Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer

2016-12-19 Thread Richard Van Wasshnova

Are your media files in one to 3 big folders or do you have multi branching
trees with sub>sub> sub folders?
I do and the file path and names are quite long. When Legacy Backup creates
a zip file it greatly extends the path and sometimes it can exceed the
Windows max. file path of 260 characters.

Here is a path to some of my media:
C:\Users\Richard\Documents\Legacy Family Tree\Media\V\Docs\church documents\

When Legacy creates a media backup zip file it adds roughly 100 characters
to the file path:
C:\Users\Richard\Documents\Legacy Family Tree\Data\vanwasshnova-media
2016-12-06 9.28.37\Users\Richard\Documents\Legacy Family
Tree\Media\V\Docs\church documents\

Depending on the subfolders and filename lengths you can easily exceed 260
char max and your backup media zip files will not contain all of your media
and are then worth less (not totally worthless). You will not see any
errors reported. The longer file path plus name media will simply not show
up in the media backup. I considered changing the Legacy Family Tree folder
name to LFT8 as it appears doubled in the zip file.

Could that be your problem?

On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 11:49 AM, George  wrote:

> Richard:
> I am still having a problem.
> When I followed your instructions to test all media folders, it tells me I
> am missing 8,000 files.
> George
> *From:* LegacyUserGroup [] *On
> Behalf Of *Richard Van Wasshnova
> *Sent:* December 15, 2016 1:15 PM
> *To:* Legacy User Group
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer
> Hi George,
> On your laptop click: Options>Locations>under 6.2 Test all Media Folders.
> Tic the 2nd box "make a list of missing media" and Proceed.
> Are there missing Media files? If not your only problem is the duplicates.
> If there are missing files let us know.
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Brian Kelly  wrote:
> Since you cannot restore your media files from within Legacy you cannot be
> overwriting media. That is why you are not seeing the warning about
> overwriting media. The difference in files on the desktop and the laptop
> probably means you have media files on the desktop which are not linked to
> anything in your file so they are not included in the backup of your Legacy
> media and were not restored to the laptop when you extracted the media from
> your media backup file.
> To restore from your media backup you need to use Windows compressed file
> tools or another program which can extract files from a .zip compressed
> file.
> Brian Kelly
> On 14-Dec-16 2:07 PM, George wrote:
> I purchased a new laptop to take south with me this year. I have been able
> to transfer my data to it with no problem. The first time I transferred my
> media I followed the instructions available on Legacy's site. Everything
> seemed to go well. I decided to check the number of items in the media
> folder on the laptop compared to those on my desktop. I have about 11,000
> items on my desktop but only about 8,000 on the laptop.
> Further when I transfer my data file it asks if I want to overwrite the
> existing file, and I say yes and everything seems to be OK with that part.
> However it does not ask me to overwrite the media files. Would this not put
> duplicates in the media file?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> George

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Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer

2016-12-19 Thread Cathy Pinner


First find out where you unzipped your media backup or copied your media 
folders to.
Then at Options - Customise 6.2 enter your top media folder (assuming 
you have media in a number of sub-folders under one folder)

That may be enough to find all your media re-linked

If not, go to Tools - Media Relinker. It will search your computer for 
all media files and then present the ones it finds with the same names 
as ones linked to Legacy so that you can confirm whether or not it has 
found the right file. If you use the button that says something like 
also relink others in this folder, the task is quicker.


George wrote:


I am still having a problem.

When I followed your instructions to test all media folders, it tells
me I am missing 8,000 files.


[] *On Behalf Of
*Richard Van Wasshnova
*Sent:* December 15, 2016 1:15 PM
*To:* Legacy User Group
*Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer

Hi George,

On your laptop click: Options>Locations>under 6.2 Test all Media Folders.

Tic the 2nd box "make a list of missing media" and Proceed.

Are there missing Media files? If not your only problem is the duplicates.

If there are missing files let us know.

On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Brian Kelly>> wrote:

Since you cannot restore your media files from within Legacy you
cannot be overwriting media. That is why you are not seeing the
warning about overwriting media. The difference in files on the
desktop and the laptop probably means you have media files on the
desktop which are not linked to anything in your file so they are not
included in the backup of your Legacy media and were not restored to
the laptop when you extracted the media from your media backup file.

To restore from your media backup you need to use Windows compressed
file tools or another program which can extract files from a .zip
compressed file.

Brian Kelly

On 14-Dec-16 2:07 PM, George wrote:

I purchased a new laptop to take south with me this year. I have been able
to transfer my data to it with no problem. The first time I transferred my
media I followed the instructions available on Legacy's site. Everything
seemed to go well. I decided to check the number of items in the media
folder on the laptop compared to those on my desktop. I have about 11,000
items on my desktop but only about 8,000 on the laptop.

