Many times when you GEDCOM in data from another genealogy program the
notes field will not end with the appropriate period (.).  Some programs
automatically add a period at the end of a note when generating output
reports.  Legacy does not do this.

One can go into the sentence definitions edit and add the period after
the notes field.  However for notes that do contain the period this
would result in two periods at the end of the sentence.

I don't _think_ it would be very difficult to have the option of adding
a period when one is not present in the original note.  Obviously I
could be wrong here about the difficulty of doing this but I do strongly
feel this is highly desirable.  Perhaps an optional feature to add a
period could be considered much like the existing option concerning
spaces following commas in all location fields.

The enforced period would make narrative reports so much easier to read!

Neil Bell ( a retired programmer!)

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