2013-08-02 Thread les-williamson
A nice feature that I use is from the “Tools” section “Compare Two Files For 
Duplicates”. This allows you to view potential duplicates in your own file and 
your wife’s, and tag the ones that you would wish to merge. The simplest way 
(assuming that you are not using these tag numbers already) is to use the 
number “1” tag on one file and the number “2” tag on the other file.
You then import the “wife’s” file into yours, find the tagged individuals and 
manually merge them. Most often when you merge one duplicate Legacy will 
automatically switch to duplicates mode and find other potential duplicates, 
usually your tagged persons.
When you have finished merging, go to the names list, click on the “Search” box 
at the bottom of the list, choose the “Show All Tagged > Tag 1 Individuals”. 
The list should now show all these individuals with both tags “1” & “2”. Any 
individuals that only have only tag”1” still require to be merged with their 
tagged “2” duplicate.
Les Williamson
Bonnie Scotland

From: Sherry/Support
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2013 4:04 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] MERGING 2 GEDCOMS


Let's give you the correct terms for what you want to do so it'll be easier to 
find the instructions in the Help file.-

You *import* one file into another and then *merge* the duplicates.

If you look up "Import" and "Merge" in the Help index, you'll find great 
instructions for doing both of those processes.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Sam Franc  wrote:

  The instructions in the help file are very confusing.
  What I want to do is merge my wife's to mine to get one big file to look at.
  We have few common ancestors and I would like to see who they are.
  What is a simple way to merge them?
  I have them in a split screen but can find no menue to merge them together.

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Re: [LegacyUG] Trellis Chart

2012-09-09 Thread Les Williamson
Hi Folks,

I received an email mailshot from Prodgeny before this list appeared. I have
version 3 and was offered a 40% discount to upgrade, which I "took
advantage" of because I have been keen to be able to use the matrix style
chart (Prodgeny call it Trellis).
I have a large main database and when using it to view the Trellis chart it
is like watching paint dry as it gathers the names. I tried it using a
smaller family file (about 200 names) and it loaded very quickly.
There is a company called GeneaQuilts, who might just be the originator of
the system and offer a free download and show very good examples of large
and small files. I have not downloaded their program yet, however I am
I had emailed Legacy a while ago about the possibility of them adding it to
their charting program, and they informed me that it was something they were

Les Williamson
Bonnie Scotland

-Original Message-
From: Denise Moss-Fritch
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 11:54 PM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Trellis Chart

Apparently someone from Prodgeny Software is reading this list. A couple of
hours after my earlier email I received the information that this new chart
was in version 4 of the Charting Companion.


Denise L. Moss-Fritch

-Original Message-
From: Denise Moss-Fritch []
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 11:57 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Trellis Chart

Hi Tim,

Yes, the Trellis cart is new, however it is a part of Charting Companion
according to the information at the Prodgeny Software web site.
Unfortunately the site does not state whether this chart is an addition to
version 3, or is part of a new version 4 release. I am hoping for a bit more
information from the company.


Denise L. Moss-Fritch

-Original Message-
From: Tim Rosenlof []
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 9:07 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Trellis Chart

Prodgeny Software, the creator of a few Legacy addons (Legacy Charting
Companion, Map My Family Tree, Genlines), has created a new 'all in one'

>From their webpage:

" The Trellis chart is a new way to tell the story of your family.
Unlike traditional box charts, the Trellis can show all the people in your
tree, even those who are not in the direct bloodline. Your ancestors and
descendants are listed by row within their generation. Members of a family
are grouped by columns."

Tim Rosenlof
Utah, USA
Swedish Research

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Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the family info

2012-02-28 Thread Les Williamson
I produced a PDF from Legacy and used PDF software called Nitro (it’s much less 
expensive than Acrobat) and I can then do further editing, adding text, 
pictures etc. This is not the PDF reader software which is free, this is 
software that you have to purchase (there is a 2 week free trial period) for 
about £60 sterling (guessing about $100 US) that lets you work within the 
actual PDF.
That is exactly how I produced that sample book, but I have to be honest and 
say that I normally use a desk top publishing program called Quark Express, 
although the cost is not justifiable for the average person (about $1,000 US).
As far as the content of the book goes, just using Legacy can restrict you a 
bit to more or less the historical aspect, my sample was to throw some other 
ideas into the publication. The finished article will then have much more 
appeal to others, almost a book to leave on the coffee table!
I would always start by making a “Legacy Report”, it still does most of the 
work for you.
PS Did you like the montages?

From: Marg Strong
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:33 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the 
family info

I really enjoyed looking at your book example and it's encouraging that it was 
produced mostly with Legacy reports. As I looked it over, other ideas came to 
mind and I jotted them down.

I'm not sure what you mean by learning more, but not on PDFs. I have open 
source software that produces PDF files, but at this point have so much to 
learn about legacy that it will be awhile before I am at the place of using it. 
Did you mean more tips on how you enter information into legacy? I am always 
interested in that, since I still have so much to enter.