Further when I transfer my data file it asks if I want to overwrite the
existing file, and I say yes and everything seems to be OK with that part.
However it does not ask me to overwrite the media files. Would this
not put
duplicates in the media file?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: [LegacyUG] However ..... RE: Question regarding the DNA feature in Legacy

2016-12-19 Thread Cathy Pinner


I wasn't suggesting a Legacy Event for Analysis of autosomal DNA results.
Just a place to link the results file as an extra way of finding it and 
a way to record that the test has been done.

Analysis is another thing altogether.

There are so far 19 webinars in the Legacy Webinar Library related to 
using DNA presented by a number of different people.

The one I referenced of Watch Geoff Live as he first looked at his 
results was of course a beginners webinar. He has another adding his 
results to GedMatch - again for beginners.

There are another 7 DNA related webinars coming.

Of course there are many other places to learn more about using DNA.


Michele/Support wrote:

Legacy is primary a genealogy database program not an advanced DNA
analysis tool.  If you want advanced tools then Gedmatch, DNAGedcom
and Genome Mate Pro are where you need to be.  All of these are free
though Gedmatch and DNAGedcom have some higher level capabilities at a
subscription price.


Technical Support

Millennia Corporation 

[] *On Behalf Of
*Sent:* Monday, December 19, 2016 2:09 AM
*To:* 'Legacy User Group' 
*Subject:* [LegacyUG] However . RE: Question regarding the DNA
feature in Legacy

Dear Legacy users who are interested in DNA tests for genetic matches:

*/Counter-Point/*to Cathy’s response to Crystal and other Legacy users
who have autosomal DNA test results:

Monday, 19 December 2016 7:46 PM

Legacy is primary a genealogy database program not an advanced DNA 
analysis tool.  If you want advanced tools then Gedmatch, DNAGedcom 
and Genome Mate Pro are where you need to be.  All of these are free 
though Gedmatch and DNAGedcom have some higher level capabilities at a 
subscription price.


Technical Support

Millennia Corporation 

[] *On Behalf Of 

*Sent:* Monday, December 19, 2016 2:09 AM
*To:* 'Legacy User Group' 
*Subject:* [LegacyUG] However . RE: Question regarding the DNA 
feature in Legacy

Dear Legacy users who are interested in DNA tests for genetic matches:

*/Counter-Point/*to Cathy’s response to Crystal and other Legacy users 
who have autosomal DNA test results: 
Monday, 19 December 2016 3:09 PM

Dear Legacy users who are interested in DNA tests for genetic matches:

*/Counter-Point/*to Cathy’s response to Crystal and other Legacy users 
who have autosomal DNA test results:

It’s simply not useful or practicable for anyone to place Mb of 
autosomal DNA raw data into a Legacy event, since it would not serve 
any purpose (that I can see) to use for comparing DNA-sequence 
matches, because Legacy and its integrated FamilySearch database do 
not yet support autosomal DNA tests to evaluate possible genetic 
relationships; i.e.,

 1. I participated in the mentioned AncestryDNA webinar hosted by
Geoff and (not an insult, just factual) a not-so-expert colleague,
where they viewed his AncestryDNA autosomal results; however, (as
stated above) Legacy and FamilySearch do not support autosomal DNA
test results yet, so this webinar was not very practical for most
Legacy users, and it had only partial rudimentary information that
most AncestryDNA users (except brand-new novices) would perhaps
find useful, which is more clearly and completely discussed in
AncestryDNA tutorials and at other better DNA analyses websites. 

 2. AncestryDNA is very limited and a relatively poor DNA analyses
service, since it has no genetic analyses tools (like chromosome
browsers offered by other DNA analyses websites), and it uses
fixed undefined genetic matching algorithms that have resulted in
highly variable results with potential matches over short time
periods. For example, I have 4 family members’ autosomal DNA
results at AncestryDNA, which have changed dramatically or even
totally eliminated valid associations with close relatives’
“Circles” (~ triangulated genetic matches of 3 or more closer
relatives); this is most likely due to AncestryDNA’s undocumented
subjective changes in math algorithms used to report autosomal DNA
sequence matches due to more restrictive and conservative criteria
(which tend to omit valid genetic matches, such as previously
appeared in many of my prior Circles of close family units).

 3. Experienced DNA analysts often report, and I fully agree from long
and broad experiences for multiple reasons, that the best current
website to use for 

Re: [LegacyUG] What is the superscript?

2016-12-19 Thread Sheri Culler
Thanks you Denise & Cathy. Found the "text formatting" explanations. 
Hopefully that will help keep out unwanted text.



