Re: [LegacyUG] Media file locations

2017-02-09 Thread Chrystal Emory
Cathy thank you so much for this help.  I appreciate it very much.


On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 6:56 PM, Cathy Pinner  wrote:

> Crystal,
> View - Master Lists - Media Folders List
> You might want to use the Options to purge unused.
> Also
> Check out Tools - Gather my Media if you discover some are not in your
> preferred folder hierarchy for media. It can gather all media into a
> designated folder OR just media that is scattered elsewhere. It only copies
> media linked to Legacy from one place to another and fixes the links.
> Note Options - Customise 6.2 should be set to your top/parent media folder.
> You can move media yourself in File Explorer as well. So long as you don't
> change the filenames, the Media Relinker will help you fix the links.
> Cathy
> Crystal Emory 
> Friday, 3 February 2017 3:02 AM
> I thought I ask this question last week but have not seen it post to the
> board so maybe not.
> I noticed recently that my media files are not all in one location. Is
> there an easy way to make a list of all the locations with media  files?  I
> would like to have them all toether.
> Thank you
> Crystal
> --
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Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book

2017-02-09 Thread Ana
I have been publishing books for decades, using all MS Word versions,
before that a whole lot of typing. I have done genealogies & transcriptions
of census, marriage bonds.

Use Google & you will find all kinds of free tips, tricks & instructions
for MS Word 7, which has powerful indexing capabilities, great spell check,
search & replace, easy to insert pages or objects.  YouTube has lots of
tutorials, m has oodles of help.

Think back to high school/college & start with an outline or table of
contents.  MS Word is just a fancy-dancy typewriter. *Save often & make &
work on copies and/or versions.  *Try to get all your text finished.  Then
start with your inserts & pictures

For genealogies I usually make each generation a separate chapter *(insert
page break)*.  I create an rtf report from Legacy & then do all the editing
in MS Word.

In my opinion, sentences in Legacy are stilted & often redundant.   But
Legacy produces the very *best reports* of any software out there.  Test
drive several of them & then decide the one you like.

Sorry, Legacy - but in my humble opinion, Legacy Publishing Center is
complicated & a whole lot of unnecessary work.

I print pictures or drawings, on photo-paper to insert into my master
copy.  I group objects - before or after - each pertinent chapter, rather
than within each chapter.

However, there are so many different ways of handling pictures, objects.
Try out a few.  Within Word - so many options, size, placement, borders -

Before you start, you should decide how you are going to publish - a bound
book, printed pages with holes to put in a binder or an ebook & so on.

A bound book has many limitations & restrictions, if that is the choice,
work with your publisher before starting.

Pages for a binder - search around for deals on paper.  I would suggest at
least a 28 pound (I like brilliant or bright white) & already punched
holes.  Pictures, maps & text, look so much better on heavy paper.

On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 12:14 AM,  wrote:

> I use MS Word 2007. A number of months ago somebody in the LUG mentioned
> limitations or problems with MS Word while assembling a book, and suggested
> another word processing program (possibly an open-source one). I do not
> remember the original question put the LUG, or the alternative word
> processing program.
> My basic question is whether others have had problems preparing printed
> books in MS Word. If so, which alternative word processing program would
> they suggest? I get nervous about doing complex things on computers, so try
> to foresee and prevent problems, rather than sorting out messes later on.
> I have been gradually preparing pages in MS Word, to be later inserted
> where Place Holder pages have been set aside via the Legacy Publishing
> Center. In them, I have inserted high resolution photos, maps etc. Could
> large file sizes cause problems e.g. Does MS Word have a small clipboard or
> memory which does not handle rearranging chapters or pages with high
> resolution images?
> I presume that when you save a book in the Publication Center as an RTF
> file, it would be compatible with any word processing program.
> When everything is just right, I intend to save the whole book as a PDF
> file before printing.
> John
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Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book

2017-02-09 Thread Pete Beatty

The is NO commercial word processor that is going to convert any document
from another other company with 100% accuracy.

An example of this is vendor A uses a 8 character name for a paragraph style
and that document is saved as a DOC/RTF/PDF file.  You open your word
processor and then open the saved document.  Your word processor attempts to
convert the document to its own format.  In the process it discovers an
odd/unknown style name; so, it creates a new style that allows the data to
be imported EXACTLY as it is defined.

It is your responsibility to make any necessary corrections, not the Word


Your issue with renumbering, IS NOT an MSWord issue, it is a difference in
how that data is recorded by Legacy.  It is not an issue with Legacy, it is
doing what it was designed to do.


Whatever word processor you are going to use:

Learn how the processor uses style sheets.  

Learn how to modify the style sheets.

Learn how to make changes to suite your style.

Learn how to redefine a paragraph, such as keeping two paragraphs together.


If you do not know how to work with Style sheets, you are not really using
the word processor and you will always have the same formatting issues.


