On Tue, 13 Jul 2010, Gervase Markham wrote:
> On 11/07/10 04:18, Kai Krueger wrote:
> > So far the the impressions I got from the members of the licensing group
> > vary from anywhere between e.g. 10% data loss is acceptable to as high as
> > 90% data loss is acceptable (as long as a majority of signed up accounts
> > agree), which means as far as I can interpret, there is no where close to
> > an agreed process even within the licensing group.
> I was not at SotM, but it seems fairly obvious: discussing whether X% of
> dataloss is acceptable would lead to a big argument, for whatever value
> X is. If we have to have the arguments for X, Y, Z and Q all at the same
> time, that would be an enormous argument! Instead, it seems much wiser
> to wait until we know the value of X (or, its value at any one
> particular time, and its rate of change, if it is still changing) and
> then just have one argument.
> After all, if X is 99.99%, then there will probably be very little
> argument - which would be great.
> Gerv

We would all agree that if 99.9% of active contributors agreed to the 
changeover then the changeover had a mandate.

Now Gerv, what is your lower limit?
number of contributors overall?
number of active contributors
quantity of data?

I do not accept that a decision can be made without the numbers being set 


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