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Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer

2016-12-19 Thread George


I am still having a problem.


When I followed your instructions to test all media folders, it tells me I am 
missing 8,000 files.




From: LegacyUserGroup [] On 
Behalf Of Richard Van Wasshnova
Sent: December 15, 2016 1:15 PM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Media File Transfer


Hi George,

On your laptop click: Options>Locations>under 6.2 Test all Media Folders.

Tic the 2nd box "make a list of missing media" and Proceed.

Are there missing Media files? If not your only problem is the duplicates.

If there are missing files let us know.


On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 11:21 AM, Brian Kelly  wrote:

Since you cannot restore your media files from within Legacy you cannot be 
overwriting media. That is why you are not seeing the warning about overwriting 
media. The difference in files on the desktop and the laptop probably means you 
have media files on the desktop which are not linked to anything in your file 
so they are not included in the backup of your Legacy media and were not 
restored to the laptop when you extracted the media from your media backup file.

To restore from your media backup you need to use Windows compressed file tools 
or another program which can extract files from a .zip compressed file.

Brian Kelly

On 14-Dec-16 2:07 PM, George wrote:

I purchased a new laptop to take south with me this year. I have been able
to transfer my data to it with no problem. The first time I transferred my
media I followed the instructions available on Legacy's site. Everything
seemed to go well. I decided to check the number of items in the media
folder on the laptop compared to those on my desktop. I have about 11,000
items on my desktop but only about 8,000 on the laptop.

Further when I transfer my data file it asks if I want to overwrite the
existing file, and I say yes and everything seems to be OK with that part.
However it does not ask me to overwrite the media files. Would this not put
duplicates in the media file?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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[LegacyUG] Register for BCG Webinar by Judy Russell: No, no, Nanette! What Negative Evidence Is . . . and Isn't

2016-12-19 Thread Geoff Rasmussen
Negative evidence is the hardest type of evidence to understand or use in
genealogical research. By definition, a “type of evidence arising from an
absence of a situation or information in extant records where that
information might be expected,” it is, as the fictional detective Sherlock
Holmes told us in the short story “Silver Blaze,” the “curious incident . .
. in the night-time”—the thing we would expect to see or hear but that just
isn't there. Learn more about what negative evidence is—and what it
isn't—and how to use it.

This webinar is hosted and sponsored by the Board for Certification of
Genealogists .

Join us and Judy G. Russell, JD, CG, CGL for the live webinar Tuesday,
December 20, 2016 at 8pm Eastern U.S. Register today to reserve your
virtual seat. *Registration is free but space is limited to the first 1,000
people to join that day.* Before joining, please visit to
ensure you have the latest version of Java which our webinar software
requires. When you join, if you receive a message that the webinar is full,
you know we've reached the 1,000 limit, so we invite you to view the
recording which should be published to the webinar archives within an hour
or two of the event's conclusion.

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*About the presenter*

[image: JudyRussell-144x144]
genealogist with a law degree, Judy G. Russell is a lecturer, educator and
writer who enjoys helping others understand a wide variety of genealogical
issues, including the interplay between genealogy and the law. She has a
bachelor's degree in political science and journalism from George
Washington University in Washington, D.C. and a law degree from Rutgers
School of Law-Newark, and holds Certified Genealogist and Certified
Genealogical Lecturer credentials from the Board for Certification of
Genealogists where she serves as a member of the Board of Trustees. She has
worked as a newspaper reporter, trade association writer, legal
investigator, defense attorney, federal prosecutor, law editor and, until
recently Judy was an adjunct member of the faculty at Rutgers Law School.
Judy is a Colorado native with roots deep in the American south on her
mother's side and entirely in Germany on her father's side. Visit her
website at

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The webinar will be live on Tuesday, December 20, 2016 at:

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Re: [LegacyUG] However ..... RE: Question regarding the DNA feature in Legacy

2016-12-19 Thread Michele/Support
Legacy is primary a genealogy database program not an advanced DNA analysis 
tool.  If you want advanced tools then Gedmatch, DNAGedcom and Genome Mate Pro 
are where you need to be.  All of these are free though Gedmatch and DNAGedcom 
have some higher level capabilities at a subscription price.




Technical Support

Millennia Corporation 


From: LegacyUserGroup [] On 
Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 2:09 AM
To: 'Legacy User Group' 
Subject: [LegacyUG] However . RE: Question regarding the DNA feature in 


Dear Legacy users who are interested in DNA tests for genetic matches:


Counter-Point to Cathy’s response to Crystal and other Legacy users who have 
autosomal DNA test results:


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