Your issue with numbers changing is cause because you do not understand the
style sheet and its strengths.  Repositioning or moving an image can cause a
renumbering;  However, if you have properly defined your style, it becomes
an automatic process.


Learn the Find/Replace function in MSWord.  It works on a lot of things
other than words or characters.


My parting Comment.

You appear to be constantly running Legacy reports and then importing them
into MSWord.  I suggest that instead of replacing your MSWord document, cut
and paste ONLY those portions that have been changed.




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Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book

2017-02-09 Thread Ms Mary K. Lund via LegacyUserGroup
The original message to the list is in the attachment.

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Known providers for free email accounts whose emails do not require
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providers will also work but you will have to give them a try.--- Begin Message ---
If you use the Insert>endnotes feature in your Word, OpenOffice, or LibreOffice 
program, they will AUTOMATICALLY be created and re-ordered if necessary! It is 
Mary K. Lund

  From: CE WOOD 
 To: Legacy User Group  
 Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 9:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book
#yiv8689406190 #yiv8689406190 -- P 
{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}#yiv8689406190 Okay, I DO use endnotes; I mis 
The problem is, that when you need to change the placement of photos because of 
horrendous placement using RTF, you DO have to renumber ALL succeeding 
endnotes. There is no way around that. Legacy produces all photos in one size. 
Depending on the resolution of the photo and how much detail is needed, photos 
may need to be resized.
Even more difficult is having the pages of your book or report not have 
enormous amounts of blank space. Moving some photos to the next page and moving 
other photos to the previous page is often the only solution. THAT is where the 
endnote numbering becomes a total mess. Remember, you do have descriptions and 
event details to fit on the same page!
Half or more of blank space is because the next photo is very large, or because 
the descriptions, event details, and photos fit just right on one page, but are 
terrible when spread over several. That is important when you are creating a 
report or book.

There is absolutely NO WAY around renumbering endnotes when you are trying to 
create a "good-looking" report or a book for publishing. But then, maybe not 
everyone cares how it looks.


From: LegacyUserGroup  on behalf of 
Cathy Pinner 
Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2017 7:12 PM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book CE

Use endnotes with RTF - I don't think there is the choice to use 
footnotes anyway.
And you won't have the problem.
Yes the pictures embedded in an RTF are all over the place. On 
reflection I'm not sure how much that matters as the reason to go via 
RTF is to be able to make thorough revisions and add more pictures and 
have pictures at different sizes etc.

Indexes and Tables of Content are generated after you've finished 
editing so that their page numbers are right.


> Thursday, 9 February 2017 10:14 AM
> One major problem with producing a book with Word is pictures. The 
> easiest way to input data into Word is by creating an HTML file and 
> copying that into Word. Whwther you do that, create a PDF and copy in, 
> or and RTF file, the footnotes are the REAL problem.
> The problem is, that pictures are not always the right size or 
> placement in the document. Changing their placement ruins the 
> footnotes! Then, you have to go through the whole document and 
> renumber the footnotes, which can take weeks, if you have nothing else 
> to do.
> Huge blank spaces in your book are not usually what you want. Photos 
> on separate pages are not always what you want. A simple one person 
> report on an architect involved 1500 footnote sources for just the photos!
> I know Legacy is not a publishing program, but producing an acceptable 
> document/book/report with appropriately sized photos in the best 
> placement is a daunting task!
> It has nothing to do with my system, which is better than those of 
> most computer experts.
> CE
> *From:* LegacyUserGroup  on 
> behalf of Brian Lightfoot 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 8, 2017 5:45 PM
> *To:* 'Legacy User Group'
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book
> I suspect that the reason many people have had problems with creating 
> Book from Legacy using MSWord is that they are using it on a computer 
> system with only minimal RAM and processing speed. Couple that with a 
> Windows swapfile that exists on an older and slower hard disk drive is 
> a sure-fire recipe for long waits for a simple edit or a system crash.
> The idea of creating separate chapters and editing them one at a time 
> is a great idea that will take a lot of the burden off the limited 
> resource system.
> Brian in CA
> *From:*LegacyUserGroup 
> [] *On Behalf Of *Carol
> Boswell
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 8, 2017 12:50 PM
> *To:* Legacy User Group
> *Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Publishing hard copy / printed book
> I had prob

Re: [LegacyUG] Searching given names

2017-02-09 Thread Jenny M Benson

On 09-Feb-17 01:02 AM, Trevor Carlson wrote:

Actually, the Name List can do what you want, Ian. If you set the Name List
to include AKA (Go to Options at the bottom of the list and click 'Include
Alternate Names" - you can also include Married Names), you can type in your
Surname, Comma, Given Name(s). You should find Hazel easily.

Yes, that works for AKAs but not for Quoted Given Names.

Jenny M Benson


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