Took liberty of modifying the subject line.

I don't think the Legacy folder has a Download folder.  However, Windows 7 does.
 Is that the folder you're using?  I can't imagine there is a limit on that
folder either, but it helps to know how you're doing your downloads.

(And I had noticed that Heritage Quest downloads all go to that Windows 7
folder.  My plan was to copy them to the relevant surname folders "pending"
being attached in Legacy, but that's just the way I have things set up on my
computer.  When "attaching" I move my census images into Legacy's Pictures
folder.  I use the standard file set up as Legacy originally set it up, except I
store backups on an external drive.)

From: Donna Newell <>
Sent: Mon, February 27, 2012 11:03:25 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Pictures

Does anyone know if there is a max number of pictures you can download(like
census documents) to Legacy?  All of a sudden mine has stopped and will not let
me download any more records.  Do I empty the Download folder or is there a
limit that I can download and I have reached it?  I am following Geoff’s webinar
on census records and attaching all of the records that I have to each
individual.  It would be nice to have a repeat button to do some of this.  On
the Webinar he did not indicate that there was a limit, so I have been going
blissfully along attaching records to individuals, at least until tonight, and
all of a sudden nothing.  It isn’t there.  I go into the master file and
something is there, a place holder, blank.  Some have any ideas?

Donna in Ardmore, OK

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