I'm copying this to the legal-talk list for a sanity check of myself. :P

I agree that we have a problem of trust before having a problem of
contribution licensing, unless an explicit license made by the
individual would transfer any responsibility to them and save us any
trouble. In fact, TrackSource contributors seem not worried about
licenses at all, many of them are learning about licensing conditions
as they interact with us. To me this means they have good will
(perhaps also a bit of naivety). I think they are also learning the
"rules" of the open community (theirs is a hierarchical, closed

Some of them claim that the portions of the map that they contributed
have been entirely generated by themselves over the years. We know
that much of their data has been generated from their own GPS
tracklogs as well as traced over Google imagery (some of it, most of
it, it probably varies by contributor). My advice so far has been to
realign the nodes and ways to Bing prior to uploading; other advices
include removing data with any risk of coming from other sources -
such as street names -, therefore only contribute data they are
absolutely sure to be "clean". Beyond that I don't see any reasons to
mistrust the entire TrackSource community based solely on their
involvement, that would be prejudice. However, we should continue to
monitor reckless imports (as has been the case only once so far - and
one of their first attempts at doing so).

2013/8/21 Vitor George <vitor.geo...@gmail.com>:
> Alex,
> The problem is that Tracksource uses often proprietary data as source, not
> compatible with ODbL. As they can't tell exactly which portions are
> genuinely open, I think we can't mix this data with OpenStreetMap.
> Vitor
> 2013/8/21 Alex Barth <a...@mapbox.com>
>> On that note, I've started to tinker with a license that allows dedication
>> of data to OSM but reserves all other rights. This is not finalized but
>> could be a good idea to adopt if Tracksource wanted to open its data to OSM
>> but not to anyone else: https://github.com/osmlab/odl
>> 2013/8/21 Gerald Weber <gwebe...@gmail.com>
>>> O TrackSource é um projeto muito legal, e seus mapas são fantásticos,
>>> especialmente no tocante a trilhas 4x4.
>>> Fico satisfeito em ver algum diálogo entre OSM-Brasil e Tracksource,
>>> ainda que seria desejável que fosse em circunstâncias mais felizes.
>>> Acho importante a manutenção deste diálogo para minimizar problemas e
>>> deixar explícito o que pode e o que não pode ser compartilhado.
>>> Dito tudo isto, eu confesso que me dá certa aflição ver o esforço de
>>> mapear este país gigantesco sendo dividido em duas comunidades
>>> distintas. Os projetos tem perfis muito diferentes, cada um com suas
>>> vantagens e desvantagens. Mas o objetivo final é essencialmente o
>>> mesmo: ter mapas bons para usar.
>>> Assim fico imaginando o tanto que os dois projetos poderiam estar
>>> muito mais avançados se houvesse uma colaboração mais estreita.
>>> abraço a todos
>>> Gerald
>>> 2013/8/20 Projeto TrackSource <falecono...@tracksource.org.br>:
>>> > Exato!
>>> >
>>> > Parabéns a todos do OSM! Sempre fui grande admirador do projeto como um
>>> > todo, mas infelizmente quando montamos o Projeto TrackSource, votamos
>>> > por um
>>> > tipo de licença que no caso do OSM, não permite a integração, fora o
>>> > uso de
>>> > ferramentas que pelo que vi, ferem as regras do OSM, como o uso de
>>> > imagens
>>> > do google para montar os mapas (usando o GPS TrackMaker), mapas cedidas
>>> > apenas para serem usadas conosco  e outras ferramentas.
>>> >
>>> > Abs!
>>> >
>>> > Alex Rodrigues
>>> > Projeto TrackSource
>>> > www.TrackSource.org.br
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Fernando Trebien
+55 (51) 9962-5409

"The speed of computer chips doubles every 18 months." (Moore's law)
"The speed of software halves every 18 months." (Gates' law)

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