  From: Les Williamson 
  Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 1:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the 
family info

  I have mentioned my website before and don’t want to appear to be promoting 
it again, however there is a lot of tips and help in it that is worth 
absorbing. Here is a link to a PDF on the site
 The book was almost all produced using the “Legacy reports”. Some seasoned 
users will spot some of the “Legacy” deficiencies, and in fairness to Legacy, 
if I spent more time mastering all of it’s features, I could probably overcome 
many of them.

  If anybody wants to learn more (and is prepared to spend a little money 
buying PDF software) I am more than happy to give you full instructions (not 
lessons on PDFs).

  Bonnie Scotland

  From: Marg Strong
  Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:46 AM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the 
family info

  Actually, I was looking at it more from the viewpoint of printing out a 
"book" than as a website presentation. I liked the interspersing of images with 
text since I think the average person not into family history might find that 
more interesting. I would make changes, but it added to my ideas for presenting 
a "book." I'm not sure how legacy prints out the media files with reports 
because I am far from learning that as yet.

From: Sherry/Support 
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting 
the family info

Definitely more contrast! A lot of us have vision problems which
require good contrast.

If I had found that site through a google search of my surnames, I
would have immediately backed out of it because it's too hard to read
and, if I could find your contact info, send you an email to that

Check out for information on web accessibility for
those with vision and other disabilities.

Technical Support
Legacy Family Tree

On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Paula Ryburn
> That certainly is nicely done, though I would have more contrast between
> background and font color.  I'm sure others on this list will be chiming 
> on how feasible it is to expect that sort of output from Legacy.
> --Paula in Texas

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Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the family info

2012-02-27 Thread Les Williamson
I have mentioned my website before and don’t want to appear to be promoting it 
again, however there is a lot of tips and help in it that is worth absorbing. 
Here is a link to a PDF on the site
 The book was almost all produced using the “Legacy reports”. Some seasoned 
users will spot some of the “Legacy” deficiencies, and in fairness to Legacy, 
if I spent more time mastering all of it’s features, I could probably overcome 
many of them.

If anybody wants to learn more (and is prepared to spend a little money buying 
PDF software) I am more than happy to give you full instructions (not lessons 
on PDFs).

Bonnie Scotland

From: Marg Strong
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 3:46 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the 
family info

Actually, I was looking at it more from the viewpoint of printing out a "book" 
than as a website presentation. I liked the interspersing of images with text 
since I think the average person not into family history might find that more 
interesting. I would make changes, but it added to my ideas for presenting a 
"book." I'm not sure how legacy prints out the media files with reports because 
I am far from learning that as yet.

  From: Sherry/Support 
  Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 6:38 PM
  Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Link to a site that has a nice way of presenting the 
family info

  Definitely more contrast! A lot of us have vision problems which
  require good contrast.

  If I had found that site through a google search of my surnames, I
  would have immediately backed out of it because it's too hard to read
  and, if I could find your contact info, send you an email to that

  Check out for information on web accessibility for
  those with vision and other disabilities.

  Technical Support
  Legacy Family Tree

  On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Paula Ryburn
  > That certainly is nicely done, though I would have more contrast between
  > background and font color.  I'm sure others on this list will be chiming in
  > on how feasible it is to expect that sort of output from Legacy.
  > --Paula in Texas

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Re: [LegacyUG] Best practice for adding scans/PDFs of source documents

2011-12-15 Thread Les Williamson
Hi Folks,

This is my first posting, so be kind with your responses.
I produce personalised family history books for a living, and to get the
best results you need to use more than just Legacy or Word to get a decent
finished book (a printed hard copy that is). You can manage (just) using
Legacy and PDF creation software such as Acrobat (Nitro is much cheaper to
buy for individuals). Myself, I use Legacy to create the usual
ancestral/descendant book report and import it into Quark Express (not a low
cost product - but there are good DTP programs that will do similar).
This is a link to the relevant page on my website (I am not plugging or
advertising it - I'm based in Scotland) - but I
hope it will give you some fresh ideas for your next family blockbuster.
Look at the demo video clip and/or the example content PDF, there is the odd
glitch in the PDF although you'll get the idea.
The names in the PDF are fictitious, but it won't take rocket science to
figure out that it's based on my own family.
The montages are created by a simple piece of software from Microsoft.

from Les
Bonnie Scotland

-Original Message-
From: Mark Lang
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 6:25 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Best practice for adding scans/PDFs of source

Sherry, Robert,

It doesn't matter (when using Word anyway) when you create the Index in
Word. I do this all the time with the books I create (The Legacy Family),
especially my new book (The Legacy Handbook). Yes Word pushes things about,
but if you've already included an Index, when you add to your book, simply
navigate to the index and right-click any item (it doesn't matter which one)
and select the option to Update Field. Easy.

Kind Regards
Mark Lang

> -Original Message-
> From: Sherry/Support []
> Sent: Thursday, 15 December 2011 5:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Best practice for adding scans/PDFs of source
> documents
> It should. However I never create the index or TOC until after I'm done
> editing.
> Sincerely,
> Sherry
> Technical Support
> Legacy Family Tree

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