LUG for a short while as he has to
take his hobby horse back to its stable!!

(I think Ron and I know each's senses of humour well enough that he will
not be offended by that.)
Jenny M Benson

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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RE: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread Ron Ferguson

The Four Field Convention was designed by Americans for America, full stop. It 
does not work for those of use who live in the UK, which is an alliance of 
countries. Whenever have you written "England, UK"? If it was anything other 
than an alliance how could a constituent part (Scotland) propose to leave?

And since when have we had "County, ,England"? There is not, and never has been 
any layer between our counties and the country. My advice, include our 
locations, and for that matter those of every country, as they are used by the 
locals, and not by an artificial construction which was never designed for 
worldwide use. Furthermore when looking up locations I use a Gazetter published 
by the country concerned. For us the Geo Locator does gives the wrong answer.
Ron Ferguson
GOONS #5307

"ArdenholmeGenealogy"  wrote:

>I realise that this is focused on the USA County Verifier but your answer 
>below, Sherry, prompted me - does the cemetery-town using the dash work 
>equally for UK locations?
>I have been entering places into Legacy for many years and most of them have 
>street names with house numbers but they are all in the town placefield before 
>the first comma so should the street names be dashed along with the 
>village/town/city before the first comma followed by county, , country - but 
>another problem comes up where state should be as we don’t have states. Or 
>would England, Scotland, Wales be classified as such and then the country is 
>United Kingdom or Great Britain?
>For example I could say 12 Merridash Place-Bristol, South Gloucestershire, 
>England, United Kingdom ?? Or it wouldn’t work? Is there a UK verifier for us 
>UK people?!
>Any ideas please?
>Many thanks,
>-Original Message-
>From: Sherry/Support [mailto:she...@legacyfamilytree.com]
>Sent: 04 November 2012 00:46
>To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Locations
>If you find a problem in the USA County Verifier, please write to 
>supp...@legacyfamilytree.com, directing it to my attention, and I'll research 
>it and get it corrected as appropriate.
>The cemetery one of my ancestors was buried is in now in a different county 
>than when he was buried. So you can't say it doesn't matter if you use the 
>current county or historical. County boundaries changed around cemeteries as 
>well as around towns.
>If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't recommend 
>for several reasons), you should enter it as cemetery-town, county, state, 
>country so Legacy can correctly identify the county. Do not put a comma 
>between the cemetery and town name - use a dash instead.
>Technical Support
>Legacy Family Tree
>On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
>> Legacy is good but not totally accurate as far as clueing you in when
>> you're entering  county before it existed..
>> Also when you are entering burial info -- as far as I'm concerned I'm
>> happy with the current county since the remains are ordinarily still
>> there but Legacy doesn't like it -- tho' that's easy enough to ignore.
>> Pat

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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To unsubscribe: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/LegacyLists.asp

RE: [LegacyUG] Locations

2012-11-04 Thread ArdenholmeGenealogy
I realise that this is focused on the USA County Verifier but your answer 
below, Sherry, prompted me - does the cemetery-town using the dash work equally 
for UK locations?

I have been entering places into Legacy for many years and most of them have 
street names with house numbers but they are all in the town placefield before 
the first comma so should the street names be dashed along with the 
village/town/city before the first comma followed by county, , country - but 
another problem comes up where state should be as we don’t have states. Or 
would England, Scotland, Wales be classified as such and then the country is 
United Kingdom or Great Britain?

For example I could say 12 Merridash Place-Bristol, South Gloucestershire, 
England, United Kingdom ?? Or it wouldn’t work? Is there a UK verifier for us 
UK people?!

Any ideas please?

Many thanks,


-Original Message-
From: Sherry/Support [mailto:she...@legacyfamilytree.com]
Sent: 04 November 2012 00:46
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Locations


If you find a problem in the USA County Verifier, please write to 
supp...@legacyfamilytree.com, directing it to my attention, and I'll research 
it and get it corrected as appropriate.

The cemetery one of my ancestors was buried is in now in a different county 
than when he was buried. So you can't say it doesn't matter if you use the 
current county or historical. County boundaries changed around cemeteries as 
well as around towns.

If you put the cemetery name in the location field (which we don't recommend 
for several reasons), you should enter it as cemetery-town, county, state, 
country so Legacy can correctly identify the county. Do not put a comma between 
the cemetery and town name - use a dash instead.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 1:54 PM, Pat Hickin  wrote:
> Legacy is good but not totally accurate as far as clueing you in when
> you're entering  county before it existed..
> Also when you are entering burial info -- as far as I'm concerned I'm
> happy with the current county since the remains are ordinarily still
> there but Legacy doesn't like it -- tho' that's easy enough to ignore.
> Pat

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