[LegacyUG] Installing on a new laptop?

2013-07-30 Thread Kay Keating
What is the best way to install the latest version of Legacy on a new
laptop?  I am using the Delux Legacy program on my desktop computer.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Necessary to rebuild my hard drive ...

2013-07-03 Thread Kay Keating
Thanks to everyone who responded to my call of distress.  I am using DeLux
Legacy.  Moving Legacy and its data have proven to be a major undertaking.
 The JPG files move smoothly ... Legacy finds all PDFs in an album once it
is shown at least the location for one.

Not so for the RTFs or PDFs.  The PDFs normally open Adobe Reader and the
RTFs open my word processor, but that doesn't seem to be the case.   I am
resigned to having to find and open each file separately.  But thanks for
your comments.

On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 6:42 PM, Sherry/Support

> Kay,
> PDF and RTF files can be attached in the Picture Gallery using the
> "File" button in the Deluxe Edition or a Sound or Video button in the
> Standard Edition.
> Only pictures will show in a Photo Album or Scrapbook although all
> multimedia files will be included in the Multimedia List created
> through View > Scrapbook.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree
> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Kay Keating 
> wrote:
> > LegacyUserGroup@legacyusers.com
> >
> > Due to a series of mishaps with my computer, one of which garbled all the
> > data on the hard drive ...
> > by moving files into other folders, etc. Not a pretty picture. I decided
> to
> > buy a new external hard drive
> > and start over.  I knew it was not going to be easy, but wasn't
> anticipating
> > having to work with
> > every file I've used in Legacy.
> >
> > The jpg files are fairly easy to recover and move, but the biggest
> problems
> > at the moment are the
> > pdf and rtf files.  Both types of files have worked just fine for years
> in
> > the Photo Album prior to this
> > catastrophe, but now I must completely remove the file from the album and
> > reinstall a new copy.
> >
> > Question:  Are pdf and rtf files not supposed to be used in the Legacy
> Photo
> > Album?
> > Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
> > Kay Keating

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[LegacyUG] Necessary to rebuild my hard drive ...

2013-07-02 Thread Kay Keating

Due to a series of mishaps with my computer, one of which garbled all the
data on the hard drive ...
by moving files into other folders, etc. Not a pretty picture. I decided to
buy a new external hard drive
and start over.  I knew it was not going to be easy, but wasn't
anticipating having to work with
every file I've used in Legacy.

The jpg files are fairly easy to recover and move, but the biggest problems
at the moment are the
pdf and rtf files.  Both types of files have worked just fine for years in
the Photo Album prior to this
catastrophe, but now I must completely remove the file from the album and
reinstall a new copy.

Question:  Are pdf and rtf files not supposed to be used in the Legacy
Photo Album?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Kay Keating

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[LegacyUG] Exporting selective multimedia files

2012-11-27 Thread Kay Keating
Hello,  I have separated a family line to send to another family
member.That worked great.  Is there a way to also send only those
pictures in the gallery associated with that particular family line?

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[LegacyUG] Question re: Picture Gallery

2012-11-05 Thread Kay Keating
Hello,  Is there a way to selectively print photos when printing out a
Photo Album?  I have stored some documents that I don't want printed
in the albums for some people.  OR is there a way to create a second
album?  KAY

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Re: [LegacyUG] Question re: Picture Gallery

2012-10-18 Thread Kay Keating
Brian,  Thanks for the prompt reply.  I have reduced the size of the files
to 125px and 4" for the shortest side.  It worked perfectly.  With 33
graphics in the gallery, it now refreshes instantly.   DuzKelley

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 10:53 AM, Brian/Support

> There is no software imposed limit in Legacy to the number of pictures
> you can have in one person's gallery but, as you have found, there are
> practical limits for speed of response. Our report preview/PDF generator
> also has an upper limit of about 1000 images in a single report so a
> scrapbook report for a lot of people with a lot of images could run into
> that limitation. The PDF generator is third party software so we have no
> control over that limitation.
> One of the major factors affecting the speed of the picture gallery is
> the size of the images you have linked. Linking a large number of very
> large image files will seriously slow down the gallery since such large
> images take extra time to load from disk and display. We recommend that
> linked images be about 50 - 200 KB. Those are small enough to load and
> display quickly and are adequate for on-screen viewing and printing in
> reports. If your master image is very large (such as a large TIFF or
> Bitmap image) we suggest you make a smaller copy using JPG format and
> link that copy in Legacy.
> Brian
> Customer Support
> On 18/10/2012 08:56, Kay Keating wrote:
> > Is there any type of limit to the number of pictures that can be stored
> in
> > the picture gallery?  Currently I have 25 or so in one gallery and my
> > program seems very sluggish whenever I add to that gallery or move a
> > picture. My system has 4G of RAM and I have rebooted to clear the memory,
> > but the gallery is still slow to respond.  DuzKelley

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[LegacyUG] Question re: Picture Gallery

2012-10-18 Thread Kay Keating
Is there any type of limit to the number of pictures that can be stored in
the picture gallery?  Currently I have 25 or so in one gallery and my
program seems very sluggish whenever I add to that gallery or move a
picture. My system has 4G of RAM and I have rebooted to clear the memory,
but the gallery is still slow to respond.  DuzKelley

Legacy User Group guidelines:
Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
Archived messages from old mail server - before Nov. 21 2009:
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Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
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[LegacyUG] How will our genealogy research survive us?

2012-10-13 Thread Kay Keating
After reading the sad tales of years of genealogy research being lost, I
had a thought regarding how our research can survive us.  I have spent many
hours researching at the Mormon's LDS Genealogy Library in Salt Lake City.
 In that time, I have benefited greatly from research done by others.

Until this LegacyUG exchange came up I never gave much thought as to how
the Mormon's collected the materials.  I know they have been sending young
missionaries out to microfilm public records, but I didn't know how the
personal research was collected.  There are likely other libraries or
historical societies that would accept genealogy research also, especially
if it it local to the library.

This LegacyUG exchange prompted me to check the LDS website for more
information and I found the following:

A summary of the items FamilySearch will accept is listed below.  I hope
this helps.

FamilySearch will accept only materials that:
· Are readable, organized, and accessible to help researchers identify
individuals and relationships by name, date, and place.
· Add new information to FamilySearch’s collection (duplicate materials are
not accepted).
· Fit in available shelf space.
· Do not violate current privacy and copyright laws.
FamilySearch accepts the following materials:
· Autobiographies and biographies containing genealogical material.
· Family histories with genealogical information.
· Indexes to records.
· Local histories (limited).
· Well organized collections of genealogical and research materials (if
preapproved by Library Rights).
FamilySearch accepts the following materials only if submitted with a
Permission to Duplicate form signed by the copyright owner or legal
custodian of the original documents:
· Census records.
· Directories (limited).
· Genealogical periodicals.
· Newspaper extracts (such as obituaries).
· Commercially available computer software.
· Original records, such as cemetery records, church records and histories,
court records, land records, military records, naturalization records,
passenger lists, probate records, and vital records.

The above is from:

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Archived messages after Nov. 21 2009:
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Follow Legacy on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/LegacyFamilyTree) and on our 
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